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This paper examines factors associated with middle school students' perceptions of the quality of the sexual health education (SHE) they received at school. Participants were 478 predominately White young people (256 girls, 222 boys) in grades 6–8 who completed a survey assessing their demographic characteristics; dating and sexual experience; and perceptions of the content, delivery and quality of the SHE they had received. Boys and students in a lower grade and with less sexual experience rated the quality of their SHE more positively. After accounting for student characteristics, students who more strongly agreed that their SHE matched their interests and covered sexual health topics more adequately, as well as who viewed their teacher as being more comfortable talking about sexual topics and doing a better job answering questions, reported higher quality SHE. Students' perceptions of the adequacy of coverage of 10 sexual health topics were also positively correlated with their reports of higher quality SHE, although only two topics (correct names for genitals and puberty/physical development) contributed uniquely to the prediction of this variable. These results reinforce the need for a comprehensive SHE curriculum as well as adequate preparation of teachers if SHE is to be engaging to students.  相似文献   

通过访谈和问卷,对重庆师范大学552位农村定向小学全科免费师范生从教信念进行调查分析发现:全科生报考动机主要受免费师范教育政策影响;他们的从教信念总体水平一般,其对农村教师的社会价值评价高于自我价值评价,农村从教和终身从教意愿显著低于一般从教意愿;其从教信念在年级、生源地、家庭收入等因素上有显著性差异;职业价值观与从教意愿之间,从教信念与信念行为之间都存在显著性正相关;从教信念形成过程主要受学校环境、见习实习、自身性格及父母观念等因素影响。应通过完善全科免费教育政策、调整培养方法和内容来增强农村全科免费师范生的从教信念。  相似文献   

高等师范教育改革的关键是教学内容和课程体系的改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等师范教育要适应社会发展的需要 ,既有大学毕业生从业竞争机制的严峻挑战 ,又有基础教育深刻变革对师范教育的新要求 ,师范院校必须发挥专业优势 ,造就时代需要的优秀教师人才。高等师范教育改革的关键是教学内容和课程体系的改革 ,突出师范技能的专业教育 ,优化师范教育的课程结构 ,做到提高整体素质与强化专业基础相结合 ,拓宽专业口径与适应中学教育相结合 ,开拓专业新领域与适应和促进地方经济发展相结合 ,突出师范特色与面向基础教育相结合。高等师范院校要着眼于未来 ,努力增强师范教育体系的开放性和兼容性 ,合理使用师范教育资源 ,提高办学质量和效益 ,既出人才 ,又出教育理论、教育教学技术和现代教育方法  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对北京市935名幼儿园教师展开调查,以考察幼儿园教师健康教育胜任力水平及影响因素,揭示其健康教育培训需求,为学前教育职前培养和职后培训提供实证依据。结果显示:北京市幼儿园教师健康教育胜任力水平适中,其中实施幼儿健康教育得分最高,幼儿健康教育评价得分最低;多因素回归分析发现,年龄、教育背景、转岗状况、从教意愿和园所级类是影响幼儿园教师健康教育胜任力的重要因素;“≤30岁”“非学前教育专业背景”“转岗”“非主动选择”和“非一级一类园”构成影响幼儿园教师健康教育胜任力水平的风险因素。未来应在学前教师职前培养阶段加强幼儿健康知识理论的系统学习和实践能力锻炼;职后培训重视分层设计,通过多元化途径实施;发挥园本教研功能,构建教师发展共同体,开展基于现实诉求的健康教育课题研究,以有效、迅速提升幼儿园教师健康教育胜任力。  相似文献   

利用自编的专家效度问卷,就教师领导力的现状及其影响因素对广东省内756名中小学骨干教师进行了问卷调查。结果显示:教师在参与学校事务决策过程中不具有相应影响力,学校的垂直管理体制和教师参与学校事务的渠道单一,导致教师较少有参与学校事务决策的机会;优秀教师在同事中具有较高的威信和明显的影响力,良好的人际关系、教学能力、品德与人格魅力是教师在同事中建立个人威信的重要条件;教师普遍对自己的教育教学工作驾驭力感到自信,"学校欠缺激励性的制度文化"和"教学的反思与研究能力不足"是制约教师教育教学能力发挥的重要因素;环境因素是影响教师领导力的主因,样本教师将教师领导力的现状首先归因于外部的和环境的因素,其次才归因于内部的和自身的因素。  相似文献   

笔者深入基础教育一线发现,无论是在岗的中小学教师,还是即将毕业的师范大学本科生,他们从事教育教学工作时主要凭借于常识判断、经验摸索和榜样模仿,明显缺乏理论素养、科学依据和专业判断。因而,笔者建议地方师范大学应当将办一流教师教育作为自己的时代使命,紧紧围绕"愿不愿教"、"教什么"、"如何教"等三个核心问题的解决,研发具有全国共性和区域特性的教师教育人才培养标准、修改完善教师教育人才培养方案与课程设置方案、优化教师教育的师资队伍、革新教师教育的知识基础、提升教师的教学能力水平,努力培养具有良好专业水准的师范毕业生,从而推进我国基础教育的改革与发展。  相似文献   

Lynne Potter 《Sex education》2013,13(2):217-218
This paper reports on aspects of an Australian study into the factors and conditions that make it possible for secondary school health education teachers to include and affirm gender and sexual diversity in their teaching. The study examined the impact of a two-day intervention designed to prepare teachers to use a major new government-funded teaching and learning resource called Talking Sexual Health. The study found that whilst there was a range of personal and structural barriers inhibiting change, professional development and access to teaching and learning resources could indeed impact positively on teachers’ willingness and ability to include and affirm diverse sexualities in their health education programs.  相似文献   

对在职英语教师所做的一项调查显示:传统教师教育阶段的课程没有为师范生今后从事外语教育教学准备必要的语言学和外语教育学研究意识;传统教师教育课程未能给师范生留下持久有效的影响;教师教育没有为师范生后天可持续发展所需核心能力提供充分有效的训练。因此,教师教育需要从单纯培养知识技能型外语人才转向培养应用型研究人才;要重新审视实践的作用,调整实践结构,加大实践比重,协调好理论讲解与实践经验的关系;要培养学生具有后天可持续发展能力,尤其要重视训练其自我反思的能力。  相似文献   

农村中学音乐教师培训关系到农村音乐教育教学质量的提高。当前的培训存在着针对性不强、未能很好地切合受训教师实际等问题。应该改进培训方式,根据农村教育实际和教师的不同需要,构建多元化培训模式;通过开展不同层次和主题的培训,通过科学管理、细化培训考核内容等办法,提高培训效果,促进农村中学音乐教育的快速发展。  相似文献   

中等职业教育中的教师角色探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中等职业教育中的教育对象是正处于人生“黄金年代”的青年学生,面对这一自我意识增强、智力发展迅速、情绪易波动以及参与意识强烈而文化水平参差不齐的特定群体,教师应积极转换角色,根据信息时代学习网络化、教学资源多元化、学习环境生活化的变革,与时俱进,针对学生身心特征和当今社会对职高生的要求,努力使自己成为学生身心的调控者和学习能力、实践能力、创新能力的引导者与促进者。  相似文献   

Primary school teachers are often tasked with puberty/sexuality education for students who are undergoing sexual maturation at ever-earlier ages. This study explores the changing trajectories of the pre-service learning and teaching of primary school puberty/sexuality education at an urban university, including student-teachers' childhood learning, professional pre-service studies, and technological educational future. Biographical narratives and a theoretically based conceptual and diagnostic framework are used to analyse the views of fourth-year Bachelor of Education student-teachers about their own primary school puberty/sexuality education, their present university professional education for teaching these subjects, and their intentionality to teach them to future Grade 6 school students. Results show that these student-teachers intend to replicate their own primary school learning experiences. Pre-service professional education appears to have failed to operationalise the contemporary learning and teaching of puberty/sexuality education that would allow a new generation of more effective knowledge and pedagogies to be implemented.  相似文献   


This research has two main aims: a) the study of Spanish teachers’ training and attitudes towards sex education, as well as the delivery of this subject in classrooms, while also exploring the existence of differences according to personal and professional characteristics; and b) to examine the association between teachers’ training and attitudes, and the extent to which these variables predict the delivery of sex education. A total of 3,695 Infant, Primary, Secondary and High school teachers (66.1% women, 33.9% men) throughout the country completed a voluntary online questionnaire that inquired about their training and attitudes towards sex education, their delivery or non-delivery of this subject in classrooms, and other personal and professional characteristics. Analyses indicate that participants show positive attitudes towards sex education, but that 43.3% are not trained in this issue, and 48.6% do not teach it at school. Some significant differences by sex, educational stage and type of school have been found. In addition, trained teachers show more positive attitudes to sex education. Finally, having more positive attitudes and, to a lesser extent, having prior training, positively predicts the delivery of sex education. These results highlight the importance of reviewing and improving teachers’ training on sexuality and sex education, with particular emphasis on attitudinal contents.  相似文献   

根据国家基础教育发展和素质教育对初中物理教师提出的新要求,基于贵州省农村中学物理教师的现状,指出省级农村中学物理实验骨干教师培训的目标和任务,设计了培训模块、培训内容、培训方式、培训教学模式、考核评价办法等,以期在培训中能够着力解决农村中学物理教师在实验教学中遇到的实际问题。  相似文献   

Sexual health topics are not well-covered in US medical schools. Research has not typically asked medical students what sexual health topics they would like addressed and their preferred methods of sexual health education. This study attempted to address this deficit via an online survey of medical students at an institution where little sexual health education is offered. Participants reported receiving the most education in endocrinology and sexually transmitted infections, but they also saw the following topics as important: sexual development, child sexual abuse, healthy sexuality, male sexual dysfunction and female dysfunction. Participants were more confident in talking to adults about sexual health matters than children, and more uncomfortable talking to opposite sex patients. Perceived barriers to sexual health education in medical school included a busy curriculum, other topics being seen as more important, religious influences, discomfort with sexuality and unqualified teaching faculty. Participants favoured training strategies that included panels of experts, panels of patients and role-plays conducted by seasoned professionals in sexual health. To reduce the barriers to sexual health education in US medical schools, educators need to highlight the relevance and importance of sexual health topics to the future work of physicians.  相似文献   

我国教师教育重视中小学心理健康教育专兼职教师心理健康教育能力的培养,而忽视了中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养.在中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养上,我国教师教育存在思想认识上的不足、职前培养与职后培训上的分离、理论学习与实践上的脱离等问题.针对这些问题,可以采取以下措施:提高思想认识,增强中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养意识;职前培养与职后培训一体化,实现中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力全程培养;理论知识学习与实践活动训练相结合,提高完善中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力等对策,将中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养工作落到实处.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对泉州市55所中学新任体育教师进行调查分析.结果表明:男、女教师比例失调;新任教师学历达标率接近国家规定要求;学缘结构呈多元化发展趋势;新任教师教学、科研水平有待提高;新任教师中存在着专业思想不稳定因素;岗前和职后培训工作需加强.对策:建立终身学习的专业意识,提高新任教师的教育教学能力和科研水平;进一步优化教师的学缘结构;加强新任教师师德教育;探索实现职前培养、岗前和职后培训的一体化机制.yh  相似文献   

卓越农村中学教师培养对于提升农村中学教师教育质量,推动城乡教育均衡发展意义重大。卓越农村中学教师培养课程体系建构有其内在逻辑,要以核心素养为出发点,秉承以人为本、实践取向、文化融合的理念,突出反映农村中学教育的特殊需求;在培养课程设置上,要以卓越农村中学教师一体化培养模式为依托,合理建构其课程体系。  相似文献   

Background: Future teachers need to observe, interpret and analyse teaching during the initial teacher education period. The use of videoed teaching and learning in teacher education promotes reflection, and analysing videos of teaching is helpful in learning effective classroom practices that prospective teachers mostly do not have the chance to observe during fieldwork experiences. The analysis of videos of teaching can be seen as a way to enhance the development of prospective teachers’ professional vision, which, in turn, improves instruction. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine prospective teachers’ reflections on video examples depicting their own teaching experiences. It aimed to create a professional development environment to facilitate the prospective teachers’ reflection on their own videos and those of their peers to improve their professional vision. Sample: This study was conducted with over 200 (in 31 groups) third-year prospective mathematics teachers in a university in Western Turkey. The student teachers, receiving training to teach first- to fourth-grade elementary school pupils, were taking a teaching methods course. Design and methods: In the first week of the semester, the student teachers, working in groups, were assigned mathematics topics to teach the elementary school pupils. During the semester, each group prepared by trying out their activities in front of other student teachers in other groups. At the end of the semester, one student teacher from each group presented a short lesson related to their mathematical topic to the elementary school pupils. This lesson was videotaped, then later it was watched and discussed by the student teachers. Of the student teachers who undertook the teaching in the videos, 22 volunteers agreed to be interviewed. All groups of student teachers provided written reflections on their experience. Selected videos of the class discussions about the videos of teaching were also used for triangulation. The data were analysed to identify the issues the prospective teachers reflected upon. A content analysis technique was employed. Results: The data indicated that the prospective teachers were able to reflect on several issues related to effective teaching, connect their theoretical knowledge to their practice and consider issues related to pupil learning and difficulties. Conclusion: The findings suggested that the use of video, together with discussions between the student teachers, had the potential to create promising learning opportunities for prospective teachers.  相似文献   

古代汉语的教学内容如何适应培养目标的需要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范高等专科学校语文教育专业的培养目标是培养掌握语文教育理论、知识和技能,具有初步教学研究能力和应用能力的中小学语文教师。古代汉语这门课,对于语文教师的专业知识和教育教学能力的提高,体现在古代汉语课教学内容的选择和教学方法的运用上。古代汉语教学内容的选择应以"必需"、"够用"为原则,以"因材施教"为前提,以"人文教育"为目标,以此来适应培养目标的需要。  相似文献   


This research examines teaching outdoor education in two rural primary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. The aim was to give ‘voice’ to how outdoor education is taught, programmed and understood. Underpinning the research was the question: what factors enable/constrain teachers’ ability to implement outdoor education? The findings suggest: confusion about outdoor education terminology and the educative purpose of school ‘camps’; schools ‘do what they have always done’, particularly when decisions about outdoor education contexts are dominated by senior management; financial restrictions; and teachers feeling ill-prepared in terms of safety management because of their limited pre-service and post-service teacher education. This research highlights that what to teach, how to teach and where to teach outdoor education needs more consideration and attention for teachers to be better informed about safe outdoor practices and quality pedagogy in, for and about the outdoors.  相似文献   

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