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中美图书情报学研究生专业课程比较研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对中国和美国两所具有代表性的图书情报学院(伊利诺伊大学图书情报学院和南京大学信息管理系)的图书情报专业研究生课程设置的比较,探求图书情报教育的趋势,指出我国图书情报教育的特点和不足,提出课程改革的建议。  相似文献   

<正> 财经院校开设图书情报课程,必须具备一定的条件,建议有关部门采取以下几项措施:第一,把图书情报知识列为高等学校的基础课.图书情报课和财经院校开设的语  相似文献   

武汉大学图书情报学院简介   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文介绍了武汉大学图书情报学院的概况,包括历史沿革、系科与课程的设置情况和对在校生的培养方向等。  相似文献   

从课程设置看21世纪美国图书情报学教育的新特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在搜集整理位居美国最新学院排名前五的图书情报学院课程数据的基础上,通过对这五个院系课程设置情况的深入比较与分析,总结出21世纪美国图书情报学研究生教育的新特色,并指出对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

概述美国图书情报学专业课程设置的研究情况,重点选取5所居于2006年美国Top10图书馆与信息科学学院信息科学专业,以其本科课程设置情况为研究对象,从专业必修课、专业选修课、专业预修课程和公共选修课等角度进行比较分析,概括了其课程设置的4大特色;并探讨了这些特色对于我国图书情报教育的启示。  相似文献   

中美LIS学院课程设置比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用网站调查法、文献调查法、比较分析法,调查分析了中美各10所大学图书情报专业的课程设置情况,从核心课程、选修课程、技术课程、实践课程等角度进行比较,并总结了中美两国图书情报专业课程设置的各自特点与不同点,以期为我国图书情报教育提供参考。  相似文献   

王欣 《图书情报工作》2002,46(7):114-115
《美国新闻与世界报道》于1999年公布了美国研究生各专业教学领域在全美高等教育中的声望排名.为了进一步了解有关图书情报学院的排名情况和各研究生院的概况与课程设置等,本刊特推出"美国图书情报学院简介"专题,按各院校的排名分期进行介绍,以期增进与国外各大院校在本学科教育方面的相互了解与交流.推动学科教育的快速发展.  相似文献   

由国家教育委员会和卫生部批准,湖南医学院经过较长时期的筹备,于1987年2月建立医学图书情报学系,学制四年. 该系培养从事医学图书情报工作的高级专门人才,以及医学图书情报专业师资和医学图书情报学科研人才. 课程设置分医学基础课和图书情报学专业课两大部分,前两年开设物理、化学、生理、生  相似文献   

国外数据管理专业教育实践与研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数据管理教育是图书情报学的重要研究领域,本文通过网络调查和案例分析,考查国外数据管理教育认证项目、数据管理课程设置、数据管理继续教育、数据管理教育研究课题基本情况和特点。研究发现:①数据管理专业教育呈现多元化特征,由图书情报学院专业教育和职业继续教育构成;②课程设置凸显数据管理专业特色,与图书情报课程有机衔接;③数据管理专业教育的发展具有实践性和应用性;④数据管理教育研究与实践双向互动,课题研究推进数据管理教育的实践发展。表4。参考文献61。  相似文献   

美国近年来图情专业课程设置与教学方式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国图书情报专业教育历史较长,目前发展势头良好,为了探究其内在原因,使我国的专业教育有所借鉴,作者在对美国图书情报学院综合考察的基础上,结合个案研究和亲身体验,从课程设置和教学方式的角度总结和分析了其特点。  相似文献   


Graduate schools of library and information science (LIS) are rediscovering civic engagement. Examples illustrate how LIS students further diversity efforts through service-based learning experiences. LIS students involved in the American Library Association's Spectrum Initiative helped plan the leadership institute and the longitudinal study of scholars. Students prepared pathfinders for faculty at tribal community colleges and tribal schools. LIS students helped develop and operate “If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything,” a national reading program for schools serving Native children. LIS students helped create a virtual tour of the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI).  相似文献   

健康信息学是实践性很强的交叉学科。随着大数据技术及数字医疗产业的快速发展,加强健康信息学教育,培养具有大数据知识与技术应用能力的健康信息学队伍,是“健康中国”时代和国家战略发展的必然需求。文章通过网络调研和内容分析法,以7所经过美国图书馆协会(ALA)认证的美国图书情报学院(LIS学院)为研究样本,讨论大数据时代健康信息学(Health Informatics,HI)教育在大数据相关课程方面的开设特点;分析加入iSchools联盟的中国6所LIS学院健康信息学教育状况,并与美国7所LIS学院进行比较,对我国开展包含一定数量大数据相关课程的健康信息学教育提出建议。  相似文献   

美国iSchool的趋势与启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
信息学院运动(简称iSchool运动)目前成为美国图书情报界特别是教育领域发展的新趋势,为美国图书馆情报学(LIS)教育注入新的活力。美国《新闻和世界报道》2007年版排名前10位的LIS学校全部参加了iSchool运动,主要以这10所iSchool为代表,介绍美国iSchool发展现状以及包括学院定位、课程建设、学生教育和学术研究等方面的特征,以期发现美国LIS教育发展趋势和成功经验,为我国LIS教育的改革和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

A recent American Library Association (ALA) report has shown that less than 1% of credentialed librarians are African American males. This article discusses possible reasons for this dearth; and, in an effort to inform future LIS recruiting and marketing campaigns, the included study attempted to discover which factors lead African American males to choose to pursue a graduate degree in library and information science (LIS) and practice LIS as a career. The study also canvassed African American male librarians’ views on gender advantage in LIS, their career goals, perceived triumphs and challenges in LIS, and level of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper explores information ethics (IE) education within LIS (Library and Information Studies/Science) schools in Africa to investigate the following: (i) the extent to which IE is necessary; (ii) who should offer IE and why; (iii) who should be taught IE (and at what level); (iv) how long IE education should take; and (v) what should be included in an IE course. This was accomplished through a literature review and a case study conducted via email with purposely selected LIS experts from around Africa. Overwhelmingly, the LIS experts agreed that information ethics should be offered by LIS departments in courses that account for the multidisciplinary nature of the subject and that it should be made available to all students at all levels. The content should be objective and outcomes-based or outcomes-driven. The challenges and opportunities enumerated in this study could potentially be used to set the agenda for further research and professional engagement.  相似文献   

This paper explores information ethics (IE) education within LIS (Library and Information Studies/Science) schools in Africa to investigate the following: (i) the extent to which IE is necessary; (ii) who should offer IE and why; (iii) who should be taught IE (and at what level); (iv) how long IE education should take; and (v) what should be included in an IE course. This was accomplished through a literature review and a case study conducted via email with purposely selected LIS experts from around Africa. Overwhelmingly, the LIS experts agreed that information ethics should be offered by LIS departments in courses that account for the multidisciplinary nature of the subject and that it should be made available to all students at all levels. The content should be objective and outcomes-based or outcomes-driven. The challenges and opportunities enumerated in this study could potentially be used to set the agenda for further research and professional engagement.  相似文献   

图书情报学博士教育与培养:美国模式实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用实证方法,研究了2007年美国大学专业排名前32所院校的博士教育,着重研究了美国图书情报学博士教育的培养目标、研究方向、课程模块等,在调查研究的基础上,总结了美国图书情报学博士教育与培养模式。  相似文献   

Information explosion, development and applications of ICTs, changing dynamics of information users, and evolving trends in library and information services have promoted the discussion of continuing education (CE) in Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. ICTs are increasingly changing the landscape of libraries and challenging the traditional prevailing roles of LIS professionals. LIS professionals find it hard to remain in context in this technological era. They require the new set of skills and knowledge to address the challenges and issues of their professional life.The purpose of this study was to explore the opinions of LIS professionals to make an assessment about CE needs and the role of library schools to address these needs. The study opted sequential mixed methods of research. In first phase, an online survey was conducted to meet the objectives of the study. Data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. A total of 144 responses (70% male and 30% female) were received. In 2nd phase, a focus group was conducted to collect the qualitative data. The meta inferences were drawn on the basis of inferences of both QUAN and QUAL strands. The findings of the study revealed that respondents perceive a very active and instrumental role of LIS schools in their continuing education. Workshops, post-master certificate, and post-graduate diplomas were preferred formats of continuing education programs. The respondents preferred week long and 1–6 months long CE programs. In terms of the timings, weekends programs were most preferred. The respondents recommended that course instructor should be based on the contents of the course and a blend of teaching faculty and practitioners may be productive. The study also identified core areas of CE offerings.The findings of the study are helpful for LIS schools, professionals, trainers, funding bodies and policy makers. The study has the potential to bridge the gap by providing insight about the CE needs and recommend the concrete suggestions to act upon.  相似文献   

以伊利诺伊大学图书馆与情报学研究生院为例,揭示过去15年来美国图书馆与情报学(以下简称为LIS)学院发生的内在的战略性变化。1985年,美国几乎所有的大学都把LIS学院视作大学的一个边缘组织--这与玛瑞恩·巴瑞斯(Marion Paris)的研究结果相同。传播与计算机技术等外部因素的发展以及人们对信息内容管理的重视,改变了公众对图书情报学知识价值的看法。交叉学科的研究、教学、向社区外的延伸以及其它活动,不仅提高了LIS学院的知名度,而且使其深深植根于大学之中。同时,注重质量以及增强校方对质量的认识也提高了LIS学院的地位。  相似文献   

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