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学习投入是学生学习成效的重要影响因子。采用准实验研究法,以X小学六年级两个班48位学生为研究对象,分为实验组和对照组,运用《学习投入四面向量表》进行每周一次每次40分钟的"几何游戏教学"实验研究。研究结果显示:在动力投入、行为投入、情绪投入和认知投入等四个维度上,实验组学生的得分均比控制组学生高。就差异性而言,前三个维度的差异显著而认知投入维度的差异不甚显著。由此可见,游戏教学对小学六年级学生的学习投入具有显著影响。建议:教师在进行教学设计时,应注重多种教学方法的灵活使用,缔造多元的具有生命意义的学习课堂;学校管理者应在教学的各个科目推动教学理念和策略的全面改革。  相似文献   

文章旨在探索增强现实技术对改善孤独症儿童词汇认知能力的应用效果。根据皮博迪图片词汇测验修订版的测验结果,文章将28名3~10岁的孤独症儿童随机分为能力得分水平相当的两组:实验组儿童接受基于增强现实技术的教学,对照组儿童则采用传统的图片教学。结果表明,两组的干预都取得了明显的效果,但在词汇指认和词汇命名两个维度上,实验组的儿童表现得更好,这种表现与注意力的增强相关,而且实验组儿童表现出了对教学工具更高的兴趣。初步研究成果表明,增强现实应用是极具潜力的孤独症儿童认知干预材料。  相似文献   

通过以"课堂互动评估系统"为研究工具,采取分层随机抽样的方法在珠江三角洲地区选取40所幼儿园作为研究样本,对集体教学活动中师幼互动质量进行研究后发现:目前集体教学活动中师幼互动质量在情感支持、班级管理两个维度得分处于中等偏上,在教育支持维度得分较低;具体表现在10个维度中,在反馈质量、认知发展、尊重幼儿观点三个维度得分较低;不同教学内容的集体教学活动中的师幼互动质量在教育支持维度存在显著差异,不同年龄班的师幼互动质量在消极氛围、认知发展两个维度存在显著差异。结果表明:当前集体教学活动中主要在促进幼儿认知发展、反馈质量、尊重幼儿观点三方面存在不足。鉴于此,提出了提高集体教学活动中师幼互动质量的策略。  相似文献   

为探讨生活分析咨询法对改善大一新生学习适应的有效性,将64名新生匹配为实验组和对照组,实验组被试接受连续6周的干预,对照组被试不做任何处理。然后使用大学生学习适应性量表和学习自主性量表对所有被试进行测试。结果显示:实验组被试在后测和追踪测试的学习适应性、学习自主性总体得分,学习动机、自我调控、教学模式各维度得分上显著或边缘显著高于对照组。因此,生活分析咨询法能够显著改善大一新生学习适应问题,尤其对学习动机、自我调控有明显持久的提升作用。  相似文献   

小屏幕移动设备为学习者提供了随时随地学习的机会,但也让学习者在学习过程中产生了更高的认知负荷。高认知负荷既限制了移动学习的应用领域,也对设计优质的学习资源提出了更高的要求。本文以认知负荷理论为基础,详细分析了移动学习过程中由移动设备技术特性所引发的认知负荷来源,并以降低认知负荷为目标,从学习内容选择、学习对象设计、界面设计等三方面介绍移动学习资源设计的一些策略和方法。  相似文献   

智能时代的数字化学习资源质量评估需要更加重视用户体验,且应在借鉴信息资源质量评估相关理论成果、反思现有研究的基础上开展。基于此,文章首先结合智能时代数字化学习资源的特点,依据用户体验层次理论,构建了包含直观体验、功能体验、交互体验、生成体验、情感体验五个维度的用户体验模型。接着,文章参考数字化学习资源质量评估工具,提出了数字化学习资源质量评估的四个维度,即技术支持、界面设计、内容呈现、教学设计。然后,文章将五个体验维度与四个评估维度相交,确定了智能时代数字化学习资源质量的评估指标,并在此基础上设计了智能时代数字化学习资源质量评估模型。最后,文章从教育管理机构、信息化企业、学校、教师、学生的角度,针对智能时代数字化学习资源质量评估的实施提出建议,以期通过多方参与的评估形式来提升数字化学习资源质量和数字化学习效益。  相似文献   

学习品质是学生学会学习的关键环节,是衡量学生学会学习核心素养的重要尺度。课堂评价对学生学习过程中的心理和行为有着重要的影响,关系到学生学习品质的形成和培育。本研究基于301名八年级学生的有效数据,通过实验组和对照组前后测比较,探讨积极心理学视角下,积极、具体、及时、多样化的课堂评价对学生学习品质发展的影响。结果表明,课堂评价方式的改进能够有效提升学生的学习品质:实验组学生学习成绩自评为"优"的比例在后测中有提高;实验组学生学习品质和课堂评价的后测得分均高于前测得分;实验组学习品质和课堂评价之间的相关程度后测中更高;实验组课堂评价对于学习品质的影响后测时明显提高,且大于对照组。可见,基于积极心理学理念的课堂评价方式,能够提升学生的创造性、好奇心、开放思维、热爱学习和洞察力等学习品质,对于培养学生积极的学习态度、学习兴趣、学习习惯和学习方法,发展学生学会学习的核心素养具有重要作用。  相似文献   

每个儿童的课堂学习都是个性化的历程,这种个性化体现在学生的认知过程上,也体现在学生的学习情感与社会关系上。当前我们缺少对学生个性化课堂学习的理解与评估方法。以学习为中心的课堂观察从知识与技能类目标达成、个体认知过程、群体合作学习的认知过程、积极学科情感、同伴关系等五个维度为理解与评估学生的个性化学习提供了一种分析框架与系列工具。  相似文献   

在教育改革过程中,多次强调要运用现代信息技术手段,以学习者为中心,推动数字化教学建设,加快大数据、人工智能在教育领域的运用步伐。在大学生英语运动事件表达学习过程中,大数据也有着广泛的应用空间。文章以120名学生为实验对象,通过对实验数据进行分析发现,在后测成绩上,实验组学生的平均得分为35.8,对照组学生的平均得分为27.9,实验组学生的得分高于对照组。在数据驱动学习方法的指导下,实验组学生的英语运动事件表达习得能力有了明显的提升,且教学效果要明显优于对照组,证实大数据在大学生英语教学中有着广阔的应用空间。在大学生英语教学上,要注重转变传统的学习观念,打造大数据化的学习环境,促进大学生学习兴趣和英语能力的提升。  相似文献   

学生学业测评是教育质量测评的重要组成部分。国内外学业质量测评以数学、科学、阅读为主要领域,强调对素养的考查,测评框架包括内容维度和认知过程,测试题目由客观题和主观题构成,并初步实现计算机化测试。区域学业质量测评工具的设计借鉴国际经验,从内容维度和认知过程考查学生的数学和阅读素养,测试题目覆盖所有的维度,实现了年度间结果的可比较。未来区域教育质量评估学业工具的研发,应与诊断性评价相结合,逐步采用计算机化测试,将信息技术运用于过程性学习和评价。  相似文献   

Higher education and K-12 school partnerships are typically designed with an end-goal that serves the instructional needs of one group over the other. For this project, a university professor and elementary school instructor used problem-based and project-based learning strategies to design a curriculum that served the academic needs of both groups of students. Undergraduate students in an urban planning course partnered with elementary students from a local school to work on an interdependent civic engagement project. The partnership provided innovative, twenty-first teaching for both groups of students while also reinforcing public service.  相似文献   

移动学习应用模式研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李乾  高鸽  孙双 《现代教育技术》2008,18(10):64-68
移动学习已成为教育技术领域研究的热点之一,其应用模式具有多样性,采取合适的应用模式对移动学习项目的开展非常重要。文章在广泛调研国内外已有移动学习项目和案例的基础上,结合移动学习的特点,从知识传递-情境认知、个人学习-协作学习、正式学习-非正式学习三个不同的维度对移动学习应用模式进行了分类,并通过对已有模式的分析对移动学习应用发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the factors that are likely to play a role in individual learning outcomes from group discussions, and it includes a comparison featuring test-enhanced learning. A between-groups design (N = 98) was used to examine the learning effects of feedback if provided to discussion groups, and to examine whether group discussions benefit learning when compared to test-enhanced learning over time. The results showed that feedback does not seem to have any effect if provided to a discussion group, and that test-enhanced learning leads to better learning than the discussion groups, independent of retention interval. Moreover, we examined whether memory and learning might be influenced by the participants’ need for cognition (NFC). The results showed that those scoring high on NFC remembered more than those who scored low. To conclude, testing trumps discussion groups from a learning perspective, and the discussion groups were also the least beneficial learning context for those scoring low on NFC.  相似文献   

With the support of various personal and institutional mobile technologies, numerous physical and virtual spaces can be turned into interesting and motivating hybrid learning settings. By its nature, outdoor mobile learning happens on the move is connected to specific locations and settings inviting learners to study their surroundings, inquire about natural phenomena and solve complex real-life problems. This poses challenges for teachers to design meaningful, contextualized and comprehensive learning experiences. The paper aims to explore what kind of mobile learning scenarios K-12 teachers create and what are the limitations and development perspectives of these scenarios. Content analysis of 25 location-based outdoor learning tracks with 465 questions and tasks was carried out. The results demonstrate that designing and implementing learning activities outside the safe, familiar classroom environment in new hybrid learning spaces is a challenging task for the teachers on many different levels. Taking Bloom’s revised taxonomy, types of contextualization and integrated learning models as frameworks for content analysis of the learning scenarios, the study shows that the teachers do not perceive the potential hybrid spaces and mobile technologies offer in order to design consistent learning experiences that emphasize higher order thinking levels, encompass contextual information and integrate knowledge from multiple disciplinary sources. The paper concludes that there is a need for more teacher training and systemic interventions into current teaching practices that encourage teachers to step outside of their existing teaching paradigms to acknowledge the pedagogical potential of hybrid learning spaces as well as the technological affordances.  相似文献   

Infusing engineering design projects in K-12 settings can promote interest and attract a wide range of students to engineering careers. However, the current climate of high-stakes testing and accountability to standards leaves little room to incorporate engineering design into K-12 classrooms. We argue that design-based learning, the combination of scientific inquiry and engineering design, is an approach that can be used to meet both K-12 educators’ and engineering advocates’ goals. This paper describes an 8-week high school curriculum unit, the Heating/Cooling System, in which engineering design is used to teach students central and difficult chemistry concepts such as atomic interactions, reactions, and energy changes in reactions. The goals of the paper are to (1) describe this successful design-based unit, (2) provide guidelines for incorporating design-based learning into other science topics, and (3) provide some evidence of its value for teaching difficult chemistry concepts and increasing interest in engineering careers.  相似文献   

A Future Learning Space (FLS) is a dynamic and a technology-rich learning environment that enables teaching and learning using innovative pedagogical methods. However, introducing innovation and technology into any educational setting, whether in K-12 schools or higher education institutions, is known to be challenging. This paper introduces design patterns (DPs) for teaching in FLS. The patterns emerged from creative teaching in a college of education, which was preceded by mentoring for some of the lecturers. The patterns involve hybridity, including both formal and informal social structures and a combination of physical and digital tools mediating individuals’ interactions with peers. Based on a process of mining patterns, we extracted four DPs for teaching in academic FLS. The patterns, which encapsulate threads of hybridity, are: convergent groups; teaching in an interactive orchestrated learning space; presentation fair; and Think-Join-Share. These patterns can be used as learning design scaffolds in a social constructivist approach in which pedagogy, technology and space interact.  相似文献   

This article discusses the development and impact of the Platte River Corridor Project, a successful university/K-12 partnership designed to address the inequality in learning outcomes for Latino students by increasing the effectiveness of K-12 classroom teachers in educating Latino English Language Learner (ELL) students and by facilitating access to higher education for Latino students. The project includes components that train K-12 educators, provide financial and social support for Latino students to attend college, provide ELL resources to school systems, and establish a regional teacher information network. Assessment data specific to each program component is provided. Challenges and recommendations are included for others who may be interested in creating a similar project.  相似文献   

CTCL教育技术研究新范式的提出,是对“中国教育技术学派”创立的一种大胆追求与勇敢尝试。文中关于CTCL的基本命题是在重新审视学习的基础上提出的。考量近年来在学习领域发生的一些重大变化,我们对学习的认识基础是:学习者处在学习生态系统中心,学习是信息向知识转化的过程,学习反馈是学习系统动态平衡的前提条件。由此,CTCL范式下的基本命题由学习的要素、过程、资源、方式、价值和目标等几个主要维度构成,其研究应用围绕着基础教育、教师教育和高等教育进行了分析并例举。  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted to test the effectiveness of strategy teaching and sequencing practice problems in teaching students with learning disabilities to identify the correct algorithm for solving addition and subtraction word problems. Sixty-two students were assigned to one of three experimental groups: strategy plus sequence, strategy only, and sequence only. The results indicated that students in the strategy-plus-sequence group, as well as those in the strategy-only group, scored significantly higher than did students in the sequence-only group. Findings indicated that strategy teaching was the more effective of the two instructional components. Implications are discussed in terms of instructional design for students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes features of automated adaptive guidance used in K-12 instructional settings and recommends directions for design. We use meta-analysis to synthesize 24 independent comparisons between automated adaptive guidance and guidance provided during typical teacher-led instruction, and 29 comparisons that isolate the effects of specific adaptive guidance design features in computer-based instruction. We find automated adaptive guidance to be significantly more effective than guidance provided in typical instruction, particularly for students with low prior knowledge. Automated adaptive guidance is most effective when students are generating and integrating ideas (e.g. writing essays, making concept diagrams) as opposed to selecting from the given options. Guidance that promoted self-monitoring was more likely to improve learning outcomes than guidance that addressed only content knowledge. Our findings have implications for researchers who investigate K-12 teaching and learning, designers who create and refine instructional materials using automated guidance, and practitioners who deliver or customize instruction featuring automated guidance.  相似文献   

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