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随着校园足球的蓬勃发展,高校高水平组足球比赛受到诸多关注,比赛水平也显著提升。足球比赛是一个以足球为中心的有氧供能为主的活动过程,一场足球比赛时长会根据场上情况和相应规则控制在90~120分钟之间,因此体能素质是每个高水平运动员必备的基本能力之一。体能训练是足球运动队日常训练活动中必不可少的重要环节。根据足球比赛本身固有的特性,不同足球运动员的场上位置不同,在比赛中承担的主要责任以及对体能素质要求的侧重点也各不相同。本文就高校高水平足球运动员不同位置的体能素质的训练进行探究。简要概述不同场上位置足球运动员所必备体能能力的侧重点,分析当前高校高水平训练队体能训练存在的问题,提出足球运动员不同场上位置体能训练策略。  相似文献   

运动训练的过程中对于体能非常重视,对我国足球运动而言,运动员的体能也是给我国足球发展造成制约的重要因素。初中生体育足球体能训练不但会影响运动员足球水平的提高,还会给运动员综合发展造成极大的制约。运动体能能够将运动员生理机能、身体结构等一系列的运动素质展现出来,对于运动员的状态提高和竞技水平提高意义重大。本文主要分析了初中体育足球体能训练的策略,希望能够在帮助运动员提高体能的同时,帮助其提高竞技水平,获得更好的发展。  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动员体能训练研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龚波 《体育科学》2005,25(10):90-95
采用文献资料调研、专家访谈、问卷调查、观察、测量、数理统计等研究方法,对我国足球运动员体能特征及其训练进行了探索,结果表明,体能是一个复杂的结构系统。足球运动员身体形态粗壮,有氧与无氧能力表现为非衡补偿性,身体素质以速度力量组合为主;位置技术与体能特征关系密切;训练诊断、计划、控制和运动营养是当前体能训练组织实施的基本内容;赛季中足球运动员体能呈耗散模型,训练计划要多样并有机贯通,正态与偏态控制、弹性控制、个体训练、负荷量度要有机配合;营养量、营养比例、营养制度及特殊营养的科学实施是体能训练的重要保证。我国足球界在训练思维理念、体能特征认识和组织实施3个层面上均存在不同程度的问题。  相似文献   

研究方法:一方面,对足球运动员形态、机能、运动素质健康水平4个体能分类结构的独立研究,称为单维度研究另一方面,对上述4个分类结构中的两个或两个以上因素的结合研究,称为多维度研究。1.形态方面通过对相关文献资料的研究发现,目前国内外大多数专家学者主要侧重于对优秀足球运动员的外部形态特征以及内部形态特征,表明我国优秀男子足球运动员的平均身高为180.7,平均体重为73.1,守门员、后卫、前卫、前锋4个位置的运动员在身高形态上具有明显的位置特点,守门员的身高体重非常明显地大于其它位置的运动员(p<0.01)。世界优秀男子足球运动员的…  相似文献   

体能与技术是运动训练的两个主要方面,足球训练也不例外,良好的体能是提高运动员比赛技术和战术的物质基础。如果没有良好的体能的保证,要想获得高水平的比赛技术便是一句空话。众所周知,现代足球的特点之一就是快速、对抗,在全攻全守总体型战术打法日臻完善的今天,对于运动员的身体素质提出了更高的要求。因此,有人提出,足球运动员的身体素质应“接近十项运动员和体操运动员所要求的各项素质”这个论断不无道理。  相似文献   

杨学伟 《新体育》2023,(16):38-40
足球作为一项高强度的运动,对现代足球运动员的身体素质有较高要求。在足球比赛中,体能优异的球员同样也是获胜的关键因素之一。然而,如何有效地进行足球运动员体能训练,提升球员的耐力、速度、爆发力等方面的能力,成为提高球队整体战斗力的重要环节。本文将从训练方法、训练内容、训练计划等方面对足球运动员体能训练方法进行分析,以期为足球训练者提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

刘念 《体育世界》2011,(8):42-43
足球为技能主导类同场对抗性运动,对运动员的体能要求十分严格,而速度素质作为体能的一部分,对运动员体能的表现,起着非常大的作用。本文主要运用文献资料法对青少年足球训练中速度素质的特征、训练方法等进行探讨,以期为青少年的速度素质训练提供可行参考。  相似文献   

现阶段我国足球运动员体能训练结构的分析与训练对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从当今职业化足球比赛对运动员的体能要求出发,分析我国职业球员体能现状,通过对足球运动员体能水平构成因素的分析及比赛中体能表现的研究,探讨符合足球运动规律的体能训练方法,为足球体能训练监控提供依据。  相似文献   

运动员的体能是指运动员机体的基本运动能力,是运动员竞技能力的重要构成部分。而足球运动中的体能是指符合足球专项运动特点的运动员的机体基本能力。良好的体能训练是足球运动技、战术训练的基础;是足球运动员承受大负荷训练和高强度比赛的基础;是足球运动员在训练和比赛中保持稳定、良好的心理状态的保证;能够预防伤病,延长足球运动员运动寿命。  相似文献   

运用文献资料等研究方法,从集约化的视角对运动员体能特征、体能输出的可调控性、体能输出策略以及足球运动员比赛中的体能积累与消耗进行探讨,通过强化运动员技术动作的"经济性",运动员体能的自主调节,发挥个人作用,完成团队体能集约化目标,运动恢复与体能集约化等方面,实现足球比赛中运动员体能的集约化,以期从新的视角对足球运动员体能训练发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

足球运动员体能训练、监测与调控研究综述   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
在查阅大量文献的基础上,对足球运动员比赛和训练中体能负荷特点与指标监测、运动的能量供应以及体能训练方法等问题的研究进行了综述。为全面认识足球运动的体能特点,进行科学化训练提供思路  相似文献   

我国优秀青年足球运动员的身高达到或超过了世界优秀足球运动员的水平,但是体重相对较轻;我国优秀青年足球运动员各位置之间,在身体形态和身体素质上有各自的特点;他们的血液生化指标基本正常,身体机能状态良好,但血红蛋白还没有达到最佳水平。  相似文献   

足球运动员专项体能评定方法的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用固定间歇时间30m反复全力跑负荷方式,对70名U-17足球优秀运动员进行专项体能测试方法的研究。结果表明,所得专项体能指数(FFI)作为反映足球运动员专项体能水平的指标,对于反映运动员专项有氧能力、无氧能力具有特异性,且方法简单可靠,可重复性强。为足球运动员专项体能测定和训练程度的评定提供了一科学的方法和量化标准。  相似文献   

我国优秀女子足球运动员比赛负荷特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献资料研究法和观察统计等方法对1996 年全国女子足球锦标赛决赛和全国奥林匹克青年足球锦标赛决赛进行了调查和统计。笔者着重对女子足球运动员比赛时间负荷特征和体能活动特征进行分析和研究。认为,在持续比赛时间短,强度大的女子足球比赛中,磷酸元供能系统在供能体系中起着重要的作用。另外我国女子足球运动员比赛中快跑和冲刺距离和次数均偏低,因此在体能训练中应加强跑动能力的训练。  相似文献   

An ergonomics model of training is described in which the demands of the game and the fitness profiles of soccer players are placed in perspective. The demands of the game may be gauged by monitoring the work rate of players during matches and the concomitant physiological responses. These indices suggest an increased tempo in contemporary professional soccer compared with previous decades, a trend replicated in the fitness levels of players. The simulation of the exercise intensity corresponding to match-play has enabled sport scientists to study discrete aspects of play under laboratory conditions. Observations highlight the value of exercising with the ball where possible, notably using activity drills in small groups. Small-sided games have particular advantages for young players, both in providing a physiological training stimulus and a suitable medium for skills work. While complementary training may be necessary in specific cases, integrating fitness training into a holistic process is generally advisable.  相似文献   

中国优秀女子足球运动员心理特征现状的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前中国优秀女子足球运动员心理素质部分特征的现状进行了探讨与研究,其结果为高水平女子足球运动员的状态焦虑低于一般运动员,狭窄有效注意和广阔内在注意水平比其注意范围广度要好,在有效识别外界具体信息上有一定优势.凝聚力是影响队伍群体心理气氛最重要的因素.11项群体心理气氛维度指标可作为衡量一支球队心理环境乃至分析比赛成绩的1个客观标准.中国优秀女子足球运动员个性特征具有争强好胜、冒险敢为、少有顾忌、轻松兴奋、随遇而安的特点,拥有典型的项目特点,不同位置、不同训练年限组间存在差异,有个性特征.  相似文献   

Anthropometric and physiological predispositions for elite soccer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer players have to adapt to the physical demands of the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players. The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes ( > 60 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. We conclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   

This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer playershave to adapt to the physical demandsof the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players.The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes (> 60 ml·kg -1 ·min -1 ) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. Weconclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the history of low back pain and quality of lumbopelvic motor control in soccer players. Forty-three male elite soccer players (mean age, 18.2 ± 1.4 years) filled in questionnaires related to low back pain and attended a session to assess lumbopelvic motor control by means of five tests (the bent knee fall out test, the knee lift abdominal test, the sitting knee extension test, the waiter’s bow and the transversus abdominis test). A physiotherapist, blinded to the medical history of the participants, scored (0 = failed, 1 = correct) the performance of the players for each of the tests resulting in a lumbopelvic motor control score ranging from 0 to 5. Forty-seven per cent of the soccer players reported a disabling low back pain episode lasting at least two consecutive days in the previous year. These players scored worse lumbopelvic motor control than players without a history of low back pain (lumbopelvic motor control score of 1.8 vs. 3.3, P < 0.01). The between-groups difference was particularly marked for the bent knee fall out test, the knee lift abdominal test and the transversus abdominis test (P < 0.01). In conclusion, most soccer players with a history of low back pain had an altered lumbopelvic motor control. Further research should examine whether lumbopelvic motor control is etiologically involved in low back pain episodes in soccer players.  相似文献   

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