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对大学生面向基层就业若干问题的调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对广西高校大学生基层就业状况的调查显示,当前大学生能够准确把握就业形势,愿意选择到基层就业,但是目前也存在制约高校大学生面向基层就业的诸多因素,需要政府、人事劳动部门、用人单位、高校、毕业生等多方面共同努力,才能有效推动高校毕业生面向基层就业工作的开展.  相似文献   

近年来,随着高校招生人数的增加以及经济发展等问题,高校毕业生就业形势也日趋严峻。中文专业作为一个传统专业,随着经济和科技的发展,其毕业生就业更面临着前所未有的严峻形势。针对现状提出以下对策:多渠道了解职业信息,为职业选择提供依据;转变择业观念,树立到基层工作的择业观念;用功读书,学好专业知识;加强实践技能的培养,增强择业能力。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article addresses the impact of social capital on college graduate employment. After reviewing the literature, the authors analyze data collected by Peking University from 34 universities in 2005 and use statistical analysis to clarify the impact of social capital on students’ choice of employment or further study, job placement rate, starting salary and job satisfaction. The study concludes that social capital differs for students from different social backgrounds; personal social capital affects students’ choice to seek employment, but family social capital impacts their choice of further study; both family and personal social capital have a significant positive impact on graduates’ placement rate, starting salary, and job satisfaction; and social capital has a more significant and positive impact on job placement rates for graduates at the associate’s and undergraduate degree levels than for those at the master’s level and above.  相似文献   

Using college graduates from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (N=3,136), this study reviews the relationships between student financial aid received during college and the types of activities pursued by students after graduating. Four areas of graduates' lives were examined: attending graduate school, choosing a job, forming a family, and forming personal values. Three types of student aid were included: loans, grants, and work, with emphasis on loans. Despite the expectation of a negative impact of loans, the results showed no support for this, and in general, the findings suggested that college graduates who received aid as undergraduates were little different from other graduates. The major implication is that the self-help forms of aid (loans and work) are not detrimental to the future plans of recipients.This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., April 1979.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题引起各级重视,成为社会关注的热点,议论的焦点.本文从厘清传统精英教育的就业观还是高等教育大众化的就业观;是被动地等待职位、空缺,还是自主创造更多的就业机会;是靠就业招聘会简单输送教育产品还是及早对学生进行生涯教育和就业指导三个观念问题,探讨高校毕业生就业难问题.  相似文献   

从2008年开始,中国连续招聘应届大学生到农村基层任职.一方面,大学生的加入给农村带来先进科技知识和文化理念,为我国新农村建设输入新鲜的血液..另一方面,由于目前“村官”政策处于起步阶段,相关政策有待完善,选聘的应届大学生村官到农村基层任职能力也有待提高.本文结合宿迁学院2008级应届大学毕业生的问卷调查进行相关分析基础之上,从个人层面、高校层面和社会层面对应届大学生到农村基层任职能力提升路径进行相关思考.  相似文献   

目前,高校毕业生基层就业存在"下不去、留不住、干不好、流不动"的问题。本研究对在籍研究生开展择业观念调查,并对近5年毕业研究生基层就业情况进行调查,分析发现,女生就业心态不如男生良好,就业心理和思想压力大;女生比男生更愿意到基层就业,但是女生意向到基层就业的比例偏低;基层地区吸引力偏低,且和学历呈负相关;女生除基于个人理想信念和注重个人成长发展外,更看重基层稳定的物质生活条件;近5年毕业研究生女生基层就业人数和基层就业率低于男生。面对女研究生这一特殊群体的基层就业问题,从国家政策、高校、家庭和女研究生就业四方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

随着社会竞争日趋激烈,大学生就业形势日益严峻,面临着高校收费体制改革和用工单位对工作经历青睐的双重压力,越来越多的在校大学生利用课余时间走出校园,走入社会,从事兼职工作。调查发现,师范院校大学生参与兼职存在兼职大学生的正当权益得不到保障、兼职渠道较少、兼职种类单一、兼职的目的性不强、兼职与自身专业相关程度较低等问题。文章应用成因分析从国家、学校和学生自身三个层面寻找解决问题的对策,使每个兼职大学生都能在兼职过程中有所收获、提升自我。  相似文献   

大学生就业能力提升探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着就业市场的发展与就业竞争的加剧,大学毕业生的就业问题面临诸多挑战,严峻的就业形势对大学生的就业能力提出更加全面的要求。针对当前大学生就业能力普遍较低的情形,对如何提高大学生就业能力进行探讨,通过重视社会实践、注重人文素质培养、加强学生社团建设等方面实现大学生就业能力质的提升。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,国家实施了一系列的政策措施促进大学生的良好就业。1997你国家教育委员会颁布《普通高等学校毕业生就业工作暂行规定》是目前最为系统、最为全面的毕业生就业法规性文件。云南大学近年来依据《规定》精神,在就业工作上采取了一些必要的措施,积极鼓励毕业生到基层去。这其中包括:通过加大选调生工作力度、建立就业见习制度、实行面向基层就业的定向招生制度等渠道引导毕业生到基层去;对有意愿去基层的毕业生,通过实施灵活的户籍管理办法、优惠的工资待遇,代为偿还助学贷款制度、向基层倾斜的公务员考录政策等保障措施,切实维护其合法权益,从而引导和鼓励毕业生面向基层就业。这些措施,适应边疆社会经济发展需要,也有利于青年人才的健康成长。  相似文献   

云南省高校毕业生择业行为研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对云南省2003年高校毕业生就业情况进行的调查研究结果显示,毕业生就业状况因首要求职渠道及首要就业信息来源不同而有较大差异,各级就业指导服务机构的作用明显;求职的竞争最终是自身素质的竞争;“公平”及“收益的最大化”是相对的,虽然“先就业再择业”、追求事业发展已成为毕业生积极而普遍的心态,但自主创业意识仍需加强;坚持“市场导向、政府调控、学校推荐、学生与用人单位双向选择”的改革方向,拓宽毕业生到基层就业的渠道,是解决就业问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

The results of this study indicate wide variation in the effect of occupational sex segregation on the job satisfaction of women college graduates employed in public and private organizations. Women employed in sex-balanced and male- and female-dominated occupations in the public sector have comparable levels of job satisfaction. In private firms, however, women college graduates employed in sex-balanced careers are more satisfied with theintrinsic andoverall nature of their jobs than those employed in female-dominated occupations, and those in female-dominated jobs are more satisfied with theextrinsic nature of their careers than women in male-dominated jobs. The implications of these findings for those who conduct research on the career consequences of women employed in sex-dominated career fields and for college officials responsible for the educational and professional development of women college students are discussed.  相似文献   


Based on a recently completed alumni study of 522 graduates at a private college in the northeastern Unites States, this paper presents a model for designing alumni research to assess higher education's effectiveness in preparing graduates for work and life. Results revealed substantial variation in alumni evaluation of their education. While alumni reported a high level of satisfaction with the academic programme and career preparation, their feedback suggests they seek more from their college experience. Results reveal that students who feel a sense of community are more satisfied with their overall college experience and those who are satisfied with their social life are more likely to recommend the college to prospective students.  相似文献   

The reported study in this paper examined the continuing viability of Florida's 2+2 articulation agreement by comparing academic success and persistence among Florida public community college graduates (n = 1,738) and native (n = 874) juniors at three universities. Discriminant analysis yielded statistically significant differences. Transfer students graduated with fewer lower level courses in upper division and fewer cumulative credit hours than native students. Discriminant analysis did not yield appreciable differences in the final grade point averages of student graduates, indicating that community college transfer students performed just as well academically as native students. Chi-square tests of independence indicated that a greater percentage of transfers dropped out prior to graduation. These findings support the conclusion that community college transfers are academically competitive, but they may benefit from retention services and programs that engender student engagement.  相似文献   

Using 2008 graduates' survey data and quantitative method,this paper studies several questions on the match between college students' filed of study and their jobs.We find that:firstly,thirty percent of college students report that their filed of study and job are not related;secondly,field of study and job match varies across college major,which means students in different major have a different possibility of match;thirdly,match are also affected by several factors,such as gender,college characteristic and individual intern experiences;and lastly,mismatch between field of study and job has a wage effect on students salary.Based on these findings,we propose some policy implications and suggestions for the government,universities,graduates,and employers.  相似文献   

从高校就业工作部门的属性谈就业工作的机制创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,高校毕业生的就业形势十分严峻,高校就业工作部门不仅仅具有管理属性,更重要的表现为服务属性、教育属性、中介属性和研究属性。探析高校就业工作部门的属性,有利于我们对高校就业工作部门进行合理定位,从而找出其发展方向,创新就业工作机制。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
A major role that two‐year colleges play is to provide graduates who are prepared to meet the labor demands of business and industry. Business is no longer content with employees who possess job specific knowledge only, but is seeking employees who possess other attributes as well, such as the ability to solve problems, relate to others, and adapt to changing situations. To meet these demands, a curriculum model has been developed at Spartanburg Technical College to combine job specific content with work‐related skills. Innovative teaching strategies are used to bridge content and skills in such a way so content is not sacrificed, while at the same time, student's work‐related skills are developed. Teaching methodologies are sequentially and strategically placed to allow students to build from a basic to an advanced level of competency for each work‐related skill. The six step process results in several benefits including faculty, student and college development and improved college‐business/industry relations.  相似文献   

Abstract: The employment quality of college graduates is a recent topic of heated discussion in China. Given the differences in the talent development goals of academic and vocational institutions and in individual job search approaches, this research compares the differences between the job search approaches and actual employment outcomes of graduates of undergraduate and vocational institutions, and analyzes the correspondence of vocational graduates’ job search approaches with their job search outcomes to identify the effect of higher vocational education on employment. Using the proposed methods, this study finds a significant gap in job search approaches between the two types of graduates and that higher vocational education significantly affects employment approaches and outcomes. The job search approaches of vocational graduates also influence their employment outcomes. The study concludes that the employment quality of vocational graduates is not necessarily worse than that of four-year undergraduates.  相似文献   

以192条高校毕业生就业新闻报道为研究对象进行初步的元分析发现:政府在解决大学生就业难的问题上,正在承担着主要责任,并在多方面采取了积极的措施,弥补了高校毕业生就业市场中存在的失灵。随着我国高校毕业生就业市场的不断完善,政府的积极干预应逐渐弱化,应充分地通过市场来调节就业市场的供求关系。  相似文献   

近年来,一方面因大学生就业难而出现还贷难;另一方面中小企业由于融资难而导致工人就业难,问题和矛盾集中在就业和资金上。通过设立新的金融产品“工学贷”,即中小企业如愿意提供合适的岗位,吸纳大学生实习(就业),且支付相应的薪酬,该企业就可以凭“据”(大学生与银行签订的贷款合同)到国家政策性银行去贷款。这样,“两难”变成了“两利”,而原来的银行、学校、学生“三赢”局面也会变成为银行、学校、学生、企业“四赢”的结果。  相似文献   

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