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井松林 《兰台世界》2020,(5):125-126
经过1947年夏、秋、冬季攻势以后,东北人民解放军已将国民党军队压缩在长春、沈阳、锦州三个孤立地区。至1948年9月,辽沈战役开始之时,东北百分之九十七的土地已经解放,辽宁省的解放区也在不断扩大,东北全境的解放已经指日可待。在党中央、东北局及辽宁省委的领导下,辽宁军民一方面准备与国民党军队决一死战,另一方面投入到新解放区的巩固和建设之中。当时,辽宁地区除进行土地改革、恢复生产和经济建设外,一项很重要的工作就是进行剿匪。  相似文献   
目前,我国城市配电网中电力电缆的应用愈来愈广泛,系统电容电流越来越大,在发生单相接地时电弧不能熄灭,会造成电弧间歇性的熄灭与重燃,形成弧光接地电压或激发磁谐振危及电气设备绝缘,严重时有可能发展为相间短路,引起事故。为限制单相接地故障电流,6-35KV系统采用中性点通过消弧线圈接地来补偿单相接地时的电容电流使电弧熄灭,限制弧光接地过电压和消除铁磁谐振过电压,现已取得较多的运行经验和较好运行效果。  相似文献   
基于单片机的调容式消弧线圈自动补偿控制器系统是一种新型的消弧线圈控制器,其硬件方面实现了系统计算机与控制模块、信号采集转换模块、人工界面模块等部件的设计;软件方面完成了控制器控制策略、主程序流程、软硬件抗干扰部分的设计,提高了装置的可靠性和控制精度,从而提高整个系统的工作效率。  相似文献   
对开关电源中电磁干扰的产生机理做了简要的描述,并提出了几种抑制电磁干扰的措施:通过减小干扰源产生的干扰信号,切断干扰信号的传播途径,增强受干扰体的抗干扰能力。上述措施取得了良好效果,可有效提高开关电源的电磁兼容性。  相似文献   
清季咸同年间,在剿抚捻军问题上,朝廷内部意见不一,遂发生纷争。兵部侍郎胜保、安徽巡抚翁同书、科尔沁郡王僧格林沁等人认为捻军势力甚大,应派人前去安抚,使其为朝廷所用。而曾国藩、李续宜、严树森等人皆认为捻军势力猖狂,多次与湘军发生冲突。实匪祸之心永驻,不能安抚,只有用兵剿灭,方能解除后患。胜保等人与湘淮集团发生分歧,争执甚是激烈。而此时湘淮集团实力如日方中,终使胜保于同治元年冬被革职逮问,次年秋赐令自尽。  相似文献   
李梦  张林 《体育科研》2014,(4):62-66-77
通过连续观察皮艇运动员血清免疫球蛋白IgA、IgG、IgM以及补体C3、C4对运动训练的应答特征,揭示长期、系统从事皮艇专项训练对人体体液免疫的影响。以河北省皮艇队25名运动员为实验对象,其中二级运动员12人,一级以上运动员13人(含一级)。自冬训第一周开始,连续17周跟踪记录血清IgA、IgG、IgM以及补体C3、C4值。结果发现:大部分免疫指标值时常低于临床正常值,且训练年限较长者相对更低;训练负荷的变化对各项免疫指标均有不同程度的影响,IgG及补体C3变化最为显著。大强度训练周及测验周后免疫指标下降显著,进入调整周后缓慢回升。  相似文献   
Yuyang Cai 《教育心理学》2017,37(2):192-204
Many arguments have been advanced in the context of the predictive correlation between learning strategies and reading achievement. There is insufficient understanding, however, of the subtle ways in which different types of learning strategies (i.e. memorisation, elaboration and control strategies) function in facilitating students’ reading achievement. A post hoc analysis was performed to examine this issue among Chinese and Finnish adolescents who participated in the PISA 2009 reading programme. A multigroup structural equation modelling found the suppression pattern among the three strategies: control strategy is positively related to reading literacy and this association increases substantially once memorisation and elaboration strategies are accounted for. There is evidence that Chinese adolescents outperformed their Finnish counterparts due to larger suppression effect from elaboration. Implications for models of learning strategies and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   
We develop and propose a new counting method at the aggregate level for contributions to scientific publications called modified fractional counting (MFC). We show that, compared to traditional complete-normalized fractional counting, it eliminates the extreme differences in contributions over time that otherwise occur between scientists that mainly publish alone or in small groups and those that publish with large groups of co-authors. As an extra benefit we find that scientists in different areas of research turn out to have comparable average contributions to scientific articles. We test the method on scientists at Norway’s largest universities and find that, at an aggregate level, it indeed supports comparability across different co-authorship practices as well as between areas of research. MFC is thereby useful whenever the research output from institutions with different research profiles are compared, as e.g., in the Leiden Ranking. Finally, as MFC is actually a family of indicators, depending on a sensitivity parameter, it can be adapted to the circumstances.  相似文献   
元航 《中国科技信息》2011,(17):127-127,129
基于瞬时功率理论的谐波检测方法由于锁相环和低通滤波器的存在,给检测环节带来了一定的延时,使得谐波电流的检测存在一定的误差。本文通过增加预测补偿角来消除该环节带来的延迟时间,从而能够更加准确、有效地得到谐波补偿指令信号。最后利用MATLAB搭建了仿真模型,仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
刘义强  岑忠彩 《大众科技》2011,(12):129-131
文章分析了35kV、10kV配电网中的电容电流,阐述了消弧线圈在低压配电网中应用的必要性,并从消弧线圈的工作原理、容量选择、接地变压器的选择等方面进行了简要说明,  相似文献   
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