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实施国家助学贷款的政策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据发达国家助学贷款的实践经验,并鉴于我国高等教育进一步发展的需要,当前我国国家助学贷款工作还需要继续深化。笔者从这一立意出发,分析了我国国家助学贷款实施的现状与问题,并从国家层面、银行与高校层面探讨了我国国家助学贷款工作完善的对策措施。  相似文献   

完善国家助学贷款政策的思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
引语 :国家助学贷款政策出台于 1999年 ,2 0 0 0年由担保贷款改为信用贷款。在我国高等教育“奖、助、贷、勤、补、免”的学生资助体系中 ,国家助学贷款已经成为最主要的措施之一。然而 ,国家助学贷款的运行状况并不尽人意 ,存在很多申请不到和收不回来的现象。助学贷款的路在何方 ?完善的助学贷款制度和政策框架如何建立 ?本刊特别组织了这次高教助学贷款的理论与实践论坛 ,邀请了海内外研究者、实践者共同撰文 ,以笔谈的形式为我国高教助学贷款的发展和完善献计献策。按照学生贷款的理论基础、政策含义 ,中国国家助学贷款中存在的矛盾和问题 ,以及解决问题的途径和模式探索这样一个逻辑关系 ,将笔谈文章刊载如下。  相似文献   

学生贷款计划:高教发展的政策杠杆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引语 :国家助学贷款政策出台于 1999年 ,2 0 0 0年由担保贷款改为信用贷款。在我国高等教育“奖、助、贷、勤、补、免”的学生资助体系中 ,国家助学贷款已经成为最主要的措施之一。然而 ,国家助学贷款的运行状况并不尽人意 ,存在很多申请不到和收不回来的现象。助学贷款的路在何方 ?完善的助学贷款制度和政策框架如何建立 ?本刊特别组织了这次高教助学贷款的理论与实践论坛 ,邀请了海内外研究者、实践者共同撰文 ,以笔谈的形式为我国高教助学贷款的发展和完善献计献策。按照学生贷款的理论基础、政策含义 ,中国国家助学贷款中存在的矛盾和问题 ,以及解决问题的途径和模式探索这样一个逻辑关系 ,将笔谈文章刊载如下。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款:政策与实践中的既成矛盾   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
引语 :国家助学贷款政策出台于 1999年 ,2 0 0 0年由担保贷款改为信用贷款。在我国高等教育“奖、助、贷、勤、补、免”的学生资助体系中 ,国家助学贷款已经成为最主要的措施之一。然而 ,国家助学贷款的运行状况并不尽人意 ,存在很多申请不到和收不回来的现象。助学贷款的路在何方 ?完善的助学贷款制度和政策框架如何建立 ?本刊特别组织了这次高教助学贷款的理论与实践论坛 ,邀请了海内外研究者、实践者共同撰文 ,以笔谈的形式为我国高教助学贷款的发展和完善献计献策。按照学生贷款的理论基础、政策含义 ,中国国家助学贷款中存在的矛盾和问题 ,以及解决问题的途径和模式探索这样一个逻辑关系 ,将笔谈文章刊载如下。  相似文献   

审视国家助学贷款政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育的发展,高校贫困生问题日益突出,高等教育的资金需求越来越大,国家助学贷款政策应运而生.理论上,国家助学贷款政策是政府为了促进教育事业的发展、为了高等教育的公平、为了社会的公正而做出的实践性决策,对个人和组织的行为产生影响;其本质是学生、高校、社会之间的利益协调和平衡.就实践而言,学生、学校、政府、银行四方都不同程度地成为国家助学贷款政策的受益者.国家助学贷款工作的健康发展,既需学生、学校、银行和政府的单方努力也需要多方配合.  相似文献   

近年来国家助学贷款得到迅猛发展,在“奖、贷、助、补、减”等方式组成的资助体系中,已经起到了1/3强的作用。但国家助学贷款发放和回收存在着潜在的危机,国家关于助学贷款理论研究滞后、政府和高校对国家助学贷款实际操作研究滞后是关键所在。加强国家助学贷款政策研究,完善信用系统;构建全方位的学生资助体系,增强学生还款能力;搭建助学贷款信息化交流平台,提高管理效能是国家助学贷款持续发展的有力保证。  相似文献   

受信大学生对助学贷款政策态度的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章采用自编问卷,调查了905名受信大学生对国家助学贷款政策的总体看法、助学贷款政策存在问题、贷款用途、还贷问题和对贷款政策中的新条款的看法等5个方面的内容,并针对其中存在的问题提出了简化贷款手续和贷款程序,增加贷款名额,加强助学贷款政策的校内组织和宣传工作等建议和措施,为国家助学贷款政策的顺利实施提供了科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款执行难的政策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于对国家助学贷款政策在演变和发展中遇到的现实问题的描述,分析新问题出现的根本原因,提出应由政府主导带动银行、学校和学生进入良性循环的国家助学贷款模式和推广生源地助学贷款的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文就国家助学贷款高违约率现象分别从学生、社会、银行和高校各层面进行原因分析,找出贷款违约的实质,同时,深入剖析了现行国家助学贷款政策和措施方面的优劣,并结合笔者所在高校的实践,就如何有效降低贷款违约率和促进国家助学贷款工作可持续性发展提出自己的思考和意见。  相似文献   

新旧机制下国家助学贷款政策的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章试从国家助学贷款旧政策的根本问题及对助学贷款新、旧机制比较分析入手,具体对助学贷款新机制所面临的新困难进行讨论,并探析了新机制下国家助学贷款继续稳步推进的着力点。  相似文献   

从全面发展观看收费制度与研究生教育的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了迎接知识经济的到来,我国研究生教育采取“积极发展”战略。本针对目前我国研究生教育发展中出现的一些问题如强调数量的快速扩张而忽视质量,对传统结构的偏爱,分析其原因,从全面发展观角度提出收费制度的推行有利于研究生教育的全面发展这一论断。  相似文献   

This article presents a critical analysis of the development and implementation of the 2014 inclusive educational policy in Samoa. While Samoan culture is traditionally founded on inclusive social practices, rather than reflecting these practices in their policy, Samoan policy developers have been under pressure to adopt or borrow policy from other countries. The findings of this intrinsic case study highlight the complexity of formulating inclusive education policies for small developing countries and why policy developers borrow from other developed countries. The theoretical framework used to analyse observation data in this study is based on the notion that national process of development is a powerful influence in educational policy. The authors argue and advocate for the existing but overlooked strengths of the local knowledge community capacity when policy is borrowed from other countries, and how the findings of the case study contribute to future attempts at policy development. We found that the draft policy needs to and does reflect Samoan culture, values and vision. However, adopting foreign practices such as the individual education plan and placement rules is not relevant to the Samoan context. The identification and development of inclusive education beliefs, skills and practices in schools is a priority.  相似文献   

"限塑令"作为我国已出台的涉及范围最广、目标群体人数最多、实施时间最长的环境类公共政策,在我国已经实施的低碳政策中具有十分重要的代表性。在结合前人研究的基础上,选取了消费水平较高、群体层次性强,并且便于实地研究的浙江和江苏两省,调查了两省九地市"限塑令"的实施情况,综合分析得出了制约低碳政策良好实施的因素,并据此提出了促进低碳政策有效制定和实施的政策建议,即建设多地共治的低碳政策制定模式、实现限塑行动由"自上由下"向"上下互动"的模式转变、强化行政问责制度的建设、完善落实监管体制、积极推进社会力量的介入以及加大对可替代品的投入与支持等。  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the ‘fit’ of ‘the network’ as an organizational form being implemented in schools in England. It considers current trends within education policy, pedagogy and educational technology in the context of these new service delivery models and relates these to the current interest in learning networks. The article draws upon the experience of school networks as it has been discussed in evaluation research and literature surveys, to highlight the issues around their implementation. The purpose, typology and potential tensions of educational networks are reviewed, with a particular focus on the Networked Learning Communities (NLCs) pioneered by the National College for School Leadership (NCSL). Although, on the face of things, the position of the ‘school network’ as a structural model seems logical, there are significant tensions which suggest that the implementation and development of meaningful and high quality networks is far more challenging than the government may appreciate.  相似文献   


The article explores research integrity training for PhD-students as a site of production of academic cultures and researcher development. Based on ethnographies of four courses in research integrity, conducted in four faculties of a large comprehensive Danish university, the article explores the vital role of academic developers, teachers, and course participants in the active translation of institutional, national, and international policies into research practices. We argue that doctoral training in research integrity does not entail the direct implementation of policy and codes from above; rather, it is a site for the development and negotiation of the meaning of research integrity in disciplinary cultures and standards, and, critically, for the responsibilisation of individual researchers in policy enactment. We show how doctoral training has become a key site for the emergence of research integrity as a field. It is also a privileged site for researching contested and multidirectional processes of policy formation and implementation.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to examine how the provincial education media in China play a role of forging consensus among local actors responsible for the implementation of new centrally-promulgated youth socialization policy. In doing so, it also explores the tension among three of the Chinese state's claims to legitimacy: economic development, moral education, and the decentralization of policy implementation. The article concludes that while economic development and decentralization create problems for the implementation of socialization policy at the local level, the central state still gains legitimacy for its role in promoting morality among the rising generation.  相似文献   

新农保政策最值得关注的是非缴费型基础养老金的实施。这一"普惠性"政策在实际执行中出现了许多新问题:捆绑式参保方式与子女参保意愿的矛盾,基础养老金偏低的问题,基础养老金全面覆盖的时间问题等,使政策执行的效果受到影响。笔者通过对非缴费型基础养老金实施中存在的问题分析、政策评估,提出新农保可持续发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

第一轮"公办高中禁办复读班"政策颁布以来,部分地区公办高中仍然公开或变相地招收复读生,不仅极大挑战了教育政策的权威,也在一定程度上制约了全局教育的发展,影响了教育公平的推进。从政策视角进行分析,政策未取得实效的原因主要在于"禁办"政策制定、执行过程中的问题所致,在于政策执行过程不尽完善。新一轮"禁办"政策要取得实效应认真归纳政策过程中的问题,分析背后的深层次原因,只有这样,才能在新一轮政策执行中吸取前车之鉴,达到政策有效落实的目的。  相似文献   


Background: Around the globe, education policy borrowing remains pervasive and prevalent. The strategies, interventions and innovations of education systems that perform well, in international assessments, are enthusiastically borrowed and copied in the anticipation of similar educational performance and outcomes.

Purpose: This purpose of the article is to highlight some of the implications and consequences of policy borrowing by comparing the preparation and development programmes for school leaders in various education systems. The article explores the way in which the leadership programmes and models are being adopted and developed by different countries.

Sources of evidence: The article draws upon findings from a contemporary, comparative study of leadership preparation and development across seven different education systems (Seven System Leadership Study). This large-scale, mixed-methods, comparative research study is collecting quantitative and qualitative data about the nature and impact of leadership development and preparation programmes in seven different education systems.

Main argument: The findings from the study reinforce how leadership preparation and development programmes are increasingly becoming standardised as a result of education systems borrowing and adapting from each other. This article also argues that in the contemporary policy discourse, important cultural and contextual influences that significantly affect subsequent implementation and outcomes are increasingly being side-lined and ignored.

Conclusions: This article highlights some of the limitations and unintended consequences of educational policy borrowing. It concludes that adopting some of the design features of effective interventions rather than simply borrowing policies or strategies, in part or in their entirety from very different contexts, may be a more productive way forward.  相似文献   

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