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One way to promote the relevancy of an academic law library is to create a special collection that generates interest in the patron base; a popular collection is a viable way of reinventing a law library's image in the hearts and minds of the law school community. Popular collections have been championed by general academic librarians because they promote reading and literacy, the use of the library as a place, and such collections represent the shift toward a user focused library model. Using data collected from interviews and analysis of collection development policies this article presents models of popular collections currently in use at academic law libraries, as well as considerations for the creation of such collections.  相似文献   

张欢 《图书情报工作》2016,60(23):55-61
[目的/意义]通过对国外部分财经院校图书馆的馆藏发展政策制定现状进行分析,为我国同类型图书馆提供借鉴。[方法/过程]依据QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)世界大学排名选取样本对象,通过访问其图书馆网站的方式获取其馆藏发展政策并对其内容进行分析。[结果/结论]总结国外财经院校图书馆馆藏发展政策制定的共性、财经特色以及不足,对我国同类型图书馆在资源建设方面和馆藏发展政策制定方面提出建议。  相似文献   

In early 1989 a questionnaire was sent to forty-eight public and twelve academic libraries in Rhode Island to ascertain the use of and attitudes toward schedules for reference collection maintenance. The great majority of libraries favored this approach, although the individual schedules varied greatly. Over seventy-five percent of the reporting libraries had or were in the process of developing written collection development policies, but few had any written policies concerning scheduled replacement and none had a written policy encompassing all the material replaced automatically on a schedule.  相似文献   

This article describes the new role of academic libraries in higher education and shows how it has changed collection development objectives to serve a nontraditional constituency not served in the past. This is illustrated, in part, by Kent State University Library's review and selection of language-learning software, motivated by the university's strategic initiatives for globalization. It demonstrates a new trend to purchase resources that support administrative agendas and non-teaching programs, and the impact this has on how libraries frame collection development policies and allocate dollars for library content. As collection managers are redirecting support to revenue-building objectives, are they compromising support of educational objectives?  相似文献   


The literature indicates most academic libraries do not have formal reference collection policies, or that if they do, such documents are not up-to-date. Kansas provides an optimum setting to examine college and undergraduate libraries as most institutions of higher learning in the state are small to medium in size. Kansas is consistent with the trends indicated in the literature. All academic libraries in the state were asked to submit a copy of their policy. Each document was examined in light of: rationale for having a policy, defining the nature of the collection, criteria on inclusion and exclusion, input from stakeholders, managing budget costs, electronic resources, and weeding. Selection criteria and sample polices provide a practical guide for the development of a policy. All formats are considered.  相似文献   

台湾地区图书馆馆藏发展政策实践研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述近年来我国台湾地区图书馆馆藏发展政策的概况;以该地区15所图书馆的馆藏发展政策为案例,对其基本项目进行比较分析;认为台湾地区藏书发展政策制旬方面的经验和教训值得我国大陆图书馆界参考。  相似文献   

A Torah studies library is a type of Jewish library specializing in biblical and rabbinical literature. One of its characteristics is its process of collection development and censorship. This study primarily aims to discuss the collection development policies in Torah libraries, particularly censorship implemented as part of a policy, with an emphasis on how prohibited books are rejected. A qualitative-narrative research technique was used, allowing the viewpoints of the “selectors” to be examined. To present a broad picture, various types of Torah studies libraries were chosen for the study.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 判断高校图书馆学术型馆藏的数字化趋势,预估纸本馆藏的消亡时间,为高校图书馆服务转型和资源采访提供参考。[方法/过程] 跟踪分析2009、2011、2013-2016共6年文学院教师所引用文献的数字化比例,以折线图描述中外文图书、期刊报纸的数字化趋势;利用对数函数预估中文图书纸本馆藏的消亡时间。[结果/结论] 中文图书2033-2041年间将100%数字化,中文期刊报纸当前已接近100%数字化;2041年,中文学术型文献即无需存在纸本馆藏; 网络共享平台成为新兴的知识获取渠道; 文献版权、网络共享平台、研究者的文献需求变化都影响文献的数字化趋势。  相似文献   


Accepting donations has been a fundamental aspect of librarianship for years. The world’s greatest collections, from Carnegie Libraries to the Library of Congress, have been built by the generosity of others. Yet, in the modern era, gifts-in-kind are offered more democratically and come with mixed quality. This has led to a shift in how libraries look at gifts-in-kind as often more burdensome than genuinely helpful. This is because gifts come with costs to the library that donors fail to consider, and some gifts are offered with ulterior motives. To navigate these burdens and still encourage a generous public, libraries must have a clear written gift policy to ease stresses and anxieties on both the donor and the institution. In the case of academic law libraries, they often don’t share the exact experience of other libraries; however, they face some of the same challenges and require a written gift policy all the same. Examining the gift policies of other law libraries can establish a framework of essential elements when establishing a new gift policy at an institution.  相似文献   

近几年来,为弥补传统的以文献类型组织资源建设的不足,进一步优化资源建设,推动资源建设学科化、专业化,国内一些高校图书馆开始尝试资源建设工作按学科来组织的模式。在此介绍清华大学图书馆探索资源建设学科化的实践,分析学科馆员参与资源建设的实施策略,提出进一步完善学科资源建设、优化学科服务的思考。  相似文献   

Developing specific collection development policies for psychiatry poses problems because of its interdisciplinarity with psychology and medicine. East Carolina University has separate academic and medical libraries that are responsible for supporting the curriculum and research needs of the students and faculty. In an era of dwindling budgets and growing programs, it is imperative that book selectors be aware of cross-discipline classification schemes that may lead to unnecessary duplication of materials. This article proposes an instrument that maps the National Library of Medicine classification to the Library of Congress classification for psychology/ psychiatry to be used as a guideline for supporting cooperative collection development.  相似文献   

This article revisits the author’s 2001 article on resource sharing’s anticipated increased demand as a service and its larger role in collection management. The article presents arguments that interlibrary loan’s role is still evolving and stresses the need for increased cooperation and shared collection development among academic libraries.  相似文献   

This study assesses the reference collection management practices and strategies used in the reference departments of academic members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Librarians who participate in the management of the humanities and social science reference collections within ARL member libraries responded to an online survey about collection development policies, acquisition processes, collection use, weeding, and marketing of their reference collections. The results of this survey suggest that a large percentage of academic ARL member libraries are weeding their collections regularly, measuring use of the print and electronic reference collection, and moving decidedly toward electronic reference materials.  相似文献   

Collection development and the management of access to electronic resources in large academic libraries increasingly requires close cooperation between collection development librarians, public service librarians, and systems librarians and staff. Many libraries, both public and academic, have created new positions or converted existing ones with titles such as ‘electronic resources librarian’ or ‘electronic information coordinator.’ Two years ago, the Washington State University (WSU) Libraries decided to take a different approach to managing these two vital library functions by creating the new position of Assistant Director for Collections and Systems. This paper explores the convergence of collection development and systems in a research library. It sets forth the philosophical underpinnings of that convergence, and it discusses issues encountered in the integration of the two services in the WSU Libraries. Finally, it explores strategic issues for future collection development and management from the perspective of this new organizational paradigm. [1]  相似文献   

以藏书发展稳定状态理论为依据,结合馆藏建设实际,分析剔除工作的现实意义,论述剔除原则以及具体的剔除操作方法。  相似文献   

新时期高校图书馆文献资源的收藏与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪,随着信息化、网络化技术的发展,高校图书馆文献资源建设应关注从传统到现代的理念转变,藏用并重,以用为先。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前大宗交易资源采购的困境,引入国外循证采购方式,以期寻找高校图书馆资源建设的新方式。[方法/过程] 从国外图书馆循证采购(EBC)的背景入手,介绍国外NAHRS小组、德克萨斯A & M大学图书馆和温哥华岛大学图书馆关于循证采购的实践,对其循证采购方式进行分析和总结,为国内图书馆将其用于馆藏发展提供借鉴。[结果/结论] 图书馆要改变资源采购模式,循证采购是方式之一,建议图书馆结合馆情选定合适的证据方法,保证循证采购的有效性。  相似文献   

文章选取美国佐治亚大学和南卡罗来纳北部大学的综合性馆藏发展政策、纽约大学的分学科的馆藏发展政策为切入点,从馆藏发展政策的基本内容,馆藏发展政策的特色以及分学科馆藏发展政策的细节制定等,对馆藏发展政策较成熟的美国高校图书馆进行实证研究,以兹对国内高校图书馆在制定馆藏发展政策方面有所借鉴。  相似文献   

The need for written collection development policies for libraries is being recognized and increasingly as budgets and space continue to shrink. A regularly updated policy provides a valuable tool for collection planning, development, and evaluation. Purposes and types of policies are discussed, and a recommendation is made concerning the most useful type of document for academic libraries. Guides and models are suggested, and a step-by-step methodology is provided, including selection of the person or group responsible for the project, content, and format of the document, and gathering use of information. Levels of collecting are discussed and a sample selection policy is appended.  相似文献   

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