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本研究基于中国家庭追踪调查数据以及教育经费和中国统计年鉴数据,采用Tobit模型研究方法探究教育财政投入对家庭课外补习支出的影响及其在不同特征家庭之间的异质性。研究发现:第一,教育财政投入与家庭课外补习支出之间存在倒U型曲线关系;第二,教育财政投入对不同性别、不同阶层、不同学段、不同质量学校学生家庭课外补习支出的影响存在异质性。在“双减”政策背景下,政府应加大教育财政投入,以缓解家庭课外补习需求,降低家庭课外补习支出;向弱势家庭提供免费课后服务,促进教育公平;加大对非重点校的教育投入,推动教育资源均衡发展。  相似文献   

利用中国教育追踪调查2014年数据(CEPS),比较分析了我国初中生课外补习支出现状,探讨了初中生课外补习支出的影响因素.研究结果显示:学习成绩、家庭因素、学校因素和地区因素均对学生课外补习支出有显著影响.学生学习成绩越好,学校质量越高,其课外补习支出越低,表明我国初中生的课外补习主要为"补差型";在我国初中阶段,有超过一半的学生在参加课外补习,而且学生课外补习支出占家庭教育总支出的比重也越来越大,加重了许多家庭特别是弱势阶层家庭的经济负担.政府应高度重视课外补习,规范和管理课外补习市场,努力提高主流教育质量,向社会弱势阶层家庭提供课外补习费用等补贴,从而促进义务教育的公平及均衡发展.  相似文献   

使用北京大学中国家庭追踪调查2010、2012、2014、2016、2018年五次追踪调查数据,研究我国基础教育学生参加课外补习的现状与变化趋势.2018年,我国基础教育学生中有32.4%的学生参加了课外补习,人均补习支出4951.13元,课外补习支出总花费3303.94亿元,家庭社会经济地位较高、学校质量较好的学生参加课外补习的规模和支出均较高;2010-2018年,我国基础教育学生参加课外补习的规模和支出呈波动上升趋势,城市、普通校学生参加课外补习的规模和支出均呈波动上升趋势,家庭社会经济地位较高的学生课外补习支出上升更快.建议政府形成科学、多样的人才选拔体系,尽量满足家长和学生个性化的教育需求;对家庭经济背景较差且成绩落后的学生提供课外补习费用补贴,建立免费的课外补习平台,利用课外补习缩小不同阶层家庭学生的成绩差距,促进教育公平.  相似文献   

使用北京大学中国家庭追踪调查2010、2012、2014、2016、2018年五次追踪调查数据,研究我国基础教育学生参加课外补习的现状与变化趋势.2018年,我国基础教育学生中有32.4%的学生参加了课外补习,人均补习支出4951.13元,课外补习支出总花费3303.94亿元,家庭社会经济地位较高、学校质量较好的学生参加课外补习的规模和支出均较高;2010-2018年,我国基础教育学生参加课外补习的规模和支出呈波动上升趋势,城市、普通校学生参加课外补习的规模和支出均呈波动上升趋势,家庭社会经济地位较高的学生课外补习支出上升更快.建议政府形成科学、多样的人才选拔体系,尽量满足家长和学生个性化的教育需求;对家庭经济背景较差且成绩落后的学生提供课外补习费用补贴,建立免费的课外补习平台,利用课外补习缩小不同阶层家庭学生的成绩差距,促进教育公平.  相似文献   

利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2012年数据,对义务教育阶段学生课外补习的支出以及对学生成绩影响进行研究,发现课外补习支出具有差异性,受家庭、地区、学校等多因素的影响。增加课外补习支出对提高数学成绩效果显著,但对语文成绩效果并不显著。政府可以通过适度增加低收入家庭学生参与课外补习的机会,降低低收入家庭的补习负担,加大中西部地区和贫困地区的公共教育投入,改善农村和薄弱学校的办学条件等措施来提高低收入家庭学生的学习机会均等性,促进教育公平。此外,学生和家长要理性对待课外补习,盲目跟风不但会增加学生学业负担,也会增加家庭经济负担。  相似文献   

在18645个调查样本中补习家庭占47%,其中城镇补习家庭占96.9%;主科补习在17559次补习中占60.9%,大于才艺补习:城镇家庭才艺补习花费高于主科补习,乡村则相反;小学补习率及平均补习费均高于初中,但小学才艺补习费用多于初中.初中主科补习费用多于小学;居住地域差异、家庭经济收入、父母亲的受教育程度、家长的教育期望、子女人数、就读教育阶段等家庭背景及个人差异因素显著影响补习发生的概率和支出水平.从消费行为学角度看.家庭个人小环境和社会大环境内外两大因素影响着人们的消费行为.研究结果提示我们课外补习需求中家庭背景特征和父母个人态度是课外补习行为发生的重要内在影响因素.补习行为是家庭在当前特有的社会大环境下.根据自身的经济文化背景和个人教育态度所做出的适应社会"游戏规则"的自然反应或回应.  相似文献   

洪恩强 《考试周刊》2015,(49):164-165
课外补习在满足学生多样化教育需求的同时会对主流教育产生一定的消极影响。本文通过对江西省高中生课外补习情况进行调研,分析江西省高中生课外补习现状和影响因素。  相似文献   

对于日本学生而言,选择接受私人辅导补习是极为普遍的学习方式.许多日本学生在正规的学校教育之外接受私塾的课外补习,或是前往预科学校备战大学升学考试.长期以来,这些课外补习机构被视为严酷的应试竞争和学业要求的重要符号;然而近二十年来,由于适龄人口的减少,大学升学竞争状况已发生了巨大的变化.本文利用全国范围内随机抽样的888对高中生及其母亲的调查数据,利用Tobit回归模型,深入考察日本高中阶段课外补习的私人支出及其影响因素.研究发现,并非所有学生都选择课外补习,家庭经济状况和兄弟姐妹数对课外补习的支出具有显著的影响.尽管学生人数减少,大学升学选拔竞争性降低,但学生个人的课外补习支出依然呈现不均衡的格局.  相似文献   

对于城市中许多中学生来说。参加各种各样的课外补习班已成为司空见惯的事。为了从教育公平的视角寻找学生参加课外补习的原因,了解教育补习在教育公平中扮演的角色、公办学校与打工子弟学校不同的教育资源现状、家庭教育资源情况与课外补习教育的相关关系,选取了广州市某区初中公办学校2所、民办2类共4所学校的中学生为调查研究对象。采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,调查分析了广州市中学生参加课外补习现状和原因。研究发现:在补习费用年支出、教辅资料年支出、家庭藏书量、专业补习机构选择等反映学生家庭背景的因素以教育补习的方式影响了教育公平。教育补习具有明显补习效果。教育补习的存在从一定程度上弥补了现存教育的不公平与不均衡。  相似文献   

本文使用中国家庭追踪调查2012年数据(CFPS 2012),研究了我国义务教育阶段在校生的课外补习活动,发现来自较好家庭社会经济背景以及大中城市的学生更可能接受课外补习;重点校和学习成绩较好的学生参加课外补习的可能性也更高;课外补习对学生数学成绩有提高作用,但对语文成绩的提高作用不明显.由此,本文得出以下主要研究结论:我国义务教育阶段的课外补习活动扩大了城乡和不同阶层义务教育学生获得教育资源和教育结果的差距,影子教育因此成为城乡和阶层差距在代际间维持和传递的一个重要通道,影子教育的社会再生产功能削弱了当前政府在学校教育中的公平政策中的努力成效,对实现义务教育公平目标构成了严重挑战.面对挑战,政府需要提高学校教育服务质量,对影子教育进行适当管控,抑制影子教育的社会再生产功能并促进教育跨越代际效应功能的发挥.  相似文献   

Private supplementary tutoring among primary students in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the databases created under Education Watch, a civil society initiative to monitor primary and basic education in Bangladesh, this paper explores trends, socioeconomic differentials and cost in private supplementary tutoring among primary students and its impact on learning achievement. The rate of primary school students getting access to private supplementary tutoring is increasing at two percentage points per year and reached 31% in 2005. Incidence of private tutoring was greater among boys and urban students than respective counterparts. Educated parents and well‐off families were more likely to arrange supplementary tutoring for their children. A wide variation in the cost for private tutoring prevailed. The tutees spent 46% of their total private expenditure for education on supplementary tutoring. Supplementary tutoring helped students learn more than those who had no such support. Private tutors for primary school students have become a well‐accepted norm. Finally, a number of social implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The determinants and impact of private tutoring classes in Vietnam   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Private tutoring is a widespread phenomenon in many developing countries, including Vietnam. Using the Vietnam Living Standards Surveys 1997–1998 and 1992–1993 for analysis, this paper finds evidence that private tutoring in Vietnam is a necessity in the household budget for both primary students and lower secondary students, and the trend to attend private tutoring is stronger at higher education levels. There is no evidence of gender discrimination in expenditure on private tutoring. Ethnic minority students spend less on private tutoring at the primary level but not at the lower secondary level, as do students living in rural areas. However, spending on private tutoring would fall significantly if the qualifications of primary school teachers are increased. Private tutoring is found to have significant impact on a student's academic performance, but the influence is larger for lower secondary students. This paper contributes to the available estimation techniques by extending the simultaneous Tobit model of Amemiya [(1974). Multivariate regression and simultaneous equation models when the dependent variables are truncated normal. Econometrica, 42(6), 999–1012] to a joint Tobit-ordered probit econometric model to address the possible endogeneity of household spending on private tutoring.  相似文献   

We investigate the educational and psychological benefits from participating in private supplementary tutoring in Mainland China. We use the 2013–2015 China Education Panel Survey data on junior high school students and a difference-in-difference and propensity score matching research design. Our results show that private tutoring is positively associated with higher English scores for rural students only. For all students and across most sub-groups, we find that private tutoring is associated with lower frequency of students' self-reported negative emotions. The data, however, do not permit deeper inquiry into the role of the quality and quantity of private tutoring.  相似文献   

With the increasing attention on improving student achievement, private tutoring has been expanding rapidly worldwide. However, the evidence on the effect of private tutoring is inconclusive for education researchers and policy makers. Employing a comprehensive dataset collected from China in 2010, this study tries to identify the effect of private tutoring on student achievement in the National College Entrance Exam (NCEE) of China. This study finds that private tutoring has mixed and heterogeneous effects on mathematics, Chinese language, and English language respectively and on the NCEE total score. The average effect of private tutoring is not significant, but it may have a significant and positive effect on urban students with lower achievement or in schools with certain quality. Students from schools with more educational inputs are more likely to benefit from private tutoring.  相似文献   

Using two nationally representative datasets, this paper examines how the imposition of a curfew on private cram schools affects the consumption of private tutoring services as well as the time use patterns of Korean high school students. To identify the impact of the curfew, this study capitalizes on inter-city/province variation in private cram school regulatory ordinances and estimates a difference-in-differences estimator between the years of 2009 and 2012. The findings indicate that the curfew was ineffective in reducing the level of household expenditure or the total number of hours spent on private tutoring. However, imposition of the curfew was found to be associated with increases in time spent on sleeping as well as in internet usage for non-academic purposes. Interestingly, changes in time use patterns were not found among students in the highest socio-economic status group indicating that the curfew policy may have certain unintended consequences. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

面对巨大的升学压力,学生和家长纷纷选择课外补习,使得课外补习在各地蔓延.不同级别城市、来自不同家庭背景、学校教育条件等都会对学生参与课外补习的选择产生影响.本文主要关注省城中学和县城中学的学生在选择课外补习上的差异,深入探讨这些学生参与课外补习与家庭背景的关联性,特别是城乡差别对课外补习的影响.本研究基于对3个不同经济发展水平省份的初中学生课外补习调查.  相似文献   


Private supplementary tutoring is a widespread phenomenon. However, evidence that private tutoring has positive effects on academic achievement or about the specific conditions of successful private tutoring is rare. Adapting Carroll’s (1963) model for school learning to private tutoring, we expected to find positive effects of tutoring duration, tutoring intensity, and students’ motivation to attend private tutoring. In a sample of eighth-grade students in German secondary schools (N = 8510, 18.6% currently being tutored), we conducted regression analyses with multiple covariates and did not find a positive main effect of private tutoring attendance in any of the school subjects examined. Moreover, within the subsamples of tutored students, we were not able to identify positive effects of tutoring duration, tutoring intensity, tutoring content (such as a focus on homework completion, test preparation, or study behavior), or students’ motivation to attend private tutoring. Given these disillusioning findings, we primarily derive suggestions for future research.


This paper examines Hong Kong students’ perceptions on the effectiveness of private supplementary tutoring relative to mainstream schooling. Drawing on survey and interview data, it shows that large proportions of secondary school students receive private tutoring. Students generally perceive private tutoring and private tutors to be more effective in the provision of examination support compared with mainstream schooling and teachers. However, perceptions vary according to students’ self-reported academic levels and motives for taking private tutoring. The operations of the parallel sector of private tutoring have significant implications for the nature of schooling and therefore need to be considered by teachers and school administrators. The Hong Kong data contribute to the international analysis of private tutoring and add a significant component to the wider conceptual literature.  相似文献   

The study contributes to the literature on private supplementary tutoring by shedding light on this phenomenon in the Czech Republic. The aim of the paper is to identify the reasons for seeking out private supplementary tutoring and to assess the factors underlying its demand. In the representative sample of 1,265 senior upper-secondary school students from two distinct regions of the Czech Republic, 37% acknowledged participation in private tutoring lessons (provided by individuals) and 10% reported enrollment in preparatory courses for university admission (organized by institutions) during their upper-secondary studies. It seems that both enrollment in different educational tracks and specific school subjects are associated with different reasons for taking private tutoring lessons. The results of binary logistic regression suggest that the mother’s educational attainment, family income, students’ academic performance, residence in the capital city, and female gender are significant predictors of students’ enrollment and participation in the explored private tutoring activities. These findings confirm the strong influence of family background on educational attainment identified in previous Czech social-stratification research. In a wider European context, the patterns of private supplementary tutoring resemble those in neighboring countries.  相似文献   

More and more students attend private supplementary tutoring to improve their academic achievement. Private tutoring might be understood as a reaction to insufficient instructional quality in school, especially regarding individual support. However, it might also be possible that parents generally see insufficient grades as an indicator of lacking support and engage a tutor in hopes of improvement or to enhance a competitive edge for their children. So far, the relationship between tutoring attendance and perceived individual learning support during classroom lessons has not been tested. We used multilevel analyses based on N = 2,842 students in 102 Grade 5 classrooms at German academic track schools to test for a relationship between private tutoring in several subjects and students’ shared perception of the instructional quality in these subjects. On the individual level, we controlled for typical predictors of private tutoring such as academic achievement and family income, as well as for additional variables such as working behaviour and parental homework assistance. In classrooms with more individual support, students were less likely to start private tutoring in English. However, we did not find comparable relationships for tutoring in mathematics and German. Therefore, school principals and educational policy-makers should monitor the incidence of private tutoring and consider within-school structured tutoring programmes as an effective measure to improve academic achievement and to meet parents’ desire for individualised instruction.  相似文献   

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