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The majority response from my students when asked "what do you want to learn from my class?" is "How do I communicate better with westerners?" My students also have other questions such as "How do I improve my oral English?" and "How is America different from China?" These questions can be answered in many different ways, but hopefully I will give you a couple of ideas to get you started.  相似文献   

1.和……一起,和……A woman with two childrenwas seen walking down theroad. The teacher is workingwith his students. 常见短语:argue with,cooperate with,fight with,quarrel with等。2.带有、具有China is a large countrywith a long history. Everybody likes a personwith good manners. 3.用The boy was cutting abranth of a tree with a knife. Let's begin with thisquestion. 注意:with与by都有“用”的  相似文献   

On March 19.I went to Taishan Mountain with my classmates.We lived in Aunt’s house.The next day,We paid $40 to buy tickets.But we didn’t have seats. Finally,we arrived in Taishan Mountain.so we’re very tired.Then we took a rest and started our trip. The last day,We took a lot of  相似文献   

以上两个句子中的Whose都是疑问代词,但它们充当的成分不相同,前者位于名词之前,具有形容词性物主代词的特性,作定语,其句式为:“Whose 名词 be 语语”。而后者具有名词性物主代词的特性,在句子中作表语,其句式为:“Whose be 主语”。又如:  相似文献   

在英语中,祈使句通常是由省去主语的动词原形构成,表示请求、命令、劝告等。在这里介词with和一些表示位置关系的副词连用也可构成祈使句。请看:Ⅰ.(1)Awaywithhim!(=Takehimaway!)把他带走!(2)Awaywithcare!(=Let’snotbeanxious!)不用焦虑!Ⅱ.(1)Downwiththetyrant!(=Letusberidoftyrant!)打倒暴君!(2)Downwithweekendhomework.(=Letusberidofweekendhomework!)不要周末作业。Ⅲ.(1)Offwithyou!(=Goaway!)滚开!(2)Offwithher!(=Takeheraway!)把她带走!Ⅳ.(1)Onwiththeshow!(=Lettheshowbegin!)开始表演!(2)Onwithyourcoat!(=Putony…  相似文献   

课堂上,老师不要总是主导一切,有时学生们的小小“混乱”对他们更有益。  相似文献   

There was once a little boy who wasraised in an orphanage.The little boy had always wished thathe could fly like a bird. It was verydifficult for him to understand why he couldnot fly. There were birds at the zoo thatwere much bigger than he, and they could fly.  相似文献   

用肌肉思考 有些心理学家断言,像思考这样的智力行为并不只是在脑子里进行的,人的肌肉也参与其中。可以这样说:人们用肌肉思考的方式有点像用身体听音乐。  相似文献   

After struggling with prostatecancer for 13 years,75-year-oldLao Xu cannot any longer evenmove himself on his bed at home  相似文献   

介词with是初中英语教材中出现较频繁的一个词 ,其用法主要有以下几种。1.表示同伴或同道 ,意为“和…… (一起 )”AretheywithyouinChina ?他们在中国和你在一起吗 ?Areyoucomingwithustomorrow ?明天你和我们一起来吗 ?2 .表示对象或敌手 ,意为“同”、“跟”Ireallycan tagreewithyou .我确实不能同意你的意见。Wealwaysmakefriendswitheachotheragain .我们总是又成了朋友。3.表示工具或手段 ,意为“用”Whatdo…  相似文献   

1.(表示人或物的特征)意为“带有”、“具有”。如:I like living in a room with two windows.我喜欢住在带有两个窗子的房间里。  相似文献   

<正>With的复合结构在英语教学中应用较为广泛,其结构为with+n+to do/doing/pp/adj/adv/prep-phrase S+v+o。在教学中,不要只要求学生记住with复合结构部分,应该将后面的S+v+O一起记住,因为with的复合结构只有在句子中才能有意义,并且易于记忆。下面我们从六个方面进行具体的阐述:一、with+n+to do S+v+o(做宾语补足语表将来)  相似文献   

2009年9月19日,郑元畅人生中的首演:2009年12月5日,郑元畅内地首签会。一步一步走来,从模特到演员,从演员到歌手,郑元畅正朝着他的目标——全方位的艺人在全力前进。Easy独家专访陪你一起见证郑元畅的成长。  相似文献   

Last summer holidays,I went to Beijing.I had a good time there.However,what Icouldn‘t forget is that I met several foreigners there. How I hope to meet them again.  相似文献   

I.with+宾语+形容词。如: He often sleeps with the windows open. 他常开着窗睡觉。  相似文献   

张小平  郑红娟 《英语辅导》2014,(2):39-43,54
Dictation is a complicated process of decoding information and reorganizing mean- ing of an utterance and it has long been used to measure students' language profi- ciency and help them to develop accuracy in listening and writing. However, many English majors have poor performance in dictation of TEM-4. The paper tries to dis- cuss the fundamental factors that prevent students from obtaining a relatively high score in dictation and suggests some ways to deal with the problems.  相似文献   

with是—介词,它的含义和用法很多,现将它的用法小议如下: 1.表示伴随状态。意思有“带着”、“和……一起”、“与……同时”、“与……同方向”。如: a.Run with the kite like this.像这样牵着风筝跑。(L79B Ⅰ) b.With these words the tiger jumpedinto the river.说着这些话,老虎跳进河里。(L111 BⅡ)  相似文献   

An old soldier often told his grandson about his past war exploits(英勇的行为).“Once I met with a dozen enemy soldiers and took them prisoners single handed(独自把他们捉住送进监狱).”“It was half a dozen(一打) enemy soldiers when you told me the story last year. But why have you added so many more the time?”“You silly lad. You were younger last year, and I was afraid to frighten you.”13Increase with the Year…  相似文献   

“John, do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water,or do you want a chance to change the world?”  相似文献   

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