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Tourism and sport are two phenomena that rapidly expanded at the end of the nineteenth century. The latter is often viewed as a service in a system structured by the former, in the way tennis courts or golf courses are established near hotel facilities. Yet, the development of outdoor sports reveals that a tourist territory can be defined by its sports function. Through the example of mountaineering in the French Pelvoux massif, we are going to show that a physical activity may have a major role in determining tourist territories and the local economic growth. This research paper investigates, chronologically and geographically, the expansion of mountaineering in the Pelvoux massif and its spin-off effects on touristic amenities, especially in the development of hotel services, town-and-country planning and communications. This demonstration is based on archives from several alpine societies – the French Alpine Club, the Society of Dauphiné Tourists and the Touring Club de France – as well as on monographs published by mountaineers.  相似文献   


The link between sport and tourism is closely related in outdoor sports and it is worth considering the development of these physical activities in conjunction with the tourist infrastructures that facilitate access to the activity areas. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the major role played by the Touring Club de France (TCF) in the launching of winter sports in France through its promotion of tourist infrastructures and support of the related activities. The TCF played an innovating and most efficient part through its action on three essential aspects: equipping sites for tourists; developing the manufacture of winter sports equipment; and promoting winter sports, thus bringing new life to mountain resorts. In taking into account the crucial role of the TCF in this study, the main sources used are related to the club itself: its archives and the monthly review from 1908 to 1914. On a larger scale, an explanation on how the TCF acted as a lever to generate dynamics beneficial to local development of the mountain areas will also be provided.  相似文献   

对日本都市度假体育圈发展模式、阿尔卑斯政府"引导+产业集群"的滑雪度假发展模式、法国地中海俱乐部发展模式的KFS进行分析,认为政府是促成度假体育发展的主导因素,市场机制是度假体育发展的驱动因素,国情、机遇是度假体育发展可资利用的时机因素,风险是度假体育发展不容忽视的因素.由此获得一些有益启示,认为我国政府应在发展度假体育中起主导作用,都市度假体育圈的发展模式适合我国当前国情,政府应推进度假体育产业集群发展壮大,通过"联盟+俱乐部"发展模式促进我国度假体育的发展.  相似文献   

以江浙沪地区115处体育旅游景区为研究对象,基于GIS技术,采用数理统计法和地理分析法对其时空演化特征进行分析。结果显示:江浙沪地区体育旅游景区的发展可分为两个阶段,区域之间发展差异明显,体育旅游项目自然地理分布不均衡;空间结构基本呈集聚分布,区域空间分布不均衡,空间格局由主集聚区向边缘扩散;江浙沪地区体育旅游景区空间结构的影响因素由资源差异主导、经济发展带动、市场需求推动、政府宏观调控、交通因素驱动等共同作用;江浙沪地区体育旅游景区空间结构需要实施点轴式发展模式、加强区域协同化水平、引导体育旅游景区有序布局和完善整体服务能力。  相似文献   

Tourism is important for many rural territories in France, notably with respect to economic development. A growing element of such tourist activity concerns outdoor sports which rely heavily on a region’s natural resources and are centred predominantly on a series of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Given the importance of tourism to local economies, a fuller understanding of the nature and operational characteristics of these enterprises, and of their relationship with other local actors, is essential to ensure their future development. With this objective, this paper aims to explore and evaluate the emergence of ‘localised tourist systems’ and the adaptation of this concept to outdoor sports. By using a systems approach, emphasis is given to analysing the interplay between different actors in the public, private and associative sectors and the mutual benefits that derive from such collaboration. Using evidence from the region of Ardèche in south-east France, it is argued that outdoor sports entrepreneurs form part of a ‘localised outdoor sports tourist system’ which provides added-value to the activities of these enterprises and to local institutional actors and the means to create a competitive advantage for the region’s tourist development. Future research might usefully explore in more detail the relative strength of linkages between the different actors.  相似文献   

This study attempts to analyse the means by which winter sports were spread in France. I look more specifically at the political factors that promoted the development of skiing, within the context of international tension that prevailed during the years prior to World War I. My analysis strives to demonstrate the importance of discourse and actions centred on patriotism, and to point out the factors that brought skiing into people's everyday lives and helped them acquire a sense of national affiliation. My approach consists of analysing the justifications given for the promotion of skiing on France's mountain ranges, particularly those aimed at its mountain populations. The forms of legitimacy used to justify the development of skiing, its close-knit relations with the army, the institutional framework selected under the influence of the French Alpine Club, the staging of practices and forms of sociability maintained for each targeted population – all of these phenomena help grasp the ways in which new norms dictating social behaviours were disseminated and internalised in the mountains of France.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、案例分析法、逻辑分析法对我国户外运动俱乐部的经营现状和策略进行研究。目前,我国户外运动俱乐部数量快速增加,主要有四种类型,经营状况总体水平不佳。通过三夫户外俱乐部的"三位一体"经营模式分析,提出我国户外运动俱乐部的经营策略,即以产品特点进行市场开发策略,俱乐部经营产品多样化策略和充分利用网络平台的宣传策略。  相似文献   


This paper explores young people's (9 to 15 years old) early socialisation into sport. We draw on data from an 18-month-long ethnography of the junior section of an athletics club in England, using field notes, interviews and a psychometric questionnaire. We begin by noting a trend towards increasing numbers of younger children participating in adult-organised, community-based sport. Within this context, we investigate the extent to which Siedentop's [(1995) Junior Sport and the evolution of sport cultures, Keynote presentation to the Junior Sport Forum, Auckland, New Zealand] three main goals for young people's participation in sport, i.e. the educative, public health and elite development, are met in specific, local junior sport settings such as Forest Athletics Club (FAC). We report that most of the young people participating in the Introductory Groups at FAC begin their socialisation into sport by 'sampling' a range of sports and other activities that are available to them. We note the key features of the sampling phase for these young people, including their involvement in sports and other activities in addition to athletics, their reasons for participation, the place of competition and the importance of friendship. We report that FAC created a climate for the Samplers, intentionally or not, conducive to the development of Siedentop's educative goal, and to a lesser extent the public health and elite development goals. In concluding, we note the implications of the study for community-based programmes run by clubs.  相似文献   

Informal sports can be described by looking at its symbiotic structure: the three roles doing sports, facilitating sports and organizing sports, coincide. This paper discusses what this means for the sports activities of adolescents. The areas in which informal sports activities for adolescents take place as well as the social structure are shaped by this symbiotic structure: informal sport is about using and defining space to create new sports facilities. On the basis of ethnographic research this paper will analyze how one gets “into the game” in those special areas. Due to missing external organizations, individuals are confronted with entry barriers because of established outsider relations. The established members differ from outsiders in that they can realize their own idea of sport. Gender differences are an important aspect in this context which will exemplarily be reconstructed and analyzed at the end.  相似文献   

影响我国农村体育发展的非经济因素与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村体育是社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分,而我国的农村体育事业建设还处于一种发展非常缓慢的状态。制约农村体育发展的首要因素是经济,但经济不是唯一因素,还有大部分非经济因素。对影响农村体育发展的非经济因素进行了分析,并提出了对策:开展喜闻乐见、丰富多彩的体育活动,深入挖掘、开发农村传统体育项目;发挥大众传媒作用,提高各级领导和广大农民对农村体育的认识,建立良好的农村体育发展软环境;加强农村基层体育组织、专业人员队伍建设。  相似文献   

我国体育俱乐部研究状况综述   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
体育俱乐部是体育事业的基本单位。随着我国体育改革的进行,出现了各种形式的俱乐部,标志着我国体育走上了社会化道路。理论界近年来对此进行了大量的研究。对其中一些重要的研究成果进行了综述,如体育俱乐部的概念、性质、地位、作用、现状现发展趋势、管理体制和运行机制等问题,以供研究者参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

农民对体育活动的认识水平和思想观念是影响农村体育开展的重要因素。笔者运用问卷法、现场调查法等研究方法对西北所有61个革命老区县的农村居民对体育的认识和参加体育活动的现状进行研究,结果表明:西北革命老区农民对体育的各种功能认识层次较浅,但乐于参加有组织的各种体育活动。各种简单、易于开展的常规体育项目和民族传统体育项目在农村受到革命老区农民的喜爱。  相似文献   

通过教学实验、问卷调查对高校体育课外活动采用俱乐部形式进行了研究,结果表明:实验班学生在身体素质、体育知识的掌握及对体育的认知程度和参加体育锻炼的积极性方面,都明显优于传统课外活动形式的对照班学生。采用俱乐部活动形式,对提高学生的身体素质、培养良好的体育意识及兴趣、掌握运动能力等方面有着极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会背景下我国农村体育的发展战略   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过调查与分析,揭示总体小康与全面建设小康社会农村体育地位发生了重大变化,农村体育将成为新时期我国群众体育的工作重点。广大农民不仅需要体育,而且热爱具有乡土特点的体育活动;尽管农村经济相对落后,但农村也具备了一些可以利用的必要发展条件。发展农村体育要着眼广大农村而不必以小城镇为重点,政府要承担起发展农村体育的主要责任。  相似文献   

体育赛事旅游目的地的可持续发展需要对不同的利益相关者建立相应的利益管理机制。运用文献资料法对可持续发展理论和利益相关者理论进行系统归纳和评述,在此基础上,就体育赛事旅游目的地利益相关者的界定、构成和分类进行探讨。体育赛事旅游目的地利益相关者分为:核心利益相关者、蛰伏利益相关者、边缘利益相关者三部分,并主要对体育赛事旅游目的地的政府及其职能部门、体育赛事旅游企业、赛事旅游者、当地居民这四个关系密切和影响力较大的核心利益相关者进行分析,期望通过构建“双向沟通-协调合作-互利共赢”的核心利益相关者管理机制构建体育赛事旅游目的地利益共同体,进而实现体育赛事旅游目的地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

体育法治全球化的典型例证与法理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜熙 《体育学刊》2012,(3):30-36
以体育法治全球化何以可能着手,对反兴奋剂法治的全球化和国际体育仲裁实践两个体育法治全球化的典型例证进行考察,并针对两者进行法理分析。研究认为世界反兴奋剂法治和国际体育仲裁实践直接推动了体育法治全球化的发展;体育法治全球化将催生全球体育法治体系,这一体系已经演变成一种新的全球法律治理模式,并将为其它领域的国际法律和司法制度发展提供重要的范例。  相似文献   

This case study is based on actual events surrounding the 2011–2012 scandals relating to the use of performance enhancing drugs in two high profile sporting clubs in Australia: the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League Club and the Essendon Football Club. Both clubs were handed down sanctions that included fines and suspension of their respective senior coaches and players. The case explores events leading up to the scandal and its aftermath. The case includes a series of questions that can be used to stimulate class discussion in areas of governance, ownership structure, drugs in sport and stakeholders. It also includes ideas for more in-depth discussion of issues relating to the commercialisation of sport and shortcomings in governance with supporting references from academic and practitioner related articles. The case is ideal for any later year undergraduate or postgraduate courses with a business, strategy, sports management, or accounting focus.  相似文献   

美国职业体育管理体制初探   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
美国职业体育的起源,从地缘上看是移植了英国的赛马俱乐部模式,从根源上看是资本主义制度的建立以及自身的不断调整,带动了世界经济的持续增长,从文化上看缺少英国的贵族阶层的捐赠,从管理上看是联盟体制的建立和完善,从内容上看是有效地协调了观众、球员、职业运动队、联盟、媒体、赞助商和政府之间的利益关系,从制度上看是美国完善的市场法规给予了这种体制以有效运行的保障.  相似文献   

2000-2004年我国社区体育研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对近5年来,13种体育类核心期刊发表的有关社区体育方面的论文进行分析。指出我国在社区体育的基本理论、建设、管理、发展以及域外社区体育研究等方面取得了一定的进展,但有关农村和城镇社区体育的研究还十分缺乏或薄弱。学者们对社区体育发展问题十分关注,但研究的深度还不够,而且对社区体育的基本理论的探讨涉及得不多,尚未形成符合我国国情的社区体育理论体系。对域外社区体育的研究较为深入,但数量偏少。  相似文献   

国外体育人类学述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
体育人类学,是运用人类学的理论和方法,对人类与体育有关的文化活动进行研究的一门学科。在占有大量资料的基础上,分析了人类学发展脉络中体育人类学的诞生过程,在翻译两部风格各异的西方体育人类学的代表著作以及不同类型论文之后,介绍了国外体育研究中这门新兴学科的发展概况。  相似文献   

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