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本文以长三角地区为研究对象,随机抽取上海、南京、张家港、宁波、杭州的部分学校的学生的身体形态指标、身体素质指标、身体机能指标等体质健康情况和日常生活习惯、饮食习惯、食物摄取等生活习惯内容进行问卷调查,研究发现:农民工子女与城市子女学龄儿童在身体形态指标和身体素质部分指标上存在明显差异;城市子女近视比例高于农民工子女;农民工子女在体育活动、生活卫生及食物摄取方面较城市子女具有明显差异等。  相似文献   

本文以上海市农民工子女学龄儿童为研究对象,对他们的体质健康状况、生活习惯情况进行调查分析。研究发现:上海市农民工子女学龄儿童的身高低于全国平均水平,超重率和肥胖率低于上海市平均水平;同时暴露出每周吃油炸食品的次数和体重正相关,每周喝碳酸饮料次数与近视检出率正相关;另外,还发现每周上体育课的次数与身高显著正相关,并且证实了越喜欢上体育课的儿童,身体素质越好,其50米跑所花时间越短。最后,根据调查结果提出了增强上海市农民工子女学龄儿童身体素质的建议。  相似文献   

马志君  张彦龙  于海彬  徐欣 《精武》2012,(25):15-16
目前儿童肥胖在发达国家和发展中国家都呈迅速上升趋势,已成为全球瞩目的公共卫生问题。根据WHO报告,目前全球儿童超重率接近10%,肥胖率为2%~3%;欧美发达国家儿童超重率高达20%~30%,肥胖率为5%~15%。我国儿童肥胖检出率也正在逐年增长,儿童肥胖率已达8.1%。儿童时期是肥胖形成的关键时期,是生活方式和饮食习惯形成的时期,也是预防肥胖的最好时机。因此,本研究自2011年在黑龙江省部分城市开展以幼儿园为基础的肥胖干预活动,探索儿童肥胖群体有效干预方法。  相似文献   

以西藏民族学院藏族大学生以及华东师范大学汉族大学生为研究对象,分析了藏汉大学生生活习惯与健康意识、健康知识、健康态度以及体质健康等的相互关系。结果显示,汉族大学生在食物摄取、健康知识以及健康态度方面显著好于藏族大学生;藏汉大学生健康意识、健康知识以及健康态度越好,经常吃早餐、经常参加体育运动等良好生活习惯的比率也越高;体格正常组大学生健康意识、健康知识、健康态度以及在食物摄取等方面好于偏瘦组和超重与肥胖组;男女身高、肺活量指数以及立定跳远等方面均为汉族学生显著高于藏族学生,而藏族女生的体重、BM I及坐位体前屈则显著高于汉族女生,汉族男女学生偏瘦率均显著高于藏族学生,而肥胖率均显著性低于藏族学生。  相似文献   

上海、东京成年人超重、肥胖状况的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:描述上海、东京20~74岁居民的超重肥胖现状,分析比较两城市肥胖人群的特征;方法:数据来源于"2004—2007年中日国民体质联合调查"。选取20~74岁成年人样本4508人作为本研究的研究对象。体重指数(BMI)和腰围(WC)判断界值均采用中国(WGOC)标准;结果:上海20~74岁人群的超重肥胖率和中心性肥胖率高于东京。东京男性33.4%,女性26.1%。东京男性肥胖的高峰年龄比上海男性提前20岁。两城市女性肥胖率的差异比男性显著。结论:超重肥胖是两个城市共同面临的健康问题,预防控制超重肥胖的工作将是中、日两国值得深入探讨的重大课题。  相似文献   

研究目的:了解留守儿童、随迁儿童和城市儿童的体格发育和营养状况。研究方法:随机选取江苏省南京市、安徽省砀山县和萧县9-13岁留守、随迁和城市儿童共1,936人(男生1,069人,女生867人)作为研究对象,分析和比较留守儿童、随迁儿童和城市儿童的营养状况。研究结果:1)体格方面,总体上城市儿童男生身高、体重和BMI在三组中最高,其中身高比随迁儿童(最低组)高2.5cm,体重和BMI比留守儿童(最低组)分别高出4.2kg和1.3kg/㎡;女生身高、体重和BMI最高同样为城市儿童最高,比随迁儿童(最低组)分别高2.7cm、1.6kg和0.4kg/㎡;2)营养不良检出状况:城市儿童、随迁儿童和留守儿童,男生生长迟滞率分别为0.4%、1.2%和1.9%,女生分别为0.5%、1.7%和2.6%,消瘦方面,男生分别为9.8%、8.9%和18.6%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001),女生分别为9.0%、11.6%和15.3%,差异不具有统计学意义(P<0.001);3)城市、随迁和留守儿童超重和肥胖检出率方面,男生分别为17.9%和10.6%、10.4%和8.9%、10.0%和3.3%,其中城市和留守儿童之间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),女生超重和肥胖检出率分别为6.3%和4.1%、5.6%和2.6%、2.6%和5.7%,差异不具统计学意义;4)生活习惯方面,城市儿童一日三餐摄取状况,食物的摄取频率均好于随迁儿童和留守儿童,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究结论:城市儿童在身高发育等方面好于随迁儿童和留守儿童;留守儿童营养不良比例(主要为消瘦)高于城市和随迁儿童,城市儿童超重和肥胖比例则高于随迁和留守儿童;与城市儿童相比,留守儿童日常生活习惯和食物摄取方面相对较差,其营养状况亟待改善。  相似文献   

目的:探讨南京市40~59岁中老年社区居民体质健康状况、体力活动情况以及两者之间的相关关系.方法:分别采用<中国成年人体质健康标准>和<居民健康及体力活动量调查表>,对社区居民进行体质测试和体力活动量调查.共1993人参加测试,其中男性960人,女性1033人.结果显示:1)南京市社区40-59周岁的中老年居民的体质综合得分仅达及格水平;女性居民的体质健康优秀率和良好率均高于男性.2)75.98%的男性居民体重处于超重或肥胖状态,女性居民超重或肥胖率为63.16%;正常体重组体质综合得分最高,低体重和超重肥胖组较低;体重过重或过轻均会对身体机能和素质产生负面影响.3)南京市城市社区居民体力活动以中低强度为主,女性居民每周体力活动能量消耗显著高于男性(P<0.01);居民体力活动的主要构成来源为职业劳动、家务劳动和交通出行的体力活动.4)居民体力活动每周消耗MET-min均值和体质综合得分呈显著正相关(P<0.01),体力活动是体质健康的保护性因素;有规律地参加体育锻炼活动越多,体质健康收益越大.5)居民超重或肥胖与大、中等强度体力活动不足密切相关.  相似文献   

以1 215名学龄儿童为被试,以适度睡眠、合理饮食、口腔卫生、体育锻炼、防止久坐五类健康促进因素与冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害因素为对象,对影响其健康因素的结构特点进行了分析.研究结果表明,学龄儿童的健康危害因素间具有显著的正相关,而健康促进因素间的关系则较为复杂.验证性因素分析结果也表明,学龄儿童健康因素的结构特点主要包含两个因素,其中健康生活习惯因素主要包括适度睡眠、合理饮食与口腔卫生三类健康促进因素;冒险生活方式因素则包括冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害因素以及体育锻炼、防止久坐两类健康促进因素.以期建立较为全面、合理的学龄儿童健康因素的结构模型,减少影响学龄儿童的健康危害因素,增大影响学龄儿童的健康促进因素,促进学龄儿童的身心健康发展.  相似文献   

研究目的:通过对比正常学龄儿童与跆拳道训练的学龄儿童平衡能力,以探索跆拳道训练对学龄儿童静态平衡能力的影响。研究方法:选取参加跆拳道训练的学龄儿童10名作为实验组,匹配10名无跆拳道训练、武术及其他专项练习的学龄儿童作为对照组。采用win-pod平衡功能检测系统对受试者进行单足和双足平衡能力测试。研究结果:双足睁眼或闭眼测试时,有跆拳道训练的学龄儿童与无跆拳道训练、武术及其他静力练习的学龄儿童相比静态平衡能力差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在睁眼左足测试时,实验组与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)主要体现在重心动摇轨迹长、重心平均动摇速度、Y轴动摇速度这些指标上;而在睁眼右足测试时,实验组与对照组各项指标中除了Y轴平均摆幅这项指标,其他指标在两组之间差异都有统计学意义(P<0.05);闭眼单足测试时,从左右足依次来看,实验组与对照组分别在Y轴动摇速度和Y轴平均摆幅差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究结论:跆拳道训练能够有效增强学龄儿童在双足和右足站立静态站立的静态平衡能力,提高站立的姿势稳定性。  相似文献   

目的:分析江苏省成年人超重和肥胖患病率的变化和流行特点,为肥胖症预防和控制提供依据。方法:利用2000年、2005年、2010年三次合计85362个样本的江苏省国民体质监测资料,分析比较10年间江苏省成年人超重率和肥胖率的变化特征。超重和肥胖采用中国人群BMI标准评价。结果:(1)10年间江苏省成年居民标化超重率和肥胖率分别增加了8.7%和43.4%,其中城镇分别增加3%和20.8%,同期农村的超重率和肥胖率大幅度增加了13.7%和77.8%,2010年超重率和肥胖率分别达到36.4%和11.9%,全省估计的超重人数增加了343.9万,肥胖人数增加了281.7万;(2)年龄期间队列分析,各出生队列的超重率和肥胖率在全年龄段均呈现上升趋势,45岁前增幅较大,50岁后增幅平缓,10年间男性的肥胖率增幅高于女性;(3)多因素logistic回归的调整OR值为:男性1.693(女性参照),苏中1.147和苏北1.387(苏南参照),城镇1.127(农村参照),2005年度1.138和2010年度1.291(2000年参照),所有P<0.001。结论:江苏省成年居民超重率和肥胖率居呈现快速上升的趋势,45岁以前人群、农村地区人群肥胖率增幅较快,是今后肥胖控制的重点群体;不同年龄、性别、城乡、南北地域、监测年度的超重和肥胖风险存在差异。  相似文献   


A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8–9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: ‘sit & reach’, medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to compare in-school and out-of-school physical activity within a representative sample. Socio-demographic, physical activity, and anthropometric data were collected from a random sample of children (250 boys, 253 girls) aged 3–16 years attending nine primary and two secondary schools. Actigraph GT1M accelerometers, worn for seven days, were used to estimate physical activity levels for in-school (typically 09.00–15.00 h), out-of-school (weekday), and weekend periods. Physical activity as accelerometer counts per minute were lower in school versus out of school overall (in school: 437.2 ± 172.9; out of school: 575.5 ± 202.8; P < 0.001), especially in secondary school pupils (secondary: 321.6 ± 127.5; primary: 579.2 ± 216.3; P < 0.001). Minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity accumulated in school accounted for 29.4 ± 9.8% of total weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity overall but varied by sector (preschool: 37.4 ± 6.2%; primary: 33.6 ± 8.1%; secondary: 23.0 ± 9.3%; F = 114.3, P < 0.001). Approximately half of the children with the lowest in-school activity compensated out of school during the week (47.4%) and about one-third at the weekend (30.0%). Overall, physical activity during the school day appears to be lower than that out of school, especially in secondary school children, who accumulate a lower proportion of their total weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at school than younger children. As low in-school activity was compensated for beyond the school setting by less than half of children, promoting physical activity within the school day is important, especially in secondary schools.  相似文献   


Weight status has been shown to have a negative impact on children's competence in performing fundamental movement skills (FMSs). Following ethics approval and informed consent, 281 children in years 2–6 from a school in central England volunteered to participate. Each child performed eight FMSs (run, hop, gallop, jump, balance, kick, throw and catch) three times, all attempts were video-recorded. Video analysis was performed (Quintic Biomechanics software) using the Process Orient Checklist (subjective measurement). Height and weight were measured to calculate body mass index (BMI) and weight status was determined. Results highlighted that year group (age) had a significant effect on seven out of the eight skills (not kick). Year 4 (aged 8–9 years) significantly scored lower in all three locomotor skills (run, hop and gallop) at this age, whereas Year 5 (aged 9–10 years) all significantly peaked at the object control skills (catch and throw) at this age. Weight status (BMI) significantly affected the run, identifying that a child with a larger BMI will have a lower mastery level of the run. Gender significantly affected the kick, throw and balance, with girls outperforming in the balance and the boys in the kick and throw. By highlighting that children at different ages will have a lower score in different skills, the effect of BMI and gender on certain FMS is important knowledge for the target of intervention in primary school children.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8-9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: 'sit & reach', medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and body mass index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare in-school and out-of-school physical activity within a representative sample. Socio-demographic, physical activity, and anthropometric data were collected from a random sample of children (250 boys, 253 girls) aged 3-16 years attending nine primary and two secondary schools. Actigraph GT1M accelerometers, worn for seven days, were used to estimate physical activity levels for in-school (typically 09.00-15.00 h), out-of-school (weekday), and weekend periods. Physical activity as accelerometer counts per minute were lower in school versus out of school overall (in school: 437.2 +/- 172.9; out of school: 575.5 +/- 202.8; P < 0.001), especially in secondary school pupils (secondary: 321.6 +/- 127.5; primary: 579.2 +/- 216.3; P < 0.001). Minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity accumulated in school accounted for 29.4 +/- 9.8% of total weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity overall but varied by sector (preschool: 37.4 +/- 6.2%; primary: 33.6 +/- 8.1%; secondary: 23.0 +/- 9.3%; F = 114.3, P < 0.001). Approximately half of the children with the lowest in-school activity compensated out of school during the week (47.4%) and about one-third at the weekend (30.0%). Overall, physical activity during the school day appears to be lower than that out of school, especially in secondary school children, who accumulate a lower proportion of their total weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at school than younger children. As low in-school activity was compensated for beyond the school setting by less than half of children, promoting physical activity within the school day is important, especially in secondary schools.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to establish whether an accumulated brisk walking programme, performed during the school day, is effective in changing body composition in primary school children aged 5–11 years. Altogether, 152 participants (79 boys and 73 girls) took part in this repeated-measures intervention study, divided into groups of walkers and controls. The walkers took part in the intervention during school time, which involved brisk walking around the school grounds for 15 min in the morning and afternoon, at least three times a week for 15 weeks. This represented an additional 90 min of moderate physical activity per week. The controls undertook their usual school day activities. Pre- and post-intervention anthropometric and body composition measures were taken. Body fat (?1.95 ± 2.6%) and fat mass (?0.49 ± 1.0 kg) were significantly reduced in the walkers after the intervention, whereas the controls showed no significant changes in these measures. Our results show that regular accumulated bouts of brisk walking during the school day can positively affect body composition in primary school children.  相似文献   


There is empirical evidence that children’s physical activity is dependent on climatic conditions. In addition, a correlation between physical activity level and physical fitness has been identified. In this longitudinal study, we investigate whether seasons have an influence on physical fitness. A total of 145 German elementary school children were tested every six months over a two-year period. We used the German Motor Test 6–18 to assess physical fitness. Performance in the 6-min endurance run (P < 0.001), bidirectional jumping (P < 0.001), the standing long jump (P = 0.026), the 20 m sprint (P = 0.006) and the stand-and-reach task (P = 0.017) was significantly better in summer than in winter. There were no differences in the ability to balance backwards (P = 0.120); in the winter, the results for push-ups (P < 0.001) and sit-ups (P < 0.001) were better than those in the summer. We have shown that physical fitness is significantly influenced by the season. Consequently, when children’s fitness tests are used (e.g. as the basis for intervention programs, for classifying health-risk groups or for recognising talent), the season in which testing occurred should be reported and accounted for in future studies.  相似文献   


Developing Physical Literacy (PL) in children is considered a promising concept for establishing active lifestyle habits; yet research evidence is scarce. This study aimed at comprehensively assessing PL in 8-12-year-old Greek children. For that purpose, the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL-2) was administered to 715 children (M age = 10.2, SD = 1.3 years). Analyses of variance were applied on participants’ total, domain and individual measures scores, examining potential gender and age differences; whereas, participants’ classification and proportion across CAPL-2 interpretive categories were computed. Results revealed that there were no practically important differences (η2 < .14) between boys and girls or younger (grades 3 & 4) and older children (grades 5 & 6). Greek children presented insufficient levels of PL (their total score classified them into “progressing” PL level). CAPL-2 domains and individual measures scores showed that participants were highly motivated and felt confident to participate in physical activity (PA); however, they exhibited low PA as well as unsatisfactory physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in PA. Although further research is needed for a comprehensive picture of PL correlates, our findings highlight the need for providing Greek children with ample opportunities to enhance their PL.  相似文献   

Research on children’s physical self-concept (PSC) is increasingly recognised as an important field of psychology. However, there is a lack of instruments suitable for younger children at elementary school age. In the present study, a short German 21-item Physical Self-Concept-Questionnaire for children (PSCQ-C) was tested measuring seven specific facets of elementary school children’s PSC (strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, coordination, physical appearance, global sport competence). A number of 770 elementary school children aged 8–12 years completed the PSCQ-C. Results showed good psychometric properties and high reliabilities of the seven scales. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the presumed 7-factor model fitted the data best compared to a global 1- and 2-factor model. Also, full measurement invariance was strongly established. Correlations among the seven scales were mainly moderate. Gender differences were suggestive of developmental trends that are consistent with prior studies. These results provide support that the PSCQ-C is a confidential instrument with sound psychometric properties measuring seven specific facets of elementary school children’s PSC.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷法、访谈等方法。对民工子弟学校初中生参与课外体育进行调查分析,结果显示:校内课间活动有97.78%参与、班级组织体育活动有81.98%参与;有68.3%的民工子弟初中生参加校外体育活动;民工子弟学生参与课外活动主要是学校组织和班级组织;参与活动项目以趣味游戏、表演和运动队训练为主;学生参与课外体育活动的态度明确、积极性较高;男生参与课外锻炼的频率大于女生。  相似文献   

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