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教学性存在是保证在线学习成功的重要决定因素.忽视教学性存在,简单地要求学生参与网络课程论坛的活动,不能带来良好的效果.本文借助QSRN、Nvivo软件,根据探究社区理论模型而形成的内容分析编码体系,对三个课程论坛中与教学性存在有关的语意单元进行量化处理,并从设计与组织、促进对话和指导教学三个方面分析和比较其教学性存在.发现所选择的课程论坛样本中的教学基本属于无结构状态,整体教学性存在水平很低;教师忽视在线教学过程的设计与组织,在促进对话和指导教学时受灌输式教学的影响较大,缺乏必要的在线教学技能,没有把握好教师的有限存在.建议重视并提高在线教学的教学性存在,对在线教师开展关于教学性存在的培训,注重有限存在以促进协作学习开展.  相似文献   

文章以探究社区量表为工具,以来自四个不同专业的800位大学生为样本,对某师范类大学的一门公共必修在线课程的有效性进行了测量。数据统计结果显示,所选择的在线课程中教学性存在、认知性存在及社会性存在的水平都相对较低,说明研究所选择的在线课程有效性有待提高。对此,文章建议从教学性存在入手,来提高在线课程的实施效果。另外,探索性和验证性因子统计分析结果显示,中文版在线课程有效性测量量表具有良好的信度和结构效度,三个因子的克伦巴赫值都较高。期待文章的研究,能为我国在线教育的实践者和研究者提供一个测量在线课程有效性的可靠工具,为在线学习和混合学习方面的研究提供新的视角、方法以及工具。  相似文献   

在线课程学习是开放教育最主要的学习方式,在线学习体验是衡量学习者在线课程学习有效性的重要指标,基于问卷调查法,对福建开放大学859名在籍学习者在线学习体验情况进行调查,结果显示福建开放大学学习者在线学习体验整体良好。但学习者在线学习体验在男女性别、专业类别、学习时长等方面存在显著差异。分析结果表明平台的不稳定、支持服务的不完善、信息化学习技能欠缺、课程内容过于封闭等问题影响了在线学习体验,可分别从平台体验、学习体验、效果体验三个维度提出改善学习者在线学习体验的策略。  相似文献   

文章旨在通过对OCW和MOOC所采用的教学方式的对比,探索开放在线课程在由"重资源"向"重服务"变革的过程中,其教学方法所发生的适应性变化。文章通过四个常用的开放在线课程搜索引擎,随机抽样出51门OCW课程和51门MOOC课程作为研究样本,并从课程说明中获取课程周数、建议学时、学习方式、教学手段等信息。结果表明:与OCW相比,MOOC建议以较短的周数、每周投入较多的时间来完成课程,以提高课程完成率;少量课程采用了基于项目、基于研究和基于团队的学习方式,但MOOC环境下的在线协作学习仍存在难度;在线论坛和讲座视频是MOOC中使用较多、发展较成熟的教学手段;社会媒体和位置地图等则是OCW中未出现而在MOOC中发展形成的。最后,文章根据研究结果提出了相应的教学建议。  相似文献   

为全社会构建出"人人皆学、时时能学、处处可学"的在线学习资源和在线学习环境是开放大学义不容辞的重要任务之一。以人为本、合理定位、多元化的组织和呈现是社区教育在线学习资源建设的目标。由"数学文化网络课程"和"跟我学做时装"资源建设的两个案例以及电大资源建设的实践说明,采用与电大共建共享资源、二次开发和创建具有区域特色的新资源,不仅是社区教育在线学习资源建设的有效途径,同时还凸显开放大学以及各级电大在发展继续教育、完善终身教育体系方面所起到的作用。  相似文献   

提升在线学习者自身潜能的素质教育是开放大学教育者关心的重要内容。通过调查研究在线学习者的特点、对远程学习的态度、在线学习的收获、获得的学习支持和对在线教学策略的感受,分析在线教育目前存在的问题,并根据素质教育的目的、要求提出改进建议。  相似文献   

随着大规模公开在线课程(简称"慕课")的发展和普及,在线开放学习进入了主流。然而,虽然人们对公开在线课程的兴趣比以往任何时候都要强烈,但是慕课仅是构建开放学习大环境的第一步。本文根据笔者2017年3月9日在锡拉丘兹纽约州立大学所做的报告整理而成。文章阐述影响未来开放学习的几个重要创新事件:分布式社交网络、云基础设施和虚拟化、沉浸式现实以及个人学习环境。文章还讨论了这种正在发展中的模式会给学习提供者和教育机构带来哪些挑战并提出应对这些挑战的政策和措施。  相似文献   

开放教育学习者在线学习力是指在线学习环境下,能够有效促成学习者心理动力、认知能力、学习结果相互作用的动态能力系统。从学习动力、学习毅力、学习能力、学习转化力四个要素及原发、内化、拓展三个层面构建开放教育学习者在线学习力同心圆结构模型。根据对教与学理论的研究,分触发、形成、提升三个阶段构建开放教育学习者学习力培养模式的框架。  相似文献   

国家开放大学作为最具影响力的在线教育类新型高校,在转型发展之际,实施《国家开放大学综合改革方案》提出提质创优的重要举措。在分析同类相关文献和结合实践调研的基础上,从六个维度提取20个开放教育学生在线学习满意度影响因素,通过社会科学统计软件优化分析最终选取14个关键影响因素,建立了基于邻接矩阵和可达矩阵的层级递归解释结构模型,进一步厘清开放教育影响因素之间的层级关系,为提高开放教育学生在线学习满意度分析提供了更符合实际的精准依据。对模型继续深入分析和研究发现:自我效能、学业情绪、师生互动、生生互动及学生与学习资源的互动等5个因素是在线学习满意度的直接影响因素,而教学能力和课程性质则是根源性的影响因素。因此,从提高开放大学办学质量、提高师资队伍建设和完善开放教育在线学习平台设计三个方面出发,设计出更为实用和全面的学生在线学习满意度评价体系。  相似文献   

网络教育课程论坛的社会性存在个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在网络教育实践中,课程论坛作为学生网上协作学习的虚拟学习社区,其社会性存在水平的高低将影响到网上学习的质量和学生的满意度,从而影响网络教学的发展.本文借助QSR Nvivo软件,根据探究社区理论模型而形成的内容分析编码体系,对三个课程论坛中与社会性存在有关的语意单元进行量化处理,并从情感类、互动类和凝聚类三个方面对其社会性存在进行分析和比较,研究发现,所选择的以异步文本交互为主的课程论坛样本的整体社会性存在水平较低,多数停留在伴同存在的层面上,较少达到心理参与和行为参与层面.本文还探讨了不同课程论坛之间社会性存在的水平差异以及导致这些差异的主要原因及其启示.本研究对指导实践者更加关注提高学习社区中社会性存在的强度,从而提高网络教育的学习质量和学习满意度具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

A synchronous blend of online learning and “face-to-face” teaching is becoming a feasible instructional approach in higher education with the advent of technology. Although this learning mode is not new in higher education, little research has been done to contextualise social presence experiences in which effects of interactions were explored for enhancing learning. A qualitative approach was adopted using the case study method to examine the instructor and students’ pedagogic interactions in the social presence of a blended synchronous learning environment. This paper reports an exploration of the blended learning with an online group of students at a remote site attending a computer-aided engineering drawing course synchronously with a face-to-face group taught by an instructor in a laboratory. The process of interaction was visually and verbally mediated by videoconference as if in an online face-to-face learning community. The findings show that the online and face-to-face groups had different social presence experiences in which interaction emerged. Emotional adaptation and practice is needed for the students and the instructor in such a complex environment. Based on the interaction patterns, a framework of interactions in the blended synchronous learning environment is conceptualised to inform course development and instructional design. Implications for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge building community: Keys for using online forums   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qing Li 《TechTrends》2004,48(4):24-29
Conclusion “The need for learning in a knowledge-based society is more important than ever, including traditional classroom teaching, online learning, and/or blended learning” (Levitch & Milheim, 2003). Accordingly, learning in a technology-supported collaborative knowledge building community is more desirable than ever. Whether in distance or blended learning, online forums can provide either an exclusive discussion or a supplement to in-class discussion. Through thoughtful planning and careful implementation, online forums can be used in “creative ways to help students internalize knowledge and share ideas in enjoyable and exchange environments” (Raleigh, 2000). Successful employment of online forums can foster knowledge building community in which desired student qualities are cultivated.  相似文献   

This case study examined patterns in online communication using computer-mediated discourse analysis to better understand how teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence are manifested in an online learning environment. The findings indicate that study participants actively participated in the discussion. The instructor and facilitators displayed high teaching presence through posting encouraging social words and maintaining a positive emotional tone, which created an open communication environment for student discussion. To promote students’ cognitive development, the acts that their words described included to “inform” and “elaborate” to help students construct knowledge by providing factual information and extending or embellishing upon points made. Students displayed social presence by using more social and positive emotion words, and tone, which signaled that they were satisfied with the discussion. Students’ cognitive presence was manifested through making claims, providing information and elaboration on posted comments.  相似文献   

Asynchronous online discussion forums are common in blended learning models and are popular with students. A previous report has suggested that participation in these forums may assist student learning in a gross anatomy subject but it was unclear as to whether more academically able students post more often or whether participation led to improved learning outcomes. This study used a path model to analyze the contribution of forum participation, previous academic ability, and student campus of enrolment to final marks in a multicampus gross anatomy course for physiotherapy students. The course has a substantial online learning management system (LMS) that incorporates asynchronous forums as a learning tool, particularly to answer learning objectives. Students were encouraged to post new threads and answer queries in threads started by others. The forums were moderated weekly by staff. Discussion forums were the most used feature of the LMS site with 31,920 hits. Forty‐eight percent of the students posted at least once with 186 threads initiated by students and a total of 608 posts. The total number of posts made a significant direct contribution to final mark (P = 0.008) as did previous academic ability (P = 0.002). Although campus did not contribute to final mark, there was a trend for students at the campus where the course coordinator was situated to post more often than those at the other campus (P = 0.073). These results indicate that asynchronous online discussion forums can be an effective tool for improving student learning outcomes as evidenced by final marks in gross anatomy teaching. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 71–76. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

In this study, an e-learning environment was designed for teacher candidates. Teacher candidates developed multimedia-based projects by means of multimedia tools. This research aims to determine the effects of online and blended learning approaches on the success level of multimedia projects and the teacher candidates' attitudes, opinions and perceptions on e-learning. This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. There were two different groups in the study: online and blended groups. The online and the blended groups consisted of 30 and 32 teacher candidates, respectively. Teacher candidates in the blended group developed multimedia-based projects and shared information communicating in a WiziQ and Facebook environment with their peers and instructors when they were not at school. On the other hand, the teacher candidates in the online group communicated with their instructors and peers only in a WiziQ and Facebook environment. The results showed that the blended learning approach was more effective than the online learning approach. The usability of online learning and blended learning in higher education is addressed in recommendations for future research and practice.  相似文献   

There is currently strong and widespread support among university administrators for blended learning at the college level, or courses that incorporate some degree of online instruction. As instructors are called on to incorporate online and face-to-face elements into their instruction, they face the critical question of how to intentionally connect the two modalities in ways that strengthen learning. This article first outlines the historical context of social-constructivism's presence in online instruction, and then presents a rationale for the use of “crossover” discussion protocols that connect online forums and face-to-face discussions. The article argues that by drawing deliberately on the benefits of both online and in-person learning environments, crossover protocols help students make more insightful connections among ideas and push their own—and each others'—thinking in unexpected ways. A set of crossover protocols is then provided, along with considerations for implementing them effectively. These practical strategies for facilitating conversations across the two modalities were developed in the author's undergraduate and graduate level courses in English and education and are adaptable across course levels and disciplines. The article concludes with a discussion of how students experience the learning benefits of crossover protocols.  相似文献   

This case study provides evidence-based suggestions for the use of Question and Answer discussion forums for improving quality and assessment of online learning. General online discussion forums are accessible at any time to all subscribers, making it possible for some learners to update, concur with or paraphrase discussions posted earlier by their peers or the tutors. Consequently, the usefulness of such forums in individual and constructivist learning is compromised, especially when ‘correct’ responses are posted early on by participants. The Question and Answer (Q & A) version of discussion forums significantly addresses such inadequacies by restricting access to forum subscribers until they have made a post. We focus on Public Health learners’ perceptions of Q & A discussion forums implemented at Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, UAE. Analyses of learners’ perception surveys of 25 participating Master of Public Health learners and 8 Bachelor of Health Administration learners reveal that the Q & A discussion forum platform offers distinct advantages over general discussion forums in synergising individual and co-operative learning in Public Health training.  相似文献   

Blended learning has become increasingly common in higher education. Recent findings suggest that blended learning achieves better student outcomes than traditional face‐to‐face teaching in gross anatomy courses. While face‐to‐face content is perceived as important to learning there is less evidence for the significance of online content in improving student outcomes. Students enrolled in a second‐year anatomy course from the physiotherapy (PT), exercise physiology (EP), and exercise science (ES) programs across two campuses were included (n = 500). A structural equation model was used to evaluate the relationship of prior student ability (represented by grade in prerequisite anatomy course) and final course grade and whether the relationship was mediated by program, campus or engagement with the online elements of the learning management system (LMS; proportion of documents and video segments viewed and number of interactions with discussion forums). PT students obtained higher grades and were more likely to engage with online course materials than EP and ES students. Prerequisite grade made a direct contribution to course final grade (P < 0.001) but was also mediated by engagement with LMS videos and discussion forums (P < 0.001). Student learning outcomes in a blended anatomy course can be predicted the by level of engagement with online content. Anat Sci Educ 11: 471–477. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

混合式学习能够整合课堂面授学习方式与在线学习方式的优势,被认为是高等教育机构应对未来挑战和实现教育创新的有效而风险较低的策略。以北京大学一门通选课作为研究案例,针对混合式教学环境下学生网上讨论的成效及影响因素进行的实证研究发现:混合式教学中的网上讨论确实可以为教学提供帮助,总体来看,学生在"知识"和"理解"这两个低阶思维能力方面获得了较大的提高,而在"分析"、"综合"、"评价"等高阶思维能力方面并没有得到普遍的提高;"讨论话题设置"和"个体对网上讨论的态度"是影响网上讨论成效的最显著因素,"对讨论的激励机制"对网上讨论成效也有较大影响。  相似文献   

认知性存在体现了学生在课程论坛中通过交互积极建构意义的程度,直接反映学生的认知水平,是形成批判性思维的重要因素.但在我国网络教育实践中,课程论坛上的认知性存在水平较低,学生习惯独立学习,没有形成协作化的学习过程,讨论过程无结构.本文从认知性存在的角度分析了当前网络课程论坛存在的不足,提出了一系列在线讨论教学的设计与实施策略,旨在帮助在线教师优化讨论主题设置,改进讨论教学的结构与流程,促进群体协作学习,提高网络课程论坛上认知性存在的水平,实现高阶认知和批判性思维培养的目标.  相似文献   

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