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12分钟跑与20米往返跑预测最大吸氧量的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文以48名大学新生为对象(体育系男、女生,美术系男、女生各12名),比较研究了直接法、12min跑及20-MST三种方法测定和预测最大吸氧量。结果表明,12min跑及20-MST均能有效预测大学生VO2max,12min跑更适用于有训练对象;20-MST具广泛适用性,对有训练者和无训练者均适用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨20-MST监测普通大学生心肺功能变化的有效性及对运动训练的敏感性。方法:以32名男性大学生(实验组、对照组各16名)为研究对象,对实验组学生进行8周的有氧耐力训练干预,在实验前后分别测定VO2max、20-MST、库博12min跑、台阶试验四项指标,并对检测结果进行分析比较。结果:20-MST在实验前后与VO2max、12min跑成绩高度相关,与台阶指数低度相关;实验后,各指标均有显著增长,20-MST的增量最明显。结论:20-MST是一种间接评价心肺功能、判断训练效果的有效方法,它对评价运动训练引起心肺功能适应性变化的敏感性高于VO2max。  相似文献   

王翔  陈嵘  蔡秋  王健 《浙江体育科学》2007,29(3):111-113
以103名(男52人,女51人)来自南方的大学生自愿者为受试,建立了用在塑胶跑道上进行的20-MST预测大学生的.VO2max的线性回归模型:.VO2max(ml.kg-1.min-1)=-21.960 5.739×MAS(km.h-1),r=0.888,P<0.000,全距10.0~15.0 km.h-1。统计学检验表明该模型满足线性回归模型独立、线性、正态和等方差的四个假设条件,具有良好的适合性。用该模型预测30名大学生自愿者的.VO2max,其结果也表明20-MST是预测大学生的.VO2max的有效方法。  相似文献   

关于心肺功能测试指标的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
心肺功能的好坏是评价一个人体质水平的重要依据,如何选择既简便易行、又能客观反映心肺功能的测试指标,则是运动生理学和体质研究的重要任务。国内外学者曾用不同指标来评价心肺功能,如直接测量最大吸氧量、间接推测最大吸氧量、日本台阶指数和瑞典心功能指数等。从目前看,直接测量最大吸氧量所反映的心肺功能水平最为可靠,但是,最大吸氧量的测量需要复杂的技术和昂贵的仪器设备,一般非科研单位很难办到;另外,测量最大吸氧量时,采用的运动负荷量较大,对缺乏锻炼又体弱的儿童、少年和中老年人来说很难适应。因此不便于普及。其它几种指标的测试方法虽然简便易行,但是否适用于我国儿童少年的特点,目前还缺少验证。为了验证这  相似文献   

前言在实验室条件下,我们可以测得人体的最大吸氧量,并以此来评价人体的心肺功能。然而,对一些老年人或一些极少参加锻炼的人来说,就无法测得他们的最大吸氧量,因为他们达不到测最大吸氧量(vo_2 max)所需的极限练习强度。所以,有些研究试图在次极限强度下对Vo_2 max进行估计,但这种方法得出的结果也不可靠。比较而言,总效率(由Iamb定义,1984)的测定是一种较理想的解决办法,它可以为年老、体弱者在一般练习强度下身体状态的变化提供评价方法,它要求的强度低,而且  相似文献   

本研究的目的是评价香港优秀壁球运动员的生理及运动专项素质。10名优秀壁球运动员参加了此研究。最大吸氧量(VO2max)测定用连续递增负荷跑台方法,运动专项场地测试在壁球场中进行。测试结果为:身高172.6±4.3cm,作重67.7±6.9kg;体脂7.4±3.4%,用力肺活量(FVC)5.13±0.26升;VO2max61.7±3.4ml·kg-1·min-1,无氧阈(AT)80.2±3.3%VO2max;非乳酸能15.5±1.8W·kg-1,乳酸功323.5±29.4J·kg-1。结果表明,香港壁球运动员具有相当高的心肺运动专项素质。这也是他们取得亚洲冠军的成功因素之一  相似文献   

最大吸氧量被认为是评定运动员耐力水平的最重要的客观指标(1,2),是评定心肺功能的综合性指标。最大吸氧量水平的高低与耐力项目的运动成绩关系密切(3,4,5),可以根据最大吸氧的水平来预测和估计耐力项目运动员的运动成绩。但是,最大吸氧量的测定方法较为复杂,仪器设备昂贵,不易普及。测定最大吸氧量所采用的运动负荷十分剧烈,也不易被一般人所接受,对体弱又少活动的人、中老年人,以及有某些慢性病的人来  相似文献   

PWC是Physical Work Capacity的缩写,表示身体做功的能力。PWC_(170)系指运动中心率达到每分种170次的稳定状态下,测定单位时间身体所做的功,根据功率大小评定身体机能能力。最大吸氧量是人体在单位时间内利用的最大吸氧量,它显示人体最大有氧能力,是评价心肺系统机能水平的重要指标。最大吸氧量可以通过PWC_(170)的数值进行估测。  相似文献   

用Astrand列线图法对18~25岁大专学生男211人、女86人进行测试,间接推算其最大吸氧量,并对结果进行了分析研究,还通过对其测试数据的统计学处理,用离差法制定了我国青年男、女学生最大吸氧量评定标准。经对其“评定标准”客观实用性的论证,表明其“评定标准”对评定我国青年学生最大吸氧量,进而判定其心肺功能和有氧工作能力有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

目的:评价20 m多级往返跑(20-MST)作为预测青年女足运动员最大摄氧量(VO2max)指标的有效性;建立20-MST预测青年女足运动员VO2max的线性回归方程,为优秀青年女足运动员的选材和科学训练提供简易的监控依据。方法:9名上海市U18青年女足的运动员,在室内跑道进行20-MST。测试过程中受试者佩戴心肺测试仪(K4b2:意大利、Cosmed公司)和polarRS400(芬兰)实时监测摄氧量和心率(HR)的变化,并测试记录安静时和运动结束后即刻的HR和血乳酸值。结果:K4b2测得的VO2max和20-MST预测值相关性系数r=0.85(P≤0.01);预测值显著低于K4B2测得的结果(P≤0.01),平均低7.9 ml/kg/min;20-MST中的跑动距离与K4b2测得的VO2max的相关系数r=0.911(P≤0.01);本研究建立的回归方程为:y = 0.034×S(y:VO2max ml/kg/min; S:跑动距离m; R2=0.998,P≤0.01),且DW检验残差具有独立性,残差符合正态分布的趋势,具有较好的线性拟合度。结论:(1)20-MST软件预测的VO2max值与K4b2测得的VO2max相关,但预测值偏低;(2)20-MST中的跑动距离与K4b2测得的青年女足运动员的VO2max高度相关,可以用来预测青年女足运动员的VO2max;(3)本研究建立的回归方程为:y=0.034×S。  相似文献   

Thirty-eight competitive cross-country skiers were divided into three groups to assess the reliability and validity of a new double poling ergometer. Group A (n = 22) performed two maximal 60-s tests, Group B (n = 8) repeated peak oxygen uptake tests on the double poling ergometer, and Group C (n = 8) performed a maximal 6-min test on the double poling ergometer and a double poling time-trial on snow. The correlation between the power calculated at the flywheel and the power applied at the base of the poles was r = 0.99 (P < 0.05). The power at the poles was 50-70% higher than that at the flywheel. There was a high test-retest reliability in the two 60-s power output tests (coefficient of variation = 3.0%) and no significant difference in peak oxygen uptake in the two 6-min all-out tests (coefficient of variation = 2.4%). There was a strong correlation between the absolute (W) and relative power (W x kg(-1)) output in the 6-min double poling ergometer test and the double poling performance on snow (r = 0.86 and 0.89 respectively; both P < 0.05). In conclusion, our results show that the double poling ergometer has both high reliability and validity. However, the power calculated at the flywheel underestimated the total power produced and needs to be corrected for in ergonomic estimations.  相似文献   

20-MST对评价心肺功能的横向有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以体育专业学生、非体育专业学生为研究对象,从横向的角度研究20-MST对反映不同训练水平受试者心肺功能的有效性,以期为推广20-MST提供基础实验依据。  相似文献   

肥胖与过低体重对女大学生心肺功能及运动能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以女大学生为研究对象,探讨肥胖与过低体重对女大学生心肺功能及运动能力的影响。结果表明:肥胖与过低体重的女大学生在心肺功能等15项指标上和运动素质等5项指标上都低于正常体重的女大学生。其中,除肥胖组的最大吸氧量和肺活量绝对值及实心球掷远的成绩、过低体重组的最大吸氧量绝对值、肺活量绝对值及立定跳远和50m跑的成绩马正常体重组差异不显著外,其余指标差异十分明显。  相似文献   

近些年来,大强度间歇训练广泛的应用于大众健身和运动减肥领域。本文采用文献资料法梳理总结了HIIT对肥胖人群的干预效果,得出以下结论:(1)与中等强度持续训练相比,HIIT提高运动效率;增强运动后过量氧耗EPOC;抑制食欲,控制体重方面更具有优势;(2) HIIT与MICT在体重、BMI、Fat%、腰臀比方面具有相似的运动效果,但HIIT能降低内脏脂肪含量,而中低强度持续训练却无此效果;(3) HIIT能改善心肺耐力,显著提高最大摄氧量。  相似文献   

Six Danish male cross-country skiers were studied during the end-of-summer and winter seasons. Their maximal oxygen uptake was measured while running on a treadmill and using a ski ergometer incorporating the double-poling technique. Maximal oxygen uptake during treadmill running and double-poling was correlated with performance, expressed as a ranking score during 10 ski races. The tests were undertaken in September, December and April. Upper body maximal oxygen uptake increased 5.8% from September to December, decreasing to 2.3% above the September level in April. Upper body work output (2 min at maximal intensity) increased 11.8% from September to December (P less than 0.05). The relationship between upper body and leg maximal oxygen uptake--the upper body/leg ratio--was 89.4% in September. In four skiers, both treadmill and upper body tests were undertaken on each test occasion. The upper body/leg ratio changed from 87.7% in September to 95.7% in December. In April, the ratio was 91.0%. The maximal oxygen uptake measured using the ski ergometer during double-poling was significantly correlated with performance (P less than 0.05). It is concluded that the upper body ski ergometer can be used in the evaluation of elite cross-country skiers.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the use of the critical velocity test as a means of predicting 2000-m rowing ergometer performance in female collegiate rowers, and to study the relationship of selected physiological variables on performance times. Thirty-five female collegiate rowers (mean ± s: age 19.3 ± 1.3 years; height 1.70 ± 0.06 m; weight 69.5 ± 7.2 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. Rowers were divided into two categories based on rowing experience: varsity (more than 1 year collegiate experience) and novice (less than 1 year collegiate experience). All rowers performed two continuous graded maximal oxygen consumption tests (familiarization and baseline) to establish maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)), peak power output, and power output at ventilatory threshold. Rowers then completed a critical velocity test, consisting of four time-trials at various distances (400 m, 600 m, 800 m, and 1000 m) on two separate days, with 15 min rest between trials. Following the critical velocity test, rowers completed a 2000-m time-trial. Absolute VO(2max) was the strongest predictor of 2000-m performance (r = 0.923) in varsity rowers, with significant correlations also observed for peak power output and critical velocity (r = 0.866 and r = 0.856, respectively). In contrast, critical velocity was the strongest predictor of 2000-m performance in novice rowers (r = 0.733), explaining 54% of the variability in performance. These findings suggest the critical velocity test may be more appropriate for evaluating performance in novice rowers.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to validate and evaluate the "Hit & Turn Tennis Test", an acoustically progressive on-court endurance test for tennis players. Ninety-eight competitive tennis players (53 males, 45 females) of different age groups participated in the study. For validation, the adult male players completed three Hit & Turn tests, one on a clay court and two on a carpet surface, a tennis-specific ball machine test and an incremental treadmill run in a randomized order. A stronger correlation between maximal performance (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) and maximal oxygen uptake (r = 0.96, P < 0.01) was observed between the Hit & Turn test and the ball machine test, than between the Hit & Turn test and the treadmill test. For test-retest, we found a significant correlation between maximal performance on the same (r = 0.83, P < 0.01) and on different surfaces (r = 0.74, P < 0.01). During test evaluation, maximal performance was higher in males than in females (P < 0.01) and increased by consecutive age group in boys (P < 0.01) but not in girls (P = 0.97). In conclusion, Hit & Turn maximum test performance can be recommended as a valid and reliable indicator for tennis-specific endurance.  相似文献   

体育专业与非体育专业大学生心肺功能的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取32名山西大学体育专业和非体育专业学生为实验对象,采用意大利Cosmed公司生产的心肺功能运动检测系统进行心肺功能各指标的测试和综合评价。结果显示:体育专业男女生安静时心率(HR)明显低于非体育专业男女生(P<0 05)。体育专业学生达到无氧阈(AT)和最大吸氧量( VO2max)时的摄氧量( VO2)、氧脉搏(O2P)、代谢当量(METs)、负荷(LOAD)等指标均高于非体育专业学生(P<0 05)。认为:大学生的心肺功能存在明显的性别差异;体育锻炼可提高人体的心肺功能,获得良好的健康效应。  相似文献   

为制订20-MST评定学生有氧耐力的区分度,对309名大学生进行20-MST测验,并对其中的40位学生进行VO2max的直接测定。实验结果显示,用20-MST推测的VO2max值与实测值间无显著性差异;Kappa值检验显示利用离差法制定的男女大学生20-MST的各指标的区分度是客观科学的。研究制定的20-MST各指标的区分度可作为体育教学、运动训练、选材及大学生体质评价的参照依据。  相似文献   


Data from four physical performance tests were collected from approximately 260 subjects and were used to determine (a) whether the split-half method is a valid procedure for estimating the reliability of multiple trial physical performance tests, and (b) whether the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula will be an accurate predictor of the reliability of a physical performance test when its length is increased. A significant day-to-day variation in test scores was found at the .05 level. The assumptions underlying the use of the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula were significantly violated at the .05 level. Seventy-nine percent of the reliability coefficients computed by the split-half method were higher than the test-retest reliability coefficients. Seventy-two percent of the reliability coefficients predicted by the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula were higher than the obtained test-retest reliability coefficients.  相似文献   

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