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During the 40-odd years that the Alsatian-born, French-trained artist Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg lived in Britain, he became a triple celebrity. A decade after his migration to Britain in 1771 his achievements as a picturesque landscape artist were celebrated in election to the Royal Academy. During the same period he also worked for David Garrick at Drury Lane theatre as the highest-paid scenographer in Britain. Critics hailed him as a genius for revolutionizing Britain's dull staging traditions along the spectacular and naturalistic lines of France's Giovanni Servandoni. Finally, as the creator in 1781–82 of a pioneering commercial moving picture show, the Eidophusikon, he was acclaimed by leading arbiters of artistic taste such as Reynolds and Gainsborough. Well-heeled West End crowds flocked to performances, and the Eidophusikon was widely imitated in Europe, the United States, and the British colonies.

Yet de Loutherbourg's professional and social standing remained surprisingly fragile. At periodic intervals he was accused publicly of charlatanry, or its British equivalent, quackery. This damaging smear surfaced on each of the three occasions that de Loutherbourg shifted career direction. And though he managed to redeem himself on each occasion, it was only by making serious artistic and professional compromises. In this sense, the spectre of quackery haunted and shaped Philippe de Loutherbourg's British career, making him a fascinating test-case of quackery's shifting valencies at the dawn of the modern industrial age.  相似文献   
伴随着妇女地位的提高、和谐社会建设的不断推进,当代女性在社会中的作用变得越来越重要。从女性参政的现状着手,分析了发展女性参政事业存在的困难及原因,从公共政策的角度提出了相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   
美国国家档案馆为纪念宪法《第十九条修正案》100周年,发起一项为期18个月的全国性倡议,带动各州庆祝妇女选举权。本文分析指出美国妇女选举权档案开发利用的内容特色——主题集中、关注个体和突出人物;方式特色——多媒介、数字化和关联式开发并行,最后总结出对我国的启示——档案开发利用宜主题集中、方式多样、把握时机的持续性。  相似文献   

The Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong is a 79 days political protest and occupy campaigns in major areas in the city. This chronology lists the key events prior to and during the movement.  相似文献   
主要资本主义国家对公民行使选举权和被选举权作了诸如财产状况、居住年限、年龄、性别、种族、文化程度、社会地位等种种有利于资产阶级的规定与限制。资产阶级标榜的民有、民享、民治、法律面前人人平等成了一纸空文。近些年来,迫于各方面压力,资本主义各国对选民资格的限制有些许放宽,但它是以不损害资本主义根本制度为前提的。  相似文献   
谢明 《嘉应学院学报》2007,25(1):106-110
村民选举权是村民自治权的一种,也是目前在村民自治的实践中落实较好的一项民主权利。然而,由于种种原因,在村民自治的过程中,村民的民主选举权仍受到不同程度的侵害。现行法律法规却缺乏对村民选举权的救济规定。因此,有必要通过立法救济、人大的监督救济、村民自治体的自身救济、行政救济、司法救济等手段,来加强对村民选举权的法律保障。  相似文献   
19世纪90年代.恩格斯根据时代条件的变化和工人运动的发展,提出了“在人民代议机关把一切权力集中在自己手里、只要取得大多数人民的支持就能够按照宪法随意办事的国家里,旧社会有可能和平长入新社会”的思想。在恩格斯看来,工人阶级要达到自己的目的,存在着暴力革命和合法斗争两种可选择的手段。前一种手段对于早期工人运动来讲是适用的,甚至是惟一的选择,而这种手段由于社会的发展和技术的进步越来越失去其应有的作用。普选权的实行,尤其是德国社会民主党利用普选权取得的成就,证明了:只要善于利用,选举权就能够由历来是骗人的手段变成工人阶级解放的手段。旧社会就有可能和平长入新社会。  相似文献   
英国妇女选举权运动在19世纪掀起了第一个高潮,把妇女选举权从男性社会不屑一顾的概念,变成了一个"政治问题",成为人们逐渐耳熟能详的语言。妇女的政治要求从最初要求未婚妇女与寡妇的选举权,逐渐向普选方向发展;选举权的依据从自由女权主义的公正之说,发展到本质论思想,并进一步发展出独特的女性优越论思想。这一切,既是妇女们不懈探索和亲身实践的结果,也是时代与社会发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   
加拿大议会选举制度始于殖民地时代,但是直到20世纪60年代加拿大才真正实现联邦普选。阻碍加拿大联邦选举权扩大的主要因素是英裔当政者保守的政治、社会、种族和宗教理念,推动力量则主要是伴随着工业化而来的工人运动和战争的冲击及影响。加拿大联邦选举权的扩大,经历了复杂的漫长过程,纵向特征以渐进为主,横向透视则显示出极大的不平衡性,这在一定程度上折射出加拿大崇尚改良的政治文化和多样化的国情。  相似文献   

This essay examines the voting rights advocacy of Congress member Barbara C. Jordan. Drawing on some of Jordan’s lesser known speeches, including an address commemorating the 75th anniversary of the nineteenth amendment and congressional testimony on the Voting Rights Act of 1975, I highlight how Jordan rhetorically refigured dominant understandings of the meaning of the vote based on gender, race, and ethnicity. Although she was certain to commemorate past suffrage successes, Jordan also contested and nuanced these notions, reminding her audiences that the quest for equitable voting rights was a long, ongoing, coalitional struggle.  相似文献   
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