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作者用有条件筛选和随机抽样相结合的方式,选取了2002年山东省第六届创造教育年会参与交流的小学教师的论文100篇,用内容分析法对它们进行分析,结果发现:小学教师的创造力培养观主要表现在三个方面,即创造力的构成要素、培养创造力的教学方法、培养创造力的环境条件。教师对以上三方面的认识有如下特点:教师基本认同创造力是认知和人格的统一,但在认知因素中多强调创造性思维,相对忽视其他认知因素;教师多运用教师中心的教学方法,倾向于支持学生独立学习的教学方法,忽视学生的合作学习;教师比较重视创设心理安全和心理自由的教学心理环境。根据这些特点,教师培训中应注意:全面、科学地认识创造力;运用并实施创造性教学,实现教学方法创新;扩展认识视野,创设创造教育大环境。  相似文献   

在人的智能结构中创造力是属于最高层次的,而美术教育正是培养创造力的有效途径。幼儿天生喜欢涂抹,美术活动正迎合并满足了幼儿这种心理需求。大量事实表明:美术教育对活跃幼儿的思维、提高智能是大有益处的,但许多家长、教师对幼儿美术未能给予足够的理解与重视,他们错误的认识及做法阻碍了幼儿创造力的正常发展。  相似文献   

正创新意识在每个幼儿身上都不同程度地存在着,但往往被教师所忽视。幼儿时期是创造力培养的重要阶段,而绘画则是行之有效的方法,因为绘画借助形象思维,符合幼儿的生理心理特点。新的《纲要》也明确提出:"幼儿创造过程和作品是他们表达自己的认识和情感的重要方式,应支持幼儿富有个性。"那么如何在绘画教学中激发幼儿的想象力,最大限度的培养其创造力呢?一、具有绘画气氛的活动空间是培养幼儿创造力的第一步幼儿对美的感受,对新事物的兴趣往往是基于  相似文献   

美术教育对学生创造力的培养有重要作用,教师要在教学及课外活动中注重学生创造力的培养,培养学生的创造性人格。不要对学生设下一些条条框框,要因势利导,培养学生发散性思维,增加“诱因”,激发他们的创造动机。  相似文献   

从探究什么是创造力开始,解构了要在数学教学中有效地培养学生的创新精神,进而培养他们的创造力,必须正视目前教师教学过程中的诸多不足,并通过刻苦的学习和新课程的实践使自己逐步成为有创造力的教师,并从六个方面提出了有利于培养学生创造力的课堂教学实践案例。  相似文献   

创造力开发已成为当今世界上一个热门研究课题。如何培养学生的创造力呢?一保护好奇心,激发求知欲好奇心是对新异事物进行探究的一种心理倾向。求知欲是一种力求认识世界、渴望获得文化科学知识和不断追求真理,并带有强烈情绪色彩的意向活动。好奇、求知作为一种内驱力,可以使人产生探究的热望,探究又会导致创新意识的萌发。这二者是培养创造力的前提与基础。因此,教师要保护学生的好奇心,有意识地把它转化为求知欲,并把这种求知欲转移到发展智力和追求科学上去。为此,教师在教学中要尽量创设问题情境,善于提出难度适中富有启发性…  相似文献   

浅谈儿童创造力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浅谈儿童创造力的培养唐敏其实,儿童一般都具有不同程度,不同方面的创造力。得出这个结论首先是由于我们不能把是否有创造性成果这种衡量成人创造力的标准加于儿童,儿童的创造力体现在他们的创造性上,即在认识事物的过程中有自己“不同的见解”。其次,考察儿童的如下...  相似文献   

创造力内隐理论(implicit theories of creativity)是指一般公众(专家和外行人)在日常生活和工作背景下所形成的,且以某种形式存在于个体头脑中的关于创造力概念、结构及其发展的看法(也称为"内隐观"或"公众观")。研究教师的创造力内隐理论有助于研究者了解教师对于创造力的观念以及他们对待创造性儿童的态度,从而把握教师实施创造性教学的状况,有针对性地对教师进行培训,改进教师的教学,从而有利于在教育教学中对学生创造力的培养。通过教师对创造力的理解,对创造性学生的态度及人格特征的认识,对创造力的培养等论述,以期有助于我国教师创造力内隐理论的研究。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是民族更加兴旺发达的不竭动力。大力提高全民的创造力是我国实现全面建设小康社会伟大目标的重要保证,其中中小学教育起着不可替代的作用,有着举足轻重的影响。创造力是能够创造出具有社会和个人价值的新理论或新事物的各种心理特点的综合,是智力发展的高级表现形式。长期以来,学生创造力培养在我国绝大多数中小学中没有得到应有的重视,原因之一是教师对创造力的培养在学生发展过程中的意义认识不足。中小学生的创造能力都是简单和初级的,创造性想像的成分大,实用性的成分少,教师因此忽视了对学生创造力的培养。…  相似文献   

素质教育的核心问题是开发人的潜能,重点是开发人的创造力潜能.培养幼儿的创造力对他们的全面发展起着重要作用.我们要创设有利于幼儿创造力发展的良好环境,注重在各种活动中培养幼儿的创造力.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of interviews with children, this article links what we know about the way in which they learn with their views of creativity. Whilst pupils have a crisp view of the nature of creativity, which links them to well-established philosophical views, this contrasts both with the vaguer notions of the term and with their experience of school.  相似文献   

This research aims to understand university students’ thinking styles and the relationship with their views of creativity. The Thinking Styles Inventory‐Revised II was used to measure 13 thinking styles as defined in Sternberg’s theory of mental self‐government and the Conceptions of Creativity Scales was used to inquire students’ views about the conditions for evaluating creativity from six aspects: intelligence, knowledge, style of thinking, personality, motivation and learning environment. Significant relationships were identified between thinking styles and conceptions of creativity. This research contributes to the understanding about the relationship between conceptions of creativity and thinking styles, and brings insights for educators about educational innovations, as one of the key objectives of educational innovations is to develop creativity of the younger generation.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study examined teachers' perceptions of creativity using Social Cognitive Theory factors (e.g., personal, behavioral, and environmental). When describing hindrances to creativity, teachers often discussed macro-environmental factors, yet when explaining or defining creativity, teachers often used personal and behavioral characteristics. Teachers did not seem to hold limited views on who can be creative or that creativity always results in products; however, some teachers' conceptions were too vague to guide the explicit facilitating of creativity. Compared to in-service teachers, pre-service teachers expressed more optimism in their future environmental support and lower self-efficacy for developing creative thinking.  相似文献   

With creativity now being emphasized in schools, it is important for teachers to understand what it is and how it is measured. This review of the literature is an attempt to make sense of the many definitions and measures of creativity. As a result, this comprehensive review shows that most definitions agree that there are at least two criteria to judge whether a person or a product is creative or not, originality and usefulness. Organized according to Rhodes’s 3 P conceptualization of creativity—person, process, product, and press—more than 40 assessments used in creativity research were reviewed. Familiarity with the definitions, views of, and measurement of creativity can help teachers recognize and foster creativity in their students.  相似文献   

纵观西方马克思主义者对马克思学说的态度,可以勾勒出一条从方法到视域的线索。马克思和恩格斯都极力反对教条主义,列宁也特别强调马克思主义方法论的重要性,就此而言,西方马克思主义者强调马克思学说方法论的意义,是值得肯定的,它在相当程度上表明了对马克思主义创造性、开放性的理解和运用,但也应该看到,在从方法到视域的扩展和游移中,西方马克思主义者对马克思主义的体认和把握也愈来愈“抽象”了。  相似文献   

培养儿童创造性是当前我国素质教育的核心内容。文章通过对卢梭自然教育思想的研究,分析了自然教育思想的观点、内容、方法在形成儿童创造性特征、克服影响儿童创造性消极因素上的优势,探讨了自然教育思想所遵循的自然属性、思维动力、品行法则在培养学前儿童创造性中的应用。  相似文献   

This study attempts to uncover the beliefs regarding various aspects of creativity among trainee‐teachers in Hong Kong and Singapore. Trainee‐teachers from Hong Kong (N = 188) and Singapore (N = 127) completed a questionnaire on beliefs about creativity. The 30‐item questionnaire covering 15 aspects of beliefs regarding creativity was presented to the respondents as a set of six‐point Likert scales. Through factor analysis, creativity was found to have five dimensions: (1) physiology, (2) generality, (3) culture, (4) individuality and (5) youth. Hong Kong respondents were found to hold more rigid views of creativity than their Singaporean counterparts. In particular, Hong Kong respondents believed more strongly that creativity is dependent on birth order, effort, health, logical thinking and youth and that there is a critical period beyond which creativity may not develop.  相似文献   

This study explored Ndebele culture of Zimbabwe's views of giftedness. Using questionnaire narratives, data were collected from thirty Zimbabwean teachers and lecturers of Ndebele cultural background. The study established that Ndebele culture views giftedness as an unusually outstanding ability blessed in an individual from birth, which manifests in extraordinary performances and expertise including creativity and inspirational power. The hallmarks of Ndebele culture's views of giftedness are achieving exceptionally outstanding success, creativity, ability to solve problems and inspirational power. Indigenous views warrant attention since contemporary psychology now recognizes multiple views of giftedness. The study therefore recommends considering the implications of indigenous views in planning and implementing broad‐based culturally sensitive gifted programs in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

Parents and early childhood teachers in Chinese societies and the United States have had dissimilar views about appropriate art instruction for young children. The Chinese view is that creativity will emerge after children have been taught essential drawing skills. The American view has been that children's drawing skills emerge naturally and that directive teaching will stifle children's creativity. Forty second-generation Chinese American and 40 European American young children participated in this longitudinal study at ages 5, 7, and 9 to explore possible cultural differences in and antecedents of their drawing skills and creativity. Chinese American children's person drawings were more mature and creative and their parents reported more formal ways of fostering creativity as compared to their European American counterparts. Correlations showed that children who had more opportunities to draw and who received more guidance in drawing were more advanced in their drawing. For Chinese Americans, fathers’ personal art attitudes and children's Time 1 drawing skills predicted 53% of the variance in children's drawing scores four years later.  相似文献   

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