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The creation of expert systems is one way in which knowledge is codified. In creating an expert system, in general there are three aspects to the codification process: creating a model of the knowledge to be codified; creating the language in which to express the model; and writing messages representing the knowledge in that language. These aspects have different relative importance in different contexts. Referring to four case studies, the paper argues further that codification through creating expert systems is not uniformly successful and part of the variation has to do with the nature of the knowledge, or intellectual process or activity being codified, and the difficulty in creating the model. Activities with fixed goals and linear processes lend themselves very well to this form of codification. Processes of categorization and analogy, such as fault detection and repair, are partially successful, tending more often to create systems for experts. Processes involving balancing conflicting goals have, to date, tended to be unsuccessfully codified. These process types involve knowledge or understanding at deeper and deeper levels of abstraction of the overall processes and overarching goals. The more abstract and less concrete the knowledge involved in the task, the more difficult it is to codify it.  相似文献   
对于宪法究竟是什么的认识决定着宪法的内容,只有明确制宪和修宪的目的,减少宪法的政治性宣言,并从具体经济政策的羁绊中解放出来,以更多的空间去规范国家权力的分配与运作,从而更有效地保护公民的基本权利,才能走出宪法频繁修改的境地,实现宪法的本质回归。  相似文献   
有宋一代,法律文献的编纂得到了极大的发展。一是《宋刑统》实行律与敕令格式合编,不仅完善了唐后期出现的“刑统”体例,而且开创了后世律例合编的律典编纂新体例;二是以《名公书判清明集》为代表的判例集,使判例从虚拟走向现实,从应对科举走向服务司法,大大促进了判例法学的繁荣;三是《洗冤集录》总结汇集了宋以前历代法医检验成果,标志着宋代法医学的成熟。  相似文献   
现有理论研究多是从宪法层面探讨受教育权问题,并将其归入公法调整范围,从而遮蔽了其他部门法视域对于这一问题的拓展意义,也在一定程度上忽略了受教育权在私法领域的研究价值。刑法、民法以及行政法等部门法关于教育条款的规定,同样是受教育权保障的重要规范基础。在协同运作方面,受教育权部门法规范的双向衔接面临着一定的实践困境,在实体衔接上缺少技术规制思维,在程序衔接上缺少程序救济条款。在规范整合方面,统一立典是受教育权部门法规范有效整合的路径依归。从分散立法到统一立典,体现了受教育权立法保障的逻辑转换。从国家教育权到公民学习权,彰显了受教育权规范整合的权利基础。从立法论到解释论,则是受教育权保护规范的具体适用路径。  相似文献   
教育平等原则是法国《教育法典》的三个基本原则之一,具有四重内涵:保障受教育机会平等,通过援助等手段促进实质平等,确保包容性的学校教育,学生参与及社会参与。教育平等能够成为法国《教育法典》的基本原则,一方面具有历史依据,有利于法典保持基本原则和制度的稳定性;另一方面具有宪法依据,从而使这一原则具有充分的民主基础。教育平等原则在法国《教育法典》编纂中发挥了建立基本制度和产生具体规则的功能,真正贯穿于法典,支撑起法典的结构。  相似文献   
采用“社会学习周期”的动态模式分析新知识及信息的生产及扩散的过程,可得出新知识及信息是社会认知个体及社会信息处理系统遵循最小值的熵节约原则共同创造的结果。这个过程突出表现了个体的创新是信息产品丰富多样性及文化变迁最具活力的源泉。  相似文献   
传统知识的收集和整理,是知识整理的重要组成部分。整理流传于泰国民间的传统知识精华,使其对泰国现代社会文化传承,具有重大的意义。泰国收集、整理传统知识的有效途径是:通过促进知识的集体学习,建立学习的社区和社区学习的网络。  相似文献   
民法的法典化条件已经成熟,似乎成为学界在探讨民法典制定时共同的理论假设。因此,学界对民法法典化的条件问题或避而不谈,或谈之甚少且不深入,难以让人信服。目前学界将绝大部分精力放在关注民法典的体系设计及具体制度的创设等内容上,并希望在1800年前后的《法国民法典》和1900年前后的《德国民法典》的大陆法系上,于2000年前后制定一部引领21世纪潮流的最先进的《中国民法典》。本文通过对当前社会背景、民法学理论积淀以及民法实践等方面的考察,得出当前并不存在孕育民法法典化的成熟土壤的结论,进而提出民法界应当戒急勿躁,深入民间调查,厚实民法理论,为最终民法典的实现做出实在而有益的工作。  相似文献   
隐性知识和编码知识   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
吕卫文 《科研管理》2007,28(6):31-35,11
本文从隐性知识和编码知识的内涵入手,对二者进行了详尽的对比。论述了隐性知识和编码知识之间在静态存在和动态应用时均有不可分性。探讨了这种不可分性在理解和处理知识转移和共享、隐性知识存储和搜索以及知识编码等问题时的意义。  相似文献   
The current study examined the relation of students’ performance and teachers’ enthusiasm with teachers’ use of engaging messages in class. These messages can focus on the benefits or disadvantages of engaging in a school task, and appeal to controlled (i.e., extrinsic, or introjected) or autonomous (i.e., identified, or intrinsic) incentives to engage students. Engaging messages were gathered through audio-recorded lessons of 39 teachers in 59 student groups during the second term of the academic year. Results showed that both students’ performance and teachers’ enthusiasm are related to teacher’s use of engaging messages. The better the students’ performance, and the higher the teachers’ enthusiasm, the larger the number of messages used. Moreover, the better the students’ performance, the greater the likelihood of using messages that appeal to extrinsic incentives. By assessing engaging messages through objective observations, we discovered relationships that can help us better understand teachers’ use of engaging message.  相似文献   
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