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纵观世界各国历史的发展,几乎每个国家都会遇到由于诸多因素导致的地区间的人口流动。但由于各国政治、经济、文化和地理等因素的差异,其移民开发的动因、经过及所带来的后果和影响也各不相同。纵现俄国西伯利亚300余年的征服开发史,移民运动贯穿始终,成为西伯利亚各方面发展的决定因素。国内外学者时西伯利亚移民开发的研究多侧重于移民政策及移民开发的后果和影响这一方面,对于导致人口迁移的动因及移民政策出台的原因等方面实质性的探讨研究则相对较少。  相似文献   
古代灾后官方紧急应对,采取安抚灾民、招徕安顿、减免徭赋等措施,尽量变消极因素为积极因素。重建内容包括耕地、建筑物、环境三项。重建工程一般较大,在物资上需满足五个要求:劳力、口粮、建材、工具、资金。其中建材、工具易于解决;其余各项常通过调丰补欠的手段。移民措施经常采用,关键在于确定合宜的政策。  相似文献   
"大槐树移民"是中国移民史上一次重要的移民活动,是明王朝建立初年大力推行和奖励屯田垦荒政策的直接表现;山西是明初移民的主要迁出地,但移民并不是只移大槐树下的洪洞县人,而是将山西各个地方的人都集中在这里,然后再迁往全国各地;"大槐树移民"有利于明初农业生产的恢复与发展,在我国人口史和社会发展史上具有深远的意义和影响.  相似文献   
在珠玑巷移民史研究中,罗贵是个非常重要的人物。罗贵是珠玑移民的领头人,"罗贵祖"所在之良溪成为珠玑移民的文化心理中心。有关罗贵的"传奇"存在于罗氏族谱、非罗氏族谱和珠三角民间,也引起专家学者的广泛注意。探讨罗贵祖"传奇"之文化意义,对研究珠玑移民文化乃至岭南文化都有重要意义。  相似文献   
The emigration of highly-qualified academics (‘brain drain’) is considered an essential factor in the decline of the human capital of post-Soviet Russia. However, statistics show that the scale of this phenomenon since 2000 was minor. The Russian scientists who went abroad for permanent residence or for a contract job abroad represented no more than 2% of Russian scientists with Candidate or Doctor of Science degrees. Yet, at the same time, the relatively new concept of ‘brain circulation’ gains more popularity. The departure of Russian scientists abroad is not only a threat to the development of domestic science but, paradoxically, also the chance to give additional stimulus to its development.  相似文献   
In this article, the author describes his participation in a conference in Krasnoiarsk on Gennadii Vasil'evich Iudin; in a meeting in Moscow on the Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Collection of color photographs; and in a meeting on Russian émigré publications at the Russkoe zarubezh'e [Russian emigration] library in Moscow.  相似文献   

This article surveys the collection devoted to the memory of Emperor Nicholas II held at the Museum of Russian Culture in San Francisco. The author describes the cataloged materials of a unique collection of materials passed on to the Museum by Russian emigrants of the first and second waves, many of whom worked to preserve the memory of Russia’s last Sovereign and also made a significant contribution to the creation of the Museum and its archival collections.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the visual collections in the holdings of the Slavonic Library (a section of the National Library of the Czech Republic). The library holdings also include unique collections relevant to the topic of Russian and Ukrainian emigration: collections of visual art, ex libris, posters and flyers by Ukrainian émigrés (1918–1945), and a collection of invitations and flyers by Russian émigrés (1918–1945). Rudolf H?lka’s collection of photographs, dating back to the 1920s, captures a series of ethnographic, folkloric, and architectonic phenomena which no longer exist. Moreover, Russian posters from the period of WWI, from the revolutionary year of 1917, and the subsequent civil war are equally fascinating as are banknotes from the same period and region.  相似文献   
随着台湾岛内经济环境的变迁,台湾产业向外转移有进一步扩大的趋势,特别是向祖国大陆的产业转移更是向多元化、规模化、层次高的方向发展。论文通过分析台湾产业外移的发展现状与趋势,就浙江省如何提高利用台资水平,加强浙台两地产业的承接与合作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
楚人祭祀不在其境内的黄河之神河伯,与“祭不越望”的祭祀原则矛盾。然考其源流,楚族先祖源出于黄河之源昆仑,后辗转迁徙于黄河中下游达九辈近三百年,祭河乃其份内之举,至熊绎始离开黄河流域而南迁汉水,但其俗遗存。《河伯》经屈原润饰而重现光彩。  相似文献   
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