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新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突.为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强...  相似文献   

近年来国内关于教师角色冲突的研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教师角色冲突是教育研究的一个重要内容。教师的角色冲突对教师个人发展和教学工作产生直接的影响。教师的角色冲突产生的原因包括客观和主观两个方面。学校和社会应该为教师创造宽松的环境,教师自身要不断学习,增强教师角色的适应能力。  相似文献   

由于学校心理咨询的特殊性,咨询师往往还扮演着除咨询师外的多重角色,因此在咨询过程中难免会发生角色冲突。咨询师不仅要克服自身的角色内冲突,更需要在教师与咨询师角色之间转换自如,避免角色间的冲突。为解决角色冲突,咨询师应将自己角色与教师角色的职责、权限和功能进行分离;同时政府和学校要加强和支持咨询师专业训练,提升咨询师专业素养。  相似文献   

教师课程领导涉及多重不同角色,使得教师面临着不同程度上的角色间与角色内的冲突。要调适诸多角色冲突,一方面需要教师自身不断学习,增强教师角色的适应能力;另一方面,学校需要提供适切的教师培训、减轻教师课程领导的角色负担,社会也应该为教师课程领导创造适宜宽松的环境。  相似文献   

在教师角色冲突问题愈演愈烈的背景下,学者们从社会、学校、教师三个层面上提出许多缓解教师角色冲突的策略,但教师自身是解决角色冲突的关键所在。由此提出教师应从自身出发来解决教师角色冲突的几点建议:爱岗敬业,修师德、铸师魂;客观评价并准确定位自己;进行角色学习,注重提高角色认识水平;培养角色精神,有效抵制非本质角色行为的诱惑,从而形成个人的角色系统,重塑传统和现代完美结合的教师形象。  相似文献   

教师角色冲突是新课改过程中教师面临的问题之一。教师角色冲突对教师个体专业成长和教学工作将产生直接影响。教师角色冲突产生的根本原因是教师角色文化之间的矛盾及冲突,主要是角色文化中价值之间冲突引起教师角色冲突,不同阶层对教师角色文化不同认识导致教师角色冲突以及外来角色文化与本土角色文化间的冲突诱发教师角色冲突。面对角色冲突,教师应加强自身对不同角色文化适应力,朝着专业化方向健康成长。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,大学院长在学院和学校中发挥的作用越来越突出,其角色冲突也愈发明显,具体体现为角色间的冲突和角色内冲突两类。这两类角色冲突是由社会环境、学校内部管理体制外部原因和院长自身科学素养内部原因引起的,引起的角色冲突极大影响了学院甚至是学校的教育改革的进程,亟需社会、学校和大学院长自身进行调试,缓解角色冲突,保证教育事业健康发展。  相似文献   

参与式教学会导致教师的角色模糊和角色冲突性感知,降低教师教学的愉悦感,进而降低课堂授课效果.降低学生参与教学模式下教师的角色压力可以采取以下两条路径:一方面,教师需要强化与学生的互动,降低自身的角色冲突感知;另一方面,教师自身要通过各种途径提升自身能力,提升自身的效能感.  相似文献   

徐桂霞 《教学随笔》2014,(10):20010+10
"师者,所以传道受业解惑也"是传统教师角色的体现,已不能完全适应时代和社会的发展,在新一轮基础教育改革下,传统语文教师角色势必要向新型语文教师转变。因此当代语文教师必须通过自身的主观努力实现自身的角色转变,不断解决自我角色冲突,适应社会和时代发展的需要。  相似文献   

对教师解决其角色冲突问题的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在教师角色冲突问题愈演愈烈的背景下,学者们都从社会、学校、教师三个层面上提出许多缓解教师角色冲突的策略,笔者认为,教师自身是解决教师角色冲突的关键所在,教师应从自身出发来解决教师角色冲突。  相似文献   

This paper studies an under-researched area – teachers’ role in peacebuilding in conflict-affected contexts – through exploring teacher agency for social cohesion in Pakistan. Insights are sought into teachers’ perspectives on the major drivers of conflict in society and the role of education and teachers in social cohesion and mitigating inequities in education. A 4Rs framework of redistribution, recognition, representation and reconciliation was employed to analyse data gathered from: interviews with and classroom observations of teacher educators; focus-group discussions with and a questionnaire completed by pre- and in-service teachers; and analysis of teacher education and school curriculum texts. While teachers expressed a nuanced understanding of the conflict drivers in society and appreciated the significance of education in peacebuilding, they subscribed to assimilationist approaches to social cohesion, which were aligned with curriculum texts and promoted official nation-building agendas. Additionally, teachers saw issues of social cohesion as peripheral to the core academic curriculum. Teachers’ identity was integrally linked to their religious affiliations.  相似文献   

This inquiry uses a Cognitive Developmental Domain theory framework to examine how male and female teachers balance different moral and non-moral components when reasoning about hypothetical school fights. The potential impact of teachers’ attributions towards the gender of the intervening teacher and fighting students, and the location of the fight were examined. This investigation found that male middle school teachers expressed more conflict than female middle school teachers when reasoning about whether the gender of the intervening teacher or the fighting student impacted a teacher’s response. When asked to reason about a hypothetical fight, female middle school teachers were more conflicted than female elementary school teachers, particularly when the location of the fight was manipulated. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

当前小学教师教育面临基础课程改革和教师教育发展的挑战,高等师范教育和教育管理部门面临重组教育资源、课程设置、教材建设等方面的诸多问题。因此,要通过全面深入地改革创新小学教师培养模式,转变教育观念,优化小学教育专业课程设置,强调教学实践环节,加强教材建设,努力培养适应基础教育改革与教师教育发展需要的优质的小学教师。  相似文献   

The study compares the satisfaction ratings of future and current elementary school teachers with respect to the main aspects of school organization and administration. Data were collected from 66 in-service teachers and 79 preservice teachers in Cyprus. The application of factor analysis on the data resulted in the identification of the following main dimensions of school organization: headmaster's role, school organization, school climate, teacher incentives/work conditions, inspector's role and teachers' role. The comparison of the satisfaction ratings of future and current teachers on the above factors produced the following findings: first, the ratings of the two groups differed significantly for the first four factors. Secondly, future teachers reported lower satisfaction ratings than their in-service counterparts in the headmaster's role, school organization and school climate factors and higher ratings on the teacher incentives/work conditions factor.These discrepancies are considered to constitute causes of concern for educational policy-makers. The high expectations of future teachers on the teacher incentives/work conditions factor are viewed as a probable subsequent cause of cognitive dissonance and job dissatisfaction. On the other hand, the low expectations of future teachers with respect to three factors (headmaster's role, school organization, school climate) are likely to reduce their initial enthusiasm for their job. The implications of the findings for teacher training programmes are discussed, and suggestions are made on ways of reducing discrepancies between the expectations of future teachers and the realities of the workplace.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a professional learning approach using a core team (CT) model to assist primary (elementary) schools to develop whole-school collaborative conflict resolution processes. Thirteen schools were matched and randomly assigned to the enhancing relationships in school communities programme (n?=?10) or a non-programme control group (n?=?3). Programme schools provided a core (professional learning) team, who attended professional learning days, and disseminated programme content throughout their schools. Programme schools also received one full school staff workshop. After one year, CT participants were more likely to apply a collaborative conflict resolution model to problem scenarios and report greater knowledge and skills compared to non-programme-school control participants. Compared to the non-programme control group, non-core team programme school staff described using more cooperative approaches to handling conflict, especially when they had received more professional development from their CT. Programme school teachers taught more hours conflict resolution curriculum, and increases in hours taught by programme (but not control) teachers were associated with teacher reported increases in student understanding and use of cooperative methods. Patterns also supported a role of self-efficacy in implementation. The potential usefulness of a CT professional learning model for assisting schools to develop cooperative conflict resolution approaches was supported.  相似文献   

Among the most visible advocates for children is the elementary school teacher, who plays a crucial role in helping students identify and cope adaptively with stress. For teachers to perform this role successfully, there must be greater understanding of their perceptions of student stress, coping, and teacher-guided approaches for support. Using a social constructivist paradigm, this study explored the perspectives of eight teachers (grades 3-5) from two schools in the southwestern United States. By integrating phenomenology (qualitative) with a modified Q-sort design (quantitative), results show the influences of high-stakes testing and peer conflict as widely discussed in the eyes of teachers. Although experienced teachers appeared confident in their abilities to communicate with children about stress and to generate recommendations for improved day-to-day classroom practice, they also appeared frustrated by the systemic pressures which they perceived as negatively affecting young people. The identified stressors, methods of coping, and recommendations can be used by teachers and other educational practitioners (such as school psychologists and counselors) to facilitate dialogue around children's wellbeing for their school and community.  相似文献   

在新一轮体育课程改革中,体育教师职业倦怠出现了新的特征。主要表现在教师的自我效能感低、抵制与消极心理、教学水平下降以及责任心不强等方面。课改的不确定性、学校的绩效主义、社会的高期望以及教师的角色冲突等因素,成为教师职业倦怠的主要根源。我们应该采取体育教师主动参与、加强学校人文关怀、体育教师自我正确认识职业倦怠和实现自我超越等相应对策,以解决体育教师所存在的职业倦怠问题。  相似文献   

Much research has been dedicated to supporting school communities in combating the problem of school violence. However, violence directed toward teachers is under-investigated, and knowledge of how to support teachers is limited. This qualitative study used conventional content analysis to assess teachers' recommendations for preventing and improving the response to teacher-directed violence. The sample included 245 prekindergarten through 12th grade teachers, all of whom experienced school violence and participated in a larger national survey study on violence against teachers. Using a social-ecological framework and conventional content analysis, teacher recommendations for addressing teacher victimization were identified and organized at the individual, school, community, and society levels. Themes around conflict resolution strategies; improving policies, resources, and relationships with administrators; increasing parental involvement; and changing culture and laws were highlighted. Implications for research, practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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