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采用肌电测试方法,研究我国优秀射箭运动员个人撒放箭时间。结果认为,我国优秀射箭运动员不论男、女,每个运动员相互之间存在很大差异;在动作技术已经比较成熟完善时,其撒放箭时间是否相对稳定对环数有一定影响。技术越稳定,撒放越果断,撒放箭时间越一致,在某一环数上的命中率就越高,成绩就越好。  相似文献   

运用芬兰Mega6000-T16表面肌电遥测系统对优秀射箭运动员永富军射箭专项技术动作进行测试分析,结果表明:永富军的射箭技术动作肌肉用力中,其持弓臂的三角肌和拉弓臂的三角肌,拉弓臂的背阔肌和斜方肌是射箭的主要用力肌群;其肌肉激活顺序都是持弓臂三角肌前部率先被激活,其次是三角肌中部、三角肌后部等肌肉,肌肉激活一致性相对合理;肌肉激活程度的一致性与动作技术与射箭成绩密切相关。  相似文献   

射箭运动技术诊断是该项目科学化训练的难点和要点,研究结果发现,通过超高速影像和三维红外线运动学分析的方法,以及高精度的时间、速度、位移等系列运动学指标的测量和射箭运动力学原理的综合运用,能够有效地监控射箭运动员的专项技术状态;高水平射箭运动员专项技术动作具有撒放时间短、声动反应快、箭速高、动作稳定性和一致性高的特点;另外,从功能原理与专项技术规律角度深入分析了反向动作与动作效率、动作稳定性等要素的因果关系,提出了优化撒放方式、减小反向动作幅度、增强动作控制能力是提高射箭技术水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

射箭技术的研究与诊断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用八道生理参数记录仪(Polygraph System RM-6000)与IBM-PC/XT计算机联机,测试射箭时参予完成射箭动作技术主要肌群的肌电活动。通过对92名射箭运动员测试结果的分析,提出了以肌电的平均值曲线的波动大小,平均值的标准差及肌电活动的同步性三项指标,作为射箭技术的肌电诊断指标,用以说明射箭技术动作的稳定性,用力的一致性及动作技术的协调性,并取得良好的诊断效果。  相似文献   

在射箭比赛中,我们常常会看到这样的现象,有的运动员,甚至有些成绩不错的运动员,射程与射程之间、组与组之间成绩差距较大,其主要原因是动作的一致性较差,从而影响我国射箭运动赶超世界先进水平。因此,提高对动作一致性的认识,加强动作一致性的训练十分必要。  相似文献   

表面肌电图技术是通过肌电图仪采集肌肉表面电信号并加以分析的方法,本文通过对国家射箭队24名运动员进行肌电测试并现场反馈,帮助运动员提高射箭技术动作,解决稳定性、一致性等问题。  相似文献   

运用美国产Noraxon表面肌电遥测系统对国家射箭队男、女各12名运动员进行测试,分析结果表明:国家射箭队运动员在射箭动作的不同阶段尚存在部分不合理的肌肉用力特点;相对来说,无论是举弓时的肌肉激活顺序、主要肌肉用力特点,还是动作的一致性,均是女子运动员较男子运动员合理;以肌电RMS幅值的"标准差与平均数的比值"这个派生指标对运动员进行多支箭肌肉用力的一致性评价较合理。  相似文献   

通过改进激光测试仪,将激光测试技术应用于射箭技术动作分析,建立激光测试规范程式,将射箭运动员瞄准过程记录下来进行数据分析,建立射箭动作技术指标评价体系。对国家射箭队5名运动员进行激光测试,分析激光测试数据,总结其动作技术特点,用以指导射箭运动员的训练。研究发现,5位运动员的技术特点是稳定性非常好,动作比较规范、流畅,一致性好,风格属快节奏。  相似文献   

射箭动作节奏的一致性是射箭项目教练员一直关注的重点。研究运用高速摄影机在不干扰射箭运动员训练和比赛的条件下,对我国里约奥运会4名优秀反曲弓射箭运动员的射箭动作节奏特征与成绩关系进行研究。结果发现优秀射箭运动员在瞄准节奏上具有显著性差异(P<0.05),10环与非10环成绩在瞄准节奏上具有显著性差异(P<0.05),说明优秀运动员在最佳瞄准阶段时间越长,运动员的成绩越稳定。优秀射箭运动员的声动反应时间不具有显著性差异(P>0.05),说明声动反应并不能作为优秀射箭运动员技术监控的有效指标。因此,作为国家队教练员不能一味强调射箭技术的快节奏,需要注重射箭技术训练的质量。  相似文献   

射箭技术评价指标的综合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方法:运用Qualisisy红外光点测试系统、Footscan足底压力测试系统、Noraxon肌电遥测系统等对国家队射箭队运动员进行测试,对运动员的射箭动作技术进行分析。结论:1)姿态角、肌肉用力激活程度、举弓阶段主要用力肌肉激活顺序、举弓、开弓时间等的一致性可作为射箭技术评价指标;2)各动作阶段所用时间的长短不能作为技术评价指标,但开举弓时间比与中国国家队射箭成绩正相关;3)基础平衡的足底压力中心指标可作为身体素质、选材及成绩预测的参考依据;4)射箭运动员实射时身体在前、后方向上的稳定性较差,主要与腹背肌力量的不均衡及没有专业运动鞋有关;5)运动学及肌电学都表明,中国射箭训练对举弓、开弓阶段的重视不够,背部肌肉用力特征不明显,撒放技术合理性不高。建议:1)快节奏只是个别运动员的特点,不能因为团体比赛时限缩短而过多强调快节奏。2)采用振动法或不稳定支撑面的力量训练方法进行力量训练。因为这两种训练方法不仅可增加肌肉力量,而且可使神经肌肉的协调性、本体感受器得到训练,从而增强对射箭动作的感觉能力;3)为射箭运动员定制或选择有防滑块鞋底、前后上翘程度符合运动员脚型特点的射箭专用鞋。  相似文献   

Postural consistency in skilled archers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The consistency of an archer's postural set at the moment of loose (arrow release) is commonly perceived to be an important determinant of success. The coach seeks, among other things, to provide the archer with information about postural consistency, details of which he acquires by eye or occasionally by video-recordings. The gains that might be achieved from more precise information are examined here. Nine skilled archers, classified into either skilled or elite groups according to their officially computed handicap, were continuously monitored and measured with a three-dimensional co-ordinate analyser (Charnwood Dynamics Coda-3 Scanner) while shooting two ends (series) of three arrows each. Considerable variability was observed in the precision with which the positions of head, elbow and bow at the moment of loose were replicated by archers of similar levels of skill. These results are interpreted to suggest that precise postural consistency may not be the primary feature distinguishing between the performance of archers at the higher skill levels.  相似文献   

Electromyographic analysis of bow string release in highly skilled archers   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A predominant archery coaching tenet holds that the most effective means of releasing the bow string is by relaxation of the finger flexor muscles without activation of finger extensors. To evaluate the validity of this view, EMG patterns of the flexor digitorum superficialis and extensor digitorum muscles of the draw arm were examined using surface EMG electrodes in 15 highly skilled archers as each performed six shots. Each archer displayed consistent EMG patterns from shot-to-shot and two distinct flexor-extensor patterns were exhibited by the sample. The first, characterized by eight of the archers, supported the relaxation principle. For these archers, both flexor and extensor digitorum activity decreased markedly immediately prior to or at arrow release. The second pattern, characteristic of the remaining seven archers, contradicted the coaching tenet. While the flexor digitorum pattern was essentially the same as that described for the first pattern, the extensor digitorum displayed a marked increase in activity just prior to release, indicating that string release was facilitated by an active extension of the fingers. It was concluded that highly skilled archers do not predominantly reflect a release consistent with the coaching canon and that factors other than the string release mechanism discriminate the performances of skilled archers.  相似文献   

将18名男性足球运动员随机分为肌电反馈训练、渐进性肌肉放松和对照等3组,采用实验对比法进行研究。结果显示,采用肌电生物反馈训练、渐进性肌肉放松训练,均能促进运动员疲劳的消除,其中以肌电生物反馈训练法效果为优。  相似文献   

Fine body movements and the cardiac cycle in archery   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This study examined the relationships between postural sway, aiming time, the cardiac cycle time and the placement of the first finger movement within the electrocardiac cycle, with the quality of the arrow shot. A small group of elite male and female archers who shot either the recurve or the compound bow, freestyle or bare bow was used in this study. A total of 240 arrows were shot, classified as being of good, average or bad quality and analysed in detail. The analyses were undertaken over two occasions up to 100 days apart. The area of postural sway, as measured by the movement of the centre of pressure coordinates, varied significantly (P less than 0.05-0.001) both within and between trials for all archers and for all quality of arrows shot. There was a tendency for the area of postural sway to increase as the quality of the arrow shot decreased. This increase in postural sway exceeded, for arrows of bad quality, that exhibited as normal postural sway when standing relaxed and addressing the target with the hands at the side. Aiming time was variable within the quality of arrow shot, although it was consistent for each archer. In some cases the aiming time increased as the quality of the arrow decreased, whereas in the case of bare bow archery the aiming time tended to decrease as the quality of the arrow deteriorated. The cardiac cycle time increased significantly (P less than 0.05-0.01) as the archers approached the loose of the good quality arrows but there was no significant increase in cardiac cycle time when arrows of average or bad quality were shot. The most consistent parameter related to the quality of the shot was the placement of the first finger movement within the ST phase or the mid-cycle phase of the electrocardiogram for arrows of good quality (P less than 0.0001).  相似文献   

Recurve archery is an Olympic sport that requires extreme precision, upper body strength and endurance. The purpose of this research was to quantify how postural stability variables both pre- and post-arrow release, draw force, flight time, arrow length and clicker reaction time, collectively, impacted on the performance or scoring outcomes in elite recurve archery athletes. Thirty-nine elite-level recurve archers (23 male and 16 female; mean age?=?24.7?±?7.3 years) from four different countries volunteered to participate in this study prior to competing at a World Cup event. An AMTI force platform (1000Hz) was used to obtain centre of pressure (COP) measurements 1s prior to arrow release and 0.5s post-arrow release. High-speed footage (200Hz) allowed for calculation of arrow flight time and score. Results identified clicker reaction time, draw force and maximum sway speed as the variables that best predicted shot performance. Specifically, reduced clicker reaction time, greater bow draw force and reduced postural sway speed post-arrow release were predictors of higher scoring shots. It is suggested that future research should focus on investigating shoulder muscle tremors at full draw in relation to clicker reaction time, and the effect of upper body strength interventions (specifically targeting the musculature around the shoulder girdle) on performance in recurve archers.  相似文献   

女子射箭运动员心理镇定性的控制训练   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本研究对4名优秀女子射箭运动员进行心理教育、心理诊断、心理训练(生物反馈式放松训练和结合比赛情景表象训练)、心理咨询和塞前心理准备等为主要形式和内容的心理镇定性控制训练,并取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨振动杆训练对射箭运动员固势-撒放阶段稳定性的影响。方法:以26名射箭运动员为研究对象,随机分为实验组(振动杆)和对照组,每组13名。对照组只进行常规射箭力量训练,实验组在常规射箭力量训练的基础上再进行振动杆训练(每次训练30 min,每周3次,共8周),所有运动员在训练前及训练8周后分别测试积分肌电值(iEMG)、12支箭固势-撒放时间、黄心命中率等指标,并进行比较。结果:训练8周后,仅实验组射箭运动员双侧肩关节的前锯肌、上斜方肌、中斜方肌、下斜方肌、菱形肌和肩胛下肌的iEMG、固势-撒放时间、黄心命中率,较训练前有显著性差异(P<0.05)。组间比较时,实验组双侧肩关节的前锯肌、上斜方肌、中斜方肌、下斜方肌、菱形肌和肩胛下肌的iEMG和肌肉活性、固势-撒放时间、黄心命中率,与对照组比较均具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:振动杆练习能显著提高肩胛骨主要稳定肌的激活水平,缩短固势-撒放时间以及提高黄心命中率,可作为射箭运动员体能训练的一种有效辅助手段。  相似文献   


At the end of the aiming phase, an archer pulls the arrow back a little bit before he releases the shot. This pulling back of the arrow is called the “final pull”. Simultaneous with the final pull, the archer has to hold the bow calm. The aim of this paper was to examine the motion of the bow and the final pull in highly skilled archers. From a technological point of view, we wished to develop a system to measure the draw-length in the final pull that could be used during archers’ normal training. Seven archers (two males, five females), all of whom were participants at the Junior World Championships and German National Championships, performed 66 shots indoors at a target 30 m away. Each archer shot the same bow as used in competition. On-target trajectories of the aim point movement were measured. Also, the alterations of the draw-length in the final pull were determined. The results suggest that irregularities in the final pull have a negative influence on archers’ scores. Intra-individually, a smaller range of motion of the bow in the last second before the shot appears to have a positive influence on archers’ scores.  相似文献   

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