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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):27-45
Our analysis of 2207 domestic news reports in a structured sample of UK “quality” (the Guardian, The Times, the Independent and the Telegraph) and mid-market (Daily Mail) newspapers, revealed journalists’ extensive use of copy provided by public relations sources and news agencies, especially the UK-based Press Association. A political economic explanation for this reliance on news stories produced “outside the newsroom”, draws inspiration from Gandy's notion of information subsidies and presents findings from a substantive content analysis of selected UK national newspapers, interviews with journalists working on national titles and news agencies, as well as detailed archival analysis of UK newspaper companies’ annual accounts across 20 years to deliver information about newspapers’ profitability, their expansive editorial pagination as well as the number of journalists they employ. The argument here is that this reliance on public relations and news agency copy has been prompted by the need for a relatively stable community of journalists to meet an expansive requirement for news in order to maintain newspapers’ profitability in the context of declining circulations and revenues.  相似文献   

In the 1880s, Lord James Bryce traveled extensively throughout the United States to study and write about the American democracy. As part of his multivolume work, he developed a theory of the nature and power of public opinion with a central role for the media (newspapers). Today, new communications technologies vastly increase the exposure of politicians and voters to each other, resulting in an increase in the power of public opinion. Bryce's theory is formalized into 12 propositions and a theorem is derived that has significant implications for society in the contemporary age of multiple channels of communication.  相似文献   

In the second half of the twentieth century, the volume, content and appearance of arts journalism in Western daily newspapers have changed significantly in accordance with wider transformations in the arts and journalism. Previous studies have focused on (1) which culture receives attention, (2) the way culture gets attention, and (3) economic pressures underlying transformations. In this article we aim to bring these strands together by analyzing how changes in the packaging of arts journalism have evolved in relation to the cultural content which is discussed and the volume of (cultural) advertising that is featured in newspapers. We conduct a content analysis of the coverage given to both “highbrow” and “popular” art forms in French, German, Dutch and US elite newspapers for four sample years: 1955, 1975, 1995 and 2005. The results show that newspapers all seem to converge into a balance between news reporting and reviewing. We find evidence for an increased catering for the needs and interests of audiences in some aspects (e.g. more popular culture) but not in others (e.g. no more human interest). Finally, most newspapers show an increase in cultural advertising, although the European newspapers in our sample contain much less advertising than the American ones. A stronger presence of advertising is positively related to both a lifestyle orientation of newspapers and a focus on popular culture.  相似文献   

This article challenges the traditional illustration of the relations between circulation size and advertising rates used by educators. It does so by using a sample of newspapers and explores various regression trendlines and data display of the data obtained from the sample. I find that the relations are best explained by curvilinear rather than linear trendlines and suggest an improved illustration of the relations between advertising price and newspaper circulation.  相似文献   

梁启超先生于1903年应邀出访美国,考察了美国报刊事业发展状况。美国报刊事业的发展规模以及先进的服务和营销理念,对梁先生思想启迪和终身致力于中国报刊事业等活动,产生了至深至远的影响。  相似文献   

Free newspapers are a substantial segment of the U.S. newspaper industry, as well as an under-studied topic within media research. This study considers the economic health of free newspapers in the United States and whether they face a dire future given their heavy reliance on advertising, a source of revenue that has been in decline for newspapers. One question guiding this research is whether free newspapers face two options: continue producing free content by relying on advertising (in addition to other revenue sources), or abandon the advertising-based business model. Seven research questions address a number of issues, such as whether free newspapers are profitable, if decision-makers are considering changing their business model, whether they are seeking alternative sources of revenue, whether reader engagement is connected to the price, or a lack of one, of a newspaper, and whether decision-makers are optimistic or pessimistic about the future of their industry. A Web-based survey asked decision-makers at free newspapers in the United States to respond to questions related to the health and future of their newspaper or newspapers. This survey was complemented by in-depth interviews with publishers of four different types of free newspapers in Texas. The study concludes by suggesting free newspapers are not only viable but in many markets they are thriving. Sweeping generalizations (often seen in industry discourse) about the future of print newspapers can be misleading. This study contributes a reality check and calls for further research on the economics of print media in the digital era.  相似文献   

Edwin Howard Armstrong is commonly remembered as the inventor of frequency modulation (FM). There are those, however, who dispute this claim and assert that Armstrong's legacy is a work of fiction rather than history. This study examines the extensive public relations campaign on behalf of both FM and Armstrong from 1940 until after his death. This thesis is a case study of this campaign for the purpose of understanding the narrative presented to the American public.  相似文献   

王志刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):107-112
英国报业面对销量与收入的整体下滑,在实施裁员、减少印刷成本等措施的同时,加大了数字新闻市场的开拓力度.其中,大数据技术在新闻生产、受众服务和广告开拓方面得到广泛应用.在新闻内容生产方面,体现为新闻信息源的大数据甄别、新闻写作的人工智能应用和新闻作品的可视化呈现;在报业受众服务方面,体现为利用大数据强化社交媒体的充分运用和付费墙的不断调整;在商业运营方面,体现为广告市场的精准服务和数据资源的深层加工.  相似文献   

For 18 years, Kohler's "As I See It" ad campaign has delivered romanticized and fantasized portraits of high-end kitchen and bath fixtures. Drawing from semiotic and psychoanalytic theories and critical frameworks, this article examines 4 advertisements created by surrealist photographer Hugh Kretschmer. The visuals embody symbols, metaphors, and mythic allusions as signs of a transformative relationship between female models and products, connoting referents of human commodification, self-alienation, sexual activity, and desire. The study calls for public relations stewardship to act as a gatekeeper for ambiguous or unintended visual messages in corporate advertising.  相似文献   

This study explored the meanings and connotations of public relations in news stories carried by major newspapers and network television. The findings suggest that the term public relations was primarily used to suggest image building, reputation management, and persuasion efforts. News story interpretations of public relations terms were likely to refer to publicity, image, campaigns of persuasion, and marketing efforts to promote an organization's claims. The results reveal that negative connotations of public relations prevail in journalists' stories discussing the practice of public relations. The results imply that public relations practitioners trying to pitch their clients' stories need to understand how journalists will likely perceive the stories' news value. Two-way communication should begin with media relations via an understanding of journalists' viewpoints.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences in the profitability to nondaily newspapers resulting from preprint and display advertising. Whether the measure is overall profit or a comparison of a full page of display advertising to an 8-page tabloid preprint, display advertising is more profitable. Differences in the profit margin between display ads and preprints are not nearly as great as the differences in other measures of profit.  相似文献   

This article investigates a model in which 2 newspapers compete between them for readers with differentiated preferences and advertise new products at a cost per reader that decreases as the circulation increases. The model can account for the empirical regularity that the revenues from advertising and the profits of the newspapers increase more than proportionally with the circulation. A complementary finding is that a larger number of potential advertisers lowers the profits of both newspapers.  相似文献   

A survey of 131 advertisers in the markets of six small daily newspapers revealed that the majority of advertisers were unknowledgeable about advertising conditions in their markets and that the majority of advertisers believed small dailies compete with other media for their advertising dollars. Unlike run-of-press (ROP) and local advertisers, insert and national advertisers tended to be knowledgeable about advertising. ROP advertisers cited both broadcast and other forms of print as competitors to dailies. Insert advertisers cited only other delivery vehicles as competitors.  相似文献   

This article analyzes price competition in a duopolistic newspaper industry, where politically differentiated newspapers compete in 2 distinct markets: circulation and advertising. Assuming that 1 of the newspapers represents the “voice of the majority,” the theory of the circulation spiral is investigated and whether the interdependence between newspapers' demands in the circulation and advertising markets favors the majority's newspaper to the detriment of the minority's newspaper is investigated.  相似文献   

As the world embraces the Internet for media consumption, the concept of a hybrid newspaper—a printed newspaper with a companion Web site—is becoming more prevalent. Many hope that online advertising revenue (OAR) will help newspapers make up for losses in print (offline) revenue. However, there is little research that has empirically investigated whether and how investment in the “bricks” (i.e., the newsroom staff and resources that produce news content) will help to build “clicks” (i.e., more online visitors and, subsequently, OAR). This article examines the issue via an econometric analysis of 12 years of longitudinal data from a hybrid newspaper. The results show that the basic success of the clicks model depends on the investment in the bricks of the newspaper (i.e., its newsroom). Specifically, although news gathering is a very expensive part of the news business, it is also a creator of value and directly brings in OAR in addition to print advertising revenue. Therefore, as newspapers seek to capture more OAR, they may need to increase, rather than decrease, investment levels in the newsroom.  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, American newspapers enjoyed high circulations while presenting readers with diverse and plentiful content. After 1920, radio broadcasting made even more information available for public consumption, giving audience members an abundant range of media choices. During a time of plenty for readers and listeners, companies in the business of media struggled with the opposite problem: scarcity. As the amount of media content proliferated, the practical ability to disseminate it was determined by the access to scarce resources, and this was true for both radio broadcasting and newspaper publishing. In many respects, the history of the American mass media in the early twentieth century might best be told as a tale of two scarcities, one—the electromagnetic spectrum—defined by absolute limits and the other—the newsprint—defined by access to markets for a particular material, the supply of which often fluctuated in availability and price.  相似文献   

Newspaper advertising expenditures depend more strongly on economic development than advertising spent in other media. Gross domestic product (GDP), therefore, predicts ad spending better in countries where newspapers are an important advertising medium. GDP also predicts ad spending better in countries where a larger proportion of GDP is spent on advertising. Intermedia competition, on the other hand, has little impact. In conclusion, the authors propose to distinguish three advertising cultures where ad spending follows economic development in different ways.  相似文献   

黄罕奭 《新闻界》2008,(2):49-51
首先,从整体格局来看,中国的体育新闻报道呈现出综合性日报弱、专业体育报纸强的特点,而在美国,恰恰相反。其次,中国报刊的体育新闻报道往往带有更强烈的感情色彩,而美国的体育新闻报道更注重客观性的要求。第三,美国报刊体育版面比较漂亮,但是文字并不华丽、生动。中国报刊追求文字的生动活泼,但同时也暴露出在遣词造句上的一些不足。中美两国的报刊体育新闻报道都面临着如何应对电视和互联网挑战的问题,而他们采取的对策惊人的相似:一是拓宽体育报道的深度和广度;二是走娱乐化的路线。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):208-226
This study uses qualitative research interviews and a survey to quantify and analyse business models at online newspapers in the UK. Senior editors and executives reported that news websites rely on advertising income to a greater extent than their print counterparts. Despite this, British news sites continue to charge users for some content, although to a varying degree. The fact that online editions still contribute barely a tenth of total revenues explains this experimental approach towards business strategy. Although paid-for content has mostly failed as a mechanism for the online news business in the past, changes in technology and net culture may mean that it is becoming an option again. The authors examine what content is being charged for and why, and investigate: how the 12 newspapers studied are balancing the need to develop additional revenue streams with the demand for traffic in a buoyant advertising market; the extent to which cannibalisation of the print parent is still a concern; the complementary benefits of developing digital products; strategies towards archived content; the value of columnist content to online users; the success of digital editions and email alerts; the potential of mobile services; and the rapidly developing number of online services and commercial partnerships hosted by newspapers on the Web.  相似文献   

During natural disasters, mass media facilitate the timely provision of accurate information about health risks to the public. This study informs our understanding of such public health discourse, utilizing a content-analysis of 235 newspaper articles in four major metropolitan newspapers published in the five weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in August 2005. These data reveal that a small and diminishing number of articles included public health information over time, detailed the hurricane impact on affected communities, and used reliable health sources. The implications for future research from a public health and media relations perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

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