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缩小东、中、西部教育差距,促进教育均衡发展,是社会主义本质在教育系统的延伸和体现。由于政府对西部少数民族地区教育资源投入不足,以及优惠政策得不到有效贯彻和落实,目前西部少数民族地区的教育仍处在一个非常尴尬的境地。要改变西部少数民族地区教育的落后面貌,政府负有义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

艾滋病是威胁人类健康与社会安全的重大传染病之一。迄今为止,世界上无治愈艾滋病的特效药,也无预防艾滋病的疫苗。世界各国防治艾滋病的经验表明:健康教育是目前预防和控制艾滋病唯一有效的措施。本文从大学生的特点与现实之需及对大学生预防艾滋病健康教育能力提升入手,对在高等师范院校开展预防艾滋病健康教育的意义进行了探讨。与此同时,分析了在高等师范院校开展艾滋病健康教育的课程设置方式,包括单独开设健康教育科目,载体科目,融合到其它科目,组合方式。以期对高等师范院校开展预防艾滋病健康教育有所借鉴。  相似文献   

了解衢州地区高职学生艾滋病相关知识认知情况,为有效开展高职学生艾滋病健康教育提供依据。方法:按照分层整群抽样的方法对衢州地区2所高职院校502名不同专业学生进行问卷调查。结果:艾滋病相关基础知识,医药类专业学生总体知晓率80%,非医药类学生总体知晓率为65.5%。两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);艾滋病相关法律知识,医药类专业学生总体知晓率60.9%,非医药类学生总体知晓率为54.7%。两者知晓率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:衢州地区高职学生艾滋病基础知识认知水平总体良好,但相关法律知识认知情况不容乐观,应积极探索并构建艾滋病健康教育平台,有针对性地开展艾滋病健康教育。  相似文献   

西部少数民族地区是我国扶贫工作攻坚克难的重点区域。十九大报告明确指出,要"深入实施东西部扶贫协作,重点攻克深度贫困地区脱贫任务"。扶贫先扶智,教育扶贫政策的有效实施对于西部少数民族地区脱贫工作有着极其重要的意义。本文旨在对西部少数民族地区教育扶贫政策内容进行分析的基础上,结合对公共政策绩效评估相关理论的分析,建立起一个适合西部少数民族地区的教育扶贫政策绩效评估指标体系,并以凉山彝族自治州(以下简称"凉山州")美姑县作为案例对该指标体系进行运用,力图用实证的方式考察该指标体系在西部少数民族地区中的实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

对民族乡村的教育开展研究,目的是为解决民族地区基础教育落后的问题,努力发展民族地区教育,提高少数民族整体素质,不仅关系到民族地区三农问题的解决,而且对有效处理民族问题、维护民族统一更具重要意义。  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族聚居的国家,在我国不谋民族工作,便不足以谋全局。实现各民族大团结、共同繁荣,必须建设少数民族地区的和谐文化,以和谐文化促团结、促繁荣,而少数民族地区和谐文化建设又需要充分发挥思想政治教育的作用。从思想政治教育与和谐文化建设的关系入手,剖析思想政治教育在少数民族地区和谐文化建设中的作用,提出在少数民族地区建设和谐文化的思想政治教育方法。  相似文献   

"情境—问题"教学一直以来受到少数民族中学数学教师的青睐,因为它可以有效增强中学生对数学问题的理解能力。文章以国内外学者研究理论为依据,就如何在少数民族中学开展"情境—问题"教学模式展开深入研究,以期对少数民族中学数学教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国西部民族地区高等教育经过了五十多年的发展,已经初具规模,但是由于历史、环境、经济和社会的原因,西部民族地区高等教育发展滞后于其它民族地区。本文在探究西部民族地区高等教育存在问题的基础上,提出促进西部少数民族地区高等教育持续快速健康发展的有效对策。  相似文献   

开发少数民族地区孤残儿童心理资本,不仅可以促进孤残儿童的心理健康,提高幸福感,还可以挖掘孤残儿童的潜能,增强其竞争力,更能维护社会和谐与稳定发展。文章对心理资本的内涵、心理资本在促使教育和社会融合中的作用进行了阐述,并探讨了提升少数民族地区孤残儿童心理资本的教育对策。  相似文献   

我省有9个少数民族自治县市(包括享受自治待遇的三亚市、通什市),有4个少数民族杂居县的12个少数民族自治乡镇。少数民族自治区域占全省陆地面积的一半,民族地区人口占全省总人口的三分之一,少数民族人口占全省人口的六分之一。这几项简单的数字,足以说明民族地区在我省中的重要地位和作用。同样可以说明,民族地区教育的重要地位和作用。如何把民族教育抓上去,使之适应生产力发展的需要,适应民族地区经济发展的需要,  相似文献   

艾滋病已成为危害人类社会的国际问题.到目前为止,预防教育是解决艾滋病问题最为有效的方法.联合国教科文组织提出艾滋病预防教育的目的是增进人们对艾滋病传播和预防的知识、意识、技能,形成和树立正确的态度和价值观念,减少艾滋病的传染,减轻艾滋病对社会造成的影响,同时缓解艾滋病对教育系统带来的压力.本文介绍了UNESCO在全球性和地区性两个层面实施艾滋病预防教育的策略,并讨论了这些策略的意义.  相似文献   

AIDS and Democratic Education in Uganda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Education remains the effective way of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Drawing on a study of AIDS education in Uganda, data showed an exclusive curriculum characterised by denial of knowledge, marginalisation of young people (especially girls), lack of straight means for questioning the subject content, and the failure to inform. Possible pedagogies emerge to address the problem of the spread of AIDS in young people. This article discusses the AIDS pedagogy and democratic education in Ugandan schools by examining possibilities using three illustrations derived from action research: pupil participation in curriculum formulation, pupils setting the agenda for AIDS education delivery and individual choice of AIDS education. The realities of teenage sexuality were being addressed with positive responses to the AIDS curriculum. Action research offered the opportunity for a democratic pedagogy and learning--fundamental to young people's response to the AIDS curriculum and adoption of safer sexual practices.  相似文献   

The second decade of AIDS demands a response of new and creative efforts for HIV/AIDS prevention education and ministering to persons affected by and living with HIV/AIDS. Jewish and Christian theological and faith‐based arguments are presented to support the call to educate for prevention and the call to minister. The need to network and collaborate with public health for more effective programs is also outlined.  相似文献   

Patrick L. Osewe 《Prospects》2009,39(4):399-412
In 2004 UNAIDS and its development partners first introduced the Three-Ones Principles. Since then, many governments have developed national strategic frameworks and guiding policy documents to help coordinate more effective national responses in the battle to overcome AIDS. In this article, I outline how essential it is for government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and development partners to build effective and synergistic network relationships to achieve a unified national response against AIDS. Several best practice country case study examples are provided along with specific practices that nations should avoid in an effective national HIV/AIDS response. The role of education is interwoven throughout each case country example with an emphasis on examining what works and what should be avoided in multisectoral development agency coordination efforts.  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了美国开展艾滋病教育的几个原则.之后结合美国疾病探制及预防中心开展的艾滋病教育调查介绍了美国艾滋病教育的总体概况.最后以最具代表性的纽约市作为个案介绍了地方是如何开展艾滋病教育的。  相似文献   

With the increased occurrence of HIV and AIDS among children, the education system of countries is particularly burdened as these children survive into adulthood and beyond, as anti-retroviral regimens are increasingly effective in prolonging life. One of the most challenging problems presented to educators, when confronted with the growing HIV/AIDS school population, is the planning of education programmes based on these children's information-processing strengths, but also taking into account HIV/AIDS related cognitive restraints. An education-focused response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic requires a clear understanding of medical and neuropsychological effects of HIV/AIDS-related illness on cognition and residual learning difficulties, as well as a clear understanding of the educational needs of these learners. The impact of medical conditions such as HIV encephalopathy or encephalitis (also know as the AIDS dementia complex), subcortical dementia, cranial calcifications, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), cerebrovascular disease, progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML), white matter disease, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, meningitis and ophthalmic problems leading to educational difficulties are discussed. From this information we propose an instructional delivery framework for children with HIV/AIDS and argue the importance of addressing the educational needs of this growing population of children. A broad multidisciplinary approach is essential if we are to understand the complexity of the pandemic and respond to it.  相似文献   

The Life Skills course is offered to Namibian students in grades eight through twelve. It includes lessons on HIV/AIDS, imparting information and equipping them with the necessary psycho-social skills to assist in reducing the risk of becoming infected. Teachers are the impetus for the success of the course. As such, research was undertaken to understand the knowledge, attitudes, and concerns of Namibian Bachelor of Education students in order to be effective HIV/AIDS educators. Findings determine a gap in knowledge about HIV/AIDS-related issues. Moreover, many students indicated reluctance and a lack of self-efficacy to properly implement HIV/AIDS education.  相似文献   

青少年在向成人过渡的过程中没能在性方面做好充分准备,容易受到性胁迫、性虐待及艾滋病等性传播疾病的伤害,通过性健康教育计划来改变这一现状是各国的普遍做法.美国学校性教育特色显著,对处于探索与发展阶段的中国学校性教育具有借鉴意义.因此,比较研究中关两国学校性教育,对开展和扩大我国性教育计划,探索有效的学校性教育途径具有重要意义.  相似文献   

宣传教育是预防控制艾滋病的重要手段。宣传教育的内容框架主要包括知识点、目标、原则、措施、政策规定与立法表述等。近年来,通过采取各种各样的措施,广泛开展宣传教育活动,积极应对艾滋病,取得了明显的成效,但与此同时也存在不少问题。要充分认识加强艾滋病宣传教育工作的重要性和紧迫性,切实认真地执行艾滋病宣传教育的政策规定,更加广泛、深入和持久地开展艾滋病地宣传教育活动,努力形成全社会人人关注艾滋病,广泛参与艾滋病防治的良好社会氛围。  相似文献   

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