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摘    要:废名是一位公认的文体大家,有着自己独特而具有强烈文体革新意识的文学观,对他后期在小说《莫须有先生传》和《莫须有先生坐飞机以后》等创作具有独特的价值。文章对废名的文章观念进行梳理,指出20世纪“六朝文派”的文章观念(通过周作人)对废名产生了深刻影响,并被他转换为小说创作的文学理念和文学资源,形成了他注意表现“趣味”和“赤子之心”的“性情美学”。正是从这一美学理念出发,废名广泛吸取各家各派的文学营养,创造出谈话风、“乱写”、“写实”和用典等一系列具体操作技术,形成了一种富有弹性的小说文体,成为小说文体的一大奇观。由此生发,文章对沈从文等人对废名后期小说的批评进行辨析和批驳,重新评价了废名的后期小说创作在文学史上的地位。

关 键 词:废名  文章观  性情  趣味  谈之讽  用典  文体大家

The Relationship between Fei Ming's View of Essay and His Later Novel Creation
Authors:YANG Zhi
Abstract:Fei Ming is a great stylist with unique and innovative literary concepts, which is of great value to his later novel creation. This paper attempts to analyze Fei Ming's view of essay, pointing out that the essay views of "Lu Chao Wen Pai" in the 20th century, which have exerted a profound impact on Fei Ming, have been transformed by him into literary concepts and resources in his novel writing. It is opined that Fei Ming's unique style in novel creation lies in his learning from and assimilation of various styles from different writers. What is more, this paper also makes a reappraisal of Fei Ming' novel creation in the literary history by commenting on the critique made by Chen Cong_wen et al of Fei Ming's novels.
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