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20世纪初,随着沙俄借修建中东铁路之名入侵我国东北地区,作为俄国国教的东正教也堂而皇之地在哈尔滨传播开来。哈尔滨市一跃  相似文献   

中俄边境华俄后裔集聚地和哈尔滨、上海等城市的俄侨社区,曾流行浓厚的东正教习俗,并留下了大量的东正教教堂、“木刻楞”等俄式建筑,其饮食、服饰中俄兼备,会话、姓氏和命名等则采用汉俄双语制。这种影响一方面增添了中国民俗的多元化色彩,另一方面俄俗本身在有限的区域内也或多或少地被改造或嬗变。  相似文献   

孟宪杰 《中学俄语》2008,(10):61-62
“谢肉节”(Масленица)源于东正教。在东正教为期40天的大斋期里,人们禁止吃肉和娱乐。因而,在斋期开始前一周,人们纵情欢乐,家家户户抓紧吃荤,以此弥补斋戒期苦行僧式的生活。谢肉节因此得名。  相似文献   

东正教是基督教的一个分支,在988年通过罗斯受洗而进入俄国后即被定为国教。在以后的岁月中,东正教在俄国获得了极大地发展。东正教传入中国,是沙皇对中国侵略的一种手段。但由于多方面的原因,东正教在中国并未像其他外来宗教一样获得广泛的传播。  相似文献   

普希金与东正教精神浅论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十九世纪的俄罗斯学具有浓郁的东正教色彩,这在普希金的思想和诗歌中有生动而形象的体现。普希金的诗歌是“思”的产物,他思考着俄罗斯的历史和未来,试图用东正教的普世精神来弥补社会的分裂,从而获得精神拯救。  相似文献   

俄国东正教会对沙皇政权依附关系的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10世纪末叶,东正教从拜占廷帝国传入基辅罗斯,后来又传播到罗斯全境,成了罗斯国家的国教。从拜占廷传入罗斯国家的东正教,最初是依附于君上坦丁堡牧首公署的。15世纪中叶以后随着俄罗斯国家力量的强大,它又直接依附于沙皇政府,成为沙皇俄国封建统治的驯服工具。本文就东正教传入俄国及其所处地位的变化过程作一分析,以就正于学界同好。一、东正教传入基辅罗斯在接受东正教以前,东斯拉夫人是信奉多神教的。东正教传入罗斯地区有个历史过程。  相似文献   

新疆塔城地区的东正教是中国俄罗斯族东正教的一部分,在塔城的传播经历了传入、扩展和逐渐衰落三个历史时期.塔城东正教教堂的命运与东正教在塔城传播的过程一样,经历了由少到多,最后关门,以致被拆除的历史.目前尽管俄罗斯族信仰东正教的人数不多,但希望重新修建东正教教堂已成为俄罗斯族信教群众的一个突出问题.解决这一问题不仅是贯彻落实党的宗教信仰自由政策的要求,而且也是加强民族团结,构建新疆和谐社会的客观要求.  相似文献   

东正教与俄罗斯民族性格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东正教是俄罗斯精神的基础和核心。在长期的历史发展中,东正教对俄罗斯民族性格产生了质的影响,俄罗斯性格的极端性、矛盾性、神秘性都可以在东正教中找到源头。宗教性是俄罗斯民族性格的本质特征。  相似文献   

安娜.阿赫玛托娃是俄国白银时代现代主义诗歌的著名诗人,在诗人的许多诗歌中,都渗透着对东正教的信仰,要评论阿赫玛托娃的诗歌创作就必须谈到东正教。组诗《安魂曲》是女诗人于1935-1940年间创作,被认为是阿赫玛托娃整个创作生涯的代表作。分析阿赫玛托娃在组诗《安魂曲》中所表现出来的东正教思想,能使读者更深刻地体会到诗人的东正教情节。  相似文献   

东正教曾被誉为俄罗斯文化的核心,通过阐述罗斯接受东正教的过程,即其从原始多神教信仰到基督教占主导地位的转变过程,分析拜占庭东正教对俄罗斯宗教的影响。  相似文献   

商场与战争有其相通的共同特点,以《孙子兵法》的智慧,精神指导商业实践,有如下要点:一、知彼知己,以“知”制胜;二、推陈出新,以“新”制胜;三、谋在人先,以“谋”制胜;四、合纵连横,以“交”制胜;五、奇正相生,以“奇”制胜;六、兵贵神速,以“快”制胜;七、以战养战,以“借”制胜;八、灵活多变,以“变”制胜;九、智勇双全,以“勇”制胜。  相似文献   


This study has a twofold objective: to analyse and compare the phonological processes in a sample of Spanish children with hearing loss, both with a cochlear implant and with a hearing aid, with a group with normal hearing; and to determine whether there are differences between the participants with a cochlear implant and with a hearing aid in the frequency and nature of the phonological processes. The sample is made up of 168 participants, eight with hearing loss (four with an implant and four with a hearing aid) and 160 with normal hearing. Samples of spontaneous speech were collected and transcribed using the tools from the CHILDES project. For the analysis, the phonological processes paradigm was adopted, evaluating phonological development based on normative error rates. The participants with a hearing loss show slower phonological development in terms of phonological processes, along with atypical processes. Furthermore, the participants with cochlear implants committed more phonological errors than those that wear a hearing aid. The implications of the results are discussed, and it is recommended that auditory stimulation should be done early in children with hearing loss regardless of their technical aid.  相似文献   

本研究主要运用相关分析法及个人访谈法对来源于高职院校三大类学生的归因倾向、学校环境、兴趣水平、焦虑水平、学习策略水平、动机水平、动机行为、自我效能感水平分别与他们的自我效能感水平、兴趣水平作了相关分析。结果发现:三类不同学生归因倾向、学校环境、兴趣水平、焦虑水平、学习策略水平、动机水平、动机行为、自我效能感之间两两相关。对厌学者而言,自我效能与学习策略、动机行为达到非常显著的相关,与兴趣水平达到显著的相关,与学校环境存在不显著的负相关。兴趣水平与焦虑水平、自我效能达到非常显著的相关,与学校环境达到显著相关,与归因存在负相关。对次厌学者而言,自我效能与学习策略达到非常显著的相关,与动机行为达到显著相关,与学校环境、归因倾向呈现低等程度的负相关。乐学类学生的自我效能与动机行为产生了显著的正相关,与学校环境、归因方式产生低度负相关;他们的兴趣水平与动机水平、焦虑水平、自我效能、动机行为产生了中低度相关,与归因、学校环境、学习策略产生了中低程度的负相关。  相似文献   

赵翼在《陔馀丛考》中有关六言诗的评价可谓触及六言诗发展的实质问题。本文通过解读赵翼关于六言诗的一些观点。例如,赵翼认为六言诗的起源不始于谷永,偏爱王维的六言绝句,并认为六言诗没能兴盛是因为“其虽工但非天地自然之音节”,结合赵翼的诗学理论,客观分析上述观点。与此同时。试对六言诗的发展和最终没能繁荣的原因做一个粗浅探究。  相似文献   

As linguistic heterogeneity in classrooms is rising constantly, it was shown that attitudes play a role in the inclusion of students with migrant backgrounds. This paper focuses on attitudes of parents towards students with a migrant background and how variables such as parents’ level of education, cultural differences, and their own background of migration shape their attitudes. To this end, data from 876 parents (486 mothers and 390 fathers) was assessed, and it was found out that parents with a migrant background displayed more positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with a background of migration in contrast to parents without a migrant background. Moreover, fathers displayed more positive attitudes towards students with lower cultural differences compared to students with higher cultural differences. Furthermore, mothers with a higher level of education had more positive attitudes towards students with a migrant background compared to mothers with a lower level of education.  相似文献   

信息与言词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
言词是信息的载体,言词与信息之间的表现有六种:言多息多,言少息多,言多息少,言此息彼,言异息同,言同息异。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in order to explore the role of prefix identification in the reading of Dutch bisyllabic words. Although Dutch orthography is highly regular, several deviations from a one-to-one correspondence exist. A case in point is the grapheme E which can represent the vowels ε, e and œ in polysyllabic words. In Experiment 1, 33 third-grade children and 46 sixth-grade children were presented a list of randomly ordered bisyllabic words starting with the letter string BE and the first syllable being (1) a real prefix, (2) a phonological prefix (same sound pattern as a prefix), or (3) a pseudoprefix (sound pattern deviant from a prefix). Pseudowords starting with the same letter string were also presented. The results showed that words starting with a real or a phonological prefix were identified more accurately than words starting with a pseudoprefix. For the pseudowords, a predominant interpretation of the first part as a prefix was also evidenced. In Experiment 2, a lexical decision task was administered to 35 third-grade children, 33 sixth-grade children, and 26 adults. Words with a phonological prefix and words with a pseudoprefix were randomly presented along with other word types. The data showed both children and adults to retrieve words with phonological prefixes more quickly and more accurately than words with a pseudoprefix. The results are discussed with reference to current models of word decoding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe the strategies used by a mother with a child with autism during games activities with peers to provide the child with social skills. The research method of this study is ‘a qualitative single‐subject case study’. The participants in this research are a mother and her 9‐year‐old child with autism, one brother and three typically developing peers. The research data were collected through field notes, interviews, audio and videotape recordings during natural interactions between the mother and her child. The strategies the mother used were analysed using video records during games activities in a natural park. The interactions of the mother with her child were examined in the context of a hide‐and‐seek game. Micro‐ethnographic‐analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the video records. According to the research data, it was found that the mother with a child with autism made extensive use of 13 different verbal strategies and seven different non‐verbal strategies. It was observed that the mother guided her child and the group during the hide‐and‐seek game, arranged the environment of the games, carried out routine activities both at the beginning and at the end of the games and arranged the games in accordance with the abilities and preferences of the child. These applications bear a resemblance to the model of integrated game groups. As a result, the data from the present research reveal that a mother having a child with autism acts as a guide during the games and uses verbal and non‐verbal interaction strategies in this guidance process and by doing so contributes to the process of participation in the games by the child with autism and in the child's social interaction with his peers.  相似文献   

宗教是一种长期的、复杂的社会历史现象。科学认识宗教,正确处理宗教问题,切实做好宗教工作,关系到党和国家工作的全局,关系到社会和谐稳定,关系到全面建设小康社会进程,关系到中国特色社会主义事业发展,最终关系到党的执政安全。在我国社会主义条件下,我们必须科学把握宗教的长期性、群众性和特殊复杂性,从而维护好党的执政安全。  相似文献   

本文提出了连谓谓语句的两种歧义格式:一种是连动短语作谓语的句子与主谓短语作宾语的句子的歧义;一种是连动短语作谓语的句子与动补短语作谓语的句子的歧义。并就此剖析了歧义产生的条件,从而论证出消除歧义的一些方法。  相似文献   

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