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目的 系统评价应用加速度计测量的中国学龄前儿童体力活动和久坐行为。方法 检索PubMed、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据库,搜集测量学龄前儿童体力活动和久坐行为的相关横断面研究,检索时限为1998年至2022年4月。由2名评审者独立进行文献筛选、资料提取及质量评价工作后,采用Stata 16.0软件进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入23项研究,涵盖中国16个市区4449名学龄前儿童。Meta分析结果显示:中国学龄前儿童日总体力活动时间占比24.4%(190.3min/d, 95%CI:158.9~221.6),日中高强度体力活动时间占比8.2%(63.6min/d, 95%CI:53.6~73.6),日久坐时间占比67.2%(523.9min/d, 95%CI:478.6~569.2)。亚组分析结果表明,女童总体力活动及中高强度体力活动时间均低于男童,而久坐时间高于男童;随年龄增长,儿童中高强度体力活动及久坐时间明显增加,总体力活动时间无变化。结论 中国学龄前儿童体力活动水平总体满足现有指南标准,但久坐行为仍然严重。女童体力活动水平尚未达到指南推荐量。  相似文献   

运动传感器(SWA)在测量青少年日常体力活动水平中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用运动传感器SWA测量青少年日常体力活动的能量消耗,了解青少年日常体力活动状况,探讨SWA在体力活动测量中的应用价值.方法:随机抽取上海市30名中学生作为调查对象,男女各半.受试者佩带SWA,固定于优势侧上臂肱三头肌处,每天早晨起床后戴上,一直到晚上睡觉前摘下,连续佩戴7 d,记录体力活动的能量消耗和活动时间.结果:男生1周总能量消耗和平均每天进行的中等强度、大强度体力活动能量消耗和时间高于女生(P<0.01);在平均每天的能量消耗构成比中,男生从事大强度的体力活动能耗为10%,中等强度的能耗为14%,女生从事大强度的体力活动能耗为4%,中等强度的能耗为12%.个体间体力活动能耗为10.44%-46.03%.结论:目前青少年的体力活动水平参差不齐,存在着明显的性别差异,并且随着年龄的增长,体力活动水平下降.SWA具有较好的客观性、可靠性和实用性.  相似文献   

加速度计在儿童体力活动测量中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加速度计是一种客观测量体力活动的工具,因其小巧轻便且不受受试者回忆准确性和认知水平的限制,近年来在儿童体力活动测量中得到广泛应用。然而到目前为止,较少有研究关注加速度计使用方法的标准化,如加速度计的选择、采样间隔、佩戴部位、佩戴时间的确定、数据处理等。针对儿童体力活动的特点,就上述问题做一综述,以期提供一些在加速度计使用中的实用性参考。  相似文献   

目的:运用Actigraph GT3X传感器测量青少年体力活动能量消耗水平,探讨Actigraph GT3X传感器在青少年体力活动测试中的应用。方法:以10~17岁在校学生为研究对象,在超声骨龄片和青春期发育量表问卷筛查青春发育分期(青春前期、青春中期、青春后期3个组)基础上,基于随机分层抽样的原则,每组抽取男、女生各50人,共计300人,受试者佩带Actigraph GT3X传感器。结果:青春前、中、后期受试者每天体力活动能量消耗无明显差异,中、大强度体力活动随着年龄的增长呈下降的趋势,男生的体力活动较女生活跃。结论:除青春前期受试者中、大强度体力活动时间接近国际推荐标准外,中期和后期受试者均低于国际推荐标准。建议采取措施增加青少年中等强度和大强度的体力活动,以增强其体质。  相似文献   

LivePod LP2检测人体运动中能量消耗水平的信、效度检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
加速度传感器以其轻便、客观、精确等特点,在人体体力活动测量与评价中被广泛使用。LivePod LP2是一款国产新型加速度传感器,它基于3轴加速度MEMS传感器技术,采用人体动作智能模糊识别模型和个性化能耗模型测量人体运动中的能量消耗。对LivePodLP2在测量人体运动能量消耗的信度和效度水平进行了验证。26名受试者在4个不同部位佩戴LivePod LP2,在3种速度下(4km/h、6km/h、8km/h)运动。通过计算ICC,发现其值处于0.978~0.997;采用相关分析、配对样本t检验以及Bland-Altman分析法等方法对仪器和MAXII测量数据分析表明:LivePod LP2佩戴于右侧臀部上方,在慢跑速度水平下效度水平最高。LivePod LP2可以用于记录体力活动能量消耗,在日常应用中,用户可以选择将LivePod LP2固定于腰部来监测运动能量消耗情况。  相似文献   

目的:检验学龄前儿童不同簇集特征体力活动与体质健康是否存在剂量-效应关系。方法:不同簇集特征体力活动通过连续7天佩戴加速度传感器进行测量。根据持续时间不同,分为零星中高强度体力活动(MVPA)(2~4 s)、短时持续MVPA(5~9 s)和长时持续MVPA(≥10 s)3类。体质测试包括心肺耐力、肌肉力量和速度灵敏素质。将男、女童不同簇集特征体力活动和体质健康综合得分分别按四分位数进行分类(Q1~Q4组),并定义体质健康得分最高的Q4组为高体质健康水平(HPH)。采用逻辑回归和线性回归探讨不同簇集特征MVPA与HPH间的关系。结果:共265名受试者纳入最后统计分析(男童149名,女童116名;月龄,57.19±5.33月)。男童中,校正混杂因素后,以活动量最少的Q1组为参照,活动量最多的Q4组中零星、短时持续和长时持续MVPA达到HPH的比值比(OR)分别为:11.72(95%CI:2.27,60.53)、7.53(95%CI:1.83,30.90)和8.98(95%CI:1.78,45.39);女童中也得到类似结果,分别为11.85(95%CI:2.33,60.19)、12.34(95%CI:2.47,61.57)和8.58(95%CI:1.70,43.41)。此外,研究发现,合计(零星+持续)MVPA与HPH在男童中存在非线性关系。当合计MVPA≤65 min/天时,每增加1 min的合计MVPA,达到HPH的OR增加19%(OR=1.19,95%CI:1.03,1.37);合计MVPA>65 min/天时,达到HPH的OR无显著变化。女童中未发现此非线性关系。结论:学龄前儿童累积不同簇集特征MVPA越多,达到HPH的比率越高,呈现出显著的剂量-效应关系。而在男童中,每日累积的MVPA超过65 min后达到HPH的比率不再显著增加。  相似文献   

目的验证RT3三轴加速度传感器和Actigraph单轴加速度传感器测量不同速度步行或跑步时能量消耗的精确度。方法受试对象为南京体育学院大学生20名,男女各10名。受试者同时佩戴RT3加速度传感器和Acti-graph加速度传感器在跑台上分别以3.2 km/h、4.8 km/h、6.4 km/h、8.1 km/h、9.7 km/h的速度完成800 m步行或跑步。以间接测热法测量不同速度步行或跑步时的实际能量消耗。结果 5种速度步行或跑步时,当速度为3.2km/h、4.8 km/h、6.4 km/h时,RT3三轴加速度传感器能够相对准确测量能量消耗,而当速度为8.1 km/h、9.7 km/h时,该传感器测量能耗值与实际能耗值比较,差异具有显著性,因而不能准确测量这两种速度时的能量消耗;当速度为3.2 km/h、4.8 km/h、6.4 km/h时,Actigraph加速度传感器测量能耗值与实际能耗值比较,差异具有显著性,因而不能准确测量这三种速度时的能量消耗。结论无论在何种运动速度下,RT3测量能耗值均高于实际能耗值,其较适合于测量步行等中低速度体力活动的能量消耗;Actigraph测量能耗值均低于实际能耗值,其较适合于测量跑步等较快速度体力活动的能量消耗。  相似文献   

目的调查轻度智障儿童基本运动技能(FMS)与体力活动水平,探讨二者之间的关系,为该群体运动参与能力的提升及其健康促进提供指导思路。方法选取上海市65名轻度智障儿童作为调查对象,运用TGMD-2和ActiGraph GT3X+三轴加速度传感器分别对其FMS及体力活动水平进行测量和评价,对相关数据进行统计分析。结果轻度智障儿童FMS平均总得分为(67.82±7.31)分,其中位移技能得分显著高于物理控制技能(P<0.01),男生位移技能得分显著高于女生(P<0.05),但物体控制技能无显著性别差异(P>0.05)。15.6%的轻度智障儿童能满足每天60 min中高强度体力活动(MVPA)推荐量,男生平均每天MVPA时间显著高于女生(P<0.01),周末日体力活动时间显著高于上学日(P<0.01)。总体上轻度智障儿童的低强度体力活动(LPA)、MVPA和总体力活动(TPA)时间与FMS得分均呈正相关(r=0.351~0.547,P<0.05)。FMS得分对轻度智障儿童平均每天MVPA时间、TPA时间具有解释意义(R^2=0.381,P<0.01;R^2=0.409,P<0.01)。位移技能是解释每天MVPA时间的唯一变量(β=0.490,P<0.01)。结论轻度智障儿童的FMS发展与体力活动水平整体呈正相关关系,基于该群体技能发展层面的体力活动促进是该领域相关研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

游戏场是承载儿童日常游戏和交往的重要空间,游戏中的体力活动已被多项研究证实对儿童健康有着积极作用。欧美等发达国家游乐场的建设实践和相关理论一直处于领先地位。在当前我国推行儿童友好建设和改善儿童康体空间品质的背景下,从空间维度梳理游乐场与体力活动水平的关联,有助于深入理解各类空间因素对儿童体力活动的影响机理。本文通过对国内外44篇文献计量研究,从游戏场空间特征、空间感知和空间使用三个空间维度分析其与儿童体力活动持续时间、频率、强度和多样性四个指标的关联。研究结果发现:儿童体力活动强度与游戏场空间特征强关联,频率、持续时间则与空间感知密切相关,多样性则是儿童使用的重要体现。此研究结果可为提升我国儿童身体素质、以及促进儿童健康提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的:通过佩戴GPS定位器和体力活动加速度计对儿童青少年进行四周体力活动追踪,分析儿童青少年日常体力活动空间半径,为适宜步行缓冲区尺寸大小提供建议,验证当前普遍采用的儿童青少年一周体力活动数据的采集是否能够全面地反映其日常活动空间特征。方法:选取上海市杨浦片区小学四年级到高二共121名受试者(9-17岁)参与测试,佩戴GPS定位器和体力活动加速度计四周,检测样本人群体力活动发生场所位置的经纬度以及体力活动强度的大小,并将中高强度体力活动数据和GPS定位器数据匹配,确定中高强度体力活动场所的位置。从而分析中高强度体力活动发生场所的空间特征,并且通过经纬度坐标算出中到大强度体力活动发生场所距离家和学校的距离。结果:根据GPS与加速度计数据筛选原则,有效样本共52名(男生,27名;女生,25名)。上学日受试者中高强度体力活动多集中在学校、通勤路径,而周末则集中在运动场所/锻炼设施、沿街道的出行活动轨迹和小区。距离小区和学校600米范围内集中了受试者人群多数的体力活动定位点,一周的追踪测试结果和四周追踪测试结果无显著差异。结论:建议今后有关儿童青少年体力活动干预多围绕小区及周边进行,针对儿童青少年公共服务设施的配置标准以及环境评估建议以600米作为缓冲距离,类似的研究建议可采用一周的测试。  相似文献   

目的:基于决策树模型探讨幼儿体质的影响因素及其交互关系。方法:募集学龄前儿童4621名(36~83月龄)。参照《国民体质测定标准手册(幼儿部分)》进行体质测试与综合评级(合格、不合格);问卷调查幼儿出生信息、育儿方式、静坐与身体活动、膳食营养、睡眠、父母情况6个一级指标下分的59个二级指标变量信息;采用IBM SPSS modeler创建CHAID决策树模型。结果:幼儿体质的重要影响因素排序依次为周末身体活动(PA)、周末静坐行为(SB)、性别、周末中-大强度身体活动(MVPA)、上学日PA、钙、上学日SB。决策树模型显示,根节点变量周末PA“>3 h/天”(95.35%)的幼儿体质合格率与“1~3 h/天”(91.43%)、“≤0.5 h/天”(85.43%)相比具有非常显著性差异(P=0.000)。周末PA“>3 h/天”的第2、3层叶节点变量分别为周末SB、上学日PA,“1~3 h/天”“≤0.5 h/天”的第2层叶节点变量均为性别。其中,“1~3 h/天”的3~5层叶节点变量包括周末与上学日MVPA、上学日SB、钙等。结论:周末PA是影响幼儿体质的最关键因素。幼儿周末PA应超过3 h/天的国际推荐量标准,并在此基础上减少周末SB时间、增加上学日PA时间。身体活动与静坐行为、性别、钙摄入等对不同层次类型幼儿的体质促进具有决策意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the physical activity levels of urban inner city preschoolers while attending Head Start, the federally funded preschool program for children from low-income families. Participants were 158 African American children. Their physical activity during Head Start days was measured using programmed RT-3 accelerometers. Results revealed that the children spent the most time in sedentary and light physical activity, while their participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activities was low. Given the sedentary class format and limited physical space for the Head Start programs observed, we suggest adding a structured physical activity component to Head Start schools to fight the overweight and obesity crisis.  相似文献   

This paper reports on one aspect of a study that investigated the place and meaning of ‘physical education’ to practitioners and children at three preschool settings in Scotland. We employed a poststructural type of discourse analysis to examine the developmental discourses the 14 participating practitioners drew on when talking about ‘physical education’ at preschools, during semi-structured interviews. Three main discourses around the notion of developmentalism were identified during analysis of the adults’ interview data: (1) preschool children learn and develop through play; (2) preschool children should have choices and freedom and (3) sometimes more structured activities are needed. The practitioners were heavily invested in developmental ‘truths’ about how preschool children learn and develop. They were in agreement that play is a vital element of preschool education, and that, consequently, children should be provided with opportunities for exploration and making choices. However, they also talked about sometimes ‘needing’ to restrict children's freedom and provide more adult-led activities. Our findings illustrate the strength of developmental discourses at the three settings. We suggest that preschool practitioners, as well as policy-makers and researchers, should critically reflect on the effects of taken-for-granted developmental discourses and move beyond thinking in terms of binaries such as ‘physical education versus play’ or ‘structure versus freedom’.  相似文献   

This aim of this study was to compare the new Actigraph (GT1M) with the widely used Model 7164. Seven days of free-living physical activity were measured simultaneously using both the Model 7164 and GT1M in 30 Indian adolescents (mean age 15.8 years, s = 0.6). The GT1M was on average 9% lower per epoch than model 7164, thus a correction factor of 0.91 is suggested for comparison between the two monitors. The differences between monitors increased in magnitude with intensity of activity (P < 0.001) but remained randomly distributed (r = 0.01, P = 0.96). No significant difference was observed between monitors for time spent in moderate (P = 0.31) and vigorous (P = 0.34) physical activity when using the same epoch length. The Model 7164 classified less time as sedentary (P < 0.001) and more time as light-intensity activity (P < 0.001) than the GT1M. In conclusion, data from the GT1M can be compared with historical data using average counts per minute with a correction factor, and the two models might be comparable for assessing time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity in children when using the same epoch length.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate how combinations of different epoch durations and cut-points affect the estimations of sedentary time and physical activity in adolescents. Accelerometer data from 101 adolescents were derived and 30 combinations were used to estimate sedentary time, light, moderate, vigorous, and combined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Data were analyzed with repeated measurement analyses of variance. Large differences of sedentary time and times of different physical activity intensities were observed between 1 s and longer epoch durations using virtually all cut-points. Generally, sedentary time, moderate physical activity, vigorous physical activity, and combined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity progressively decreased, whereas light physical activity increased with longer epoch durations. The extreme differences between cut-points were large and increased with longer epoch durations for sedentary time and for all physical activity intensities except for vigorous physical activity per epoch duration. Caution is required when cross-comparing studies using different epoch durations and cut-points. To accurately register adolescents’ spontaneous intermittent physical activity behavior, short epoch durations are recommended.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to describe accelerometer-based physical activity levels in 4- and 5-year-old children (N = 76) on 2 weekdays and 2 weekend days. The children were sedentary for 9.6 hr (85%) daily, while they engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) for 34 min (5%). Only 7% of the children engaged in MVPA for 60 min per day, and only 26% reached the standard of 120 min of total activity. Their engagement in MVPA did not significantly differ between weekend and weekdays. Mean activity counts and minutes in MVPA did not differ between genders. Physical activity levels in this sample of preschool children were far lower than recommended.  相似文献   

Third and fourth grade boys (n = 422) and girls (n = 390) in four Texas elementary schools reported their participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) over a 3-day period. Students were surveyed during class on successive days. On a subsample (n = 44), the agreement between reported and observed physical activities during physical education or recess was 86.3%. Running, walking fast, games and sports, and bicycling accounted for 70% of Total MVPAs. Of Total MVPAs reported, 47.0% for boys and 44.6% for girls were 10 min or longer in duration (LMVPA). The average number of LMVPAs per day was 1.7 for both boys and girls. Students reported significantly more occurrences of LMVPAs out of school than during school. Significant interaction between grade and gender indicated that third grade boys reported more Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than third grade girls, but fourth grade boys reported fewer Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than fourth grade girls reported fewer Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than fourth grade girls. During the 3-day reporting period, 12.3% of boys and 13.3% of girls reported no LMVPAs, and 35.6% of boys and girls reported fewer than one LMVPAs per day. While the majority of children reported obtaining at least some activity daily, a substantial proportion of children in this sample reported fewer than one LMVPA daily, indicating that many children may not be obtaining adequate amounts of physical activity.  相似文献   


This aim of this study was to compare the new Actigraph (GT1M) with the widely used Model 7164. Seven days of free-living physical activity were measured simultaneously using both the Model 7164 and GT1M in 30 Indian adolescents (mean age 15.8 years, s = 0.6). The GT1M was on average 9% lower per epoch than model 7164, thus a correction factor of 0.91 is suggested for comparison between the two monitors. The differences between monitors increased in magnitude with intensity of activity (P < 0.001) but remained randomly distributed (r = 0.01, P = 0.96). No significant difference was observed between monitors for time spent in moderate (P = 0.31) and vigorous (P = 0.34) physical activity when using the same epoch length. The Model 7164 classified less time as sedentary (P < 0.001) and more time as light-intensity activity (P < 0.001) than the GT1M. In conclusion, data from the GT1M can be compared with historical data using average counts per minute with a correction factor, and the two models might be comparable for assessing time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity in children when using the same epoch length.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare in-school and out-of-school physical activity within a representative sample. Socio-demographic, physical activity, and anthropometric data were collected from a random sample of children (250 boys, 253 girls) aged 3-16 years attending nine primary and two secondary schools. Actigraph GT1M accelerometers, worn for seven days, were used to estimate physical activity levels for in-school (typically 09.00-15.00 h), out-of-school (weekday), and weekend periods. Physical activity as accelerometer counts per minute were lower in school versus out of school overall (in school: 437.2 +/- 172.9; out of school: 575.5 +/- 202.8; P < 0.001), especially in secondary school pupils (secondary: 321.6 +/- 127.5; primary: 579.2 +/- 216.3; P < 0.001). Minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity accumulated in school accounted for 29.4 +/- 9.8% of total weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity overall but varied by sector (preschool: 37.4 +/- 6.2%; primary: 33.6 +/- 8.1%; secondary: 23.0 +/- 9.3%; F = 114.3, P < 0.001). Approximately half of the children with the lowest in-school activity compensated out of school during the week (47.4%) and about one-third at the weekend (30.0%). Overall, physical activity during the school day appears to be lower than that out of school, especially in secondary school children, who accumulate a lower proportion of their total weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at school than younger children. As low in-school activity was compensated for beyond the school setting by less than half of children, promoting physical activity within the school day is important, especially in secondary schools.  相似文献   

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