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数字图书馆是随迅速发展的信息技术产生的图书馆新形态,经过对数字图书馆20年的研究和实践,国内很多数字图书馆建设和服务中应用的技术已经非常成熟。文章通过对21世纪以来我国关于数字图书馆应用技术的期刊论文进行统计和计量分析,在初步了解数字图书馆技术发文量趋势之后进行聚类分析,将数字图书馆技术分为十类,并生成了可视化图谱,从而更深入地了解数字图书馆各种技术及其关联结构。  相似文献   

对云计算的概念进行简单概括,对云计算和数字图书馆的发展趋势进行分析,主要分析云计算在数字图书馆的运用实例及在数字图书馆运用中所存在的问题。随着图书馆界对云计算技术的研究以及云计算技术的日趋成熟,云计算技术在数字图书馆中的应用必定有着光明的前景。  相似文献   

本文对虚拟现实技术和数字图书馆进行了介绍,包括当前数字图书馆服务模式和现状,基于对虚拟现实技术的分析寻求两者结合的方式,对虚拟技术在数字图书馆的应用问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

数字技术的飞速发展已经给人类社会结构、生产生活方式带来了重大变化和冲击。数字图书馆是数字技术应用的产物,世界各国都在进行数字图书馆建设。我们要根据数字图书馆的特点和功能,结合国际立法经验和我国现实情况,在完善我国著作权制度的基础上来进行数字图书馆建设。使我国数字图书馆建设有章可循、有法可依。  相似文献   

本文分析了数字图书馆应用云计算技术与虚拟化技术的重要性,探讨了数字图书馆中云计算技术的作用与特性,进而对数字图书馆中云计算虚拟化建设服务平台进行了分析,并对数字图书馆中云计算虚拟化建设方案设计进行了深入研究,分别提出了数字图书馆中云计算平台的逻辑层次结构与基于云计算虚拟化技术层次结构。  相似文献   

国外高校数字图书馆的先进经验对我国的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章通过介绍世界各国的高校数字图书馆的先进经验和技术,对我国高校数字图书馆的研究和发展情况进行了分析。提出中国未来高校数字图书馆建设应在借鉴国外高校数字图书馆先进经验和技术的基础上,结合我国具体情况,建设具有本国特色的高校数字图书馆。  相似文献   

网格为数字图书馆建立跨越Web的信息服务和集成应用提供新的平台。分析数字图书馆与网格技术的关联性,探讨网格技术在数字图书馆应用的必要性,初步构建基于网格思想的数字图书馆平台层次体系及工作流程,提出网格技术在数字图书馆应用中应注意的问题,并进行展望。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、网络技术和存储技术的飞速发展,数字图书馆应运而生。然而,在实践过程中,数字图书馆建设所面临的知识产权问题也日益凸现。本文从数字图书馆与知识产权的概念出发,对数字图书馆的知识产权问题进行分析,并提出对策。  相似文献   

协同信息推荐系统逐渐被应用到数字图书馆中并成为该领域的主要研究主题之一。从协同信息推荐技术本身、该技术在数字图书馆中的应用以及典型数字图书馆协同信息推荐系统研究等方面对相关研究进行分析和述评,并提出数字图书馆协同信息推荐技术应用的改进策略。  相似文献   

个人数字图书馆是数字图书馆发展的一个重要方向,微件技术作为Web2.0的衍生技术,为个人数字图书馆的实现提供了一种全新的途径。本文分析了个人数字图书馆的研究现状、微件技术的发展与应用现状。在此基础上,提出了基于微件的个人数字图书馆系统框架,并对系统的结构和主要处理流程进行了探讨。  相似文献   


BEST TELEVISION PLAYS. Ed. by Gore Vidal. New York: Ballantine Books, Inc., 1956. 250 pp. 35c.

TELEVISION PLAYS BY PADDY GHAYEFSKY. By Paddy Chayefsky. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1955. 268 pp. $1.50 (paperback).

TOP TV SHOWS OF THE YEAR, 1954–55. Ed. by Irving Settel New York: Hastings House, 1955. 269 pp. $5.50.

TELEVISION SCRIPTS FOR STAGING AND STUDY. By Rudy Bretz and Edward Stasheff. New York: Hill and Wang, Inc., 1953. 332 pp. $4.95.

TELEVISION'S IMPACT ON AMERICAN CULTURE. By William Y. Elliott. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press 1956. 382 pp. $4.95.

MASS COMMUNICATIONS. By Erik Barnouw. New York: Rine‐hart and Company, Inc., 1957. pp. 280. $4.00.

CONSUMER RESEARCH WITH PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES. By Dietz Leonhard. Shenandoah, Iowa: World Publishing Co., 1955. 151 pp.

ON HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS: A Review, a Survey and a Criticism. By Colin Cherry. New York: The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1957. 333 pp.

TELEVISION TECHNIQUES, revised edition, by Hoyland Bettinger, revised by Sol Cornberg. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. 236 pp. $3.75.

TV MEASUREMENT FOR THE SPONSOR. By American Research Bureau, Inc., 1956. 53 pp. (Free.)

FOUR THEORIES OF THE PRESS. By Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1956. 153 pp. $3.50.  相似文献   

Books in review     

LIVING ROOM WAR. By Michael J. Arlen. New York: The Viking Press, 1969. xiv+ 242 pp. $5.95.

PROPAGANDA AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES, An Annotated Bibliography. Edited by Harold D. Lasswell, Ralph D. Casey and Bruce Lannes Smith. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. xxiii+ 450 pp. $10.00.

COLOR TELEVISION, The Business of Colorcasting. Edited by Howard W. Coleman. New York: Hastings House, Publishers, 1968. 287 pp. $8.95.  相似文献   

New books     

LANGUAGE ‐ MAN ‐ SOCIETY: READINGS IN COMMUNICATION. Ed. Harold E. Briggs. New York: Rinehart and Co., 1949; pp. xv + 707. $3.50.

THE ART OF FORCEFUL SPEAKING. By Richard C. Reager. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1949; pp. xvi + 302. $1.49.

HOW TO PUT YOUR IDEAS ACROSS. By Richard W. Wetherill. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1949; pp. x + 435. $2.75.

PUBLIC SPEAKING WITHOUT FEAR AND TREMBLING. By Mark Hanna. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 166. $2.75.

BASIC PUBLIC SPEAKING. By Paul L. Soper. New York: Oxford University Press, 1949; pp. xxi + 394. $2.50.

HANDBOOK OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. Revised Edition. By A. R. Thompr son. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949; pp. xix + 177. $1.50.

BASIC TRAINING IN SPEECH. Brief Edition. By Lester Thonssen and Howard Gilkinson. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. 249. $2.25

HOW TO TALK MORE EFFECTIVELY. By Jean Bordeaux and T. W. Tanaka. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1949; pp. x + 218. $2.75.

DEMOCRACY THROUGH DISCUSSION. By Bruno Lasker. New York: The W. H. Wilson Co., 1949; pp. xvii + 376. $3.50.

THE HUMAN NATURE OF PLAYWRITING. By Samson Raphaelson. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. viii + 267. $4.00.

PLAY PRODUCTION AND DIRECTION. By C. Lowell Lees. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1948; pp. xiii + 311. $5.00.

HOW TO SPEAK THE WRITTEN WORD. By Nedra Newkirk Lamar. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1949; pp. 175. $2.50.

THE ART OF GOOD SPEECH. By Dwight Bolinger and Ralph Weiman. 4 v. Philadelphia: Russell Press, 1948; pp. 159. $9.50.

GENERAL SPEECH: AN INTRODUCTION. By A. Craig Baird and Franklin H. Knower. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1949; pp. ix + 500. $3.50.

PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR BUSINESS. By William G. Hoffman. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1949; pp. xiii + 412. $3.50.

THE LANGUAGE OF WISDOM AND FOLLY: BACKGROUND HEADINGS IN SEMANTICS. Ed. Irving J. Lee. New York; Harper and Brothers, 1949; pp. xxii + 361. $3.00.  相似文献   


THE ACADEMIC LIBRARY: ITS CONTEXT, ITS PURPOSES, AND ITS OPERATION. By John M. Budd. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. xiv, 372 p. $58.00. ISBN 1-56308-614-X.

LYLE'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 1997 Text Edition. By Caroline M. Coughlin and Alice Gertzog. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997. xiv, 187 p. $38.00. ISBN 0-8108-3333-6.

RESTRUCTURING ACADEMIC LIBRARIES: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE WAKE OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE. Edited by Charles A. Schwartz. (ACRL Publications in Librarianship, no. 49). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1997. xi, 289 p. $28.00. ISBN 0-8389-3478-1.

IMPLEMENTATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION: STUDIES OF ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES. By Peter Clayton. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1997. xiii, 208p. $59.95. ISBN 0-12-174860-X.  相似文献   

Book briefs     
Bailey, F.G., editor. GIFTS AND POISON: THE POLITICS OF REPUTATION. New York: Schocken Books, 1972.

Barron, Jerome A. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS FOR WHOM? Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1973.

Blatner, Howard A. ACTING‐IN: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF PSYCHODRAMA METHODS. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., 1973.

Deutscher, Irwin. WHAT WE SAY/WHAT WE DO: SENTIMENTS AND ACTS. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman, and Company, 1973.

Edelman, Murray. POLITICS AS SYMBOLIC ACTION: MASS AROUSAL AND QUIESCENCE. Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1971.

Giglioli, Pier Paolo, editor. LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL CONTEXT. Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc., 1973.


Hamsher, J. Herbert and Sigall, Harold. PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL ISSUES. New York: The Macmillian Company, 1973.

Helmreich, William B. THE BLACK CRUSADERS: A CASE STUDY OF A BLACK MILITANT ORGANIZATION. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1973.

Jandt, Fred E. CONFLICT RESOLUTION THROUGH COMMUNICATION. New York Harper and Row, Publishers, 1973.

Ladner, Joyce A., editor. THE DEATH OF WHITE SOCIOLOGY. New York: Vintage Books Division of Random House, Inc., 1973.

Meier, August and Rudwich, Elliott. CORE: A STUDY IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 1942 0 1968. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.

Meyer, Philip. PRECISION JOURNALISM: A REPORTER'S GUIDE TO SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1973.

Psathes, George, editor. PHENOMENOLOGICAL SOCIOLOGY: ISSUES AND APPLICATIONS. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1973.

Zaltman, Gerald, Kotler, Philip and Kaufman, Ira, editors. CREATING SOCIAL CHANGE. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., 1972.  相似文献   

Books in review     

PRACTICAL PUBLIC SPEAKING: A Guide to Effective Communication, by Eugene E. White, Associate Professor of Speech and C. R. Henderlider, Associate Professor and Head of Speech Department, Cleveland College, Western Reserve University . . . 385 pages, 5½ × 8½, $3.50 (college edition) . . . The Macmillan Company.

SPEECH: A Handbook of Voice Training, Diction and Public Speaking, by Dorothy Mulgrave, with chapters by Wilbur Gilman and Wilbert Pronovost . . . 270 pages, $1.50 . . . Barnes & Noble, Inc.  相似文献   

New books     

PUBLIC SPEAKING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Giles Wilkeson Gray and Waldo W. Braden. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1951; pp. xiv + 581. $4.00.

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEAKING. By Wilbur E. Gilman, Bower Aly, and Loren D. Reid. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1951; pp. vx + 608. $4.00.

BASIC EXPERIENCES IN SPEECH. By Seth A. Fessenden and Wayne N. Thompson. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1951; pp. xii + 427. $3.75.

ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE: TECHNIQUES OF A FREE SOCIETY. By James H. McBurney, James M. O'Neill, and Glen E. Mills. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1951; pp. vii + 336. $3.50.

GROUP LEADERSHIP AND DEMOCRATIC ACTION. By Franklyn S. Haiman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1951; pp. vii + 309. $2.50.

DISCUSSION AND DEBATE. By Henry Lee Ewbank and J. Jeffry Auer. Second Edition. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1951; pp. x + 492. $3.50.

DISCUSSION METHODS: By J. V. Garland. Third Edition Revised. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1951; pp. 376. $3.00.

CREATIVE BROADCASTING With Twelve Scripts for Broadcast. By H. J. Skornia, Robert H. Lee, and Fred Brewer. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1950; pp.x + 407. $4.50.

TEACHING SPEECH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. By Karl F. Robinson. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1951; pp. vii + 438. $4.00.

GERRIT J. DIEKEMA, ORATOR. By William Schrier. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1950; pp. xix + 269. $3.50.

A TREASURY OF THE THEATRE: From Agamemnon to A Month in the County. Edited by John Gassner. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1951; pp. xvii + 718. $4.50.  相似文献   

Books in review     
DOCUMENTS IN AMERICAN BROADCASTING. Edited by Frank J. Kahn. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1968. 598 pp. $4.95 (paper).

RADIO, TELEVISION AND AMERICAN POLITICS. By Edward W. Chester. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1969. 342 pp. $7.50/3.45.

THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON OBSCENITY AND PORNOGRAPHY. New York: Bantam Books, 1970. 700 pp. $1.65 (paper).

HOW TO TALK BACK TO YOUR TELEVISION SET. By Nicholas Johnson. Boston: Little‐Brown, 1970. ix+228 pp. $5.75. [re‐issued with added bibliographies and an index by Bantam Books, 1970. 245 pp. 95¢.]

MEDIA SOCIOLOGY: A READER. Edited by Jeremy Tunstall. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970. x+574 pp. $12.50.

TELEVISION: SELECTIONS FROM “TV GUIDE” MAGAZINE. Edited by Barry G. Cole. New York: Free Press, 1970. 605 pp. $12.50/5.95.

INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATIONS. By Edwin Emery, Phillip H. Ault, and Warren K. Agee. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1970 (third edition). 444 pp. $8.95.

THE MASS MEDIA AND MODERN SOCIETY. By William L. Rivers, Theodore Peterson, and Jay W. Jensen. San Francisco: Rinehart Press, 1971 (second edition). 342 pp. $8.95.

THE COMMUNICATIVE ARTS: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA. By Charles S. Steinberg. New York: Hastings House, 1970. 371 pp. $10.00/6.00.

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: THE BOOMING TECHNOLOGY. By Ronald Brown. New York: Doubleday, 1970. 191 pp. $5.95.

THE EMMY AWARDS: A PICTORIAL HISTORY. By Paul Michael and James Robert Parish. New York: Crown, 1970. 384 pp. $9.95.  相似文献   

NEGATIVE DIALECTICS. By Theodor W. Adorno. Translated by E. B. Ashton. New York: Seabury, 1973; pp. xxi + 416. $17.50.

TOWARD A RATIONAL SOCIETY. By Jurgen Habermas. Translated by Jeremy J. Shapiro. Boston: Beacon Press, 1970; pp. ix + 132. paper $2.95.

KNOWLEDGE AND HUMAN INTERESTS. By Jurgen Habermas. Translated by Jeremy J. Shapiro. Boston: Beacon Press, 1971; pp. viii + 356. $7.50; paper $3.95.

THEORY AND PRACTICE. By Jurgen Habermas. Translated by John Viertel. Boston: Beacon Press, 1973; pp. ix + 310. $10.00.

A MALE GUIDE TO WOMEN'S LIBERATION. By Gene Marine. New York: Discus Books/Published by Avon, 1974: pp. 319. Paper, $1.65.

“Primate” directed by Frederick Wiseman  相似文献   

BROADCASTING: AN INTRODUCTION. By John R. Bittner. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1980. 454 pages plus index, glossary, and appendix.

THE POWERS THAT BE. By David Halberstam. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. 771 pp.

AS IT HAPPENED: A MEMOIR. By William S. Paley. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1979. 418 pp.

INSIDE ABC: AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY'S RISE TO POWER. By Sterling Quinlan. New York: Hastings House, 1979. 290 pp.

FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIO BROADCASTING. By John Hasling, New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1980.

SOUND AND VISION, THE HISTORY OF BROADCASTING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, VOLUME IV. By Asa Briggs. Oxford, New York, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1979. xiv 1082 pp. $65.00.

WORKBOOK FOR RADIO AND TV NEWS EDITING AND WRITING. By Arthur Wimer/Dale Brix. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishing, 1980 (Fifth Ed.). 302 pp.

ALL IN THE FAMILY: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL. Edited by Richard P. Adler. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1979. 322 pp.  相似文献   

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