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采用文献资料、案例分析等方法,探究2006年德国世界杯球场赛后运营情况。2006年德国世界杯的赛后运营经验主要包括:利用现有球场改建,实施球场赛后改造;依托职业俱乐部,促进球场赛后运营;开发球场多元功能,丰富球场服务内容;积极开发无形资产,拓宽球场收入渠道;实施智慧化升级,提升球场用户体验;践行绿色发展理念,促进球场可持续发展。对于国内球场赛后运营具有如下启示:优化赛前功能设计,积极实施赛后改造;鼓励俱乐部参与球场运营,提升球场赛后利用率;推进多元化运营,提升球场盈利能力;充分开发无形资产,增加球场收入;打造智慧球场,提升球场运营效益;实施可持续运营,促进球场绿色发展。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和专家访谈法等,就西安国际足球中心规划设计全过程的实践经验进行分析,可持续是其规划设计的核心理念。通过梳理西安国际足球中心在可持续发展方面的综合考虑与创新设计,提出西安国际足球中心在多功能设计、参与方协作上存在的局限。最后从球场前期规划、中期建造、后期使用3个阶段,提出:着眼球场全生命周期,科学务实地进行规划设计;贯彻落实环保理念,着力打造绿色球场;增强整体韧性设计,全面实现球场可持续发展。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、案例分析等方法,以2002年韩日世界杯日本球场为例,分析其赛后远离“白象”、高效利用情况,发现:2002年韩日世界杯日本球场的规划设计合理,运营管理科学,赛后利用高效。通过分析札幌穹顶体育场和茨城鹿岛足球场,得出2002年韩日世界杯日本球场形成职业俱乐部长期入驻、功能复合设计、实施指定管理者制度、开展特色服务以及设计智能球场等主要赛后利用经验。基于此,提出对于我国球场运营的启示:加快发展职业联赛,吸引俱乐部长期入驻;采用复合模式,倡导功能兼容;实施两权分离,强化运营导向;引入特色服务,提升用户黏性;实施智能改造,提高用户体验等。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法等,从赛后利用的视角梳理了青岛青春足球场的设计创新与不足。得出:设计亮点体现在赛前构建球场赛后利用模式,整合资源打造体育服务综合体,专业化设计提升足球文化氛围;不足主要体现在运营方介入设计较晚,设计缺乏创新性。提出对我国专业足球场设计与利用的建议:提前谋划赛后利用模式,降低球场运营风险;加强球场韧性设计,丰富球场服务内容;优化球场空间布局,提升资源利用效率;推进运营机构前置,吸引球队参与球场设计;塑造独特球场文化,打造足球文化新地标。  相似文献   

观众朋友,先生们,女士们。欢迎你打开电视机,现在我们在卡塔尔多哈,勒赛尔地标体育场为你现场播报2022年卡塔尔世界杯的比赛实况。卡塔尔是一个美丽的国家,多哈是一个壮观的城市,这里被国际媒体称为"足球热土",再过不到10分钟,2022年卡塔尔世界杯决赛,德国队对西班牙队的比赛就要开始了,在这一个月的时间里,卡塔尔世界杯给我们留下了许多动人的回忆、精彩的瞬间,就像国际足联主席,哈曼先生在世界杯前说的一样,卡塔尔世界杯是历史上最没有"水分"的一届世界杯。在比赛开始前,我们先来收看一组我们编导为你制作的《2022多哈瞬间》。  相似文献   

陈元欣  戎丽娟 《体育科研》2023,(1):55-62,76
奥运场馆作为举办奥运会的重要前提和物质基础,其赛后利用问题备受关注。国际奥委会于2022年初发布了《超过125年的奥运场馆:赛后利用》,就奥运场馆的使用情况进行了全面梳理。本文以该报告为依据,深入分析奥运场馆的过去、现在与未来,发现充分利用已有场馆是过去百年来奥运场馆发展的重要经验,但20世纪后期,新建场馆在奥运场馆中的比例呈现快速上升趋势,现在奥运场馆数量大幅增加,夏奥会场馆逐步以已有场馆和临时场馆为主,冬奥会场馆使用已有场馆呈现“U”型变化趋势,新建场馆比例开始骤降。奥运场馆未来将呈现以下特点:多个城市联合举办,充分改造利用已有场馆;注重场馆可持续性,改造建设绿色场馆;增强场馆设计韧性,鼓励共享使用场馆;场馆容量不再限制,满足使用需求即可;大量使用临时场馆,降低赛后运营压力;成为城市发展触媒,促进城市更新发展。  相似文献   

现代足球技战术的发展,让足球比赛的竞争更加激烈,这增加了裁判员执法的难度,也促进了新技术的产生与应用。本文采用文献资料法、录像分析法等方法,对2022年卡塔尔世界杯半自动越位识别系统的应用进行分析研究,指出应用半自动越位识别系统的利与弊,并分析其原因。研究表明:半自动越位识别系统(SAOT)的应用使越位判罚的精度进一步提高,提高了越位判罚的准确性,使比赛中断时间减少,促进了比赛的公平公正,推动了足球技战术的发展。但智能设备的使用不利于裁判业务水平的提高,降低了比赛的连续性和观赏性,且该设备需要投入高额的成本,短期内无法广泛推广。  相似文献   

研究北京2022冬奥会支出面临风险的目的,是针对筹备、举办2022冬奥会过程中存在的各种支出风险进行风险管理,提高冬奥会筹备、举办过程中资金支出的效力,实现节俭办赛的初衷。依据筹备、举办2022冬奥会支出的主要去向,支出风险主要包括运行支出风险、竞赛和非竞赛场馆支出风险、举办城市基础设施支出风险、隐性支出风险等4个方面。针对4个方面支出存在的风险,分别对存在的风险进行风险管理,主要措施包括贯彻《奥林匹克宪章》精神;结合历史经验,加强预算支出的监管;场馆建设以达到办赛标准为基础,不搞超标建设,建设过程注重环保和赛后利用;城市基础设施建设支出要注意赛前和赛后相结合,体育和旅游相结合;尊重冰雪运动发展规律,注重支出的渐进性和长期性,避免大量的运行支出等等。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和系统分析法,从建筑学的角度对运动场馆的"绿色设计"和"可持续发展"这两个关键点进行定义、梳理和理论分析."绿色环保"运动场馆有利于自然资源的保护、提高能源利用率、节约用水、改善环境.对运动场馆系统进行自动化管理和控制,合理规划潜在的成本和储蓄,设计中参照绿色场馆等级系统标准,在现有体育场馆上践行绿色理念,进行专业的操作和有效维护,突出"绿色环保、可持续发展、健康和多功能"的特点,为建造、运营和开发未来的绿色运动设施提供借鉴作用.  相似文献   

后奥运时代场馆的可持续利用是奥运改革的新规范,探究冬奥场馆赛后可持续利用具有重要意义。自我推进机制在回应冬奥场馆赛后可持续、破解治理主体主观动力不足和创新意愿不强等问题具有独特优势。在2022北京冬奥会视域下,采用文献资料等方法,遵循自主发展—自我建构—自觉生成的学理基础,建构以目标—准则—方案为分析框架的冬奥场馆赛后可持续利用的自我推进机制。研究认为,冬奥场馆赛后可持续利用的自我推进机制应以可持续动议为启动目标、自适应规则为运行准则、结构化行为为行动方案,但存在潜在利益冲突所致的目标“偏利性”、现实制度环境所致的主体“懈怠性”、原有治理惯性所致的行为“依赖性”等自我推进困境。在结合实践案例分析的基础上,提出增强赛后利用目标公共性,强化公共利益为核心的可持续共识;提升赛后利用准则创新性,营造主动创新为核心的自适应环境;加强赛后利用方案落实性,制定精准靶向为核心的结构化策略等破解路径。  相似文献   

This essay delineates a brief history of Brazil’s soccer stadia, focusing on some of the most significant in the countries’ soccer history, namely Laranjeiras stadium; São Januário and Pacaembú stadiums; Maracanã stadium; and Arena da Baixada and Olímpico João Havelange stadiums. It aims to draw attention to the relationship between the State and soccer right from the game’s beginnings in Rio de Janeiro and the importance of the Brazilian State in building of the aforementioned soccer arenas, as well as its use of soccer stadiums in state propaganda and politics. The arrival of novel concepts in stadium building from the year 2000 on still points to the heavy hand and loose purse of the state, as can be seen in the construction of João Havelange Stadium and the other arenas constructed for the 2014 World Cup in twelve Brazilian cities.  相似文献   


This article argues that the decision to award Qatar the World Cup in 2022 will have a lasting impact on the Gulf state. I suggest that hosting the 2022 World Cup is a central part of Qatar’s strategy to announce itself as a legitimate actor on the world stage, one unique amongst other Muslim and Arab nations. I contend that the World Cup is a vital part of this process because it allows Qatar a space that permits the emirate to address specific issues within its society in a manner which coexists with, rather than surrendering to, external values and norms. The article concludes by arguing that if Qatar 2022 is to justify FIFA’s decision to cross one of the last civilizational bridges left in global sport, it will have to demonstrate that the image and reform it presents to the rest of the world are genuine and lasting.  相似文献   

浅析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
像奥运会、足球世界杯这样的大型体育赛事的成功举办,会对举办城市的发展产生重大影响,能够显著地促进举办城市体育场馆设施的完善和齐备、专业体育队伍建设、增加城市的体育人口、为举办城市积累体育赛事运作经验和提高赛事经营管理水平、丰富举办城市的体育文化、促进举办城市体育产业的发展,从而全面提升举办城市体育事业的竞争力.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to analyse the concept of social responsibility in sport management. By drawing on Hans Jonas, I shall analyse the concept of ‘corporate social responsibility’ in order to analyse several ambivalent cases within contemporary soccer such as the transfer of Gareth Bale to Real Madrid or the awarding of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar.  相似文献   

The controversial awarding to Qatar of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the world's most important sporting event alongside the Olympic Games, has emerged as a potential monkey wrench for social and political change. The tournament has to the Qataris' surprise given international trade unions, human rights groups and a reluctant governing world soccer body, Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), leverage they lacked prior to the awarding to pressure Qatar to radically reform the Gulf state's long-criticised labour system. It has also offered critics of the awarding of the event a stick with which to beat Qatar. In response, Qatar has pledged significant reform in a bid to secure achievement of its soft and subtle power goals and fend off demands that would fundamentally alter its political and social structures. In doing so, it is walking a tightrope, balancing the soft power-dictated need to embed itself favourably at multiple levels in the international community and defeat the mounting threat of losing the right to host the World Cup with maintaining a socially and politically restrictive system whose long-term viability is being called into question.  相似文献   

Qatar is proving to be its own worst enemy in achieving its soft power goals by embedding itself in the international community as a good citizen despite having put crucial blocks in place. Its failure to convincingly follow through on promises to reform its controversial migrant labour system could lead to world soccer body FIFA depriving it of the right to host the 2022 World Cup. Meanwhile, Qatar has been unable to convince even its allies that it is serious about its pledges to stop a flow of funds to jihadist organizations. Among Qatari nationals whom the US Treasury has categorized as specially designated terrorist is a historian religion and former head of the Qatar Football Association (QFA), who was awarded for his contribution to Qatari sports. Those allegations have allowed Qatar's detractors to further question the Gulf state's suitability as a World Cup host.

Qatar's problems are compounded by its lack of a robust communications strategy that would enable it to respond to legitimate criticism and counter attacks by its detractors, some of whom have invested significant amounts in causing Qatar significant reputational damage and diplomatic and political capital. That lack dates back to Qatar's initial response to massive criticism and attacks almost immediately after it was awarded the World Cup in late 2010. Qatari officials argued at the time that they could not win the public relations battle and therefore would wait until the storm blew over (Multiple interviews with Qatari officials in the period from 2011 to 2014). They rejected the notion that failure to engage amounted to surrender of the battlefield, losing an opportunity to conquer the moral high ground, and allowing a wound to fester (Multiple interviews by the author with Qatari officials between 2011 and 2014).

The problem was the storm did not subside. It got worse with Qatar currently battling public relations battles on numerous fronts: persistent challenges to the integrity of its World Cup bid; accusations of enforcing modern slavery on migrant workers employed on World Cup-related projects; doubts about its ability to host one of the world's foremost mega sporting events; charges of funding and supporting militant Islamist groups; and adopting a foreign policy that puts it at odds with its neighbours and at times with its most important allies.  相似文献   

梳理我国大型体育场馆高质量发展的现实基础与宏观环境发现,未来大型体育场馆发展面临如下现实基础:(1)场馆供给数量进一步增长,但利用效率有待提高;(2)场馆基本服务进一步完善,但服务水平有待提升;(3)场馆多元服务进一步拓展,但综合服务有待完善;(4)场馆管理水平进一步提升,但智慧管理有待加强;(5)场馆体制改革进一步推进,但关键问题有待解决。大型体育场馆发展面临如下宏观环境:(1)国际体育赛事加速涌入;(2)科技助力场馆智慧化发展;(3)体育消费环境逐步改善;(4)新冠肺炎疫情影响场馆业务开展;(5)体育产业发展潜力巨大。建议:(1)严控场馆建设规模,推广运营前置理念;(2)优化场馆支持政策,鼓励社会力量参与;(3)全力推进场馆开放,提升场馆服务质量;(4)立足城市发展需要,抢抓国际赛事机遇;(5)推动评价体系变革,引导场馆科学发展;(6)贯彻绿色发展理念,推动节能降耗改造;(7)全面加强科技应用,加速场馆创新发展;(8)完善场馆服务场景,优化场馆服务体验。  相似文献   

States have developed a new means of building soft power by sponsoring elite soccer clubs. Through a qualitative analysis of the experiences of Azerbaijan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, this study explains why jersey sponsorship is appealing to states, and theorizes the conditions under which sponsorship is most likely to be successful. Specifically, sponsoring more teams and teams with stronger brands results in greater soft power gains. Additionally, states that use a state-owned corporation for the sponsorship are more successful than states that do not. More importantly, using the concept of branding, the study gives insight into the mechanics of soft power building. The finding suggests that if states learn from each others’ behaviour, the future may bring differentiation in their sport-as-soft-power strategies. Unbranded states will invest a greater share of resources in elite soccer kit sponsorships and avoid the high-risk proposition of hosting mega-events like the World Cup.  相似文献   

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