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近年来,高校贫困生人数呈上升趋势,贫困生由经济困难引发了道德、学习、心理和就业的问题。本文针对这些问题研究建立高校贫困生帮扶体系的五项工程,以促进贫困生的全面发展。  相似文献   

贫困大学生是高校中一个相对特殊的群体,他们比普通大学生承受着更大的心理及经济压力。以粤西高校为例,研究高校贫困生帮扶工作的现状、分析存在的问题,进而提出改进和完善贫困大学生帮扶机制的对策,为完善我国高校贫困生帮扶体系建设提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

为更好地保障高校贫困生生活质量,我国政府建立了较为完备的帮扶资助体系,然而,高校在落实帮扶政策的进程中却发现了许多贫困生感恩意识淡漠甚至丧失的问题,此种现象必然引发深思.因此,贫困生帮扶工作仅停留在物质层面是远远不够的,加强对高校贫困生感恩教育,重视对其精神层面的扶助任重而道远.  相似文献   

近年来,国家加大对贫困生的帮扶力度,贫困生帮扶、思想教育工作已经逐渐受到高校的重视。如何建立有效的勤工工作体系是各高校探索和讨论的重点。以社团为组织模式勤工助学体系的建立,有利于依托社团组织形式开展学生的心理疏导、感恩教育,有利于培养学生自立自强、适应社会的能力。  相似文献   

梁阳 《文教资料》2013,(12):122-123
本文阐述了高校贫困生人文关怀的基本内涵,分析了人文关怀理念对高校贫困生激励管理的启示,建立了对贫困大学生的经济资助、心理援助、成才帮扶、就业援助和帮扶的一整套相互关联、相互影响的激励体系。  相似文献   

高校贫困生资助体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随高等教育的广泛普及和大学生数量的激增,高校贫困生绝对数量日益庞大,贫困生问题已成为制约高校发展的一大瓶颈.虽然我国高校贫困生资助帮扶体系日益健全,但在具体实践中仍存在不少困难和问题.本文通过查找分析高校贫困生资助工作中存在的问题,并提出解决对策,以加强高校贫困生资助体系建设,切实提升高校贫困生资助工作成效和水平.  相似文献   

浅析高校伪贫困生的成因与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校贫困资助体系的日趋完善,越来越多的贫困生获得了赖以完成学业的重要经济来源,但是高校伪贫困生现象愈演愈烈,对校园诚信及真正贫困生的帮扶带来了极大的危害.  相似文献   

高校贫困生是一个特殊群体,关注、帮扶这一特殊群体,已经成为高校学生管理的一项重要工作.文章通过对高校贫困生存在的问题及原因进行分析,认为高校贫困生帮扶工作应坚持资助与教育并举,助学与育人并重的帮扶理念,并提出了相应的帮扶措施.  相似文献   

目前,许多高校贫困生的资助工作主要是集中于经济帮扶,而对其学习学业、人际交往、就业实践、创新能力等方面的指导和帮扶相对缺乏。构建高校贫困生大资助体系,突出育人在资助过程中的核心地位,对贫困大学生的成长成才具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文对于高校贫困生界定问题、贫困生的资助体系及校园创业存在的问题进行了比较系统的阐述,并且对一些相关问题在杭州下沙高教园区进行了问卷调查,同时提出了一些可行的措施,旨在进一步完善高校贫困生帮扶体系,帮助高校贫困生摆脱经济困难,提高心理素质和实践能力,使其顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

Secondary schools use a variety of methods to assess students’ learning. In particular, writing assignments are not only among the most widely utilized type of evaluation but also are one of the most important for future success in post-secondary school environments. The present analysis utilizes the McCallie School Caldwell Writing Center as a case study in high school writing center design and practice. Particularly, this article discusses how writing centers can play a vital role in assisting students, faculty, and schools to better prepare pupils for college and vocational success.  相似文献   

The authors draw from a 16-month ethnographic study to examine Latino middle school boys’ early college and career aspirations. Sources of information and support for students, as well as contextual factors that shaped students’ early career aspirations were explored. Findings indicate that early college and career exposure may allow Latino middle school males to form feasible college and career plans. While parents and older siblings served as sources of encouragement, teachers and other institutional agents played a more direct role in assisting students prepare and plan for college. The AVID program provided exposure and concrete information that allowed students to identify different colleges and admissions requirements. Findings from this study may be beneficial for school leaders who hope to engage Latino males during this critical stage of development and help improve their college participation rates.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore the concepts of mentoring and role modeling with regard to developing student leaders within the girls’ school context. The foundation for this discussion lies in two qualitative studies involving staff and students from girls’ schools located in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Both survey and focus groups were used as methods of data collection. Mentoring and role modeling in school settings is reported in this study as taking place in two different forms: student/student and staff/student. This research identified the multidimensional nature of these relationships with regard to female school staff who then became role models for female students. Ultimately, mentoring and role modeling may help female students in developing the knowledge and skills required for leadership as well as assisting in an understanding of gender barriers in relation to leadership roles.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) offers potential advantages for intensifying environmental context awareness and augmenting students’ experiences in real-world environments by dynamically overlapping digital materials with a real-world environment. However, some challenges to AR learning environments have been described, such as participants’ cognitive overload and the ways to provide assistance in constructing the presented learning materials. In this study, a mindtool-based AR learning system was developed, based on the repertory grid method and the contiguity principle of multimedia learning, for assisting students in constructing their knowledge in a natural science course. Furthermore, an experiment was carried out on an elementary school natural science course to compare the influences of this method with those of the conventional AR learning system on students’ learning effectiveness. The experimental results show that the designated approach effectively promoted the students’ learning achievements, and no significant difference existed between the mindtool-based AR learning system and the conventional AR learning system in terms of students’ cognition load and satisfaction degree; moreover, both the experimental group and the control group perceived low cognition load during the learning activity and rated their own AR learning systems as being highly satisfactory.  相似文献   

根据使用者可以将课件划分不同类型,即考虑它是辅助教师的教,或是辅助学生个体的学,还是辅助学生群体协作学习。本文在文献分析与案例分析的基础上,对各种课件开发思想的内容、特点、原则和相关观点、认识加以总结和梳理,以典型课件实例举例说明,并对这些问题进行了分析和汇总。  相似文献   

对我国中西部地区三省农村寄宿制学校的调查表明,当前寄宿制学校学生的不适应主要表现为:低龄学生消极适应突出;学习任务重、生活单调;自我适应能力不强;学校归属感缺失等。农村寄宿制学校应在政府增拨教育经费的基础上,营造良好校园环境,完善管理制度,加强师资队伍建设,增进家校合作,从而使学生快乐健康地发展,更好地适应寄宿学校的生活。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between multidimensional aspects of high school students' perceptions of their parental involvement and their achievement. It explored differences in socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicity, gender, and higher and lower achieving students, and a structural model was developed to further investigate these relations. A parental involvement questionnaire and measures of efficacy, liking and achievement in mathematics and reading were administered to a sample of 1,554 New Zealand high school students from 59 schools. In the view of students, there is support for parents to be talking to their children about learning and schooling and having high expectations of them and their future in learning, especially for lower achieving students. Students who claim that their parents are talking with their teachers or attending school meetings are more likely to have lower achievement. The implications from this study relate to developing student self-regulation for learning in home, providing more surface than deeper learning as homework, and assisting parents to learn the language of learning and schooling.  相似文献   

学生自治作为西南联大学生的管理方式,既是联大民主精神的重要体现,也是影响联大学生生活与学校发展的一条重要脉络。西南联大学生自治会是最能代表该校学生自治面貌的学生组织之一,其内部结构主要由权力机关、执行机关、监察机关构成。通过对联大学生自治会的分析可以看出,联大学生自治具有组织性、自发性、相对独立性、发展性和兼顾性的特点。同时,其自治在服务学生学习和生活、促进学生个体发展、协助学校发展建设、维系联大民主精神、改良当地社会风气方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

大学生涯规划是大学生未来职业生涯的前期准备,是为其实现终身可持续发展奠定基础的重要环节。通过建立"学生的自我管理、学校的教育指导、企业的参与协助和家庭的配合辅导"多方联合的共建机制,真正使学生在生涯规划上有帮助、有收获,实现自己的人生意义。  相似文献   

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