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马蒂斯的彩色剪纸贴画一如他的其他绘画形式,在创作目的上不是对物体的琐碎细节的描绘,不是对历史事件的叙述,而是对艺术家内心幻象的表现;在表现技巧上也延续着他一贯的特色,尤其是由于剪纸贴画所使用的材料和工具不同于油画创作,某些艺术特色被大大加强。  相似文献   
巴耶-拉图尔与柏林奥运会结下了不解之缘。一方面,巴耶一拉图尔对“纳粹奥运会”的按时举办起了至关重要的作用。巴耶-拉图尔充分利用他在国际体育界的地位和影响,亲自赤膊上阵为柏林奥运会摇旗呐喊,与抵制运动进行激烈搏斗,从而促成了柏林奥运会的按时举办。另一方面,柏林奥运会给巴耶-拉图尔留下了瑕疵。由于他促成了这场奥运会,起了美化纳粹德国的作用,这不仅受到了人们的广泛批评,也为他留下了终生的遗憾。  相似文献   
论柏格森的直觉体验教育哲学观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国课程改革的不断深入,直觉思想逐渐得到人们的重视。但在研究的视角上,人们要么侧重于心理学的视角,要么侧重于美学、逻辑学乃至思维科学等其他学科或视角,较少有从哲学的视角去对之进行研究。站在教育哲学的高度认为,直觉体验不仅是一种思维方式,一种学习方法,而且还是一种整体认识论;它不仅具有直接觉察、快速发现,独特预测的功能,还能激发学习的创新性,培养学生的创造力。对直觉体验教育研究做出突出贡献的要数生命哲学家柏格森。这里从对柏格森的直觉体验研究入手,探讨直觉体验的概念来源、本质特性及教育特征,这对我国基础教育课程的改革具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

This article is both an editorial introduction for this special issue and a distinctive contribution in its own right. The article seeks to extend a dynamic and multiple conception of time to the sociology of education to think beyond the clock time associated with modernity and industrialisation. This need is illustrated through an account and critique of E.P. Thompson’s canonical account of clock time. The article argues that this construction of clock time implicitly frames most work in the sociology of education. The concept of ‘timespace’ offers a way to go beyond both clock time and the current ‘spatial turn’ in the sociology of education that prioritises space over time. It is shown how computerisation also ushers in a new temporality, which works simultaneously with clock time and perhaps presages the move from a disciplinary to control society. The article accepts that there are multiple and dynamic temporalities and correlatively supports a working together of historical and sociological imaginations towards a sociology of education that acknowledges and works with multiple temporalities, empirically, methodologically, theoretically and in research writing.  相似文献   
New Zealander Sylvia Ashton‐Warner, a teacher in remote rural Māori schools in the 1940s–1950s, became internationally renowned as a novelist and educational theorist. Earlier commentators portrayed her educational theory as in conflict with those of her time and place, but recent studies conceptualise them as enabled by it. While space/place has often been considered the preserve of the geographer and time that of the historian, Henri Lefebvre and others suggest that: “these issues need to be thought together rather than separately” and that macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐levels of analysis be engaged simultaneously. The author traces how conceptual, linguistic, sensory and intellectual resources of the global “New Education” movement extended into the tiny bush‐encircled Māori communities in which Sylvia taught and wrote in the 1940s–1950s and surfaced in her writing. The article zooms in and out between the “the immensity of the global” (the New Education, the Second World War) and “the intimately tiny” (her classroom and home). The “data” include Sylvia’s non‐fiction education texts and official documents of her time: school curricula, education policy documents, Ministerial and Inspectors’ reports. What Lefebvre terms a “Rhythm analysis” of Ashton‐Warner’s educational writing shows intermingled pulses of domestic life, routines of educational bureaucracy, cycles of nature, and cataclysms of world events. It is important for historians to study “the where rather than just the when with location and landscape central parts of the analysis”.  相似文献   
自亚里士多德将时间和运动联系在一起开始,时间就被束缚在运动的模式下,并隶属于运动的框架。柏格森则通过绵延概念展现出时间自身,重新审视了时间和空间的关系,并首次引入了电影作为思维的一种机制。德勒兹又将电影与时间联系起来,认为时间的本质可以从影像中的时间晶体中体现出来,并且发现了直接呈现时间的时间符号,即时间—影像。德勒兹通过对电影的论述说明了时间如何从运动的隶属转变为将自身直接呈现的认识。  相似文献   
尽管经常有人论述柏格森哲学的本体论,但大多停留于表面化,将一些使用频率较高的词,如生命、变、绵延等,撷拴为柏格森哲学的本体,但却无法解释生命如何成其为生命、变如何成其为变的问题。如果撇开表面的东西而深入到柏格森哲学的内部,就会发现,过去才是其真正的本体。正是过去通过记忆而与现在互相渗透交融,使世界每时每刻都在发生着创造进化。也只有从过去本体论出发,才能理解柏格森是如何建立起自己的哲学体系,并透视出其缺点与不足。  相似文献   
本文从法国哲学家柏格森的生命冲动下的开放道德入手,诠释了普罗米修斯类价值的群体非理性道德内涵,并从不同时代相似的需求、不同作家相似的先悟能力方面分别论述,从而确定出开放道德与普罗米修斯类价值的一致性。  相似文献   
亨利·列斐伏尔美学的立场和方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亨利·列斐伏尔指出唯心主义、形式主义、对人的抽象理解是马克思主义以前美学理论的根本缺陷,他以马克思主义为美学立场,认为马克思主义能使一个现代艺术家在创作中真正获得自由、开辟广阔的创作前途,艺术作品既是艺术家个人的作品也是反映一个时代的经济、政治、文化基础的作品。列斐伏尔以新浪漫主义为美学的方向,新浪漫主义是革命的、进步的,是以“可能”为中心的反叛异化现实和面向人道未来。  相似文献   
By focusing on a collective aesthetics based on sensation and affect, researchers, especially in Stockholm, Sweden, are exploring a pedagogy that opens up space for assemblages of desire, acknowledging the expressions of children who transform themselves and their milieus into a weave of bodies, spaces, signs and media. By analysing this pedagogy, against the background of the theories of Henri Wallon and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, I wish to investigate the concept of a ‘thinner skin mentality’. This willingness to transgress one’s own stabilising attitude, to move towards a greater sensitivity to relational and situational affectivity when accompanying the learning of children, may provide a point of reference for a preschool teacher qualification.  相似文献   
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