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“中科院文献情报机构评估系统”是“中科院文献情报评估指标体系”研究课题的一部分, 是该指标评估体系的计算机实现。本文论述了建立该系统的目标, 并在分析评估指标数据的基础上, 讨论了数据库的建立及实现该系统的技术基础, 继而对系统功能的实现进行了论述。  相似文献   

简琳  何静  周剑 《图书情报工作》2011,55(20):32-35
文献长度、参考文献数量是否影响论文被引频次,不同学科有不同的检验结果。网络环境下,题名字数、关键词个数是否对论文被引具有显著影响,尚未见文献报道。通过对来自6个学科的455篇论文被引的文本因素进行分析,发现:①关键词个数对文献被引存在明显的影响;②参考文献数量对英文语种文献的被引确实存在显著影响,但对中文语种文献被引的影响却不能通过显著性检验;③多学科背景下,文献篇幅长短及题名字数多少对文献被引没有显著影响;④存在“中国学者所发表的英文论文,篇幅越长越有可能不被引用”的现象。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨用户在“豆瓣读书”发布短评的动机,尝试判断短评作为图书影响力的评估指标是否有效,以期为中文学术图书评价的Altmetrics指标建构提供参考。[方法/过程] 以CBKCI统计报告公布的被引前十的古籍类中文学术图书为样本,采用扎根理论对样本图书在“豆瓣读书”网的1 142条“短评”进行分析,探究短评的产生动机及相应短评数据的可用性。[结果/结论] 用户产生短评的动机包括讨论、分享、消遣娱乐、外界压力、情感宣泄和资料获取6个主范畴。其中,“讨论”动机是最主要的动机,其两个子动机“表达与图书有关的个人经验或想法”和“表达对图书的见解或个人解释”占所有短评数据的四成以上,表明用户不是仅复制图书部分句子或章节,而是试图找到并传播图书最有价值的部分,此类短评数据可用以评价中文学术图书价值;而“分享” “消遣娱乐” “外界压力” “情感宣泄”和“资料获取”等动机相对来说难以较好地反映用户对图书的态度和认知,不宜纳入中文学术图书Altmetrics评价指标中。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着开放政府数据实践在全球范围的兴起,对其开展的评估项目也不断出现。对这些评估项目进行比较分析和框架构建,以期为我国乃至全球开展的开放政府数据评估项目提供有益借鉴,推动开放政府数据实践。[方法/过程] 通过对具代表性的11个国内外评估项目进行梳理和整理,分析其评估框架、指标和方法,初步构建起系统全面的评估框架。[结果/结论] 研究发现,目前开放政府数据评估项目的指标体系主要包含“基础”“平台”“数据”“使用”和“效果”5个维度。大多数现有评估项目主要围绕“数据”和“基础”两个层面进行评估,强调数据的格式标准和质量,并注重对政府部门推动数据开放的组织管理能力和相关法制建设进行评估。对于“平台”“使用”“效果”3个层面的评估,则随着开放政府数据项目发展阶段的不同而有所侧重。现有的评估项目大都是定性和定量方法相结合,通过问卷调查、数据抓取、访谈和专家评估等方法采集主客观数据。  相似文献   

运用最新可视化技术与科学计量学方法,绘制当代国际技术创新研究前沿知识图谱,得知其存在9个知识群,形成“核心知识群-次级知识群-边缘知识群”,即“核心-衍生-边缘”三个层次的格局,并且,通过对代表性被引文献的内容分析及施引文献关键词的词频与内容的剖析,计量出各知识群的研究主题所在。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 将全过程管理的理论方法融入文献情报项目评价研究之中,构建一套较为完整的文献情报项目评价的全过程管理体系,为图书情报学领域其他项目的评价工作提供可参考的理论模型和实践经验。[方法/过程] 梳理全过程管理理念下的文献情报项目评价的影响因素和管理特征,从4个维度构建基于全过程管理理念的文献情报项目评价体系,并以群组平台项目为例开展实证研究,建立一套基于全过程管理理念的群组平台项目评价体系用以实施项目评价工作。[结果/结论] 从“结构维度”“指标维度”“时间维度”和“策略维度”4个方面较为全面地分析了文献情报项目评价的影响因素和管理特征,设计了一套涵盖“前期基础”“团队建设”“建设路线”“内容建设”“成效建设”“管理机制”和“可持续发展”7项属性的项目评价指标体系,并按照项目评价管理全过程中的“项目计划评价”“项目申报评价”“项目实施评价”“项目验收评价”和“项目后建设评价”5个时间阶段形成针对不同时期的项目评价动态指标方案,同时制定了多项实施策略提升项目评价的管理实施效果。基于全过程管理理念的群组平台项目评价体系的构建,有效支撑群组平台项目评价工作的有序化、合理化和制度化开展。  相似文献   

杜建  张玢 《图书情报工作》2011,55(24):52-136
对作者合作视角下被引次数、h指数等评价指标的计量方法进行全面系统的梳理,归纳比较“均分作者荣誉”、“考虑主要贡献作者”和“计算合作者权重”三种观点的优势与不足,以期为优选较为科学合理的作者合作视角下h指数的计量方法提供基础。  相似文献   

以SCIE和CNKI收录的“企业知识共享”为主题的文献作为数据来源,借助可视化工具Citespace,对采集的数据进行文献共引和聚类分析,研究国内外企业知识共享的发文量和高被引文献情况,并对国内外企业知识共享的研究热点、前沿及发展趋势进行探讨,为我国企业知识共享的研究提出建设性意见和建议。  相似文献   

从文献信息的“上载”看数字图书馆的法律问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵媛 《图书情报工作》2001,45(4):70-73,54
探讨数字图书馆建设中文献信息“上载”涉及到的法律问题,包括文献信息“上载”权的归属、文献信息“上载”的侵权及侵权损害赔偿、著者隐私权等问题,并就这些问题提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

张守卫 《图书情报工作》2009,53(11):142-145
“互著”与“别裁”是我国古典文献著录中的两种辅助著录方法,具有重要的理论和实践价值。长期以来,关于互著、别裁到底起源于何时的争论,一直没有止息。通过对《直斋书录解题》中采用的“互著”与“别裁”实例的举证,证明“互著”与“别裁”起源于南宋末年陈振孙编著的《直斋书录解题》,而不是前人认为的元马端临撰的《文献通考·经籍考》或明高儒编制的《百川书志》。同时,《直斋书录解题》也是我国古代书目中最早同时采用“互著”与“别裁”方法的书目。  相似文献   

韩国秀  辛督强 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):446-448
针对当前科技期刊中存在不当使用“误差…“偏差”“不确定度”“准确度”等通用计量术语的现象,依据JJF 1001-2011《通用计量术语及定义》,对这几个术语进行辨析,并通过实例分析,提出其规范用法.  相似文献   

通过对信息服务质量评估方法SERVQUAL和“期望-感知”模型的讨论,指出该方法的不足和改进方向,并对该方法和模型进行修正,建立起新的方法和模型。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand factors that may affect the usage of a consumer health center located in a public library. More specifically, the authors wanted to know what health resources are of interest to the community, what patrons'' perceptions of their experience at the center are, and finally, how staff can increase utilization of the center. In general, perceptions of the center were positive. The findings support that participants appreciate efforts to provide health information in the public library setting and that utilization could be improved through marketing and outreach.Problems with health literacy—one''s ability to obtain, process, and understand basic information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions 1, 2—significantly limit effective dissemination and understanding of relevant health information, especially among racial and ethnic minorities where health literacy challenges are pervasive 35. People with limited health literacy skills have higher medical costs and use an inefficient mix of medical services 3, 613. This compromises their health and is a major source of economic inefficiency in the US health care system. Efforts to address low health literacy may result in reductions of health inequities, decreased medical costs, and enhanced quality of life 14. However, efforts to promote health literacy that seek to empower individuals to understand health information and act in their own interest remain an underexplored pathway to improved health outcomes 9.The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) encourages libraries to reach out to low literacy groups in their surrounding communities to address literacy challenges 1517. These actions have resulted in development of consumer health libraries, centers where patrons can get accurate and timely health information. Preliminary investigations of consumer health libraries have reinforced the value of these services 18, 19, but there is little information regarding the provision of similar services in other public settings.The Healthy Living and Learning Center (HLLC), located in a public library in Petersburg, Virginia, was established in 2012 to provide one-on-one assistance in accessing health information and community resources. According to 2010–2013 census data, 25% of Petersburg residents are below the poverty line 20. Localities surrounding the HLLC experience some of the most unfavorable health outcomes in Virginia 21. In addition, 16%–24% of citizens in the surrounding localities are illiterate 22.The public library setting provides an appropriate context to initiate consumer health centers outside of medical settings. Librarians are already being asked to meet consumer demands for health information 1517, and the provision of accurate health information is a natural extension of the services that public libraries provide. The American Library Association reports that 62% of libraries report that they are the only source of free public access to computers and the Internet in their communities 23. According to a recent study from Pew, 35% of Americans 16 and older say they have used free Internet access points, 47% of whom have used these services to get health information 24. For a number of minorities, the public library is the only place they have Internet access 25. Thus, libraries not only remain a critical resource among the public, but may also have unique access to populations who are more vulnerable to health inequities.  相似文献   

张娴  邓勇 《图书情报工作》2004,48(2):117-120
针对“中国科学院文献情报系统应采用‘总馆、分馆’模式”的观点,提出对该组织模式的不同看法,并就中国科学院的客观形势以及文献情报系统的发展现状进行分析,提出应发展“拓扑型”的业务组织模式。  相似文献   

面向用户的信息服务体系理论研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
信息服务体系,无论类型与规模大小,在其演化与发展过程中,都遵循"面向信息源→面向信息交流过程→面向信息用户"这一共同的发展演化轨迹。文章从概念、主要目标及评价指标、开放性与管理模式、信息资源构成与信息加工、服务方式与项目、典型技术等六个方面对面向信息源、面向信息交流过程、面向用户等三种信息服务体系,进行了对比分析。认为:"面向用户",将为信息服务体系带来全新的资源构成与组织架构、管理模式与服务理念,面向用户的信息服务体系是高效的信息服务体系。  相似文献   

Quality of health information on the Internet has been a concern since health information first began appearing on the Web. Evidence-based medicine tools, traditionally intended for physicians, may benefit consumers as they participate in making health care desisions. This article describes a rationale for Cochrane reviews as an evidence-based medicine tool for consumers. The Cochrane Collaboration, a global force for systematic literature reviews, has strict procedures for developing literature reviews. Criteria for Cochrane reviews are compared with critical evaluation skills commonly taught to consumers regarding the use of Websites. The Cochrane Collaboration''s Consumer Network has established a separate Website, with review synopses written for an audience of consumers. Suggestions for further research into consumer use of the Cochrane Library and consumer involvement with the Cochrane Collaboration are discussed.People who access health information are likely to play an active role in their health care [1]. Access to health information empowers consumers by enabling them to (1) make more knowledgeable choices in self-care, (2) more intelligently discuss medical conditions and treatments with their doctors, (3) educate themselves regarding good health practices, and (4) learn about the health care system. If access to information is to help consumers achieve better health, quality of accessible information must be considered by information producers and consumers. This paper identifies a rationale for evidence-based medicine for consumers, introduces the quality-control work of the Cochrane Collaboration, and explores consumer involvement in the Cochrane Library, relative to critical evaluation models.  相似文献   

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