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This paper argues that teacher training programs, with the objective of transforming gender norms in schools, should employ a critical pedagogy framework in order to achieve the transformational learning goals necessary to change the deep-seated beliefs and patterns of behavior that characterize these gender norms. Using document analysis, this study evaluates the teacher in-service training component of two school-based intervention programs, aimed at promoting gender equality in school communities. This paper finds that the trainings miss opportunities to employ elements of critical pedagogy and therefore, are not likely to create a transformative change around gender norms in schooling.  相似文献   

The roots of Savate in France stretch back at least 200 years, and there is extensive interdisciplinary research in French showing changing interpretations of its meaning and purpose. Savate is now a globalised combat sports with potential to enter the Olympic Games. To help remedy the lacuna of English-language research, this paper considers: (1) Documentaries and rare instructional literature; (2) online videos and discussions of archival Savate footage; (3) contemporary documentation from the Great Britain Savate Federation; and, (4) ongoing fieldwork in one UK Savate school. Through our multimodal study of printed, televised, digital and physical action, we add to the discussions to the constant reinvention of Savate to a modern, seemingly inclusive combat sport. Using John Urry’s framework of mobilities, we introduce the notion of ‘mobile masculinities’ underpinned by a European sense of relatively elite individualistic cosmopolitanism. Savate provides a rich case study of gender inclusivity in sport – how a previously male-dominated activity incorporates women in positions of power and responsibility and teaches men to acquire elegance in style and elite levels of stamina.  相似文献   
师生关系新走向:双向式"师道尊严"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张东娇 《教育科学》2007,23(1):60-63
教师地位、角色应该受到专业尊重与为人、治学严谨是“师道尊严”的合理内核。现代教育需要民主、平等,也需要“师道尊严”。双向式“师道尊严”是现代师生关系新走向,具有尊重、沟通、分权等特性,可称为“第三种结构”或“第三条道路”。  相似文献   
图书馆学的客观性依据是基于批判现实基础上的理性要求。它与古典图书馆学家崇尚的“实事求是”、“凸显本真”有着显著的区别。“实事求是”之所以不等同于客观性,缘由在于其实质上是一种高下分明的品级性。与之相反,客观性的实质体现在它的平等性上。图书馆学的客观性原则在过往的古典图书馆文化演进史上得以长久的承袭,主要在于其刻意求索着一种理想化的精神世界。这一理想化精神世界的内在底蕴是人性为本、自由发展和真理永恒。图书馆学中的各种偏见能够凭藉人性为本、自由发展和真理永恒加以克服,同时,人性为本、自由发展及真理永恒本体的偏见又能被图书馆学发展史所克服。  相似文献   
赵万江  江世银 《软科学》2001,15(3):35-37
市场经济是注重效率的经济,往往以牺牲平等作为代价,负所得税是解决平等与效率矛盾问题的一种较好选择。它与社会保障同属于财政分配范畴,但二者毕竟是两种不同的收入分配调节政策。本文在此基础上进一步提出了实施负所得税计算的两种方案。  相似文献   
鉴于正义概念的宏大与复杂,确定平等原则为理解正义的理论坐标具有历史和理论逻辑上的合理性。不同历史时期的平等观着眼于不同的道德视角,在厘清此三个基本问题基础上的差异平等正义观改变了西方传统正义观的理想化状态和鸟托邦模式,具有道德理想上的合理性和社会实现的普遍方式及可能。  相似文献   
文章从实现教育公平的角度,探讨了增强职业教育吸引力的路径问题。从保障教育机会起点均等的角度来看,对于高中阶段后的教育分流,政府应逐步改革考试和招生制度,切实保障职校学生接受高等教育的机会和权利,逐步构建职普相通、高低衔接的职业教育体系。在落实职业教育公平的差异原则方面,职业学校应树立先进的办学理念,明确培养目标定位;因地制宜地设置专业,开发更具灵活性的课程,满足学生个性化发展的需要;建立充满弹性的教育管理制度,充分尊重学生的专业选择权。为了实现职业教育公平的补偿原则,政府应不断加大对职业教育的经费投入,抓好落实和监督工作;加大对中西部地区的职业教育经费投入,促进职业教育均衡化发展;不断完善和健全职业教育资助体系。  相似文献   
The objectives of the study were to criticallyexamine the desirability of the catchment areapolicy in the admission process in Nigeria andto analyse the implementation and implicationsof catchment factor as one of the criteria usedin the admission process into NigerianUniversities.Three federal universities were purposefullysampled for the study. Data were obtained fromthe universities' admission officers,examination and record officers, faculty anddepartmental examination officers. Data werealso collected from the Joint Admissions andMatriculation Board, the National UniversitiesCommission and the Federal Ministry ofEducation.Data were collected through a preparedchecklist. Two research questions were raisedand two hypotheses formulated. The obtaineddata were analysed by using simple percentageespecially for the trend and comparativeanalysis. The t-test statistic and anova wereused to test the hypotheses, while simplepercentage and ratios were used to compute thewastage rate difference.The major findings include: that admissionratio into the universities among states wasnot proportional to the size of enrolment atthe terminal grade of the secondary schoollevel in these states which justify affirmative policies such as the one in focusto redress the imbalance; that the universitieshave been implementing faithfully the policyaccording to the laid-down guidelines; that themajor groups in the catchment area of eachuniversity predominate admission, except wherea major group is absent; and that there was asignificant difference in the quality ofperformance of students admitted on merit andthose admitted through catchment area policywhile a no significant difference was found inthe academic performance among studentsadmitted through catchment area, universitydiscretion and educationally disadvantagedstates; and that the wastage rate of those onmerit was lower than those through thecatchment area policy.Based on the findings, the study suggested thatthe policy should be retained, but finetuned soas to effectively serve as a measure throughwhich the imbalance in university educationcould be minimized and increased access touniversity education by the various groups inthe country would be assured. However, thepaper suggested that the percentage allocatedto this factor be reduced in the light of itsnegative implication on the quality of studentperformance and subsequently the primaryobjective of university education.  相似文献   
人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,人民代表是代表机关的主体,代表的选举产生是人大制度的逻辑起点.在我国的政治生活实践中选举制度尚有某些需要完善之处.本文针对我国选举制度中的平等性原则、普遍性原则、竞选机制、述职制度等方面提出了一些看法和建议.  相似文献   
在高考录取中,公平与效率是必须兼顾的两个原则。长期实行的"志愿优先"录取机制则在公平和效率上都有所缺失。新推行的"平行志愿"机制则能够弥补该不足,实现公平与效率的双向改进。为保证新机制发挥实效,需要做好相应的配套工作。  相似文献   
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