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段梅青 《考试周刊》2010,(31):124-125
课堂提问是英语教学尤其是英语听说教学的高频教学行为,英语教师的课堂提问对学习者的语言习得将有重大的影响,有效的提问能够促进学习者的语言输出,从而提高听说课教学质量。本文分析了大学英语听说课教学目标,并从教学模式上考察如何在课上进行有效提问。  相似文献   

李中卫 《英语教师》2023,(23):67-70
介绍英语教师话语及其设计的概念,以及研究的背景及理论依据。运用自然实验法、对比分析法对初中英语听说课教师话语的语言学特征进行分析、研究。通过展示数据、录音转写对英语听说课教师话语的形式特征作详细分析。提出英语教师话语设计的原则,并建议英语教师课前设计好课堂语言,以提高英语听说课教学效果,促进学生的英语语言习得。  相似文献   

翻转课堂作为一种新型的教学模式在国内外受到广泛关注,本文通过概述翻转课堂的定义、实质,以及结合本校高职英语听说课现状分析,阐明如何利用翻转课堂模式优化高职英语听说课的教学结构、转变教师角色、建立多元评价机制,实现学生的个性化学习,从而提高高职英语听说课教学效果。  相似文献   

随着全球化经济的发展,我国对英语综合运用能力,特别是听说能力的培养越来越重视。翻转课堂作为一种新型的教学模式,自诞生以来,受到了越来越多的教育工作者的青睐,为大学英语听说课的开展提供了新思路。本文首先对翻转课堂这一理念进行了综合概述;其次通过一个具体的教学案例阐述了如何将翻转课堂运用到大学英语听说课堂中;最后,总结了翻转课堂在大学英语听说课中的运用优势及问题。  相似文献   

听说能力的培养是中学阶段英语教学的重要内容之一。新课标下的初中英语听说课可以结合教学实践,运用“任务型”语言课堂教学理论,借助具体课例,对英语听说课的教学模式、教学过程设计等方面进行探讨,从而选择有效的教学方法,提高英语听说课教学质量。  相似文献   

在初中英语教学中,听说课作为一种常见课型,以学生获取语言基础知识及英语交际技能为关键教学点,致力于培养全方位技能型应用人才。初中英语教师应明确听说课教学目标,设计有效听说活动,优化课后评价模式,从而提高听说课的教学效率。  相似文献   

线上与线下相结合的混合式教学模式为大学英语听说课带来了教与学的转变,基于混合式教学混合模式的大学英语听说课不再以课上学习为主要的教学模式,英语听说学习不再受到时间与空间所限,有助于实现课堂的翻转,为大学英语听说课的教学带来更多选择。  相似文献   

初中英语是学生在英语学习方面打基础的关键时期,英语的实际掌握情况将直接影响其以后的英语学习,因此对初中高效听说课课堂效率的探讨具有非常大的意义。现在,在初中英语教学过程中,单词词汇量大、学生听说能力滞后、英语运用能力较差等成为英语学习过程最为突出的主要矛盾。那么,在这种矛盾下,教师该如何在有效的时间内提高学生的英语听说读写综合运用能力,提高初中英语听说课的课堂效率?  相似文献   

以首届全国高校微课教学比赛中优秀的英语听说作品为实例,从目前英语课堂面临的危机和存在的问题出发,结合有效教学理论,探讨大学英语听说课堂实施有效教学的策略和方法。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的升级换代,教学方式也逐渐受益于技术的支持而发生变化。教师不再局限于传统的课堂教学,慕课与微课成为教学的新型替代品,受到越来越多教师的青睐。目前,大学英语教学最薄弱的环节是听说教学,而要想培养出能够适应国际化挑战的人才,就要思考如何改变和弥补传统教学的弊端,改善听说教学环节。在这一方面,利用慕课与微课翻转课堂就是很好的选择。本文论述了慕课与微课翻转课堂在大学英语听说教学中是如何打破传统教学模式弊端,突出以教师为主体、学生主导的教学观念的,以期为大学英语听说教学提供比较新鲜的教学模式。  相似文献   

During the 1980s, topics evident in the class size research included class size and children’s achievement, children’s behavior and affect, outcomes for different groups of children, teacher satisfaction and stress, the organization of instruction, and cost effectiveness. A New Zealand review tracing through the approaches to class size research indicated that the research methods used to investigate class size had become increasingly complex. In the 1990s, these topics continue to be addressed, with an increasing emphasis on the features and impact over time of smaller classes, and on the economics of schooling. In New Zealand in the late 1980s, a 1 : 20 teacher to pupil ratio policy was introduced for junior classes. The current staffing ratio in junior classes is 1 : 23. This summary review of the literature on class size highlights some issues and complexities arising from the international research and research within the New Zealand context.  相似文献   

探讨了教师课堂教学设计能力的校本培训模式,分别论述了校本培训的初步认识阶段、实践探究阶段和总结反思阶段的任务与步骤,从而提高教师课堂教学设计能力,以促进教师专业发展和新课程的顺利实施。  相似文献   

通用技术是一门综合性较强的课程,它的出现是基础教育发展的必然。分析当前通用技术课的特点,运用教学设计相关理论总结出符合通用技术课教学设计的模式,在分析通用技术课教学设计的策略的基础上,对通用技术课教学设计应注意的问题进行简单阐述。  相似文献   

通用技术是一门综合性较强的课程,它的出现是基础教育发展的必然。分析当前通用技术课的特点,运用教学设计相关理论总结出符合通用技术课教学设计的模式,在分析通用技术课教学设计的策略的基础上,对通用技术课教学设计应注意的问题进行简单的阐述。  相似文献   

对话教学的课堂设计:理念与原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对话教学的课堂设计是为课堂中的对话教学活动制定蓝图的过程。课堂设计的基本理念是:面向生活世界,让教学与生活融为一体;舒展学生个性,让想象与创造成为课堂的主旋律;学会沟通和分享,让互动与合作充盈着教学肌体。在这些理念的引领下,对话教学的课堂设计应坚持问题导引、尊重差异、贴近生活、关注生成四项主要原则。  相似文献   

Digital literacy games can be beneficial for children with reading difficulties as a supplement to classroom instruction and an important feature of these games are the instructional supports, such as feedback. To be effective, feedback needs to build on prior instruction and match a learner's level of prior knowledge. However, there is limited research around the relationship between prior knowledge, instruction and feedback in the context of learning games. This paper presents an empirical study exploring the influence of prior knowledge on response to feedback, in two conditions: with or without instruction. Thirty-six primary children (age 8–11) with reading difficulties participated: each child was assessed for their prior knowledge of two suffix types—noun and adjective suffixes. They subsequently received additional instruction for one suffix type and then played two rounds of a literacy game—one round for each suffix type. Our analysis shows that prior knowledge predicted initial success rates and performance after a verbal hint differently, depending on whether instruction was provided. These results are discussed with regards to learning game feedback design and the impact on different types of knowledge involved in gameplay, as well as other game design elements that might support knowledge building during gameplay.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Instructional supports, such as elaborative feedback, are a key feature of learning games.
  • To be effective, feedback needs to build on prior instruction and match a learner's level of prior knowledge.
  • Prior knowledge is an important moderator to consider in the context of elaborative feedback.
What this paper adds
  • Providing additional instruction (eg, pre-training) may act as a knowledge enhancer building on children's existing disciplinary expertise, whereas the inclusion of elaborative feedback (eg, a hint) could be seen as a knowledge equaliser enabling children regardless of their prior knowledge to use the pre-training within their gameplay.
  • Highlights the importance of children's preferred learning strategies within the design of pre-training and feedback to ensure children are able to use the instructional support provided within the game.
  • Possible implications for pre-training and feedback design within literacy games, as well as highlighting areas for further research.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Pre-training for literacy games should highlight key features of the learning content and explicitly make connections with the target learning objective as well as elaborative feedback.
  • Pre-training should be combined with different types of in-game feedback for different types of learners (eg, level of prior knowledge) or depending on the type of knowledge that designers want to build (eg, metalinguistic vs. epilinguistic).
  • Modality, content and timing of the feedback should be considered carefully to match the specific needs of the intended target audience and the interaction between them given the primary goal of the game.

不同类型的知识,其掌握、保持、迁移等都可能有不同的规律,因此,课堂教学也应有不同的模式.在数学课堂教学过程中,如何根据不同数学知识类型的特点,设计合理的教学方式,实现预期的教学目标,使学生达到最佳的学习效果,这是数学教学设计所要解决的问题.知识的二维分类模式对于数学教学具有重要的启示和指导作用,能够较好地解决这个问题,据此可以有效地克服数学教学的盲目性和随意性,增强数学教学的科学性.  相似文献   

教学是一个系统工程,教学前应做好教学设计.在教学设计时应遵循以下原则:方法与手段为目标服务;根据内容设计教学:设计课堂组织;多种教学手段并用;能力培养贯穿于教学的始终;发挥双主作用调动多边互动;教学设计检验评价与反馈.  相似文献   

王琳  何春 《四川教育学院学报》2007,23(10):102-103,106
本文从时代趋势及社会发展需要出发,分析了在中学阶段开展网络教学模式的重要意义,网络教学模式的特点和开展的目的;并讨论了利用网络教学模式对中学信息技术课程中的网络内容进行授课的方法和课后评价体系;最后针对网络教学的现状提出了相关建议并给出了总结。  相似文献   

This paper describes an instructional design class??s experience developing instruction for the mobile web. The class was taught at a southeastern university in the United States in a master??s level computer based instruction course. Two example projects are showcased and student reflections on design issues are highlighted. Additionally, challenges and lessons learned from this experience are described. This case study will benefit those who are considering teaching a course on designing mobile learning; also to those who are considering developing mobile instructional websites.  相似文献   

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