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This study examines how the neighborhood storytelling network, which is conceptualized in communication infrastructure theory and includes interpersonal, organizational and community media connectedness, and an individual's Internet connectedness affected participation in civic activities in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred on 11 March 2011. Responses from 544 randomly selected people residing in Tokyo reveal that connectedness to a neighborhood storytelling network and one's Internet connectedness have positive effects on participation in civic activities in response to the earthquake. However, the two independent factors (neighborhood storytelling and Internet connectedness) do not exhibit a significant relationship with each other. The result suggests the existence of two different conduits for civic engagement in disaster situations – neighborhood storytelling networks and Internet connectedness – mainly distinguished by age.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether knowledge of Internet usage among older adults is related to social capital as well as their expectations to obtain social support online. A U.S. national survey of adults aged 60 and older (n = 1,101) found that Internet literacy is significantly associated with their expected Internet support and bridging and bonding social capital even after controlling for age, Internet use, and other factors.  相似文献   

互联网渗透到社会的方方面面 ,给人们的工作、生活和娱乐带来了革命性的变化。像对发达国家的影响一样 ,互联网正日益改变着亚洲国家人们的生活观念和生活方式。但我们又看到 ,互联网经济在拉动消费、促进生产的同时 ,由于亚洲各国经济、技术实力的不同以及各国政府重视程度的不同 ,区域之间、国家之间的互联网发展存在着事实上的不平衡 ,这将影响亚洲经济发展以及社会发展的整体运行。  相似文献   

从社会建构论的角度来看,人的情绪虽然以生物性反应为基础,但主要是社会建构的结果。文化和语言是建构情绪的重要手段。个体情绪借助语言在社会网络间传播,实质是一场以情绪理解为内核的群体情感互动仪式。互联网群体传播帮助人们通过建立弱关系扩大社会网络,促进个体情绪在传播范围上的量变和情绪性质上的质变,形成社会情绪型舆论。网络语言具有表层和深层双重情绪基因,通过模因复制进行群体传播。在此过程中,网络语言具有三重效应:一是凝合效应,促进深层情绪整合,形成社会舆论;二是转移效应,其表层的娱乐性、游戏性特征能推动情绪转化,疏导社会舆论;三是沉淀效应,累积社会情绪氛围,沉淀社会参与基因,建构网络语言所诞生和维护的社会文化。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, improved treatments have helped people with AIDS enjoy a state of restored health and greater hope for long-term survival. Because of these changes, social support is an even more important resource for those battling HIV/AIDS. One source for social support is a support group, which offers social and emotional resources to meet the needs of its members. The online support group investigated in this study serves gay men with HIV/AIDS and requires that they talk only about positive aspects of life. To understand the implications this rule has for support processes, a thematic analysis was conducted to determine how this group constructs social support. Rules and resources aimed at the group goal of positivity help develop a unique speech community. Implications for social support, support groups, and the Internet are discussed.  相似文献   

More recently, many scholars have lamented the decline of social capital, civic and political participation in American society. This study attempts to clarify the concept of social capital and its major components. We differentiate two dimensions of social capital: trust and social connectedness. In addition, we investigate the differential effects of a full range of media use on civic and political participation.

Analysis of data from a telephone survey in Clarksville, Tennessee in 2002 showed that people's social connectedness enhances both civic and political participation. Time spent in reading newspaper and watching public affairs on television was positively correlated with political participation whereas frequency of Internet use and entertainment TV viewing was not. The results also showed no correlation between media use and civic participation. Implications of the findings for future research on democratic citizenship were discussed.  相似文献   

图书馆如何对网瘾青少年实施知识援助   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
青少年网瘾是一个新型社会问题。目前我国有网瘾青少年500多万,他们是社会弱势群体中的弱势者。网络媒介的特点、青少年自身的弱点、家庭和学校乃至社会环境的不良影响等是青少年产生网瘾的重要原因。网瘾对青少年的身心健康、社会功能都有负作用,甚至引发犯罪。构建有效的社会支持网是消除网瘾现象的有力手段。图书馆应凭借自身优势,积极介入青少年网瘾防治工作,承担自己的社会责任。图书馆在对网瘾青少年实施知识援助时要讲究策略和方法。  相似文献   

This study investigated Internet communication and use in a crisis situation, Hurricane Katrina, to explore the role of the Internet in supporting or diminishing geographically-based community during a crisis. The researchers conducted an online survey of Internet users (n=1192) from the dispersed metropolitan New Orleans area. The survey focused on amount, type, function, and importance of Internet use to creating and maintaining social capital, supporting geographically-based communities, activating social networks, reducing uncertainty, and achieving both expressive and instrumental communication goals. The results indicated that Internet users in a crisis situation went online to seek interactive fora specific to their neighborhoods and to activate weak ties in their social networks. They engaged in more uncertainty reduction behavior when experiencing higher degrees of damage. They turned to the Internet in place of other media as a result of disruptions caused by the crisis. Women valued online expressive communication more than men did. The findings suggest that social capital theorists would benefit from a communication perspective on the Internet. The study also led to the formation of suggestions for emergency preparedness agencies, shelter providers, crisis victims, and online news providers that can improve emergency response.  相似文献   

Although there is an increasing amount of research on social support in cyberspace, little is known about how Internet technologies influence social support among people who share offline personal relationships. The current study examined how friends' instant messenger (IM) status might influence individuals' coping and support-seeking, and what mechanisms could account for those effects. Four hundred and ninety-four college students read and responded to a hypothetical scenario in which they logged onto IM after experiencing a stressful situation. Participants perceived higher levels of self-efficacy, greater stress decrease, and greater likelihood of seeking support from a friend when the friend was said to be online than offline. Perceived social presence mediated the influence of a friend's online status on participants' coping and likelihood of seeking support from the friend.  相似文献   

论文选择微博为代表的社交媒介,从网络公共事件入手,以群体视角论述用户信息交互行为的社会责任取向,通过个案分析,阐明社交网络用户社会责任的实现途径。结果发现,在网络场域中,传统道德权威并未瓦解,社交网络中的个体行为并非完全以个人情感和利益为中心。网络用户的道德感和网络社会正义得以持续源于2个激励因素:个体的被认同感以及网络言论的公共化。社交网络用户的信息交互行为仍受传统道德、规则的约束,但存在群体极化的风险。  相似文献   

搜索引擎Google研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
Google 搜索引擎是一款目前支持世界上近三十种语言的优秀的网上搜索引擎, 其中文搜索服务正被越来越多的使用中文的用户所认识和青睐, 本文着力探讨其强大的功能和特点, 并介绍其有关的查询方法。  相似文献   

The morbidly obese, defined as people who are 100 pounds or more overweight, are the fastest growing population among the obese. They often live with health risks, face discrimination, and lack traditional social support. This article explores the use of weight loss blogs by the morbidly obese (N = 50) and argues that blogging provides invaluable computer-mediated social support for them in four ways: (a) it allows for empathy; (b) it ensures accountability to others; (c) it provides venting and advice seeking; and (d) it shares validation of the weight loss experience. Additionally, the article argues that social support scholars must move beyond chat rooms and message boards as media and explore more media-rich environments such as blogging and social networks.  相似文献   

社会性网络服务的特点及其对企业竞争情报工作的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,互联网已成为企业竞争情报工作的重要阵地,人际网络在整个情报循环中的作用已受到相当程度的重视。本文从当前网络热点社会性网络服务(SNS)入手,分析了基于SNS构建的人际网络特点,对由此引发的企业竞争情报工作的变革进行了探讨,重点分析了社会性网络服务对企业竞争情报收集内容及方式的影响。  相似文献   

This study tested competing predictions about the implications of Internet use for traditional inequities in social support availability. Using survey data collected as part of the Pew Internet and American Life Project, inequities in social support availability stemming from demographic and network-related factors were examined among non-users, Internet users, and Internet users who also participated in a social network site (SNS). The results offered evidence consistent with the social compensation perspective. Traditional inequities in support availability related to age, race, and total network size persisted among respondents who did not use the Internet, but were less evident or absent among Internet users and/or Internet users who participated in an SNS. Using the Internet to connect with others appeared to be an important mechanism through which inequality in support availability was mitigated.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究互联网情境下用户人格特质对互联网信息采纳行为的影响,为规制互联网行业发展及引导互联网用户信息采纳行为提供理论依据。[方法/过程]基于信息采纳模型、人格特质理论,探究用户人格特质变量对互联网信息采纳行为的调节效应。采用综合社会调查数据(CGSS),使用ologit回归模型对理论假设进行分析验证。[结果/结论]研究发现,信息采纳模型在互联网情境下更为重要,互联网信息质量与来源可信度决定互联网用户信息有用性的感知水平,进而影响信息采纳行为;用户人格特质变量对互联网信息采纳行为存在显著的间接影响力,且这种影响力存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

从社区到社会网络——一种互联网研究视野与方法的拓展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着互联网技术的发展,传统的BBS等虚拟社区的影响有所减弱,而由SNS、即时通信、博客等应用构建的新兴社区的影响正在上升,这些新的应用也促进了人们的社会网络的形成与拓展。借鉴社会学的社会网络理论来研究这些新的应用及其影响,是十分必要的。人们从传统虚拟社区向以自我为中心的社会网络的迁移,体现了网络使用者从社会归属需求向社会资本需求的升级,而印象管理、自我表达、情绪调节、社会交往、社会分享、社会参与等其他层面需求则与社会资本需求相辅相成。互联网上的社会网络对于个体的影响,目前主要在两个方面表现出来:一方面是一对一的互动对个体的态度、行为的影响(这些影响可以从社会心理学的一些传统理论中得到解释),而这种一对一的影响还可能通过社会网络来传递,从而形成一种社会性影响;另一方面是社会网络的结构对个体所施加的影响,例如,社会网络中的权力关系的影响、社会网络中的派系的影响等。  相似文献   

Internet正以极快的速度深入到社会生活的各个领域,利用Internet覆盖全球的特点进行信息服务是一个具有很大现实意义而又亟待研究的课题。本文选择信息活动较多的图书领域对此进行研究和探讨,分析了图书出版领域的现状,设计了“图书广场”———图书出版领域的电子化信息集散地,阐述了其目标、结构、功能和意义。  相似文献   

文章结合互联网的特点 ,从几个方面较详细地介绍了专业信息的网上检索方法 ,并就检索过程中可能会遇到的难点提供了一些具体的技术解决措施。然后 ,针对目前互联网信息检索的实际使用状况 ,作者指出了几个有待改进的不足之处 ,并提出了一些具体的解决办法  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为一种社会存在,在获取政府经费及政策支持的同时,也应当履行一定的社会责任。论文提出新时期公共图书馆可通过以下方式履行社会责任:开展延伸服务、缩小数字鸿沟、提供阅读指导、主动开展社会教育、丰富民众精神生活、履行公共社会责任等。  相似文献   

Ming Ai 《亚洲交流杂志》2013,23(2):175-190
The study used a five-wave latent growth model to compare two sets of competing hypotheses about the influence of overall computer and Internet use on mental health. The secondary data set from the Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS) with a valid sample size of 2,003 respondents was used for the analysis. The mediating role of friendship–closeness was examined to compare the social augmentation hypothesis with the social displacement hypothesis. The mediating role of academic stress was tested to compare the mood enhancement hypothesis with the problematic Internet use (PIU) model. The study was consistent with the social displacement hypothesis, where a higher initial computer and Internet use predicted a lower initial friendship–closeness, which, in turn, resulted in a faster decrease in mental health. The study provided reconciliation for the mood enhancement hypothesis and the PIU model. Although a higher initial computer and Internet use predicted lower initial mental health levels through academic stress, schoolchildren and adolescents with more computer and Internet use experienced a slower decrease in mental health because of the mediating role of academic stress.  相似文献   

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