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摘    要:回顾北欧四国即丹麦、芬兰、挪威及瑞典图书馆法的发展历程,并从9个方面对4部法典进行比较研究,包括:①图书馆性质;②图书馆经费来源;③图书馆服务标准;④图书馆资源建设;⑤专业人员任职;⑥图书馆发展与布局;⑦图书馆的管理体制;⑧图书馆资源共享建设;⑨图书馆法执行力度。在此基础上发现北欧四国的图书馆法具有宏观规划性、优秀的特殊用户群服务、图书馆事业资金获得有力保障及政府在图书馆事业中的责任明确4个特点。

关 键 词:北欧  丹麦  芬兰  挪威  瑞典  图书馆法  

Analysis and Research about the Development of the Act on Libraries in the Four Countries of the Nordic
Abstract:This paper reviews the four Nordic countries' development process of the library act,and does a comparative study of the four acts from nine aspects,including the library nature;the source of funding for the library;the library service standard;the library resources construction;requirements for professional staff;the development and layout of the library;the management system;the construction of the library resource-sharing;the enforcement strength of library acts.On this basis,we can learn that the four N...
Keywords:Nordic  Denmark  Finland  Norway  Sweden  Library act  
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