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运用形象学相关理论对日剧《月之恋人》中的中国人形象进行了解读,结合社会文化背景分析了作为“他者”的中国人形象:中国社会中的民众群体形象、中国女性形象、在日中国人的形象;同时对注视者日本的“自我”形象也进行了阐释。认为该剧较为客观理性地塑造了中国人的形象,辩证地处理了“他者”与“自我”的关系。  相似文献   
理查德.赖特的代表作《土生子》被誉为美国黑人文学史上的里程碑式作品、"抗议小说"的扛鼎之作,因此学界针对《土生子》的研究多集中于黑白二元对立上,着重探讨的是美国社会制度和种族歧视对美国黑人心灵的戕害及其灾难性后果。在此基础上,本文尝试采用新的视角,以跨种族性关系为切入点,重新审视小说主人公别格的悲剧成因,并且通过分析书中白人如何利用虚假的黑人"性神话"构建黑人的他者身份,揭示别格杀害白人姑娘玛丽的讽刺性寓意,彰显"抗议小说之父"赖特解构黑人"性神话"的创作智慧。  相似文献   
This article will discuss propaganda in the press used by the Italian fascist regime to create and disseminate a negative image of France and socialism. The ‘Paris, 1937’ exhibition represented a pretext for the Italian press to attack the Popular Front on both policy and competence. Manipulating information, the propaganda fabricated an idea of ‘otherness’, presenting France as the chaotic antithesis to the orderly Italian regime. France was presented as a country full of drunks and idlers, as a nation descending into chaos due to the social economic reforms of the Blum government; images that were juxtaposed with a state thriving under fascist corporatism. With the use of archive files and press-clippings, this work intends to illustrate the construction of stereotypes to feed the fear of socialism in Italy by the fascist press.  相似文献   
This discussion focuses on how the rise of America's national sporting pastimes, during the period 1880–1920, was inextricably tied to the ambitions and outpourings of American print capitalism and a concomitant congealing of a sense of modern American nationhood. In examining this thematic, we explicate the manner in which American national sporting audiences during the period 1880–1920 were variously constituted through discourses of national and ethnic sporting difference or Otherness. Hence, we examine the popular representation of turn of the century rodeo practices (as narrated through the spectacle of the western showman William Frederick ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody's Wild West show productions), the position of early-twentieth-century American baseball in relation to other sporting cultures (graphically depicted by Albert Goodwill, or A.G., Spalding's promotional publications, specifically the 1911 America's National Game) and the national and ethnic differences discerned within the global sporting landscape more generally (explicated within the 1919 National Geographic article ‘The Geography of Games’). These performances and representations of ethnic and national sporting Otherness played an important role in re-inscribing and legitimating the (White European American) normative core of American sport culture (as manifest within and through the dominant practices of playing and/or spectating of football, baseball and basketball).  相似文献   
农村税费改革作为新时期农村税费制度的一次强制性制度变迁, 对乡镇财政收支产生了深刻影响。税费改革前后, 乡镇财政收支一方面表现出了明显的差异性, 另一方面表现出了显著的延续性。为此, 在巩固农村税费改革成果的同时, 必须加快相关制度的创新步伐, 力求实现乡镇财政收支问题的“标本兼治”  相似文献   
This paper explores the challenge of diversity in an increasingly multicultural world, and adopts the position that the valuing of diversity can be taught – especially within the context of teacher training and education in general. It gives an overview of major components of diversity training within the context of multicultural counseling, and stresses what counseling can offer teacher training in regard to diversity issues and competencies for the Greek educational setting. Finally, it examines key notions of difference and ‘otherness’ in Greek thought, which can inform contemporary discourse on diversity and multicultural counseling theory and practice.  相似文献   
中国的英诗汉译始于晚清,第一首翻译成中文的英诗是约翰.弥尔顿的商籁体诗《失明,》1854年发表在香港的中文期刊《遐迩贯珍》上。英国传教士开了英诗汉译的先河,后来才有中国人翻译的英文诗歌。晚清用来翻译英文诗歌的语言是文言,诗歌的体裁为中国古典诗歌,晚清的诗歌翻译采用高度归化的策略,读起来犹如用中文创作的诗歌,几乎看不出经过翻译的痕迹,使得英文诗歌的他异性在翻译的过程中消失殆尽。  相似文献   
自我意识情绪具有社会性,而文化对于自我意识情绪的重要性便是由其社会性决定的。作为典型的自我意识情绪如内疚、羞耻,其跨文化研究已逐渐引起国内外学者关注。我们从跨文化的一致性和差异性两个维度分别进行阐述,从内疚、羞耻的产生、功能以及其与心理健康的关系等领域说明其具有跨文化一致性,同时内疚、羞耻情绪也会受到文化因素的影响导致其存在文化差异。以上述分析为基础,为自我意识情绪在跨文化研究中存在的不足提出自己的见解。  相似文献   
从女性主义视角分析赛珍珠最具代表性的小说《大地》的女主角阿兰,重新审视与阿兰相关的情节,解读阿兰这一人物所带有的女性意识。阿兰并非具有反抗男权制的意识,她并没有从沉默顺从走向觉醒成熟,她没有把自己看成主体,她丧失了自我意识,成为"他者",她的一切行为都来自于将自己置于"他者"地位的意识,至死都未改变。  相似文献   
作为现今最有分量的海外华人女作家之一,张翎被赋予了多种的界定,对她及其作品的研究也在以不同角度、各种方式延伸着。作为新移民文学的代表作家,个体在突变的环境中,历练的痛苦与无奈正是张翎在文化与地域的交融中,经岁月的流动和历史的见证所着重关注的实在,因而,他者的语境为解读张翎作品提供了一个更为开阔的视角。小说《余震》是张翎以唐山大地震为背景进行的创作。与以往不同,在这次的书写中,张翎将依托唐山大地震发生的历史背景,将母国设置为主要的故事背景。因此,对于擅长通过小说在东西方之间搭建对话的张翎而言,透过他者语境对小说《余震》的解读就显得更有意义。  相似文献   
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