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The article utilizes a decolonizing theoretical lens to advocate for the need to engage in a more nuanced approach to conceptualizing local/global aspect of social justice discussions within social studies education. The article engages with questions of social justice by utilizing Noddings’s (2006) argument that “educational malpractice” (p. 250) is a daily occurrence in US classrooms because students are expected to reproduce textbook answers, rather than generate their own questions and reasoned research and deliberation. Kumashiro’s (2004) writings on antioppressive education speak of how the repetition of mainstream narratives normalize what ought to be taught and learned in schools. We propose that educators cannot avoid questions of racism and Islamophobia as critically important issues within social studies classrooms. Therefore, through engaging in critical inquiry on the prevalence of racism and Islamophobia, educators can disrupt the continued educational malpractice within the social studies.  相似文献   


Nel Noddings claims that there is an important normative element in happiness. For support, she points to the Aristotelian idea of the eudaimonic life, a concept that is often translated into English as ‘the happy life’. However, in light of the wide divergence between the Aristotelian view of eudaimonia as a life of virtuous activity and most contemporary psychologists’ and lay people’s view of happiness as subjective wellbeing, the authors of this article believe that Noddings’s merging of the two has several shortcomings. Aside from ambiguity and confusion, it encourages us to deny that, given the human condition, we must sometimes choose between happiness as pursuit of positive emotion and personal satisfaction and happiness as pursuit of the common good and the virtuous life.  相似文献   

内尔·诺丁斯(Nel Noddings)是当代世界德育论坛的大成者,她的"幸福教育观"在当今人类社会理性至上、意义缺失、精神危机的大背景下,对于中小学的德育工作具有重大意义。她的"幸福教育观"以"关怀伦理学"为基础,为教育注入"关怀"的理念和行动指南。她的以"幸福"为角度的教育目的论、多元开放的幸福内涵论、基于生活的幸福来源论、崇尚选择的幸福教育论成为中小学德育新的关注方向和实践方法。  相似文献   

幸福是可以通过教育提升的。学校应该开设幸福课,对高职学生进行幸福观教育,让学生正确地认知幸福的本质。幸福认知影响着高职学生的目标和期望,同时影响着高职学生的适应能力和应对能力。作为高职教育工作者,应该帮助学生提高对幸福的认知水平,培养他们积极的心理,确定合理的目标与期望,提升自我教育效果。学校应该营造和谐的校园氛围,为学生构建良好的社会支持网络。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the role of reflexivity as a central concern to educational researchers. We argue that reflexivity as a concept needs to be recognised at three key levels. Reflexivity can be considered in terms of learning in general, in relation to our research designs and finally with respect to the production of educational knowledge. Each of these levels is analysed and related to our understanding of social justice research in education. Through an exposition of Giddens’ notion of the ‘duality of structure’ we put forward one way of researching in the area of social justice and education which takes into account the reflexive nature of educational research.  相似文献   

《国家篇》被公认为是柏拉图中期对话篇中的重要著作之一,在其中他用大量篇幅谈论和阐发了其独特的教育思想。学界对柏拉图的教育思想虽多有研究,但都未能站在柏拉图的立场上,与其纯粹哲学、政治理想契合一致地展开讨论;尤其是一些从事教育研究的人往往从狭隘的视域窥探柏拉图的教育思想,误解甚至歪曲了《国家篇》的思想实质。为了正本清源,还柏拉图教育思想之真貌,有必要对《国家篇》中的教育思想进行全面的梳理和总结。柏拉图以理念论作为其政治哲学的理论基础,悉心勾画了一幅理想国家的宏伟蓝图。他把正义作为这个理想国家的最高原则和价值,以期使个人正义和国家正义契合一致,最终实现全民的共同幸福。他认为唯有通过教育,使心灵转向,培养和塑造健康和洽的心灵、正义良善的灵魂,才可以实现城邦正义,构筑理想国家。教育是理想国家得以构筑的必要条件。柏拉图的教育思想对后世的教育产生了至为重要而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

Education reform and competency-based education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The core purpose of this paper is to describe a new educational paradigm as well as possible directions and tasks for education reform in the 21st century. The present-day education system has failed to nurture the kind of creative people who can play leading roles in development or to produce citizens of a good character and democratic tendencies. We need to look at education from the standpoint of expanding the totality of possibilities for national development. The current educational system of Korea can be characterized as one of “manpower-centered education. ” In this system, education functions to produce the human resources needed by the nation, and there is a strong belief in the classification and selection of high-quality human capital via the school system. We can think of an educational model that is parallel to the current system of manpower classification and selection and call it “competency-based education. ” In this model, the identification of individual ability, talent, and aptitude is deemed to be the most important, and the key task of education is self-actualization through recognition and cultivation of such talents and abilities. What educational values should be pursued within a new competency-based paradigm? First, we can reduce the relative weight of subject-centered education and introduce a competency-based curriculum in order to teach key competences for life. Second, new intelligence theories must be introduced into education in order to foster the development of students' talents, aptitudes, and potentials. Third, we can make use of positive psychology, which is a newly emerging field, the core concept of which is the belief that happiness in life depends on one's ability to develop and maintain positive feelings and emotions.  相似文献   

善教育就是好教育,是公正的教育、和谐的教育、让人享受尊严和体验幸福的教育。善治是教育的致善之道,善治的有效途径是依法治教、民主决策、机构有效管理和公民社会参与等。教育善治涉及教育的诸多方面,其核心要素包括教育立法的公正性、决策信息的透明度、管理分析的公信力和公民社会的参与面四个方面。  相似文献   

The article provides a multiperspective approach to educational careers. It first discusses social justice issues in the distribution of the crucial individual and social good of education. It then summarizes core findings of recent international research on processes and factors generating social disparities in the acquisition of education. Based on both it finally provides suggestions how especially professional guidance can contribute to reducing inequalities and increasing social justice.  相似文献   

教师幸福关涉"人"的幸福和教育发展。但对教师幸福的误解,既影响教师幸福的获取又使教师职业道德处于不义之地。教师幸福应是物质幸福、社会幸福和精神幸福的有机统一,是教师德性幸福与非德性幸福的统一。规则意义上的教师职业道德是实现教师幸福的社会条件和工具;美德意义上的教师职业道德既是获得教师幸福的一个必要而非充分条件,又是教师幸福的重要内容之一。故教师职业道德既不是教师幸福的绊脚石也不是教师幸福的代名词,而是教师幸福的促成者。现实中二者往往相悖,关键原因是不正确的教师幸福观、不完善的社会制度和师德对教师幸福构成的非唯一性,等等。这正好为实现二者一致指明了路径。  相似文献   

小康社会的建设离不开对处境不利群体利益的关注,同时处境不利儿童的义务教育发展状况也将直接关系到全面建设小康社会的实现程度。义务教育补偿是保障所有公民教育权利的重要形式,是一种积极的义务教育均衡发展的策略,它能使个人的权利和国家的强制义务相结合,是一种新的发展观和效益观,是社会整体利益最大化的合理选择,更是教育公正的现实要求和社会文明以及教育进步的体现。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):302-317

Central to the pursuit of education and its functions like assessment, is social justice. Given the (still) existing inequalities brought about by years of neglect, it is clear that the building of a just society is indeed fraught with challenges. This article explores the extent to which all learners in South Africa are afforded fair treatment and an impartial share of what the education system through assessment practices can offer them. In attempting to illuminate this issue, we will start by providing a brief overview of assessment policy initiatives and the current assessment system in South Africa. This will be followed by a conceptual analysis of assessment practices and their social justice implications for learners by using Cribb and Gerwitz's (2003) key dimensions of social justice, namely the distribution of educational resources, recognition and respect for cultural differences and participation. Through this analysis we conclude that, while acknowledging the massive impact of family/community circumstances and poor educational provision, unfair assessment practices as discussed remain an important dimension of the degradation of social justice in the South African education system. Many learners, despite efforts to ensure more just assessment practices, are still marginalised and do not reap the benefits that can support them in developing their full potential.  相似文献   

Inclusive education has established itself as an important element within the general field of educational research. While the increasing attention to social inclusion is apparently consistent with the general aspiration for social justice, this paper reasserts the fragility of inclusive education as a vehicle for arguing against traditional notions of special educational needs in favour of educational disablement as identity politics. It is important that in a general consideration of education research and social justice space be afforded to interrogating the shortcomings of social justice research in education with regard to disabled students. This brief discussion aims to introduce a range of issues pursuant to the intersection of education and disability politics.  相似文献   

论教育与人生幸福的关系——教育目的论视角的解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人生幸福不是教育的目的,因为教育的目的是生产人的素质,生产人的素质是教育活动所刻意追求的;人生幸福也不应是教育的目的,因为以人生幸福作为教育的目的,会弱化教育的目的性动力,会使教育活动缺乏应有的秩序,甚至会使教育活动无法进行,会潜在地排斥社会的要求,导致价值强加的后果。但教育目的的实现与人生幸福又是相互影响、互为条件的,这体现为教育目的的实现是幸福这一人生目的的核心性目标,教育目的的实现是人生幸福的条件,人生幸福是"检验教育是否获得平衡和调和的一种有用的方法"。  相似文献   

Disengagement and poor educational attainment in education are firmly established risk factors for juvenile crime, leading policymakers to identify educational provision in and after custody as a key pathway for effective reentry (resettlement). However, although there is emerging evidence that children’s educational progress can reduce recidivism, persistent issues have dogged the delivery of education in custody across the Western world. We identify these issues as rooted in fundamental weaknesses of the risk paradigm that defines the relationship between custodial education and juvenile justice outcomes, in particular reflecting the absence of a cogent theory of change. We propose an alternative ‘Child First’ conceptual framework for custodial education that draws on the ‘Positive Youth Justice’ approach in contemporary youth justice and adopts the development of children’s pro-social identity as its theory of change and key purpose. We explore for the first-time what overarching principles such an approach might entail and test the appropriateness of its theory of change by using it to reinterpret existing good practice messages for custodial education.Therefore, we propose a thoroughgoing evaluation of custodial education practice through such a ‘Child First’ lens.  相似文献   

本文借鉴布迪厄文化权力理论中的惯习(habits)和场域(fields)概念分析高等教育场域中的教育公平以及教育再生产功能。通过对高等教育公平中存在的两大"误识"的分析,提出对教育公平问题的探讨不能仅仅局限于入学机会的均等,而要关注教育能够复制社会等级秩序的这一功能,从文化资本以及社会分层的角度来分析如何提高学生的学业成绩和教育成就动机,从而建立一个真正公平的、充分实现个人潜能的高等教育系统。  相似文献   

GNH视域中的当代教育功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顺应社会发展的潮流和趋势,国民幸福总值(GNH)正逐步为国际社会普遍接受。教育是追求和实现人之幸福的崇高事业,可促进与达成GNH的有关指标。在GNH视野中,教育具有追求幸福的个体功能,为了和谐的社会功能,彰显人与自然之和谐的调节功能。应遵照社会发展要求,尽力促进教育功能的实现;同时,还要注意教育多种功能的整合。  相似文献   

20世纪末,诺丁斯的关心教育理论极大地促进了教育理论与教学活动的发展,其提出培养具有关心能力的人、围绕关心来设置课程、建立关心型的师生关系等关心教育理论对于新时期我国高校如何加强思想政治教育同样具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从伦理学的角度看教育公正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公正维护的是某一社会共同体的健康存在和正常运转,教育公正作为教育伦理中的一个重要的范畴,不仅仅关涉到教育本身的成败,而且对于整个国家的发展与进步也都有着重要的意义。在对历史上的教育公正观和原则进行考察之后,结合国内教育公正中存在的问题,我们认为应把教育机制提升到社会公正的层面上来看待,基于一种平等的原则,从维护个人权利的角度出发,来解决今天教育当中存在的不公正问题,在这一过程中,政府也负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

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