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高校辅导员技能大赛对于提高辅导员工作技能,促进工作交流具有重要意义。审视目前高校辅导员技能大赛开展的现状,提出推进辅导员队伍专业化、专家化、职业化建设的建议。  相似文献   

在对当代大学生多元化价值观分析的基础上,阐述了加强学校辅导员队伍建设的必要性,并提出了创建新型辅导员队伍建设的措施,指出要强化辅导员的教育功能,提高辅导员的自身素质,促进辅导员队伍职业化,改进辅导员工作方法,以便更好地开展学生工作。,  相似文献   

我国证券业协会自律监管机制的建设和完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于我国证券市场的特殊性,使得我国证券业协会自律监管体制始终没有完全建立起来,极大地影响了对证券行业的有效监管。因此,应从增强证券业协会独立性、完善协会功能等方面对我国证券业协会自律监管体系予以改进,以期为我国证券业的进一步发展提供保障。  相似文献   

基于新时代教育评价转型视角,回顾2002年以来我国学科评价的发展历程及变化趋势,梳理中国特色学科评价的演变逻辑。在此基础上,立足国家发展战略需要、教育评价改革的基本趋势、高校发展的现实需求,从如何合理定位、如何推动管办分离、如何防止评价目的被异化等方面分析我国学科评价面临的主要挑战,并探讨教育评价转型视角下中国特色学科评价的发展方向,以期提高学科评价的科学性和评价结果的公信力,服务学科建设和学科发展,全面提升我国学位与研究生教育质量。  相似文献   

新建本科院校教学质量监控体系缺少真正意义上的监控机构,欠缺完备的体系层次。欠缺全面和科学性。究其原因,主要是教学质量监控体系的质量文化环境没有形成,体系建设跟不上学校的转型,管理队伍跟不上学校层次的提升,质量监控偏离教学管理目的。其对策,一是建立由专门监控机构组成的教学质量监控组织系统;二是建立以本科教学评估指标体系为基准的教学质量监控评价指标体系;三是建立对影响教学质量各类资源实施监控的机制;四是建立健全保障教学质量监控体系正常运行的规章制度;五是引进ISO“全面质量管理”理念构建教学质量监控体系。  相似文献   


There is a growing awareness of field instructors' need for training in their important role as educators (Abramson & Fortune, 1990; Raschick, Maypole, & Day, 1998; Raskin, 1994). Research suggests that due to workload demands field instructors tend to be expedient and practical in supervision (Rogers & McDonald, 1995), suggesting the importance of field instructor training that is relevant, accessible, and easy to implement. This article provides information about how and when MSW students typically learn certain skills coupled with a supervisory framework to help field instructors vary the structure, support, and supervisory focus of their supervision depending on the developmental level of their students. The framework is based on a synthesis of developmental stage models of students in social work (Holman & Freed, 1987; Saari, 1989) counseling, and psychology (Friedman & Kaslow, 1986; Ralph, 1980; Stoltenberg, McNeill, & Delworth, 1998). Implications for field instructor training are discussed.  相似文献   


Clinical supervision is a formative evaluation method of working with teachers for the purpose of improving instruction. This teacher‐centered, collegial, and collaborative model requires the establishment of rapport and trust and a proper climate. Personal observation and a review of current related literature emphasize that clinical supervision enables teachers and supervisors to grow while promoting excellence in teaching and learning. In this period of school reform, clinical supervision is a successful means of approaching teacher learning, professional growth, and instructional improvement.  相似文献   

加快发展现代职业教育的关键是提高人才培养质量,而提高人才培养质量的核心就是提高教育教学质量。通过构建多元化教学质量监控体系,使学生、教师、领导、督导、校外行业企业专家等各类人员共同参与课堂教学质量的监控与评价,采用听课评课、问卷调查、网上评教、师生座谈会、督导分析会等多种方法进行教学质量监控,从而为推进现代职业教育体系建设提供保障。  相似文献   

本文针对如何提高数控实训效果提出了几点见解。即教学内容上应注重基本原理的理解、加工时良好心理素质的培养,而对不同的教学内容应使用不同的教学方法,使其相得益彰。  相似文献   

基础教育评估监测:教育督导体系建设的新领域和新挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李勉 《中国考试》2021,(5):48-55
评估监测是新时代教育督导体系中的重要组成部分。将评估监测纳入教育督导体系,有利于加强教育督导对教育质量的关注,有利于提升教育督导工作的专业化水平,也有利于提高教育督导机制的开放性。我国基础教育评估监测已取得了一定的进展,但仍存在评估监测的理念认识有偏差、组织管理多头交叉、技术方法单一、结果没有得到充分应用等问题。改进基础教育评估监测,需要:1)明确评估监测的功能定位,区别评估监测与选拔性考试的不同;2)建立由教育督导部门统一归口管理、多方参与的组织机制,厘清国家、省(自治区、直辖市)、地(市)、区(县)各级评估监测机构的职能;3)加强评估监测的基础研究,促进评估监测技术方法的升级换代;4)加强评估监测结果应用的制度建设和能力建设,强化基于评估监测结果的整改与问责。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of higher education among police officers, to determine whether these perceptions vary among county and municipal police officers, and to explore the types of suggestions that officers might have for improving the college curriculum. A survey was administered to police officers from five departments. Data analysis revealed a mixed view of the perceived value of higher education. Officers employed by municipal departments had a more positive general perceived value of higher education compared to officers employed by county sheriff’s offices. This study also found several common suggestions for improvement to the higher education curriculum, including more hands-on experience, instructors with experience as law enforcement officers, and improved writing and interpersonal communication skills.  相似文献   

This study examined some of the factors which influence college students’ evaluations of their instructors. Data were collected from 557 students enrolled in a basic speech communication course. Overall, a student's relationship with the instructor was the best predictor of the student's evaluation of the instructor. This study lends partial support to the idea that students evaluate male and female instructors differently. The variables examined in this study were better predictors of student evaluation of female than male instructors.  相似文献   

构建“以人为本、三维一体”的教学质量监控体系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高等学校的根本任务是培养人才,提高教学质量是高等学校永恒的主题。"以人为本、三维一体"的教学质量闭环监控体系,采用督导、评价等监控手段与激励体系,将目标管理与过程管理相结合,实行双向反馈,进行全程、全员、全面的质量管理,极大地调动了广大教师的积极性,对于高等院校建立教学长效机制和提高教学质量具有重要作用。  相似文献   

辅导员队伍职业化建设一直是民办高职高专院校师资队伍建设的一大“短板”.本文在对云南民办高职高专院校进行实地调研的基础上,系统分析了这一地区辅导员队伍职业化建设存在的难点,并结合民办高职高专院校发展实际,提出了加大帮扶力度、提高职业声望,创新选聘机制、优化结构,创新组织设置、实行目标岗位责任制,完善考评机制、激发活力,构建长效培训机制、提高综合素质,创新职称评聘、职位晋升机制等较为系统的对策和建议.  相似文献   

Faculty Views of Student Evaluation of College Teaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The literature abounds with psychometric studies of course evaluation measures and articles debating the merits of student ratings of instruction, but little research has focused on faculty perceptions of this procedure. In the present study faculty perceptions are explored at a teachers' college where evaluation is carried out annually on a sample of courses. The sample includes 101 instructors who completed the research questionnaire. Faculty attitudes reflected a broad range of responses towards validity of student ratings, and their usefulness for improving instruction. Although overall attitudes were mildly positive, few instructors reported changing instruction as a result of student ratings. Moreover, few supported sending evaluation results directly to college administrators or publishing them for student consumption.  相似文献   

一国金融监管模式的选择取决于该国特有的经济、文化、法律习惯等历史条件。不同的国家金融监管模式不尽相同:既有分业监管,又有统一监管。在统一监管中监管当局是否与央行分离,各国做法不一样。金融监管模式是一个动态过程。不同国家、甚至同一国家不同时期的金融监管模式差异性也较大,并且处于不断完善过程中。  相似文献   

赵瑞雪  靳玉乐  艾兴 《中学教育》2022,19(1):104-112
世界各国在构建基础教育监测体系上纷纷做着积极的探索并积累了丰富的经验。国外基础教育监测体系的构建以"消除教育不公平"为核心理念,遵循"循证决策"的监测取向,推动实现监测权力的去中心化和监测主体的多元化。基于此,国外基础教育监测体系立足于三大观测点进行监测,即学生发展质量、教师队伍质量和学校办学质量,并凸显了监测方式的可持续性、监测工具的标准化和监测标准的连贯性。国外有益经验为我国基础教育监测体系的"高质量"建设提供了一定的借鉴,主要包括四个方面:建立督政、督学、督评一体化的运行机制;赋权学校,激发办学主体的积极性与能动性;以教育监测信息化引领教育改革现代化;将"一贯式"测评结果作为完善监测体系的主要依据。  相似文献   

新建本科院校毕业论文存在诸多问题,为了有效提高高等教育质量,需要加强毕业论文的指导和管理,因此,从完善学校制度建设、发挥学生主体性、提高指导教师的监督作用等方面对现有毕业论文指导模式进行改进,切实提高新建本科院校毕业论文的质量.  相似文献   

The paper examines the ways in which group work teachers deal with students understanding of the complexities of group work, while they support students acquisition of practice skills with groups. The students' ability to acquire skills in working with groups, and demonstrate them will vary greatly. Principles and techniques used in teaching group work should reflect these variations. Specific and concrete ways that instructors may use to individualize their approaches in teaching and communicating are presented. These principles and techniques also are relevant for teaching other social work practice methods.  相似文献   

以辽宁林业职业技术学院督导工作实例为基础素材,通过课题实践及研究提出了高等职业教育质量监控应在理念、体制、工作思路与方法等方面大胆创新,注重实效的观点。建立健全完善的质量监控和评价机制,开展严格规范的教学督导工作,是高等学校加强质量建设,推动内涵发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

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