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Avi Mintz (2008) has recently argued that Anglo-American educators have a tendency to alleviate student suffering in the classroom. According to Mintz, this tendency can be detrimental because certain kinds of suffering actually enhance student learning. While Mintz compellingly describes the effects of educator's desires to alleviate suffering in students, he does not examine one of the roots of the desire: the feeling of compassion or pity (used as synonyms here). Compassion leads many teachers to unreflectively alleviate student struggles. While there are certainly times when compassion is necessary to help students learn, there are other times when it must be overcome. Compassion in the classroom is a two-edged sword that must be carefully employed; and yet it is often assumed that it is an unequivocal good that ought to trump all other impulses. In this article I hope to raise awareness concerning the promises and pitfalls of compassion in education by examining the theories of two historical figures who famously emphasised compassion in their philosophical writings: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Friedrich Nietzsche. Rousseau and Nietzsche argue that compassion is a powerful educational force but that it must be properly employed. For Rousseau and Nietzsche, compassion is necessary to develop self-mastery in human beings—the ultimate goal of education—but it is a compassion that must hurt in order to help. My hope is that Rousseau's and Nietzsche's ideas on compassion will encourage thoughtful reflection on the uses and abuses of compassion in education.  相似文献   

In this article, I offer a case of the predicaments I encountered in conducting teacher education research at my own institution and re‐examine these predicaments using an ethic of mindfulness and compassion. I explore how this Buddhist perspective might help researchers navigate what can be a lonely, ethically complicated research journey among their own colleagues. Based on this analysis, I propose that an ethic of mindfulness and compassion holds potential for guiding teacher education research and challenging researchers to see differently. I argue that conducting teacher education research using the lenses of mindfulness and compassion might propel social change aimed at increasing educational and social opportunity for all people and, in doing so, further the hope for justice in our relationships, teaching, and research.  相似文献   

This article joins discussions concerning education as a means of cultivating compassion and pays explicit attention to the emotional complexities of teaching for/with compassion to help students become active and critical compassionate citizens. After reviewing the emotional aspects that establish feelings of pity and a sentimental relationship between the student as spectator and the ‘other’ who suffers, the article suggests that a politics of compassion is both necessary and valuable, albeit situated in practices that attend to the needs of vulnerable people and address structural inequalities. The article explores the conditions within which compassion in the classroom can be translated into protest at injustice or transmuted into action that radicalizes solidarity. For this purpose, the author proposes what he calls critical pedagogies of compassion, that is, critical pedagogies that interrogate the trappings of narratives of pity and seek to make a concrete difference in sufferers’ lives. This is not a proposition for a new form of critical pedagogy, but rather a call to recognize in existing critical pedagogies the need to explicitly interrogate pity and cultivate critical compassion.  相似文献   

Martha Nussbaum and others claim that the study of literature can make a significant contribution to political education by nurturing empathic capacities. In Nussbaum's reading of the situation, the need to promote the creation of bonds of compassion‐based solidarity between co‐citizens provides material for an argument to restore the study of novels, in particular the realist social novel, to its former place near the centre of the curriculum in higher education. This paper argues that the unrivalled educational value that Nussbaum ascribes to the study of novels in this regard is compelling only when one fails to appreciate that rich imaginative involvement in another's aversive state is only one of many other psychological routes to compassion. The paper begins by sketching out Nussbaum's curricular proposal. After explaining how it presupposes what is labelled the perspective‐taking/compassion hypothesis, I go on to catalogue the various psychological processes which are recognized in social psychology as playing a mediating role in the experience of compassion. In closing, I argue that the educational imperative of building up of bonds compassion‐based solidarity between co‐citizens calls for a curricular response more varied than Nussbaum's.  相似文献   

卢梭的自由观奠基于他对人类本性和人生困境的洞察领悟。在卢梭眼中,自由本质上是自主性的自由、平等式的自由、历史性的自由。紧扣三重内涵的自由,卢梭围绕人何以不自由进行了深刻的人性反思和现实揭示,围绕人如何再自由展开了独具一格的理论建构和制度设计,围绕自由当归依何处展示了完美的社会理想和人格理想。卢梭的自由观充满了对人的深切关注,并蕴涵了深刻的价值命意。  相似文献   

论卢梭对郁达夫人文精神的塑造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史文化语境的相似,情感,心理,性格和生命表态的相近,以及现实的期待,为郁达夫与卢梭进行心灵对话提供了依据,人性善的观念,内在宇宙的敞开,文学的主情倾向以及回归自然说,构成了卢梭对郁达夫人文精神塑造的主要内容,受到“先见”和“此在”因素的影响,卢检验思想进入鬃达夫文化心理结构时既“同化”又“异化”,其间是“和而不同”的关系,但“和”是主要的,“不同”是次要的,卢梭的人文精神通过郁达夫等人的薪火相传,已成为中国现代化人文精神传统的内在组成部分。  相似文献   

在《社会契约论》一书中,卢梭系统地论述了各种不同政体,但最终选择了直接民主制度。探讨卢梭选择直接民主制的原因,从中挖掘其思想的根源,对卢梭政体思想会有更深入的了解。  相似文献   

康有为是中国近代史上最早提倡男女平等的思想家,这一思想渊源于法国思想家卢梭,康有为高举卢梭“天赋人权”大旗,批判汉儒的“夫为妻纲”,主张解放中国的千千万万女子。康有为遵循卢梭“不平等起源说”的思路,主张取消私有制,女子皆可为公工、公农、公商、在经济上独立自主,奠定男女平等的经济基础,康有为依据卢梭主权在民论,争取女子的选举权与被选举权,允许男女在政治、经济、教育等各方面的完全平等权利,实现真正男女平等的大同世界。  相似文献   

In this commentary, I, a research participant in Hilary Conklin’s study, respond to her article by relating honesty to compassion and mindfulness. In addition to endorsing the intrapersonal honesty that Conklin supports in her article, I assert that interpersonal honesty can benefit the researcher, research participants, and research findings. I also argue that the elimination of suffering requires a mindfulness, compassion, and honesty that can withstand both future‐oriented forces and fears.  相似文献   

赵丽 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(1):125-126
《新爱洛伊丝》是一部反映卢梭女性教育思想的文学名著,也是教育名著。卢梭通过朱莉这个完美女性的塑造,集中阐释了他的贤妻良母式的女性教育思想,他从自然主义哲学出发,在女性的爱情、婚姻教育等方面提出了超越前人的观点。反思卢梭的女性教育思想,对于当代女性教育的发展仍有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

天性、习惯是教育史上一组重要的概念。卢梭对于这组概念的看法看似矛盾。这种矛盾开始于自然与社会的对立,在《爱弥儿》中展开,教育似乎是对人的天性的一种危险的增补。解决这个矛盾的关键在于厘清卢梭对善的追求以及他独特的表达方式。  相似文献   

Being in the moment, showing compassion, being non-judgmental, acknowledging deep emotional challenges without getting stuck: these are mindfulness characteristics important to us as teachers, yet not often included in teacher preparation. These concerns become magnified when we focus on difficult knowledge and thorny issues, like topics related to gender and race. Using a sociocultural framework, we address how mindfulness, heuristics, and other contemplative practices can be adopted to create safe, supporting, and healing spaces for such complex, often emotionally painful discussions. Participant narratives are used extensively to provide a voice to those marginalized or hurt. Drawing from these narratives and their experience in discussing thorny issues, we put forth possible solutions and interventions that can create spaces that encourage and support critical discourse through mindful practices. The development of a heuristic for discussing thorny issues whose characteristics can be adopted by interested teachers and educators to help frame and mediate this type of difficult discussion is an outcome of this research.  相似文献   

卢梭的自然教育理论的核心是“归于自然”,要求教育要遵循自然天性,教师只需创设学习的环境而不能主宰儿童的发展。他的思想对后来的教育产生了深刻的影响,裴斯泰洛齐、杜威等人对其自然教育思想进行了发展和完善。卢梭的自然教育观及其后人对其自然教育理论的发展对我国现行教育观、儿童发展观有了许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

卢梭的自然教育思想及其现实意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卢梭是18世纪法国伟大的启蒙思想家,也是世界近代教育史上具有重要影响的教育家.他所提倡的自然教育不仅是对封建教育制度的全面而深刻的批判,同时也提出了一些新的教育观念.在大力提倡素质教育的今天,卢梭的自然教育思想具有积极进步的意义.  相似文献   


The first part of the article describes a cohort option in a one-year elementary teacher education programme that is based on the idea of building a community of inquiry. This overview frames the discussion in the second part. Here I examine conceptual tensions that arise from the various understandings participants have of community and inquiry. Instructors see inquiry as the central purpose of the community, but some students believe mutual support is paramount (a community of compassion) and others believe they have entered a credentialing community. Each of these understandings results in a different degree or kind of participation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to understand better the risk of compassion fatigue (the trauma suffered by the helping professional) and burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced sense of personal accomplishment), and the potential for compassion satisfaction (the fulfillment from helping others and positive collegial relationships) among Colorado county child protection staff using the Compassion Satisfaction/Fatigue Self-Test [Figley, C. R., & Stamm, B. H. (1996). Psychometric review of Compassion Fatigue Self-Test. In B. H. Stamm (Ed.), Measurement of stress, trauma, and adaptation (pp. 127-130). Lutherville, MD: Sidran Press]. An additional goal was to test the relationship of these three constructs to each other. METHOD: A self-report instrument developed by Stamm and Figley was used to measure the risk of compassion fatigue and burnout and the potential for compassion satisfaction among 363 child protection staff participating in a secondary trauma training seminar. RESULTS: Participants were significantly more likely to have high risk of compassion fatigue, extremely low risk of burnout, and good potential for compassion satisfaction. Participants with high compassion satisfaction had lower levels of compassion fatigue (p=.000; mean=35.73 high compassion satisfaction group, mean=43.56 low group) and lower levels of burnout (p=.000; mean=32.99 high compassion satisfaction group, mean=41.69 low group). CONCLUSION: Approximately 50% of Colorado county child protection staff suffered from "high" or "very high" levels of compassion fatigue. The risk of burnout was considerably lower. More than 70% of staff expressed a "high" or "good" potential for compassion satisfaction. We believe compassion satisfaction may help mitigate the effects of burnout.  相似文献   

“把儿童当儿童看”是卢梭教育思想中最具革新意义的思想。卢梭的学生观不仅是一种人道主义学生观,更是对作为人的特定发展阶段的儿童的地位、价值和尊严的确立。因此卢梭的学生观可称之为“童道主义”学生观。  相似文献   

In Donald Cunningham's article for this issue ofEducational Psychology Review, he assumes that there is a need for an educational semiotic. In this paper, I examine that implicit assumption. Upon investigation, I conclude that an educational semiotic is necessary to help develop an inquiry of understanding to complement the current inquiry of knowledge. This inquiry of understanding builds upon the fundamental ideas of both Saussure and Peirce. I conclude by considering an inquiry of understanding as a threat (or menace) to the status quo in educational research and by calling for a broad-based model of research that allows for the new and preserves the best of the old.  相似文献   

Discovery learning continues to be a topic of heated debate. It has been called a zombie, and this special issue raises the question whether it may be a phoenix arising from the ashes to which the topic was burnt. However, in this commentary I propose it is more like an elephant—a huge topic approached by many people who address different aspects. What is needed in the discussion about discovery learning and related approaches, I argue, is sublation: the kind of lifting up from the one-dimensional discussion between two extremes (minimal guidance vs. direct instruction) that puts an end to the everlasting tug of war by integrating justified concerns from both opposite positions. I evaluate how the different contributions to the special issue help to sublate the discussion about discovery learning. In particular, the case study presented by Trninic illustrates how strong guidance and repetition may be needed for the discovery of something that cannot be told. I further suggest scaffolding, inferentialism, and design research as potential theoretical and methodological ways forward.  相似文献   

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