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教育游戏是教育技术的新兴研究领域,更是有着较大教育价值和社会价值的实践领域。硕、博士学位论文是学科前沿、系统且具有代表性的研究成果。立足于我国教育游戏研究现状,对近年来我国硕、博士学位论文进行系统的梳理和解读,有助于从理论研究、设计开发和实际应用三方面归纳出我国教育游戏研究的现状,分析目前研究中存在的不足之处,并对探索教育游戏研究的未来之路提出建议。  相似文献   

如今,教育游戏作为现代教学领域中的教育技术的新兴领域,有着较大研究意义及社会价值。本文将采用文献调查法和逻辑分析法对近年重要期刊及文献中有关教育游戏的及内容进行梳理及分析,归纳出教育游戏的研究现状,总结当前教育游戏亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

刘琼 《远程教育杂志》2011,29(1):96-104
在迅猛发展的网络、计算机和新兴信息技术的支持下,现代社会已然步入了"后教育时代",实现了人、教育、生活的全方位整合。教育游戏正是在这种大背景下应运而生的产物,并且受到越来越多研究人员的关注。随着相关的理论与实践研究不断增多与深入,教育游戏的独立研究领域已经逐步形成。通过对近年来"教育游戏"相关优秀硕士学位论文展开调查分析,从纵、横两个维度构建当前教育游戏研究领域的基本框架,进而从研究领域的形成、教育游戏的理论基础、教育游戏的设计开发、教育游戏的应用研究四个子领域分别展开论述,并对整个研究领域的理论与实证研究进行概念梳理和数据统计。  相似文献   

民间游戏在新时期幼儿园的传承和发展,对促进幼儿全面发展,进一步促进课程生活化、游戏化,具有特殊意义.依托课题研究与课程实践,重组民间游戏材料,拓展民间游戏玩法,挖掘民间游戏的教育价值,能促使民间游戏焕发新的活力,使其真正成为促进幼儿身心健康成长的有效教育途径.  相似文献   

国外电子游戏教育应用的理论研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如今,游戏和学习的研究已经引起了教育专家们的关注,成为新时期教与学理论与实践研究的一大焦点.本文采用文献调研的方法梳理了国外有关电子游戏教育应用的理论研究成果,主要聚焦于八个方面:1)游戏激发快乐学习、动机学习并沉浸学习;2)游戏可作为符号学以及知识领域的学习;3)游戏培养解决问题的技能;4)游戏提供不同领域的体验及能力之间的转换;5)游戏社区被看作网络学习社区;6)游戏提供了多重身份学习;7)游戏激发创造性和批判性思维潜力;8)玩游戏可引发反思与学习.作者围绕这八个方面来评析各个理论成果的实践意义,并对如何将这些理论渗透于教育游戏设计开发中进行了展望.  相似文献   

魏颖 《考试周刊》2011,(35):139-140
我国目前在教育游戏研发领域尚处于起步阶段,行之有效的关于教育游戏应用方面的设计模型和设计理念极为缺乏。教育游戏可以作为一种游戏化学习环境进行研究。本文通过分析探究型学习模式、教育游戏展示方式、探究型学习模式下学习理论和教育游戏的内在关系来分析教育游戏展示方式研究的独特价值及意义。  相似文献   

GLS(Games+Learning+Society,游戏+学习+社会)会议已历时十余年,在美国本土教育游戏研究领域具有很大的影响力。文章运用文献计量方法,梳理了2011年~2015年GLS会议出版的500篇论文,剖析了美国教育游戏理论与实践研究的热点,并追踪各研究机构的研究动向,分析了美国教育游戏研究的主题,总结出美国教育游戏研究的三大特点,以期为我国教育游戏的研究与实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在学前儿童教育领域,游戏是一个占有特殊重要地位的问题。人们在研究学前儿童的教育问题时,总是不可避免地涉及到幼儿的游戏问题。游戏作为自然活动,从它被引入学前儿童教育领域那时起,就受到教育目的的规范,正是这种教育目的的严肃性,使游戏获得了教育上的价值。  相似文献   

通过分析与 STEAM 教育理念有关的文献资料和研究现状,梳理 STEAM 教育对学前教育的现有相关领域研究,阐明了幼儿园游戏教学的现状和问题,总结了基于 STEAM 教育理念的幼儿园游戏教学的设计原则。根据这一原则,进行了幼儿园游戏教学的设计和实践,提出了基于 STEAM 教育理念的幼儿园游戏教学的设计与实施策略。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的不断深入和实践,教育游戏也越来越受到重视。从教育游戏的概念及功能入手,探索教育游戏与教育、教学的规律,及其在学科教育中的应用价值,力图构建教育游戏在学科教学中的实践途径,给中学教育者提供一些思考和启示。  相似文献   

Based on a significant increase in correspondence to the author from parents, teachers and psychologists concerning “addiction” to online video games like World of Warcraft, this paper provides a brief overview of the main issues surrounding excessive video game playing among adolescents. As an aid to educational psychologists, and based on two decades of the author’s own research in this area, this paper briefly overviews: (i) online gaming addictions, (ii) the differences between online and offline video gaming, and (iii) video gaming benefits. The paper ends with some practical advice that educational psychologists can give to parents about the safe playing of video games.  相似文献   

This paper discusses gaming in a Western Australian school for boys. The overriding ethos of the school is supportive of the potential of ICT to better engage students and deliver enhanced educational outcomes. The school sees game-based design as at the vanguard of innovation, but also accepts its important duty of care responsibilities. Tensions were revealed between the opportunities presented by educational gaming and the perceived problem of managing student distraction, particularly the tendency for students to spend large amounts of time playing games that have little or no educational value. The paper describes the forms of gaming that emerged at the school, considering both their educational impact and propensity to detract from students' opportunities to learn. It is argued that the perceived benefits and risks of gaming are not well understood, and that powerful political forces are at play which shape school policy, teachers' pedagogy, parent perceptions and student actions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explain students' perceived relevance of playing an educational game as a means for development of discipline competence. Based on self-determination theory and the concept of personal interest, we propose that: Satisfying students' basic needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness when playing educational games is critical for arousal of intrinsic motivation in learning-through-gaming; Students' interest in the core subject and their intrinsic motivation in learning-through-gaming are important for their perceptions of how relevant they believe the gaming session is for the discipline they are studying. The results from an empirical study indicate that arousal of intrinsic motivation in the ongoing gaming session is more important than pre-gaming interest in the core subject for participants' post-gaming perception of how relevant such gaming is as a means for developing their discipline competence. The results also indicate that satisfying basic needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness is critical for arousal of intrinsic gaming motivation. Our findings have implications for the choice of pedagogical means when utilizing educational games as a complementary alternative to traditional learning methods. To that end, we offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

Although educational games have become quite popular in recent research, only a limited number of studies have focused on the effectiveness of these games. While numerous claims have been made about the effectiveness of games, the studies that examine educational effectiveness often contain flaws resulting in unclear conclusions. One possible solution for these shortcomings is to focus on separate game elements rather than on games as a whole. A second solution is to take into account students’ perceptions of instruction as they are likely to affect students’ interpretations and learning outcomes. This study investigated whether the addition of the gaming element ‘competition’ to a computer-based language learning environment is related to students’ motivation, perceptions and learning outcomes. Additionally, this study probed into the effect of instruction, i.e., the instruction of a gaming or learning environment, on students’ perceptions of the environment, their motivation and learning outcomes. 83 students participated in this study, all working in a game-based learning environment for learning business English conversation skills. The results demonstrate that competition is not significantly related to students’ learning gains and only partly related to students’ motivation. Moreover, the majority of students perceived the environment as a learning environment, even when they were instructed to be playing in a gaming environment. To conclude this paper, the practical and theoretical implications for the fields of instructional design and educational games research are discussed.  相似文献   

游戏与学习研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机游戏在图形、复杂性、交互和描述等方面越来越复杂,多种类型的游戏已经在市场上占有重要地位,计算机游戏正成为文化的一部分。游戏与学习的关系成为越来越多的研究者关注的重点。本研究综述的目的是提供关于计算机游戏产业、市场和文化等现状的一个概述;对游戏与教育相关性研究的主要进展提供概览,并对该领域的相关文献进行概述;为教育研究共同体和游戏开发商等就如何在学习资源设计中使用游戏技术进行交流提供基础;为教育共同体在教育环境中使用数字游戏的讨论提供基础。同时本研究还以恰如其分的语气承认,在现有的教育体制和学习模式下,应用游戏的一些障碍和挑战。不仅如此,在这篇研究综述中,作者还为设计者、研究者和政策制定者提出了如何将游戏的一些本质特点融入学习资源和学习环境设计中的一些方法,而不仅仅是像今天教育游戏给学生提供的似乎像糖衣的"趣味性",只是使学生完全沉浸其中。  相似文献   

Nowhere in the current digital technology landscape is the process of ‘blurring the lines between media’ more apparent than with the uses and applications of gaming practices and technologies. Here the overlaps between new media and media interfaces are becoming significant as games technologies and practices are becoming more pervasive as commonplace social practices. This article reviews literature for evidence of these trends of convergent media forms as a starting point for a wider debate for using games technologies and practices to support learning practices. The article outlines convergences between gaming and cinema, gaming and the Internet, and gaming and emergent technologies and interfaces (e.g. mobile phones and social software). The article aims to foreground major dimensions of convergence in relation to the potential of innovations in educational practice and activities. The article concludes that variant forms of gaming are widespread. But while the converging forms of gaming with other media forms provide potential for supporting educational practices, these new forms still need to be considered in relation to clear pedagogic strategies, supported peer interactions and tutor engagement.  相似文献   

Researchers have recognized the potential of educational computer games in improving students’ learning engagement and outcomes; however, facilitating effective learning behaviors during the gaming process remains an important and challenging issue. In this paper, a collaborative knowledge construction strategy was incorporated into an educational computer game to facilitate students’ knowledge sharing and organizing during the game-based learning process. An experiment was conducted to examine the students’ learning behavioral patterns, group efficacy, and problem-solving awareness. The experimental results revealed that the proposed approach improved the students’ learning achievements and awareness of problem-solving. Moreover, from the analysis of the students’ behavior sequences, it was found that, with the collaborative knowledge construction mechanism, the students revealed significantly more aggressive learning behavioral patterns, such as “comparing and observing the learning targets” and “seeking clues and answers” during the gaming process. This implies that integrating the collaborative knowledge construction mechanism into the gaming process has great potential for helping students effectively learn and organize knowledge as well as fostering their awareness of applying the acquired knowledge to dealing with problems.  相似文献   

A mixed methods design was used to identify factors associated with motivational engagement in video gaming. Self-report instruments were administered to 189 video game players to assess goal orientations, affect, need for cognition, and perceptions of engagement and flow. Simultaneously, a sub-set of 25 participants were interviewed and results analyzed to identify patterns that influenced their propensity for gaming. Regression results revealed motivational engagement for gaming was related to gender, hours of play, task orientation, and socialization. Players indicated that gaming was socially captivating, fun, challenging but relaxing, and precipitated positive affect and cognition even when unsuccessful results were achieved. The negative consequences normally associated with task failure were not reported by participants to take place during gaming. We concluded transfer of motivational engagement in gaming for entertainment to educational contexts was unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

在教育政策的理想与现实之间,由于教育政策主体的多方博弈,失衡同平衡总是处在一种互动关系之中。作为教育政策和谐与均衡的润滑剂,衡平是解决教育政策失衡问题的重要手段和途径,对恢复教育政策的协调职能具有独立的价值意义。  相似文献   

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