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一、作为方法论的证伪与作为教育实验结果的证伪 1.作为方法论的证伪关于科学与非科学的分界标准,一直是科学哲学中的一个重要问题。逻辑实证主义者的分界标准是证实原则,波普尔的分界标准是证伪原则,而库恩的分界标准是“范式”原则,那卡托斯则认为分界标准应是预见性原则。波普尔认为,理论虽然不能为经验所证实却能被经验所证伪,“作为划界的标准不是可证实性,而是可证伪性”,“应当把理论系统的可反驳性或可证伪性作为分界的标准。”他所理解的是实验对理论的证伪。那卡托斯认为,实验本身并不具有证伪的资格,而只是通过新理论的证伪才反驳、证伪旧理论。并指出“任何理论都能够导致新事  相似文献   

绿蓝悖论是信念接受理论中出现的一种悖谬状态。作为信念的科学假说是否被接受及其接受标准问题是科学哲学中的核心问题。以波普尔为代表的证伪主义者对科学假说的接受及优选提供了一个可证伪性标准。面对绿蓝悖论的挑战,证伪主义者从定性和定量两方面作了应答。波普尔用“子类关系”来比较相竞争假说的潜在证伪者类策略无法在绿假说和绿蓝假说中理性地作出选择,而“维”的比较策略受损于其对表达系统的相对性也无法作出选择。把波普尔的验证度量化理论运用到解决绿蓝悖论时,波普尔的量化理论也不能为绿蓝悖论的解决提供一个充分性标准。  相似文献   

教育科学的研究范式——批判理性主义的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以批判理性主义的证伪分界原则和反归纳法为出发点,从目标、语言表达和研究方法三个方面分析了教育科学与传统教育学的区别,进而确认了教育科学的经验科学性质。从而说明教育现象和进行教育理论批判的图式。  相似文献   

证伪主义思想是波普尔科学哲学的重要组成部分。其思想的提出是建立在归纳主义方法论面临困境 ,现代科学革命的强烈震撼以及他本人对证实原则作为科学分界标准的局限性批判基础上。分析他的证伪思想的原则和逻辑基础 ,探讨他的科学知识增长的方法即试错法对我们今天发展科技有重要启示。  相似文献   

卡尔·波普尔是现代著名科学哲学家,他的三本科学哲学代表著作《科学发现的逻辑》《客观知识》《猜想与反驳》广为流传,在他这三本科学著作里都直接地或间接地体现了他对待传统的态度。本文尝试结合波普尔的证伪主义、科学发展模式、第三世界理论等科学哲学思想,阐述其对待传统的态度,以期望能给我们在看待传统问题上有所启示。  相似文献   

本文从科学哲学的角度对20世纪以来科学方法论的演变进行了分析和探讨,对起源于古希腊的古典唯理论的方法论、逻辑实证主义的归纳方法论和波普尔的证伪主义的方法论都重新进行了再评价。作者认为,按照波普尔的证伪主义,旧的科学理论不断被证伪,被新的更优越的科学理论所替代正是科学之所以能够不断向前发展的重要原因  相似文献   

在当代科学哲学中,科学合理性问题如同休谟归纳问题一样,是一个让哲学家寝食难安的问题。为此科学哲学家们提出了各种合理性模型,试图澄清和解决这一难题。波普提出的证伪主义方法论、客观知识理论和科学知识进化论是对逻辑经验主义的基本否定和对科学合理性的重新说明。因此,系统地分析、阐述和评价波普的科学合理性理论无疑具有十分重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

波普尔认为,科学知识即理论内容的增长是科学进步的最为重要的标志。然而,科学理论的内容丰富程度与逻辑概率之间呈反变关系,因此,科学理论的可接受性标准不是理论的可证实性,而是理论的可证伪性;相应地,可接受性标准是非归纳的或反归纳的。萨尔蒙对波普尔的反归纳主义的可接受性概念给以有力地批驳,拉卡托斯基进而给出一种归纳的可接受性标准,并作为对波普尔的非归纳的可接受性的补充。  相似文献   

尽管科学本身已逐渐具备了强大的自组织能力,但对科学分界问题的思考与研究不论在理论层次上还是在实践层次上仍都具有现实意义。一种将分界标准与充分条件和必要条件联系起来的研究方法无疑增加了科学分界的逻辑严密性,但这种尝试因其本身的缺陷并没有更好地解决科学分界的问题。  相似文献   

传统的观点认为:唯物史观与剩余价值学说的创立,使社会主义从空想变成科学。其实,社会主义从空想变科学的问题,应当包括两个方面或层次;一是社会主义社会如何建立的问题;二是社会主义社会如何建成的问题。唯物史观和剩余价值学说的创立,俄国与中国社会主义革命的胜利,主要从理论与实践的结合上解决了这个问题的第一个方面;邓小平关于社会主义本质的论述,才从理论和实践的结合上解决了这个问题的第二个方面,因而从根本上解决了社会主义从空想变成科学的问题。  相似文献   

Science and religion exhibit multiple relationships as ways of knowing. These connections have been characterized as cousinly, mutually respectful, non-overlapping, competitive, proximate-ultimate, dominant-subordinate, and opposing-conflicting. Some of these ties create stress, and tension between science and religion represents a significant chapter in humans’ cultural heritage before and since the Enlightenment. Truth, knowledge, and their relation are central to science and religion as ways of knowing, as social institutions, and to their interaction. In religion, truth is revealed through God’s word. In science, truth is sought after via empirical methods. Discord can be viewed as a competition for social legitimization between two social institutions whose goals are explaining the world and how it works. Under this view, the root of the discord is truth as correspondence. In this concept of truth, knowledge corresponds to the facts of reality, and conflict is inevitable for many because humans want to ask which one—science or religion—gets the facts correct. But, the root paradox, also known as the problem of the criterion, suggests that seeking to know nature as it is represents a fruitless endeavor. The discord can be set on new ground and resolved by taking a moderately skeptical line of thought, one which employs truth as coherence and a moderate form of constructivist epistemology. Quantum mechanics and evolution as scientific theories and scientific research on human consciousness and vision provide support for this line of argument. Within a constructivist perspective, scientists would relinquish only the pursuit of knowing reality as it is. Scientists would retain everything else. Believers who hold that religion explains reality would come to understand that God never revealed His truth of nature; rather, He revealed His truth in how we are to conduct our lives.  相似文献   

科学的任务就是透过现象认识隐藏在现象背后的本质和规律,这个本质和规律就是科学真理。人们始终相信可以根据一定的标准来确定或判断一个科学命题或科学理论是不是科学真理。因此,在科学主义阵营中,主流思想认为科学真理具有和人文真理不同的显著的特点,它的绝对性和确定性是不言而喻的。但是这种观点不仅遭到人文学者关于人文真理看法的影响和渗透,而且也受到科学哲学内部哲学家的反思和批判,科学真理新的特性正在得到揭示。本文主要从科学哲学内部的某些哲学家思想来说明这个现象,即科学真理的绝对性和确定性正在动摇。  相似文献   

马克思主义理论本质上是一门生活科学,它与自然科学和人文社会科学有着不同的范式。本文把“真理”界定为确凿可靠的真实理论,由此着重探讨自然科学理论和人文社会科学理论中的真理观与思辨的真理观的区别,并在此基础上提出了马克思主义生活科学的真理观。  相似文献   


It is difficult to teach science without implying, in a broad sense, that physicalism is true. This is a problem for teachers, regardless of whether they accept or reject physicalism, as well as for students. Physicalism‐‐it used to be called materialism‐‐is not a single doctrine, but a family of doctrines. Six of these are described and it is argued that they are not logically favoured by science. Since alternative metaphysical schemes exist (e.g. Whitehead's) which are consistent with scientific facts, evidence which supports a scientific theory over rivals, even decisively, does not have the logical power to decide in favour of physicalism. Science teaching's insinuation of physicalism can be avoided by deliberately stressing such uncontroversial features of science as: the unfinished nature of research; the use of idealizations in scientific theories; how all scientific theories at best only approach the truth; and that older theories are now known to be, strictly, false, although they still fit the facts to some degree.  相似文献   

When reliability and validity were introduced as validation criteria for empirical research in the human sciences, quantitative research methods prevailed, and theory of science relied on neopositivism (Vienna Circle) or postpositivism (scientific realism). Within this worldview, notions of reliability and validity as criteria of scientific goodness were introduced. Reliability and validity were associated with the correspondence theory of truth, which is mostly ill-suited to the needs of qualitative research. For that reason, qualitative research must look for other kinds of validation criteria. The article elaborates the problems arising when the correspondence theory of truth is used as an ultimate criterion in evaluating qualitative research and proposes Heidegger's hermeneutical or alethetical idea of truth as a more suitable approach.  相似文献   

Many science teachers are presented with the challenge of characterizing science as a dynamic, human endeavour. Perspectivism, as a hermeneutic philosophy of science, has the potential to be a learning tool for teachers as they elucidate the complex nature of science. Developed earlier by Nietzsche and others, perspectivism has recently re-emerged in the context of the philosophy of science in the work of Ronald Giere. Giere presents a compelling case that scientific theories and scientific observation are perspectival by using science itself. There are many tangible examples already present in science textbooks which, when approached in a certain way, offer an exciting opportunity for a realistic incorporation of philosophy of science into the classroom. Furthermore, introducing perspectivism to students necessitates an engagement with notions such as truth, reality, perception and experimentation, through a familiar medium, while painting a nuanced conception of the nature of science.  相似文献   

Howard Woodhouse 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):253-262
Building on an earlier article in which I analyzed the views of women scientists and science educators in Cameroon, West Africa (Woodhouse & Ndongko, 1993), I reflect upon the ways in which these same science educators managed to commit the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, attributed by Alfred North Whitehead to the abstractions of 17th-century physics.On the one hand, the women in our study tried to make their science teaching as concrete as possible by introducing examples from African traditional medicine that were familiar to their students. On the other, they undermined these laudable efforts by consistently diminishing the value of traditional indigenous healing, for they regarded the abstractions of scientific methodology as real in a way that such treatments were not. I argue that this is a prime example of the fallacy.Furthermore, the only way in which these women science educators could imagine that African traditional healers would be accepted by the scientific community was to become professionals by adopting the abstract methodology of science, which falls foul of the fallacy in the first place. Only then could their various traditional treatments be assimilated to the market and developed commercially by multinational corporations. I argue that this overlooks the ways in which such corporations appropriate the cultural and intellectual property of traditional healers in Cameroon and elsewhere. Moreover, their reasoning is based once again on the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, accepting the abstractions of the market as real, while disregarding the value of indigenous knowledge itself.  相似文献   

在当前数学实践中,数学知识(如果有这样的知识的话)是通过在定义和公理的基础上证明定理来获得的.问题在于该怎样理解证明中所得到的东西是如何构成知识的,具体而言,即是要给出一个关于数学真理和数学知识的统一的解释,该解释能够揭示两者的内在联系.此处的困难是,根据贝纳塞拉夫的为人熟知的论证,由于塔斯基语义学认为真与对象的联系(通过单称词项或通过量词)是不可消去的,因此在数学中无法将塔斯基语义学与完整的认识论相结合:数学知识要么是通过证明得到的,这种情况下数学知识与数学对象是无关的,因此我们就无法解释数学真理;要么数学对象是数学真理的构件,从而数学知识不是通过证明得到的,这种情况下我们就无从理解数学知识.接着,本文通过一系列阶段,将这些困难一直追溯到最基本的逻辑观念,即将之看作形式的和纯粹解释性的:如果数学是从概念出发仅仅使用逻辑的推理实践,依照康德,那么数学应该是分析的,也即,仅仅是解释性的,根本就不是通常意义上的知识.我认为,这对数学真理是真正困难的问题.本文概括了四种回应,其中仅有一个有希望解决我们的困难,也即皮尔斯和弗雷格的回应.根据他们的方案,逻辑是科学,因此是实验性的和可错的;符号语言是有内容的,尽管并不涉及与任何对象的关联;证明是构成性的,因此是富于产出的过程.通过充分发展这些观点,我们将有可能最终解决数学真理的问题.  相似文献   

Dahlin  Bo 《Science & Education》2001,10(5):453-475
This paper is a phenomenological critique of a particular trend in educational research and practice, which is identified as cognitivism. The basic feature of this trend is a one-sided and exclusive focus on conceptual cognition and concept formation, with a simultaneous neglect of sense experience. It is argued that this kind of thinking is the result of the reception by education of epistemological theories, which have an objective alien to that of education, which is the all-round development of human personality. The discussion draws mainly upon the philosophies of Dewey, Husserl and Merleau-Ponty. It is argued that present, mainstream theories of science education need to be complemented with phenomenological perspectives. This would make the transition from immediate lifeworld experience to the idealizations of scientific theories less difficult for students. It would also contribute towards less alienation between man and nature.  相似文献   

从科学知识发展到科学素质需要一个转化过程,这种需要源于科学真理(可信)与人文关怀(可爱)之间存在的不可避免的部分冲突,要有效地解决这种冲突,必须对这种转化机制作出深入的探索,这种机制包括转化的动力系统(责任心和荣誉感)、心理路径和转换表现标志(科学美与信仰真)等。只有实现科学与人文之间的统一,真正的科学素质才能最后形成。  相似文献   

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