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针对应用型高校机械类传统专业与智能制造、精密制造行业发展深度融合的迫切需要,结合新工科建设的要求,提出应用型高校机械类传统专业改造升级的思路。面向智能制造与精密行业对机械工程专业人才培养提出的新要求,以CECCCDIO校企深度融合工匠型项目式工程教育为指导,以OBE理念为人才培养目标,对面向精密制造、智能制造业的高技能复合型机械工程领域人才培养方案和培养模式进行探索与改革,构建校企深度融合工匠型项目式一体化课程体系,面向行业需求开展多层次、多元化、个性化的校企合作机制改革,为应用型高校机械类传统专业人才培养提供新思路。  相似文献   

Advances in information technology provide new tools and resources to optimize total life cycle of ships in terms of reliability, safety and the control of operating costs. Regulatory agencies and classification societies are moving towards risk-based/reliability-centered rule-making in the shipping industry. However, reliability, maintenance and risk assessment were not considered to be a part of the traditional Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering curriculum in the US. In this paper, the current status of existing curricula, accreditation requirements and new developments are presented. Finally, emerging needs of the maritime industry are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: This research describes the outcome of a needs assessment to determine whether the Univ. of Guyana should introduce a Food Science program. The research design utilized interviews and questionnaires to large manufacturing organizations and agroprocessors to determine if the required skills are available for the manufacturing process. Results revealed that the lack of skills, particularly in food processing, is one factor that has negatively impacted value‐added production in large manufacturing companies; as well as in the micro, small and medium enterprises, limiting the range of products produced by these entities. Based on this, it was established that the university should introduce a program in food science and be the focus for formal training to satisfy the demands of the food manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of higher education in Iran during a 26-year period under the Islamic government. This can be divided into three different phases: revolutionary, formative and development. It explores the expansion of universities, enhancing research, widening access, use of a wide range of ICT, decentralisation and gender equity. The quality and relevance of curricula with the market requirement is also discussed. This paper argues that the curriculum should be more specific and address the real needs of society. Comprehensive decision-making, expanding students’ academic guidance and expanding participatory and student-centre environment in higher education are crucial.  相似文献   

西北藏族地区学校文化课程应该发挥增强课程对民族地区学生的适切性和传承民族文化的重要功能,无论是课程目标、课程内容还是课程实施和课程评价方式都应充分体现各民族文化的特点。然而,调查发现,西北藏族地区学校文化课程在课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价方面都存在许多问题,这些问题影响民族文化课程功能的发挥。应该增加课程中民族文化的内容,改变传统的课程实施方式和评价方式,以便更好地发挥民族文化课程在学生发展和文化传承中的积极作用。  相似文献   

在国家大力实施创新驱动发展战略和知识生产模式转型背景下,实施跨学科课程对提高博士生培养质量具有很强现实意义。在实施博士生跨学科课程中,需要遵循知识体系中“博大”与“精深”的平衡、教学过程中“个体”与“团体”的互动、教学内容中“教学”与“科研”的协同三对逻辑关系。囿于传统博士生教育的路径依赖影响和博士生跨学科课程的内在逻辑衍生出的现实需要制约,高校实施博士生跨学科课程面临诸多困境。从成立跨学科组织、以实践为导向开展教学、改进课程评价机制、完善学术交流平台等几个方面提出了我国高校博士生跨学科课程实施的突破路径。  相似文献   

叶绍凡 《钦州学院学报》2006,21(6):108-110,113
普通高校体育教学在实施新课程标准过程中,在教学目标落实,教学过程实施,教学模式运用,教师理念转变,师资与场地器材建设等方面仍存在一些弊端和不足.为了更好地适应新课程教学要求,高校体育教学应着重从创新教育理念,优化教学体系,淡化竞技要求,完善考核评价体系,开发教学模式,提高教师素质和改善办学条件等方向发展.  相似文献   

通过对三门峡市乳品消费者的基本情况、品牌偏好、消费习惯等的调查结果进行统计分析,发现三门峡市的乳品消费具有消费品牌化、品质化、消费量及投入比重增大的特征,并据此提出了增强投入,加强检疫和科普宣传等促进乳品消费的政策建议。  相似文献   

Mohapeloa  J. M. 《Higher Education》1981,10(3):275-295
The work of universities in developing countries is reviewed in the context of a consideration of the whole system of education in such countries in the post World War II period. The author recommends closer links between the school and university systems with a view to improving teacher education, the creation of school curricula more relevant to current needs and flexibility in relation to admission to post-secondary education. Universities should develop programmes, including sub-degree programmes, designed to meet manpower needs. Efforts should be directed towards developing non-formal education, the training of administrators, political leaders and towards stimulating rural and cultural development. Universities in developing countries should maintain links with universities in advanced countries; the standards they set should be comparable with those of universities in advanced countries whilst at the same time being related to the needs and aspirations of the local communities. Examples are drawn from Africa and the South Pacific.  相似文献   

Emerging careers in technology-focused fields such as data science coupled with necessary graduate outcomes mandate the need for a truly interdisciplinary pedagogical approach. However, the rapid pace of curriculum development in this field of inquiry has meant that curricula across universities has largely evolved in line with the internal disciplinary strengths of each institution rather than in response to the needs of graduates. To assist with the development of data science subjects the themes and content that contribute to each subject should be objectively validated. We propose the use of an objective test for data science curricula to quantify whether a particular degree programme maintains an interdisciplinary perspective unconstrained by single discipline bias. The test analyses a given curriculum and quantifies the subject components by category using natural language processing (NLP) techniques.  相似文献   

课程研究是教育研究中的一个重要研究领域,课程研究范式规定着课程研究的价值取向与方法。本文在探讨几个典型课程研究范式的基础上,提出了课程研究范式发展的新趋势,把满足社会和受教育者两种需求作为前提,在借鉴传统研究的基础上,开发国际化、地方化、个性化等多元化的教育课程。  相似文献   

校本课程是在国家课程标准规范下,与国家课程、地方课程相对应和补充的,以学校为本位,以学校为阵地,在学习需求分析基础上,由学校自主开发和编制的可供学生进行多种选择的课程,具有校本化、个性化、特色化和自主性等特点。其实施策略有理论与思想准备,师资校本培训,对学生及家长的需求分析,对校本课程资源及条件的评估,典型引路、点面结合等。  相似文献   

汤霓 《职教通讯》2012,(22):28-33
绿色技能应当能适应所有工作,它包括提供可持续发展产品和服务所需要的技术技能,也包括交流、谈判、支持可持续发展的商业行为及实施组织变革所需要的非技术技能。绿色经济的技能需求包括四大部分:专业绿色技能、提高现有技能、通用绿色技能、通用技能。其中,开发通用技能、通用绿色技能和提高现有的相关工作技能课程内容要比开发专业的绿色技能课程内容更为重要。以美国生涯技术教育数学课程模式为例,其对基本能力培养的课程策略能为绿色技能课程的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Electrical engineering (EE) curricula in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region have gone through an evolutionary process, and are now approaching a maturity level. In order to address academic and local industrial needs in a unified way, a need has been felt to investigate EE curricula in a way that highlights theoretical understanding, design experience and skills development. This paper focuses on a comparative study of electrical EE programmes offered in various GCC region universities. The general and some focused programmes are analysed with respect to their breadth and depth. Using cluster analysis, we identify five major distinct EE programme clusters, each grouping a set of universities. This outlines where EE programmes in the GCC region are headed.  相似文献   

在乳制品市场中,液态奶是我国乳品产业中规模最大、增长最快的细分市场。通过运用霍金斯模型分析我国液态奶市场现状,从外部因素、内部因素、自我概念与生活方式四个方面分析消费者购买液态奶的影响因素,有助于乳品企业从理论层面更好地理解消费者在消费决策中的消费心理,从而制定出更有力的营销策略。  相似文献   

人类社会已经进入智能时代,技术进步推动了媒体深度融合。传媒产业加速变革,市场竞争激烈,培养适应行业需求的“媒体融合”人才成为重中之重。课程是人才培养的核心要素,课程质量直接决定着人才培养质量。探讨应用型高校“视听语言”课程混合式教学改革的路径及其虚拟学习社区建设,变传统的“传授式教学模式”为“以学生为中心”的新视角和新模式,以更好实现课程目标,并以课程建设促进专业建设,切实提高传媒人才培养质量。  相似文献   

高校的工商管理课程教学可以成为宣传生态文明理念的重要阵地,教育未来的企业工作者实现绿色生产、清洁制造,具备强烈的环保意识,这对于生态文明建设具有重要意义。但是传统的工商管理学科课程设计存在一定的问题:课程设计理念上缺乏生态意识,课程设计内容上缺乏环保教育,课程考核环节缺乏环保导向。生态文明视域下,高校工商管理课程设计必须进行相应的改革,包括课程设计理念改革、课程设计内容改革和课程考核环节改革。  相似文献   

中外老年教育办学政策都强调老年学校(大学)、社区型老年教育和远程老年教育等为主体的教育模式,我国应通过政策鼓励社会团体和民间组织参与老年教育,解决区域发展不平衡以及覆盖面窄等问题。国外老年教育课程和教材建设在相关政策指引下,内容和形式都很丰富且体系化,而我国老年教育在多元化政策指导下,课程建设虽然取得很大进步,但应进一步强化课程体系建设,采用更加灵活的课程形式满足老年人需求。  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育必须具有适应自身发展需要和人才市场需求的课程。本课题提出新的教学理念,将产品设计的雕塑课程同传统的雕塑、陶艺等雕塑课程区分开来,建立产品设计专业独立的、符合该专业特点的雕塑课程教学模式。根据市场导向来设置产品设计专业雕塑课的教学内容,提出"原型设计"的理念,通过技术学习,推动学生设计思维的发展。在总结课题成果的基础上,编写出高职产品设计专业雕塑课程的教学方案、教学目的和教学任务所需的设备、条件、节时安排和作业要求,为该专业的教学打下扎实的课程基础。  相似文献   

专业培养方案是专业人才培养的蓝图和总体设计,它的优劣决定了人才培养质量。目前我国远程教育实践缺少适用于远程教育领域的专业培养方案和课程体系开发方法,大多沿用传统高校以学科需求为主的专业培养方案,但这没有体现应用型人才培养的特点和目的。因此需要开发出既符合社会实践需求,又适合成人远程学习者的专业课程体系,从而更好地为应用型人才培养、为远程教育人才培养服务。以能力为本的课程体系开发模式可以分为典型的三类:基于岗位能力的开发模式、基于典型工作任务的开发模式和基于角色的开发模式。三种开发模式均采用了工作分析的思想,重点关注岗位对人才的能力需求,注重技能培养而容易忽视知识的系统性。但基于典型工作任务分析的开发模式由于有着较为扎实的理论基础,开发出的课程体系更加系统,且兼顾了技能和知识的培养,对实践的适用面更广,对远程教育院校开发"能力为本"的培养方案暨课程体系有着极大的借鉴作用。但是其仍然有着不可忽视的弱点或"盲区"——对于工作过程较模糊、岗位不明确的专业不适用,因此并不能照搬到远程教育领域。  相似文献   

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