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作者姓名:李强  高伟  魏宏文
摘    要:研究目的观察常压间歇低氧对运动能力的影响并探讨可能的适应机制.研究方法16名羽毛球运动员(14~18岁,男女各半)随机分为低氧组和对照组,低氧组在正常训练以外每天进行1 h左右的间歇低氧刺激,氧浓度控制在9%~14%,每周6 d,连续4周.对照组完成与低氧组相同的运动训练,不吸低氧,两组测试指标相同.结果表明低氧1周后红细胞、网织红细胞显著升高(P《0.05),低氧1周、2周时2,3-二磷酸甘油酸显著高于低氧前水平(P《0.05),4周后低氧组运动能力显著提高,表现在无氧阈心率下降、功率提高、时间推迟;定量负荷后呼吸频率、呼吸商、运动后血乳酸和心率均显著下降(P《0.05);完成最大运动能力实验时,运动至力竭的时间、最大心率、功率和运动后最高血乳酸均显著升高(P《0.05),运动后3 min时心率恢复加快(P《0.05).结果提示,常压间歇低氧可在一定程度上刺激红细胞生成,有利于氧的运输,并有效提高人体的运动能力.

关 键 词:实验研究  运动医学  常压间歇低氧  运动能力  红细胞  2  3-二磷酸甘油酸  红细胞生成素  心率  血乳酸

Experimental Study of the Effect of Intermittent Hypoxia Stimuli on Sports Performance of Young Badminton Players
LI Qiang et al.Experimental Study of the Effect of Intermittent Hypoxia Stimuli on Sports Performance of Young Badminton Players[J].China Sport Science,2001,21(3):62-65,70.
Authors:LI Qiang
Abstract:To investigate the effect of intermittent hypoxia stimuli (IHS) on sports performance, sixteen young badminton players were randomly divided into two groups of IHS and control. Each group has four males and four females. IHS group has breathed a hypoxia gas mixture (O 2 %:9% 14%) for four weeks (6d/wk). Two groups took part in same daily normal study and sports training during the period of experiment. The results show that 1. Compared to before IHS, IHS group's red blood cells counts and the percentage of reticulocyte in total erythrocytes rose after on week of IHS (p<0.05); and 2,3-DPG went up after one and two weeks of IHS (p<0.05); 2. Sports performance was enhanced in IHS group after four weeds of IHS: HR VAT lowered (p<0.05), power VAT rose (p<0.05), and time VAT delayed (p<0.05); after a quantitative load exercise test, BP, RQ, BLA and HR decreased (p<0.05); time to exhaustion, HRmax, Powermax and BLAmax increased, and HR of the 3rd minute during recovery were on the rise (p<0.05) during the period of maximal exercise test. It is concluded that sports performance can be enhanced effectively by IHS.
Keywords:sports med    anoxia  stimulation  erythrocyte  erythropoietin  training  physiology  evaluation
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