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为满足环境保护和行车安全的要求,在汽车车身、驱动系统、悬挂部件方面已经开发出各种高强度钢材,适应环境要求开发的诸如排气系用耐热不锈钢和燃油箱用无铅钢板。将来可以预见,为了环保和安全的要求,这些材料的需求将越来越多。因此,开发适应汽车结构和生产工艺变化要求的钢材是很有必要的。  相似文献   

阐述了汽车自动变速器综合性能检测台目前国内外的研制现状,分析了国内外研制水平的巨大差距和同类产品价位的巨大差异,因此研制出适合我国国情的汽车自动变速器检测台,对促进我国汽车的制造、使用、维修和科研、教学都有十分重要的现实意义。最后指出了检测台研制今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车保有量的增加和汽车新技术的发展,汽车维修行业需要高技能型人才。我院和德国手工业协会合作,在原有的人才培养方案中嵌入德国汽车机电服务技师的培训体系和考核标准,构建培养学生获得中德两国技能证书的课程体系。提出了实施该课程体系的保障措施,创新人才培养模式、教学方法改革、教学团队建设、深化校企合作等,为高等职业院校汽车专业的高端技能型人才培养模式提供新的思路和解决办法。  相似文献   

分析电喷柴油机在汽车市场中的发展趋势,针对传统汽车电喷柴油机的教学不足,重点论述了该课程的教学目标、教学内容、考核方式的改革探索,并归纳了教学改革的成效。  相似文献   

目前,中国汽车产业作为朝阳产业正处于高速发展阶段,从而带动了汽车服务行业的快速发展,而人才与技术的相对滞后,已成为制约产业发展的瓶颈。这就给高职院校的人才培养提出了新的要求,因此,高职汽修专业应该根据目前行业的需求设置相应的课程体系,可将课程分为公共基础、专业基础、专业核心和专业拓展四大类,形成完整的体系,才能培养出企业需要的高技能人才。  相似文献   

汽车传感器和车载网络技术是汽车类专业的一门拓展应用能力的课程,包含了传感器和网络技术两方面的知识,具有知识量大、理论性强、课程各单元关联性差等特点。为了适应应用型汽车专业发展的需要,以提高学生学习兴趣、降低课程难度为目标,从教学内容、教学方法、课程资源建设和课程考试方案等方面对课程的改革措施进行探讨,改变以往重理论、重基础、轻实践和应用的教学模式。  相似文献   

汽车自动变速器检修实训室方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了汽车自动变速器检修实训项目的设计以及实训室方案的开发,同时指出研发实训教学设备,填补实训项目空白,是高等职业技术院校科研的发展方向之一。  相似文献   

In recent years, the sustainable development of automatic manual transmissions (AMTs) control in vehicles is conspicuous. The control applications have grown fast and steadily due to the tremendous progress in power electronics components and the control software that enhance the requirements for delivering higher vehicles performance. AMTs control strategies achieve a reduction in the driveline dynamic oscillations behavior during gear shifting and clutch starting up processes. AMTs future expectations are an increase of torque capacity, more speed ratios and the development of advanced and efficient electronic control systems. This paper concerns with the progressing view of AMTs in the past, today and future, gives an overview of the potential dynamic problems concerned with AMTs and some control strategies used to solve those problems.  相似文献   

We present a novel algorithm for adaptive triangular mesh coarsening. The algorithm has two stages. First, the input triangular mesh is refined by iteratively applying the adaptive subdivision operator that performs a so-called red-green split. Second, the refined mesh is simplified by a clustering algorithm based on centroidal Voronoi tessellations (CVTs). The accuracy and good quality of the output triangular mesh are achieved by combining adaptive subdivision and the CVTs technique. Test results showed the mesh coarsening scheme to be robust and effective. Examples are shown that validate the method.  相似文献   

新能源汽车是低碳的必然选择,汽车产业的发展趋势。新能源汽车产业化发展的直接推动力就是国家的相关扶植政策。美国、日本、欧洲等发达国家对新能源汽车技术高度重视,从汽车技术变革和产业升级的战略出发,颁布制定了优惠的政策措施。中国新能源汽车产业的发展也在政府支持下开局、破局和蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,汽车技术也逐渐走向了智能化,排放法规的逐步趋严和燃油经济性要求的逐步提高,发动机电子控制技术正在飞速发展,电控系统作为整个发动机系统的控制核心,如何对电控发动机故障进行诊断是很重要的部分,现在经常运用的诊断仪器是汽车故障诊断仪,通过故障诊断仪诊断发动机各个部位是否工作正常,读取故障代码,检查发动机数据流和点火波形,诊断故障部位所在,维修人员可根据故障诊断仪显示的原因进行故障分析和诊断,进一步讲故障排除,使发动机运转正常。  相似文献   

汽车营销是汽车专业类高级职业学校的必修课程之一,其对汽车产业的发展与完善会产生直接影响。针对高职院校的汽车营销教学模式展开讨论,分析我国汽车营销的发展现状和现阶段汽车营销教学模式存在的问题,并从改革教学方法等方面提出具体的对策与建议。  相似文献   

汽车制造业作为我国国民经济中的重要支柱,近年来发展非常迅速。汽车制造业的物流量也随之大幅提升。在社会可持续发展的呼声下,汽车制造业如何发展绿色物流意义重大。在对我国汽车制造业物流现状进行分析的基础上,提出了汽车制造业发展绿色物流的必要性。探讨了我国汽车制造业发展绿色物流的途径。  相似文献   

1 Introduction A traction drive is a device, which transmits powerby means of traction contacts among multiple rotatingbodies. Variable ratio power transmission is achievedby varying the system geometry so that the points ofaction of the traction force are varied. When this isdone in a continuous manner, it results in a conti-nuously variable traction drive varaitor. There areprimarily two types of traction drives that are ofinterest in the automotive area, viz., half toroidaltraction drive an…  相似文献   

为实现金华汽车产业的转型升级,从产业集群的视角对金华汽车产业集群发展模式与产业结构进行了研究。金华汽车产业是以民营经济为主发展迅速的后发产业,金华已成为浙江省重要的汽车整车和零部件生产基地。应用SWOT模型分析金华汽车产业集群存在的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。根据全球制造环境下汽车产业集群发展所面临的环境,金华汽车产业发展应以大型企业为中心的多核式产业集群发展模式和战略。从政府和企业层面提出科学布局、产品创新、服务提升及企业联盟的发展对策,促进金华现代汽车产业规模经济的快速发展。  相似文献   


The rapid changes and convergence of new information and communication technologies over the past decade have changed the way distance education is employed. The new information and communication technology revolution has enabled academic institutions to provide a flexible and more open learning environment to students and has brought distant sites into an electronic web of information. As a result, the gist of this paper is to examine the promise of new information and communication technologies and public service broadcasting (particularly television broadcast-based distance education) in Africa in the face of globalisation.  相似文献   

介绍了两参数威布尔分布的概率密度函数、分布函数以及参数估计、置信区间的计算方法。通过汽车油泵售后失效预测实例,验证了其在售后失效预测中的有效性。  相似文献   

There is very little argument that one of the major developments to have impacted in schools in the past decade is the rapid and world-wide development of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet. In Hong Kong, reforms in the ICT teacher training policy, and the fact that Hong Kong is a ‘wired’ city, has resulted in pre-service teachers being well versed in the technical competencies of computer usage and its pedagogical manifestations. However, there has been scant attention paid to the fact that students are actively engaged in large-scale autonomous, teacher-less learning via the Internet. In this paper, it is argued that for teachers to be leaders in contemporary classrooms, teacher education programs need to focus more on the deeper and wider implications of ICT and the Internet in education than has hitherto been the practice.  相似文献   

近几年来,由于优秀Java语言和J2EE体系结构的快速发展及成熟,出现了许多处于低层应用平台(如J2EE)和高层业务逻辑之间的中间层框架,且大多采用MVC模式。其中Struts框架技术越来越多地应用在企业级的开发中,开发人员只需要集中精力完成系统的业务逻辑设计,而不必考虑细节;而Hibernate技术则完成了对JDBC的轻量级的对象封装,使得Java程序员可以随心所欲地使用对象编程思维来操纵数据库。结合厦门教育局行政办公系统开发这一实例论述了如何采用Struts Hibernate/Java技术开发企业级的Web应用系统。  相似文献   

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