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以《周礼》《、仪礼》和《礼记》为主要研究对象的“三礼”之学,是儒家经学的重要组成部分,在中国传统学术,尤其是清代学术中占有重要地位。然而,长期以来,清代三礼之学的研究成果却寥寥无几,仅有的一些论著也多为专题性论证,缺乏系统、全面的考察,这不能不说是清代学术史领域的一大薄弱环节。令人欣慰的是,在博士论文的基础上,林存阳先生撰成《清初三礼学》一书(社会科学文献出版社,2003年12月版,26万字),填补了这一研究领域的空白,并将清代三礼学的研究推向了一个新的高度。该书从学术史和社会史的角度出发,通过对三礼学的发展脉络、思想…  相似文献   

张其淦为清末民初岭南学者,其 《左传礼说》 为民国经学中 《左传》 学研究的重要著作.通过张其淦的师承渊源、基于所处时代开展的学术活动,考察 《左传礼说》 的成书背景.从 《左传礼说》 的序言及正文,以厚左氏、释礼有新意、多处驳斥杜说等探讨该书的特色.纵向沿察由汉至明清 《左传》 礼学的研究脉络,横向与 《公》 《谷》 礼学比较,再将《左传礼说》 置于成书时代的经学研究特色中考量,综合评价 《左传礼说》 的学术价值.  相似文献   

《仪礼》又名《礼》、《士礼》、《礼经》、《礼古经》,或云《礼记》、《古文礼》,是儒家的一部重要经典,对中国礼仪制度影响极大。在汉代,《仪礼》备受政府和学术界的关注,今文经《仪礼》十七篇,与《礼古经》五十六篇相比,受到重视;从高堂生以下,传授源流较为清晰;研究《仪礼》的著作,以郑玄的《仪礼注》最为有名,至今是人们研究《仪礼》和中国古代礼制的主要参考书之一。通过对汉代《仪礼》研究状况的总结,可以反映汉代的学术发展状况。  相似文献   

作为曹元弼礼学代表性著作的《礼经学》,实与其早年所撰《礼经校释》之间存在紧密的关联.为此从复礼的经学主旨、明例的治礼方法和讲求礼经大意的诠释取向三个方面,论证《礼经校释》对《礼经学》的影响,以呈现曹元弼学术发展的历程.  相似文献   

以礼说《诗》为解释《诗经》中言礼之诗的必由之路。本文论述了以礼说《诗》、以诗说《诗》的道理,希望匡正数十年来治《诗》者讳言礼之弊  相似文献   

《汉书·艺文志》是我国现存最早的一部图书目录,它著录了当时国家所收藏的西汉以前的各类书籍,而且分类明确,评述简要,为后来人们了解从上古到西汉末年图书情况,以及学术文化的发展变化,提供了重要的资料。《汉书·艺文志》是一部综合性的文史书目,我们如果研究中国目录学须从这里开始,研究目录学史,也须从这里开始。《艺文志》是《汉书》的十志之一,那么为什命名为《艺文志》呢?古时以《诗》、《书》。《礼》、《易》、《乐》、《春秋》为“六艺”,文学百家之语为“文”。顾名思义,所谓“艺文志”就是著录“六艺”和“百家”…  相似文献   

姚艳华 《文教资料》2007,(34):77-78
清秦蕙田的《五礼通考》262卷,是一部研究中国古代礼学的集大成之作。该书裁减《十三经注疏》、《二十四史》等文献之资料,条分缕析,按类排比,后附案语,考辨吉、凶、宾、军、嘉五礼,具有极其重要的学术价值。然因该书卷帙浩繁,字数众多,在征引文献资料时,难免造成一些讹误。本文拟就文渊阁《四库全书》本《五礼通考·朝礼》部分所引用的文献资料,通过与原书校勘,分《五礼通考》之讹误、缺漏、歧异三类,讨论其不足之处。  相似文献   

《张衡传》一文中有“因入京师,观太学,遂通五经,贯六艺”的句子,注解说:“[六艺]见《周礼》,指的是礼、乐、射、御、书、数六种学问和技能。”笔者认为这一注解是错误的,这里的“六艺”应指《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《乐》《春秋》等六部经书。注解中这“六艺”并非太学里的教学内容。汉武帝于公元前124年置太学,设五经博士,传授《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》等儒家经典。而注解中的“六艺”指西周国学的教育内容,《周礼·地官司徒》:“大司徒以乡三物教万民而宾兴之,……三曰六艺:礼、乐、射、御、书、数。”其中“礼”…  相似文献   

以《礼记》作为重心,着重从文化学角度对礼学进行专题研究,是礼学研究的最聪明之举。《礼记研究》一书有如下特点:一、纵横驰聘,游刃有余,二、笔之所致,广有新意;三、借助优长,填补空白,大量融汇有关的最新学术研究成果,也是它的特点。这是一部优秀的学术著作,是当今礼学研究的重要收获。  相似文献   

清秦蕙田的《五礼通考)262卷,是一部研究中国古代礼学的集大成之作。该书裁减《十三经注疏》、《二十四史》等文献之资料,条分缕析,按类排比,后附案语,考辨吉、凶、宾、军、嘉五礼,具有极其重要的学术价值。然因该书卷帙浩繁,字数众多,在征引文献资料时,难免造成一些讹误。本文拟就文渊阁《四库全书》本《五礼通考·朝礼》部分所引用的文献资料,通过与原书校勘,分《五礼通考》之讹误、缺漏、歧异三类,讨论其不足之处。  相似文献   


Business studies has enjoyed a remarkable change of status in the 14‐18 school curriculum since 1986. This change has been interpreted by Williams and Yeomans (1994) as a case of the ‘new vocationalism’ put into practice. It is argued here that this transformation has been rather more complex. If a school subject changes its status in the academic/vocational spectrum it is pertinent to ask whether this is a sign of an overall change in the curriculum (e.g. the ‘new vocationalism') or the development of a single subject title within a broadly static curriculum structure and philosophy. These alternatives are summarized and the recent history of business studies is reviewed. It is suggested that the changing status of business studies reflects the way in which it has successfully responded to the academic values which dominate the secondary school curriculum in England and Wales. However, it has achieved this transformation while, according to a deputy head interviewed in this study, retaining the image of being ‘vaguely vocational’. This ambiguity has enabled the subject to flourish in vocational (GNVQ) as well as academic (A level) contexts, but it leaves it vulnerable in each sphere. GNVQ advanced business1 teaching in schools can bear a very close resemblance to A level teaching, prompting the question of whether a ‘vocational course’ is really providing a distinctively relevant preparation for future employment. The association of business studies with the vocational curriculum leaves its academic credentials under question.  相似文献   

Since 1991 donors have advised sub-Saharan African universities to prepare “strategic plans”. Universities should embark on strategic planning because they believe it has value in its own right, independently of whether it may release donor funds. Restructuring the relationship with government is a vital dimension. The plan as a document, to be publicized and negotiated, also takes on greater significance than Northern planning models allow. It must show how the university can serve its society, so the making must tap the skills and energies of academic colleagues. But engaging their co-operation in determining academic priorities has been a repeated difficulty. Much training is required, and a high premium is placed on the vice-chancellor's leadership. Continuous support from consultants helps, but the university must take ownership of the plan. The strategic plans which have been produced are considerable achievements. The form of strategic planning should be very different, certainly in detail and maybe in broad shape, in African universities than in their Northern counterparts. Opportunities for planners in Africa to learn from each other and to develop models appropriate to their circumstances will be of vital importance.  相似文献   

外位性思想和巴赫金众多学术创见之间有着隐秘而密切的联系,并在他一生的学术活动中发挥着极其重要的作用,这使它成为了国际学界巴赫金研究的持续热点。国内学界对这个术语及其内涵和发展演化史还相当陌生,尚未对它展开系统而深入的专门考察和分析,这难免造成对它理解和把握的混乱和偏差,也在某种程度上影响了巴赫金研究的深入发展。应当在对国内和国际学界在巴赫金的外位性思想研究现状对照的基础上,准确理解和把握外位性思想的内涵、其自身的发展演变史以及在发展过程中所经历的内涵的丰富和侧重点的转移,将巴赫金研究推向深入。  相似文献   

职业学校实行学分制是深化改革的必然趋势,正确认识学分制的特点,以及它与传统学年制的区别,对保证学分制实施后,发挥它先进的、重要的作用是十分必要的.  相似文献   

陶敏 《高校教育管理》2012,6(3):69-72,77
根据学业指导的发展程度,美国高等教育经历了前学业指导、初级学业指导和现代学业指导3个阶段,其操作模式又可分为诊疗型模式和发展型模式.美国学业指导体系根据形式发展,逐渐给予了有特殊需求的学生足够的关注与尊重,其中对国际学生、有转专业意向学生、首代大学生以及女性的学业指导对我国高等教育有一定的启发意义,中国的学业指导制度虽出现了各种萌芽并有了一定的初期发展,但总体状况并不尽如人意.中美学业指导差距的根本原因在于美国文化崇尚个性,尊重个体,而中国高等教育中学生的主体地位并不突出.通过比较发现美国学业指导变迁对我国具有一定启示:转变教育观念,树立学生的主体地位;探索适合中国国情的学业指导模式;挑选部分学业指导工作已有一定基础的高校,加强投入,展开试点工作;做好学业指导与就业指导的统筹规划.  相似文献   

试论学术论文的标题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术论文的标题与其他文章的标题不同,具有很强的实用性。应该从论文标题的专指性入手,认真探讨怎样拟好学术论文的标题,以使其发挥出应有的作用。  相似文献   

基于过载电流保护技术,设计了一种新型的lED驱动开关电源,设计了电路图,并且对其原理进行了分析,完成实物并测试了其参数,结果表明开关电源具有良好的视在功率和稳定性,适合学生开展课外学术实践活动。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship in an educational institution is not strictly commercial. It is also defined in terms of educational objectives. The author, who is the Provost and Dean of Faculty at the American University of Bulgaria at Blagoevgrad, describes the setting up of this university in 1990‐1991 as a case study in educational entrepreneurship. This American‐style liberal arts university has become very successful through offering a curriculum that is unique to the Bulgarian higher education environment and employing faculty and staff who have a very strong professional and personal commitment to the institution and its mission. The university operates according to democratic principles of shared governance with an emphasis upon Total Quality Management and state‐of‐the‐art facilities in such areas as Internet access, computerization, and library automation. The university has made a successful adaptation to the Bulgarian cultural, linguistic, and material environment, and has won the respect of the traditional Bulgarian academic establishment. Success in this case is illustrative of entrepreneurship defined as taking an exciting idea and making it work in spite of difficulties.  相似文献   

The Dearing Report has given the responsibility for maintaining standards and quality in British higher education to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). While this quango may be able to ensure 'threshold' standards, it is more doubtful whether it can help institutions to sustain high academic quality. Nonetheless, the Report has three potentially very significant consequences: it represents another move towards the creation of a national curriculum in higher education, it offers a more restrictive interpretation of university autonomy, and – despite its protestations – represents a threat to the growing diversity of British higher education. The thrust of the article is that the Report has charted an uneasy 'middle way'between market forces and statism in the quest for quality control in higher education. It remains to be seen whether the academic corporatism represented by the QAA can resist the pressures of the state and the market.  相似文献   

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