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工程师的伦理责任问题是科技伦理学和应用伦理学研究的一个复杂话题。阻碍工程师伦理责任发挥的因素有工程确定责任和责任追究存在困难,工程师受经营者或政治家的决策和控制致使难以对研究成果的应用后果负责。在现实生活以及工程试验和建设中存在工程师不诚实的现象,在工程实践、工业与商业、工程师与经理、工程师与雇主乃至社会或人类之间常常存在利益冲突。因此,应该加强工程师的工程伦理评价,在技术伦理责任方面尽可能达成共识,客观公正地评价工程师的伦理责任,唤起工程师的责任意识,健全工程法制管理,增强全社会的工程伦理意识和素质。  相似文献   

随着工程技术活动地不断增加,现代工程给人类和自然界带来了一系列环境问题.作为工程活动的核心角色,工程师担负着环境伦理责任,即要同时考虑当代人、后代人、以及除人类之外其他物种的生存环境.为帮助实现工程师环境伦理责任感,需要采取适当方法进行引导和监督.  相似文献   

儒家以"仁、义、礼、智"为核心的仁学理论体系,具有十分丰富的生态哲学内涵,可支持一种人学路线的环境责任伦理学.其以"仁爱"作为人类道德生活的普遍价值,通过"一体之仁"的同理心证成环境责任,通过"克己复礼"的"仁礼互发"融贯个体环境责任与公共环境规范,以"践仁成善"之"智"协调道德动机与实践后果.这种以主体道德情感为基石的义理结构和相应的责任伦理方法,对回应传统环境伦理学的"感性与现实性"缺失问题颇具启示意义.  相似文献   

科学技术与人类的深度融合,既能造福人类,又在不确定性中暴露出科学和工程的风险,为它们套上伦理紧箍咒变得越来越有必要。工程科学对社会的影响面在增大,突显了工程伦理教育的重要性。由于工程伦理学的实践维度与一般的科技伦理中重规范和责任之间的差异,这会在工程伦理教育嵌入什么样的伦理形成难题。事实上,面对社会治理等问题无法贯彻前端控制的事前责任的伦理规范,工程伦理应遵循实践哲学,按照自下而上的实践伦理原则,需要转向一种末端治理的事后责任伦理。从微塑料工程伦理的角度看,事后责任比事前责任更负责任。为了不使责任伦理在这两者之间断裂,将指出命运共同体和先验语用学可以对接事前责任和事后责任。  相似文献   

工程伦理学的现状和展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
工程伦理既是一种职业伦理又是一种实践伦理。工程伦理学的方法是一种多元的方法,哲学的、决疑的、技术的、社会的和职业的方法均可运用于其中。通过对工程伦理的制度化建设和当前主要关注的问题的分析,可以看到,技术上的卓越和伦理上的完整构成了职业化的两个基本的组成部分。社会对工程职业所赋予的职业信任,以及工程师满足社会所期待的职业诚信,是建设和谐社会所必需的。  相似文献   

对中国高校工程伦理教育的思考   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
与传统的工程相比 ,现代工程往往更具有社会化、综合化和整体化特性 ;现代工程技术对社会与自然界的影响 (包括效益与风险 )越来越大 ,也越来越复杂。因此 ,对工程师的人文素质教育、特别是工程伦理教学日显重要。当前我国工科学生普遍重理轻文 ;对工程技术有许多含混和错误的理解 ,例如技术中性论、技术统治论 ;对基本的伦理原则和工程师的责任、义务和道德底线不明确 ;在对国内工程领域现状的态度上 ,虽然痛感问题严重 ,但多数认为与已无关、无能为力。造成这种现状的原因是多方面的 ,但中国高校普遍缺乏工程伦理教育应该是主要原因之一。为此 ,中国的理工科高校要切实重视工程伦理教育 ;加强对工程伦理问题的研究 ;开设课程 ,包括正规化、常规化的工程伦理课程以及在专业基础课和人文素质方面的公共课中加入工程伦理内容 ;培训工程伦理学方面的专职教师和研究人员  相似文献   

美国的工程伦理教育,在教学内容上从微观伦理学转向宏观伦理学,关注工程文化;在教学方法上突破传统,不仅仅局限于案例教学与伦理理论讲授,而采用项目设计方法和价值识别设计方法等;在教学主体上工程师和伦理学家走向联合与合作,教育对象也逐步扩大为工程师、管理者、工人、普通公众等工程共同体。这些新转向充分体现现代工程发展特点,符合现代工程教育规律,从而推动了美国工程教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

中国的工程伦理建设:背景、目标和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以美国为代表的发达国家正经历着工程伦理的宏观转向:超越工程师对雇主负责的微观工程伦理,关注工程师群体和工程职业对当下以及未来,在环境、生态、可持续发展等方面的社会责任的宏观工程伦理.这是中国工程伦理建设的重要背景.在此背景下,中国能够而且应该以宏观工程伦理的建设目标,通过奠定宏观工程伦理的学理基础,促进工程职业理念和工程伦理理念的传播,加强工程伦理学科和工程职业伦理考核的制度化建设,重新塑造积极的工程文化,促进中国的宏观工程伦理建设.  相似文献   

环境伦理是一种新型的伦理学思想,它把伦理学的世界从人与人之间扩展到人与环境之间,强调了人不仅对同类有责任和义务,而且对非人类的自然也有责任和义务。人不是自然的主宰,而只是“大地共同体”的一员。环境道德原则作为环境伦理学的核心思想,它包括可持续发展原则、人类生存与自然环境的协调原则、环境伦理平等等内容。以往的思想政治理论课主要是围绕如何处理人与他人、集体、社会的关系设置的,忽视了人与自然和环境伦理的内容,这不符合当前科学发展观的要求。因此,我们要将环境伦理纳入思想政治理论课之中,通过教育与教学引导学生树立…  相似文献   

杨燕 《教书育人》2006,(7):88-89
一、教育伦理学的界定 教育伦理学是教育学与伦理学的交叉学科,是研究教育管理和教师劳动过程中伦理道德问题的综合性学科。尽管教育伦理的思想在中外古已有之,但作为一门独立的系统的学科则相对较晚。在高校尤其在师范高校,教育伦理学往往作为“两课”中的必修课在师范本科生中开设,其最终从教育哲学的角度对在教育过程中实现教育目能所有基本要素中的伦理因素进行阐述,从而探讨在培养入这个教育根本目的中的伦理精神和伦理价值以及教育伦理的规律。  相似文献   

工程师伦理问题日益受到社会关注。从国内实践看,主要期望通过在高等工程教育中加强工程伦理教育的方式来培养工程师伦理道德。这种偏重微观的工程伦理教育,主要围绕工程师个人的责任和义务展开,着眼于培养合格的工程师。而影响工程师伦理的核心因素并不是工程师的个人伦理,而是社会对工程师的角色定位,即工程师在社会中的角色。如果能够意味着应当的技术命令大行其道,工程师与雇主的关系只是一种代理关系,那么工程师伦理将难以发挥作用。为此,在加强工程伦理教育的同时,更应着眼于工程整体与社会的关系,明确加强工程伦理建设的重要性和紧迫性;重构工程师与雇主的关系,增强工程师在工程活动中的话语权;建立健全相关制度,加强对工程师伦理行为的引导与约束。  相似文献   

While importance of environmental ethics, as a component of sustainable development, in preparing engineers is widely acknowledged, little research has addressed chemical engineers’ environmental concerns. This study aimed to address this void by exploring chemical engineering students’ values regarding human–nature relationships. The study was conducted with 247 3rd–4th year chemical engineering students in Israeli Universities. It employed the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP)-questionnaire to which students added written explanations. Quantitative analysis of NEP-scale results shows that the students demonstrated moderately ecocentric orientation. Explanations to the NEP-items reveal diverse, ambivalent ideas regarding the notions embodied in the NEP, strong scientific orientation and reliance on technology for addressing environmental challenges. Endorsing sustainability implies that today's engineers be equipped with an ecological perspective. The capacity of Higher Education to enable engineers to develop dispositions about human–nature interrelationships requires adaptation of curricula towards multidisciplinary, integrative learning addressing social–political–economic–ethical perspectives, and implementing critical-thinking within the socio-scientific issues pedagogical approach.  相似文献   

Success in complex and holistic engineering practices requires more than problem-solving abilities and technical competencies. Engineering education must offer proficient technical competences and also train engineers to think and act ethically. A technical ‘engineering-like’ focus and demand have made educators and students overlook the importance of ethical awareness and transversal competences. Using two Finnish surveys, conducted in 2014 and 2016, we examine how engineers perceive working life needs regarding ethics. The data consider different age groups. We research whether an engineer’s age affects their perception of the importance of ethics in their work and if there are differences between young experts and young managers in their use of ethics within work. The results indicate that practising engineers do not consider ethical issues important in their work. This especially applies to younger engineers; the older an engineer, the more important they consider ethics. No statistically significant difference was found between young engineering experts and managers.  相似文献   

Engineering ethics aims at avoiding harms and increasing benefits of the technical development, particularly with regard to the environmental and social impacts. Engineering ethics assumes that the individual engineer is able to control technical practice autonomously. Actually, the competencies of engineers are very limited. They need institutional and legal support, such as provided by technology assessment within the industrial corporation as well as in public, and reinforced by industrial law. On the other hand, the globalization of capitalism results in reducing the influence of national politics and national law, and thus undermines the effectiveness of engineering ethics and technology assessment. For the future, only international regulations, based on United Nations declarations and establishing a global governance, might provide a sound institutional foundation for the moral point of view in technology.  相似文献   

The paper combines findings from three sources: an international workshop on the environmentally educated engineer, research on the characteristics of the effective engineer and an early-level undergraduate course for civil engineers which aims at laying down an educational foundation for the education of environmentally effective engineers. The main findings are that there is a need for a more general education for some engineers, that an ability to understand and deal with complex systems is a key element for environmental effectiveness, that there is no correlation between engineering effectiveness and the degree of educational attainment, and that the characteristics of effective engineers can be learnt, but are not normally taught in engineering institutions.  相似文献   

基于三峡工程的负面环境影响,分别从动物权利论、生物中心论、生态中心论对三峡工程进行环境伦理学思考,从而引出三峡工程中存在的环境伦理问题。在对环境伦理问题的分析中,进行反思,以期将科学的环境伦理观贯穿到工程建设的规划、论证、施工、监控、补救等过程中,以求在工程建设中更多地减少对生态环境的破坏,建立和谐社会。  相似文献   

This article suggests that environmental ethics can have great relevance for environmental ethical content analyses in environmental education and education for sustainable development research. It is based on a critique that existing educational research does not reflect the variety of environmental ethical theories. Accordingly, we suggest an alternative and more nuanced environmental ethical conceptual framework divided into Value-oriented Environmental Ethics and Relation-oriented Environmental Ethics and present two pragmatic schedules for analyses of the value and relation contents of e.g. classroom conversations, textbooks and policy documents. This framework draws on a comparative reading of some 30 key books and 20 key articles in academic journals in the field of environmental philosophy and reflects main traits in environmental ethics from the early 1970s to the present day.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the changing role of engineers in industry and society with specific reference to the increasing environmental pressures on industry. Sustainable development, as discussed widely since the Brundtland Report in 1987, provides a broad framework for environmental activities in industry. The intended move—worldwide—towards sustainable development involves engineering in the key role of designing and managing ‘Clean Technology’, i.e. of technological systems which are less harmful, more efficient and socially as well as environmentally acceptable. The paper examines the extent to which professional engineers can work and achieve sustainable development within their professional roles and considers their roles and responsibilities involved in such a move. Special emphasis is given to the role of creativity, ethics and the demand for professionalism in the changing roles of engineers. The examination of the ethical and professional issues identified is used together with the observed changes in industrial systems and engineering roles to determine new educational needs of those engineers driving future developments in industry.  相似文献   

环境哲学是追求人与自然和谐发展的智慧之思。它在对人与自然关系的反思基础上,以全新的眼光来解释世界,把“自然-人-社会”看作是一个辨证发展的整体,提出了关于自然的工具价值和内在价值的新认知,“自然权利”本质上是人的环境权利,人具有积极调节人与自然关系的道德责任。环境哲学是可持续发展道路的理论基础,它要求人们从机械世界观转变为生态世界观,从人类个体主义转变为生态整体主义,从片面发展走向人-自然-社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

从实践要求和理论品性来看,一种完整的环境伦理学理论必然包含着一种关于人生观的理解。本文主要探讨罗尔斯顿环境伦理理论和深生态学关于人生观的主张与见解, 从而指出环境伦理学理论包含着一种“生态化”人生观。相对于现代社会盛行的人生观来说, “生态化”人生观是基于人生之生命层面的,尊重自然的,后物质主义的人生观。它作为一种新的人生观理论具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

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