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Information is presented about the organization of graduate studies, based on questionnaire responses of 582 coordinators of Canadian graduate programs. These coordinators, who were representative of disciplines and geographic regions, provided information about a wide range of matters, including enrolments, staff, admissions, supervision, research, publications, financial support, teaching experience, and completion rates and times. Many substantial differences were noted among the percentage frequencies of responses for departments classified by discipline and size. For example, students were perceived to choose their doctoral theses topics themselves much more frequently in education, social sciences, and humanities than in engineering, medical sciences, physical sciences, and biological sciences. Also, departments with smaller numbers of full-time graduate students tended to provide all doctoral students, with some teaching experience to a greater extent than did larger departments.  相似文献   


It is a common assumption that disciplinary differences in the organisation of research and knowledge structure have implications for graduate students' learning processes. The present study indicates, however, that even though the inclusion of master's degree students in faculty member's research projects are much more common in the natural sciences than in the humanities and the social sciences, such projects improve quality and effectiveness of graduate education in all fields of learning. Disciplinary differences imply, nevertheless, that projects should be organised differently. Graduate education in the humanities and the social sciences should be organised as research seminars and umbrella projects of individual student theses to a greater extent, rather than trying to apply a research organisation model developed in laboratory fields.  相似文献   

人文社会科学包括人文科学与社会科学两部分,它与自然科学在研究对象、学术性质、研究任务等方面存在着差异,因而研究方法也不尽相同。研究方法是完成研究任务的船和桥,方法创新是学术进步的阶梯。目前高校人文社会科学类硕士研究生普遍缺乏方法论自觉,加强方法论教育时不我待。高校应在所有人文社会科学类专业普遍开设方法论课程,帮助学生提高发现问题、提炼问题、鉴别问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力,使学术研究更具规范性、科学性和创新性。  相似文献   

本文结合人文社会科学研究生培养的特点,指出军校人文社会科学研究生的培养应紧贴党的创新理论前沿,紧贴学科学术前沿,紧贴自然科学前沿;应围绕部队需求,加强质量监控机制、创新教育机制、立体育人机制建设,不断提高研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, concern has been expressed over the attrition rate of students in Ph.D. programs in American universities. Although there are a number of significant factors at work, attrition of doctoral students in sciences such as anatomy may lead to a dearth of trained teaching anatomists as well as research scientists in the anatomical sciences. Failure to complete the Ph.D. process including the dissertation carries a high cost, not only to the students who fail to complete their programs, but also to society at large due to the expenditure of scarce education resources. A variety of factors have been examined in the various studies, but two stands out of major interest for this article: student personality factors such as perseverance and the level of faculty mentoring/support to the students during the graduate education process. A new approach to providing faculty support based on the needs of the individual student is presented in this article. Situational Leadership® has been developed over the past 40 years by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard and their associates. This leadership model is unique in that when it is applied to the dissertation process, it requires the faculty member to determine the readiness level of the graduate student. Because each student is a unique individual, the faculty mentor assesses each student based on the specific task at hand in order to provide the appropriate style of mentorship each student requires. Anat Sci Ed 1:194–198, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This paper is a summary of a study of the marginal costs of graduate instruction in a large public research university, and draws implications for financing foreign enrollments. The major finding is that because the teaching costs directly facing faculty differ from their budgetary rewards for instruction, faculty have the means to support basic research and to give aid to the most desired students, including foreigners. We also found that faculty members' marginal costs of classroom instruction are generally low. While advising is costly, it has offsetting benefits, especially in the laboratory sciences. The costs of instructing and advising foreign and domestic students are equal.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between age and scientific productivity at Norwegian universities. Cross-sectional data indicate that publishing activity reaches a peak in the 45–49 year old age group and declines by 30 per cent among researchers over 60 years old. Large differences exist, however, between fields of learning. In the social sciences productivity remains more or less at the same level in all age groups. In the humanities publishing activity declines in the 55–59 year old age group, but it reaches a new peak in the group 60 years old and over. Productivity declines in the medical sciences among faculty members who are older than 55, while in the natural sciences, productivity continually decreases with increasing age.This article suggests that the differences between the various fields of learning arise from corresponding differences in the development of scientific disciplines. In fields where the production of new knowledge is fast and where new scientific methods and equipment are continuously introduced, researchers may have problems coping and thus become obsolescent. In fields where knowledge production occurs at a slower pace, e.g. the social sciences and the humanities, faculty may be productive throughout their careers. This explanation gains further support when looking at various natural and medical science disciplines. Older faculty members in physics are less productive than older researchers in mathematics, and older scientists in biomedicine are less productive than their colleagues of the same age in social medicine.  相似文献   

Around the world, changing funding policies have pushed for university departments to find increased external project-based funding. While this trend is widely acknowledged, mixed views exist about implications for faculty members’ academic practices. Regarding doctoral education, researchers have raised concern that external funding will push doctoral supervisors to be more directive in their supervision of doctoral students’ research projects. However, the empirical evidence supporting such concern is limited. The aim of the current study was, first, to develop and validate a scale allowing us to measure the degree of supervisor direction. Second, the aim was to examine the hypothesis that directive supervision is more likely to occur when the doctoral student’s research project is supported by external funding secured by the supervisor. A total of 1690 doctoral students at a research-intensive Danish university participated in the study. Three scales, including a directive supervision scale, were developed and validated by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Our hypothesis could be confirmed for the health sciences, but not the natural sciences. Results from the humanities and social sciences were ambiguous.  相似文献   

This paper considers some important psychological aspects of the academic experience for male and female graduate faculty members and students. Drawing on data collected in a recent national study of doctoral program quality, information pertaining to the graduate department's environment for learning, the extent of faculty members' concern for students, graduate student assistantship experiences, and faculty members' satisfactions and views about various departmental practices and policies are examined. Gender differences in both student and faculty member perceptions of their environments were found to be generally slight and to vary by discipline.  相似文献   


Even though the interaction between teaching and research at universities is a well‐studied topic, it is difficult on the basis of available studies to draw any definite conclusions concerning the character of this relationship. This study, which is based on survey data, as well as interviews, shows that university faculty believe that their research influences their teaching and that their teaching activities have a positive effect on their teaching. They find, however, that research is more important for teaching than vice versa. The characteristics of the interaction vary between teaching on various levels and between disciplines. In general, the interaction is stronger at a graduate than at an undergraduate level. At an undergraduate level the relationship is stronger in the humanities and the social sciences than in other fields of learning, while there are no such differences at a graduate level. The findings are discussed on the basis of differences between disciplines and types of teaching  相似文献   

鼓励研究生在校期间参与各种科研活动,提升创新能力和学术水平,是提高研究生培养质量的重要途径之一。通过对某高校520位研究生的调查,发现目前人文社科研究生在科研活动的参与等方面总体上表现良好,但同时也存在着一些问题。利用多元logit模型进行回归分析,发现提高研究生科研参与的数量和深度以及增强研究生的科研兴趣,更利于创新能力的培养,提高科研产出。最后,在数据分析的基础上提出了如何促进研究生科研参与及产出的建议。  相似文献   

大学原始创新能力的提升取决于教师的主动性创新行为,而科研评价制度在激励和引导教师的主动性创新行为方面发挥着重要作用。以自我效能理论为指导,对29所一流大学建设高校自然、工程、社会和人文学科领域1659名教师进行问卷调查,探究科研评价制度对大学教师主动性创新行为的影响。研究发现:评价程序民主、评价主客体互动公平和形成性评价通过增强创新自我效能感激发了主动性创新行为;同行评价方法和质量或创新标准尽管通过增强创新自我效能感激发了主动性创新行为,但其自身存在的诸多问题对主动性创新行为也起着阻碍作用,正负效果抵消的遮掩效应导致其对主动性创新行为影响不显著;科研评价制度对不同学科、不同年龄和不同学校层次教师主动性创新行为的影响存在显著差异。研究建议:加强增值评价,完善小同行遴选和监督制度,根据学科领域和水平分类制定评价标准,推进学术委员会权限范围和委员产生方式改革,包容和鼓励失败研究。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):113-115
Ph.D. programs train students to perform quality research but not necessarily to deliver quality undergraduate instruction. For students who want to develop such skills, and for universities interested in creating programs to combine broad disciplinary instruction with specialization in effective pedagogical practices, there is a Ph.D. alternative—the Doctor of Arts (D.A.). The D.A. is regarded as a Ph.D. equivalent and aims to better train students to be effective educators since the majority of academic positions are located at primarily undergraduate institutions, with substantially more faculty time consumed by teaching duties than research. A significant difference between traditional Ph.D. and D.A. students is the latter engage in scholarship of teaching and learning, through both topical seminars and participation in supervised teaching internships. Thirty years of job placement statistics gathered from Idaho State University D.A. programs indicate that graduates are well qualified to enter into faculty positions at a wide range of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Recent evaluations of the state of higher education have suggested that students must not only learn subject matter content but must be able to think with it. Professors in tertiary education expect that their students will come equipped to handle certain kinds of information and certain kinds of learning tasks. To describe their expectations, faculty use phrases such as the ability to think logically, or to do independent work, or to use abstract terms. But to what extent do they suppose that their students will be able to think? In a study of some learning tasks in the university, professors from three universities and six different disciplines, representatives of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities, pure and applied, were interviewed. Faculty expectations of students’ ability to think logically, independently, and abstractly were analysed to show consistencies and differences across disciplines.  相似文献   

We examine graduate student teaching as an input to two production processes: the education of undergraduates and the development of graduate students themselves. Using fluctuations in full-time faculty availability as an instrument, we find undergraduates are more likely to major in a subject if their first course in the subject was taught by a graduate student, a result opposite of estimates that ignore selection. Additionally, graduate students who teach more frequently graduate earlier and are more likely to subsequently be employed by a college or university.  相似文献   

This study focused on exploring students’ and supervisors’ perceptions of ethical problems in doctoral supervision in the natural sciences. Fifteen supervisors and doctoral students in one research community in the natural sciences were interviewed about their practices and experiences in the doctoral process and supervision. We explored to what extent doctoral students and supervisors experienced similar or different ethical challenges in the supervisory relationship and analyzed how the experiences of ethical dilemmas in supervision could be understood in light of the structure and practices of natural science research groups. The data were analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. Five ethical principles, namely non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, fidelity and justice, were used as a framework for identifying ethical issues. The results show that one major question that appears to underpin many of the emerging ethical issues is that the supervisors and students have different expectations of the supervisory role. The second important observation is that doctoral students primarily described their own experiences, whereas the supervisors described their activities as embedded in a system and elaborated on the causes and consequences at a system level.  相似文献   

Using person environment-fit theory, stress measures were developed on 894 faculty, a subgroup of the 3,972 faculty in the 1988 NCRIPTAL national survey. Within three institutional groups, three fields of study (humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences), three research output variables, and eight moderating variables (singly and collectively) were correlated (direct and partials) with two measures of stress. The findings lend support to the theoretical model. The outcomes also show that moderate levels of stress can be appreciably and significantly mitigated by some selected personal variables. The environmental variables were generally ineffective in moderating the correlations between stresses and productivity. Sex differences exist. Research self-competence is a strong modifier for both sexes and is exceptionally potent for women.  相似文献   

面对国际国内高等教育的激烈竞争和山东实施科教兴鲁战略、建设经济强省和教育大省的需要,要把山东科技大学建设成高水平的省属重点综合大学,最重要的就是要坚持“四个同样重要”,即:坚持科研与教学同样重要;坚持人文社会科学与自然科学及工程技术同样重要;坚持知识创新与成果转化同样重要;坚持建设高水平师资队伍与培养高素质创造型人才同样重要。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of Korean faculty regarding the cross-cultural implications of their graduate education abroad for their careers in the academy. Personal interviews were conducted with twenty-seven Western-trained faculty members at three private research universities in the Republic of Korea. Individuals were purposively selected to provide representation across disciplinary fields, academic rank and gender. The study focuses on faculty members' 1) experiences as foreign graduate students and their socialization to the professoriate, and 2) perceptions of the impact of their cross-cultural graduate preparation on their academic careers. Analyses of the data with respect to the research questions revealed two themes: 1) the westernized expectations they developed regarding teaching and research, and 2) the emphasis they place on service to their university and nation. The implications of these findings are discussed not only for faculty careers but also for Western graduate education and training.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that students from less educated families are less likely to study both science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects and arts and humanities subjects. This article used a large representative sample of university students in England to explore the relationship between students’ enjoyment, perception of ability and socio-economic disparities in subject choices. Although these attitudes differed by students’ parents’ education level, and were associated with subject choices, disparities in choices persisted when accounting for these differences. Students with less educated parents were less likely to choose arts and humanities and more likely to study social sciences, law and business, over STEM, even when their enjoyment and perception of ability in subjects were similar. Students whose parents had higher levels of education were more likely to choose STEM over arts and humanities as their enjoyment of STEM increased, suggesting different underlying processes informing student choices by social background.  相似文献   

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