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现代社会肥胖已是全球性的公共健康问题。儿童青少年时期的肥胖与其成年后的肥胖及心血管疾病风险高度相关。大量的横向和纵向研究表明,儿童青少年时期的体育活动(特别是较高强度的体育活动)量、体质(特别是有氧能力和肌肉力量)强弱均与其未来肥胖负相关。因此,儿童青少年时期增加体育活动,特别是较高强度的体育活动,增强体质,是预防未来肥胖的有效方式。  相似文献   

1.青少年运动员的力量训练 儿童少年力量发展第一个阶段为7—9岁,此阶段力量训练主要是提高肌梭的长度和改善肌间内协调,而不会增粗肌纤维。由于人体的神经调节机制在17岁时就基本定型,此后肌肉力量的进一步增强就只能通过使肌肉肥大的形式来实现。在18岁以前男女青少年运动员力量都是持续增长的,但并不平稳,男孩在13岁以后,力量指标逐年比女孩高。7—9岁要注意全身各部位肌肉力量的训练。  相似文献   

体力活动与青少年健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
许汪宇 《体育科研》2011,32(1):66-71
通过分析大量的观察和实验研究结果,本文综述了体力活动对儿童青少年身体健康的影响。结果表明:儿童青少年的体力活动水平越高.其心肺功能、代谢功能、肌肉力量、骨骼以及心理等方面的健康水平也越高.但具体的运动类型、运动强度和持续时间等因素应根据运动目的的不同而异.  相似文献   

肌肉的力量素质不论对运动员,还是对普通人群来讲都是重要的体能要素。它对运动员成绩的提高,普通人群的健康有着重要的意义。力量素质的提高发展到现在已经比较完善,但究竟哪种方法较好,是青少年在肌肉力量练习中应注意的问题,  相似文献   

青少年中长跑运动员的力量训练首先应该发展速度力量、相对力量和力量耐力,而不是单纯的力量和绝对力量,因为青少年中长跑运动员不需要粗厚的肌肉力量,而是象梅花鹿一样的肌肉力量。鹿的肌纤维长,横断面小,收缩力强、弹性好、快速耐力强。青少年正处于长身体阶段,应遵循青少年解剖、生理、心理等特征合理地安排快速力量手段、训练量和强度。根据中长跑项目特点和运动员个人特点,科学合理地保证青少年中长跑运动员健康成长。  相似文献   

儿童青少年是祖国的未来和希望,我国未来几十年的人口素质在很大程度上取决于今天儿童青少年的发育情况。众所周知,儿童青少年时期是个体心理发展过程中重要的阶段,是个体心理由依赖走向独立的过渡时期。这个阶段,个体的认知、情感、自我意识等方面获得较快的发展。然而我国正处于经济社会迅速发展变革的时期,他们处于这样的空前复杂的社会环境中,其心理健康和综合素质发展也面临着诸多挑战。因此,了解儿童青少年的心理发展状况,有针对性地采取措施引导儿童青少年的心理健康发展,成为迫在眉睫的问题。  相似文献   

力量素质的提高对掌握技术、技能和提高专项成绩有着直接影响。加强力量素质训练已是青少年投掷运动员训练中重要内容。一、青少年投掷运动员力量训练应符合其生理特征青少年时期是人体生长发育的主要阶段 ,所以 ,力量训练必须符合其生理特征 ,才有利于身心健康。青少年时期骨骼肌肉含水份和有机物较多 ,富有弹性和韧性 ,不易折断 ,但力量和坚固性差。同时肌肉的增长落后于骨骼 ,为适应骨骼的增长 ,肌肉向长度发展 ,肌纤维细长 ,横断面较小 ,肌肉力量较差。所以在进行青少年力量训练时 ,切不可操之过急 ,必须充分考虑此时期的生理特点 ,采用…  相似文献   

一、青少年下肢力量训练的原则 1、全面发展原则 青少年时期处于正在发育的时期,均衡发展各个部位的肌肉是非常重要的,因为在青少年时期过多地或过少地发展某部分肌肉都会对其将来的运动能力造成不良的影响。同时,全面发展下肢力量也不容易受伤,  相似文献   

肌肉力量训练是短跑训练的,重要环节,在力量训练中又必须要解决好肌肉的平衡协调发展问题。在力量训练中应对短跑所需的各肌肉群进行全面系统地训练,任何一方面的薄弱与不足,都将制约肌肉力量整体水平的提高和发挥,影响运动员在比赛中获得好成绩,也不利于运动员在更高水平上的继续发展。在我们的青少年短跑运动员的力量训练中对力量的平衡发展重视不足,造成了青少年短跑运动员在以下方面存在不足:  相似文献   

一、青少年下肢力量训练的原则1、全面发展原则青少年时期处于正在发育的时期,均衡发展各个部位的肌肉是非常重要的,因为在青少年时期过多地或过少地发展某部分肌肉都会对其将来的运动能力造成不良的影响。同时,全面发展下肢力量也不容易受伤,比如在训练  相似文献   

This study examined anterior chain whole body linkage exercises, namely the body saw, hanging leg raise and walkout from a push-up. Investigation of these exercises focused on which particular muscles were challenged and the magnitude of the resulting spine load. Fourteen males performed the exercises while muscle activity, external force and 3D body segment motion were recorded. A sophisticated and anatomically detailed 3D model used muscle activity and body segment kinematics to estimate muscle force, and thus sensitivity to each individual's choice of motor control for each task. Gradations of muscle activity and spine load characteristics were observed across tasks. On average, the hanging straight leg raise created approximately 3000 N of spine compression while the body saw created less than 2500 N. The hanging straight leg raise created the highest challenge to the abdominal wall (>130% MVC in rectus abdominis, 88% MVC in external oblique). The body saw resulted in almost 140% MVC activation of the serratus anterior. All other exercises produced substantial abdominal challenge, although the body saw did so in the most spine conserving way. These findings, along with consideration of an individual's injury history, training goals and current fitness level, should assist in exercise choice and programme design.  相似文献   

Muscle weakness is considered a risk factor for ankle injury. Balance training and barefoot running have been used in an attempt to strengthen the muscles crossing the ankle. It is expected that training tasks that successfully strengthen the ankle would elicit increased muscular activity. However, it is unknown how an individual's ankle strength will influence the muscle activity used during a given task. Twenty-six participants performed dynamic (shod, barefoot running) and static tasks (squat on ground, squat on ®Bosu Ball) believed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the ankle. Electromyographic signals of the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and gastrocnemius medialis (GM) were recorded and analysed using a non-linearly scaled wavelet analysis. Participants were divided into a strong group and a weak group according to their isometric plantar-flexion torque. The weak group required more relative GL and GM muscle activity during each training task compared to the strong group. No difference was observed between shod and barefoot running. There was a significant effect of training task on muscle activation level for the weak group. Differences in ankle strength had a significant impact on muscle activation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中老年女性增龄性肌力流失的规律特征。方法:以85名中老年女性为实验组,按年龄分为3个年龄组,以29名青年女性为对照组,运用全身型双能X线骨密度仪、Con-Trex等速肌力测试系统进行全身肌肉质量,下肢髋、膝、踝关节屈伸等长与60°/s的等速肌力测试。结论:50年龄段的中年女性已表现出明显的肌肉质量流失、且在70岁前仍表现为以下肢肌肉质量流失为主的局部性特征。中老年女性下肢肌肉力量流失的增龄性特征表现为髋关节的肌肉力量流失最早表现,下肢肌肉收缩力量呈现快速流失的“拐点”约在60岁年龄段,且有肌肉的动态收缩力量的流失先于等长收缩力量的年龄特征。下肢三关节等长收缩力量流失呈现“髋-膝-踝”模式,60°/s的等速力量约在60岁后呈现“膝-踝-髋”模式。结论:老年女性膝关节屈肌较之伸肌可能有着更高的肌力流失速率。肌肉质量与力量流失的关系方面表现出力量流失先于质量流失的特征。  相似文献   


Background and aims

Over the last few decades, demographic change has affected the German population in terms of a decreasing proportion of young people and an increasing proportion of elderly people. Both age groups have deficits in motor performance in common, either due to maturation and secular declines (children and adolescents) or due to biologic aging (seniors). As a consequence, deficits in postural control and muscle strength can be observed in children, adolescents, and seniors. Given these functional limitations, it is not surprising that risk of falling and, thus, medical care is particularly high in these age groups. Therefore, the objectives of this work were to investigate whether resistance or balance training have an effect on intrinsic fall risk factors (i.e., deficits in balance and strength) in children, adolescents, and seniors.


Healthy prepubertal, adolescent, and elderly subjects participated in a series of longitudinal studies. Muscle strength of the lower extremities was assessed by means of an isokinetic device and/or force plates. Postural control was determined during quiet and perturbed stance on a balance platform, during unperturbed multitask walking on a pressure sensitive walkway, as well as during perturbed walking on a treadmill. In addition, activity of lower extremity muscles was recorded.


Balance training significantly improved postural sway, the ability to compensate for stance and gait perturbations, and strength performance of the lower extremities in adolescents, and seniors, however not in prepubertal children. Resistance training significantly enhanced strength performance, but not performance in biomechanic tests assessing postural control in adolescents and seniors.


The investigated effects of balance and resistance training on postural control and strength together with data from epidemiologic studies imply that the combination of balance and resistance training is best suited for fall prevention, because it effectively counteracts a large number of intrinsic fall risk factors.  相似文献   


High physical fitness in childhood and adolescence is positively associated with favourable health-related outcomes. Our aim was to examine the relationship between relatives’ (father, mother, brother, sister, and best friend) physical activity engagement and encouragement on adolescents’ physical fitness. Adolescents were part of the HELENA study, a multi-centre study conducted in 10 cities from nine European countries in 2006–2008. Participants were 3288 adolescents (48% boys, 52% girls) aged 12.5–17.5 years with valid data on at least one of the three fitness variables studied: muscular strength (standing long jump), speed/agility (4×10 m shuttle run), and cardiorespiratory fitness (20 m shuttle run). The adolescents reported their relatives’ physical activity engagement and encouragement. Analysis of covariance showed that relatives’ physical activity engagement (father, mother, brother, and best friend) was positively related to cardiorespiratory fitness (P < 0.05); and mother's and sisters’ physical activity engagement were positively associated with higher muscular strength in adolescents (P < 0.05). Furthermore, father's physical activity encouragement was positively linked to physical fitness (all fitness components) in adolescents (P < 0.05). Interventions aimed at improving physical fitness in young people might be more successful when family members, particularly mothers and fathers, are encouraged to engage in physical activity and support adolescents’ physical activity.  相似文献   

儿童动作能力发展史是儿童发展研究的重要组成部分,不仅能够对儿童的认知、社会性及人格发展产生重要作用,还对儿童青少年体质健康促进、规律锻炼行为养成有重要价值。文章在对儿童动作能力发展研究的主要术语和概念进行辨析的基础上,将儿童动作能力发展置于人类发展研究范畴之中,系统回顾了生物学、心理学以及社会学领域,儿童动作能力发展的相关研究,归纳儿童发展的典型方式和影响机制,聚焦儿童发展过程中的重要组成部分——动作能力的发展及其研究进展和趋势进行系统性回顾,以期能够为学者和研究人员开展儿童动作能力的相关研究和实践工作提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

目的:建立我国10~17岁青少年体质健康评价指标百分位数分布曲线及参考值。方法:通过文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、测试法对我国16个省份32个城市的288所中小学5 048名儿童青少年的各项体质健康指标进行数据采集,其中男性2 779名,女性2 269名。测试内容依次由反映身体形态、心肺耐力、肌肉力量、速度、灵敏、柔韧性的6个一级指标和9个二级指标构成,运用基于位置、尺度、形状的广义可加模型(GAMLSS),在模型拟合中考虑年龄、性别等因素,建立青少年体质健康指标的参考百分位数曲线。结果表明,我国10~17岁青少年体质健康评价指标总体随年龄的增长显著提升,各相同年龄段男生的体质健康指标普遍优于女生,各项测试指标的变化呈现出一定程度的波动性特征且与年龄显著相关(P<0.05)。研究尝试构建了我国10~17岁青少年体质健康指标P5-P95百分位分布曲线与参考值。结论:研究所构建的百分位数曲线与参考值对于我国中小学生体质健康评价标准与常规模型参照体系的修订、体质健康数据库建立、学生身体素质的长期系统监测以及人才的选拔、培养与分流具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

崔娟 《冰雪运动》2010,32(6):18-21
保持和发扬我国短道速滑业已形成的优势局面,探索少年儿童短道速滑运动员的成长和训练规律具有重要的战略意义。基层的教练员应抓好儿童少年运动员全面身体素质训练,同时培养好其各方面能力。应充分了解儿童少年的机体、肺活量、肌肉重量和骨骼等方面的生长发育特点。在训练中少安排静力性练习,多安排身体伸展性练习;加强有氧耐力训练;无氧耐力训练应从13~14岁始,注意量小、多次原则;从小养成良好呼吸习惯等;教练员应重视并帮助运动员克服青春发育期生理变化带来的影响。保证儿少运动员训练的科学、合理和系统性,为日后发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

影响儿童青少年最大有氧活动能力的因素(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜凯  邓树勋 《体育学刊》2001,8(5):126-128
儿童青少年在青春发育期前后,机体各组织器官的功能都在迅速的提高.儿童青少年VO2max的研究和测定,可以综合反映儿童青少年体格状况、有氧运动机能,是判断儿童青少年发育水平及不同环境因素对儿童青少年体质影响的比较理想的动态机能指标.通过综述了前人对儿童青少年最大有氧活动能力的研究,特别是影响其有氧能力的遗传因素、个体状况、环境因素和训练因素在儿童青少年生长发育期的作用和特点,使大家正确认识儿童青少年这一能力的发展,关心儿童青少年的健康成长.  相似文献   

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