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目的:研究踺子转体180°前手翻接直体前空翻类跳马动作,揭示这类跳马的运动学规律和技术特点.方法:对程菲和洪淑贞完成的"踺子转体180°前手翻接直体前空翻转体180"(简称"R180"),以及程菲完成的"踺子转体180°前手翻接直体前空翻转体540°"("程菲跳")进行三维运动学分析,对三组跳马动作身体重心的水平速度和垂直速度、主要关节的位移、关节角度、身体翻转角速度等运动学参数进行对比分析.结果:三组动作踏板时重心水平速度基本相同,踏板及推手阶段关键位置的关节角度相近,但"程菲跳"推离马重心垂直速度和第二腾空时间明显高于"R180",第二腾空转体角速度略大于"R180"的3倍,而翻腾角速度略小.结论:踺子转体180°前手翻接直体前空翻类跳马动作触马前的技术动作基本相同,难度较高的技术动作需要更高的推离马垂直速度和更快的第二腾空转体角速度.  相似文献   

苏美华  陈平 《体育科技》2012,33(2):58-63
通过采用运动学等研究方法,揭示我国女子优秀体操运动员杨亚红完成的侧手翻转体90°直体后空翻转体720°的高难度动作的运动学规律和技术特点,发展此类动作对提高我国女子跳马技术水平有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

跳马器械改变后,男子跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体900°是目前该类动作中难度最大的动作之一,其难度分值为10分。在我国乃至世界上掌握此动作的运动员人数甚少,该动作有很大的发展潜力。研究通过三维录像,取得我国优秀运动员李小鹏完成此动作的第一手资料,经过解析处理,获得其运动学参数,并对动作进行了技术分析与诊断,旨在揭示跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体900°动作的内在规律和运动学特征,为运动训练及技术创新提供定量数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

采用三维高速摄影和影片解析的方法,对我国优秀男子体操运动员黄力平、黄华东等人完成跳马“踺子转体180°前手翻”类动作纵转180°技术时的空间及时空特征等,进行比较分析。结果显示,完成纵转180°技术时,应避免在踏板阶段过早转体;应充分利用手臂的非对称性运动,做到“快转体,早摆腿”;推手阶段要尽可能利用腕、肘、肩的弯屈度,充分推伸、拉展等。  相似文献   

王恬恬跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体540°的运动学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用运动学分析 ,揭示我国女子优秀跳马运动员王恬恬完成的跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体 5 4 0°的高难前沿动作的规律和技术特点 ,对发展此类动作 ,提高我国女子跳马技术水平有重要的现实意义  相似文献   

1 前言 江苏女体一组运动员周峥,在跳马项目上颇具实力,在94年全国最高水平的全国体操锦标赛上,周峥仅次于优秀运动员莫慧兰,获跳马第2名。 现在我国女子体操运动员中,跳马实力最强的是莫慧兰,去年她掌握并用于单项决赛的两个自选动作是:踺子小翻转体180°直体前空翻和前手翻屈体前空翻转体180°,现在这两个动作的分值都是9.9分。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法及录像解析法研究了我国世界跳马冠军陆斌完成的男子跳马高难度前沿动作前手翻直体前空翻转体900°的运动学规律,分析了他完成踏跳、推手和第二腾空等几个最关键的技术环节的特点.提出的技术参数可以为我国运动员发展和改进该动作技术提供参考依据.  相似文献   

新的跳马器械改变后 ,男子跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体 90 0°是该类动作中难度最大的动作之一 ,其难度分值为 10分。目前 ,在我国乃至世界上掌握此动作的运动员人数甚少 ,该动作有很大的发展潜力。通过三维录像及解析处理 ,对我国优秀运动员李小鹏、陆斌两人完成此动作 ,进行了技术分析与诊断。研究的目的在于揭示跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体 90 0°动作的内在规律和运动学特征 ,为运动训练及技术创新提供定量数据和理论依据  相似文献   

陆斌跳马侧手翻转体90°屈体后空翻2周的运动学分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过运动学分析揭示了跳马世界冠军陆斌完成的侧手翻转体90°屈体后空翻2周的运 动学规律和技术特点,对进一步改进和发展此类动作提供了理论依据和技术参数。  相似文献   

李小鹏在跳马推手技术中采用了"扒马"推手技术,白云鹏在前手翻直体前空翻转体900°动作中运用了传统的推手技术。针对李小鹏跳马的"扒马"技术和白云鹏的推手技术动作数据进行运动学对比分析,为前手翻类动作的提高难度与创新提供可靠的技术参考。  相似文献   

赵卫华完成踺子后手翻转体180°接直体前空翻两周这一动作,目前还没有人用于全国性的比赛中,国际比赛中也没有见到,属于高难创新动作。本文对其技术特征从运动学角度进行定量和定性分析,研究结果可供广大教练员、运动员和科研人员参考。  相似文献   

在现代信息化生活中,网络已全面侵入我们的日常生活,儿童少年乃至老年人都在使用手机、电脑。由于长期不良的久坐姿势会造成人体形态的改变。其中在青年人中骨盆前倾尤为常见。本文主要运用文献法、问卷调查法从造成骨盆前倾的原因及对人体的危害上进行阐述,引起人们重视,继而提出卷腹运动、太极拳桩功对骨盆前倾的改善方法。  相似文献   

采用肌电图学与运动学对天津体操队男子运动员完成的自由体操、双杠和吊环三种类型手倒立动作进行了同步分析。结果表明:不同类型手倒立动作在完成过程中,主要参与调控身体平衡肌群的肌电变化存在差异性(P〈0.05)。据此,提出了针对这三种类型手倒立动作的训练方法。旨在为今后体操运动员的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of forward trunk lean on hamstring muscle kinematics during sprinting. Eight male sprinters performed maximal-effort sprints in two trunk positions: forward lean and upright. A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model was used to compute the musculotendon lengths and velocity of the biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles during the sprinting gait cycle. The musculotendon lengths of all the three hamstring muscles at foot strike and toe-off were significantly greater during the forward trunk lean sprint than during the upright trunk sprint. In addition, a positive peak musculotendon lengthening velocity was observed in the biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus muscles during the late stance phase, and musculotendon lengths at that instant were significantly greater during the forward trunk lean sprint than during the upright trunk sprint. The present study provides significant evidence that a potential for hamstring muscle strain injury involving forward trunk lean sprinting would exist during the stance phase. The results also indicate that the biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus muscles are stretched during forward trunk lean sprinting while contracting eccentrically in the late stance phase; thus, the elongation load on these muscles could be increased.  相似文献   

刘军  杨新  刘同为 《体育科研》2009,30(6):74-78
提高动作完成的成功率,是教练员和运动员一个亟需解决的难题。在文献资料、数理统计、专家咨询及生物力学实验测试的基础上,以旋风脚转体720°为例,对完成该动作各个阶段进行生物力学分析,提出提高该动作成功率的实验数据,为教练员和运动员对该类技术动作的科学训练提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

创新是竞技体操技术发展的重要特征之一,是运动员取胜的一项重要法宝。某一独特的难新动作常预示着一种新技术、新趋势。本文在“肖空翻”的启迪下把四种体操动作基本运动形式视为一连续体,试图探索某些新技术领域或急待开发的技术领域,并以此设计出前摆——前翻类,后摆——后翻类等9类20个新动作或新连接,建议由专家论证和运动员试做,以便尽快尽早在国际体操大赛中为国增辉。  相似文献   

通过对探戈舞运动与羽毛球运动的特点、运动学价值、生理学价值和美学价值等方面比较及对相关数据研究分析认为,探戈舞和羽毛球运动对大众健身有着重要价值。并就体育舞蹈与羽毛球运动在大众体育运动中进一步推广提出对策意见。  相似文献   

By understanding the normal humeral and scapular kinematics during the kayak stroke, inferences about the relationship of kayaking technique and shoulder injury may be established. The purpose of this study was to describe scapular and humeral kinematics and to compare dominant versus nondominant symmetry in healthy whitewater kayakers performing the forward stroke. Twenty-five competent whitewater kayakers (mean age: 34.1 +/- 9.4 years, mean height: 1.768 +/- 0.093m, mean mass: 78.2 +/- 13.0 kg) underwent humeral and scapular kinematic assessment, using an electromagnetic tracking device, while kayaking on a kayak ergometer. Paired t-tests were used to determine symmetry. Scapular and humeral kinematic means and standard deviations at six time points during the kayak stroke were described. Scapular and humeral kinematics were shown to be similar upon bilateral comparison. The greatest potential for injury during the forward stroke may be at thrust paddle shaft vertical when the humerus is maximally elevated in internal rotation and adduction as subacromial structures may be mechanically impinged. The relationship between scapulohumeral kinematics related to injury at other time points are also described.  相似文献   

By understanding the normal humeral and scapular kinematics during the kayak stroke, inferences about the relationship of kayaking technique and shoulder injury may be established. The purpose of this study was to describe scapular and humeral kinematics and to compare dominant versus non-dominant symmetry in healthy whitewater kayakers performing the forward stroke. Twenty-five competent whitewater kayakers (mean age: 34.1 ± 9.4 years, mean height: 1.768 ± 0.093 m, mean mass: 78.2 ± 13.0 kg) underwent humeral and scapular kinematic assessment, using an electromagnetic tracking device, while kayaking on a kayak ergometer. Paired t-tests were used to determine symmetry. Scapular and humeral kinematic means and standard deviations at six time points during the kayak stroke were described. Scapular and humeral kinematics were shown to be similar upon bilateral comparison. The greatest potential for injury during the forward stroke may be at thrust paddle shaft vertical when the humerus is maximally elevated in internal rotation and adduction as subacromial structures may be mechanically impinged. The relationship between scapulohumeral kinematics related to injury at other time points are also described.  相似文献   

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