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静电实验是物理学的一个重要内容.通过生动有趣的静电实验教学,可以有效地调动学生的思维与想象.使课本上的物理知识与学生生活环境中的事物和事件紧密联系起来,进一步提高学生学习物理的兴趣,使学生完整地掌握有关的物理概念和规律。但是.有许多教师特别是青年教师觉得静电实验不易成功。有时候.课前准备时效果很好,可是到了课堂上演示时又不行。本文拟对静电实验谈一些粗浅的看法,我认为,要想确保静电实验的成功,必须要弄清楚静电实验的特点。静电实验不同于一般的电学实验,静电的第一个特点是带电体的电位高。感应起电机可使…  相似文献   

用静电计模拟静电除尘实验酒泉农垦中学韩治忠在讲授静电的防止和应用时,我考虑到静电计结构和静电除尘装置具有相似的特点,利用静电计模拟进行了静电除尘实验,收到了比较满意的效果。现介绍如下。1.装置:取一台静电计和一架手摇感应起电机(一般学校物理实验室均有...  相似文献   

奇妙的静电王平译欣存校既旧又新的静电静电是认识电的起点,它不仅是电磁学研究的开端,而且物质最基本的正负电、电行的蓄存及电中性等也都是在静电研究过程中产生的概念,因此可以说,静电是自然科学的真正始祖。然而带电机理的研究与其自身所产生的电磁学的发展相比,...  相似文献   

静电感应起电机是中学物理静电实验部分重要的起电仪器。静电具有不可视性,用静电感应起电机做丰富多彩的静电实验可使学生受到强烈震憾,从而有效突破难点。但静电实验受环境影响较大,经常出现起电机不起电的尴尬。  相似文献   

以煤作燃料的工厂、电站,每天排出的烟气要带走大量的煤粉,不仅浪费燃料,而且严重地污染环境,而静电除尘可以消除烟气中的煤粉,所以让学生直观地观察静电除尘实验,并了解静电除尘的原理极为重要。为此,我制作了静电除尘演示器来说明此问题。  相似文献   

随着电子技术的发展和教育技术的现代化,大屏幕电视机、计算机、摄像机、录像机、影碟机、数字投影仪、电子仪表等电子设备广泛应用于中学教学中。这些电教仪器设备中使用的大规模集成电路、微型元件、场效应器件对静电十分敏感,较低的静电电压就会导致这些设备工作异常、甚至损坏。而静电是在生产、生活中常见的带电现象,少量电荷的聚集就可产生100伏特的静电电压,大量电荷聚集可产生几万伏的静电电压。因此。我们在使用、存放、维修、维护这些电子电教设备时,要加强防静电措施,避免“静电杀手”对电教设备的危害。  相似文献   

在空气干燥的季节,当你开门时偶尔会有电击的感觉,这就是静电放电。当你感觉电击时,你身上的静电电压已超过2000伏,当你看到放电火花时你身上的静电已高达5000伏,当你听到放电声音时,你身上的静电已高达8000伏。但是现代许多高速超大规模集成电路碰到仅几十伏或更低的静电就会遭到损坏,也就是说当你接触这些电路时,  相似文献   

对导体在静电平衡状态下的电荷分布及处理方法进行详细阐述,并通过对导体静电平衡三种情况的分析,加深对导体静电平衡问题的理解。  相似文献   

较系统地介绍了静电测量方法在人体静电方面的应用,对人体静电可能造成事故的防止有着现实的参考意义。  相似文献   

本文报告了番荔枝高压静电保鲜试验的初步结果,结果表明,静电处理番荔枝,贮藏保鲜期延长,果实不炸裂,能有效防止表皮变黑。静电处理加冷藏,效果更好。它为番荔枝有实用价值的保鲜研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

The study investigated elementary school pupils' ideas concerning the concept of electricity and the effect of school instruction on the pupil's views. Pupils of different cultural backgrounds were assessed to ascertain their knowledge in four areas: Relation of certain natural phenomena to electricity; Mental models (images) of direct current in a circuit; Images possessed regarding electricity and electric current. Pupils' ideas were investigated before and after instruction, thus providing information about the effect of instruction on the views of pupils. In construct to the previous findings, certain phenomena (lightning and thunder among them) were related by the pupils to electricity even before those were taught. Evidently, the instruction changed the mental models and images of electricity and electric current.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of using interactive computer animations based on predict–observe–explain (POE) as a presentation tool on primary school students’ understanding of the static electricity concepts. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test control group design was utilized in this study. The experiment group consisted of 30 students, and the control group of 27 students. The control group received normal instruction in which the teacher provided instruction by means of lecture, discussion and homework. Whereas in the experiment group, dynamic and interactive animations based on POE were used as a presentation tool. Data collection tools used in the study were static electricity concept test and open-ended questions. The static electricity concept test was used as pre-test before the implementation, as post-test at the end of the implementation and as delay test approximately 6 weeks after the implementation. Open-ended questions were used at the end of the implementation and approximately 6 weeks after the implementation. Results indicated that the interactive animations used as presentation tools were more effective on the students’ understanding of static electricity concepts compared to normal instruction.  相似文献   

从导电纤维和含导电纤维抗静电织物消除静电的过程和机理分析入手,对不同导电纤维配置方式的抗静电织物带电量对比数据进行了分析比较,从织物的组织结构、几何结构相和生产实践的角度,对嵌织式抗静电织物中导电纤维的不同配置方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

静电是一种常见的自然现象.一方面静电现象可造福于人类;另一方面静电现象也会在极为广泛的范围内给人类带来各种各样的危害.因此,认识静电的产生、危害,采取有效的措施消除以及防护,化弊为利对于人们是非常重要的.  相似文献   

研究如何通过静电场的处理种子的若干方法,以达到提高产量的目的。  相似文献   

给出一种用分离变量法求解均匀介质球内外放有点电荷或自由偶极子等类问题电势的新方法.  相似文献   

分析静电产生的原因及对电教设备的危害,指出防止静电的措施。  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented the promising results from student-constructed representations, including stop-motion animation (SMA), in supporting mechanistic reasoning (MR), which is considered an essential thinking skill in science education. Our current study presents theoretically and empirically how student-constructed SMA contributes to promoting MR. As a theoretical perspective, we propose a framework hypothesizing the link between elements of MR and the construction nature of SMA, that is, chunking and sequencing. We then examined the extent to which this framework was consistent with a multiple-case study in the domain of static electricity involving five secondary school students constructing and using their own SMA creation for reasoning. In addition, students' reasoning in pre- and postconstruction of an SMA was examined. Our empirical findings confirmed our framework by showing that all students identified the basic elements of MR, that is, entities and activities of entities, when engaging in chunking and sequencing. Chunking played a role in facilitating students to identify entities responsible for electrostatic phenomena, and sequencing seemed to elicit students to specify activities of these entities. The analysis of students' reasoning in pre- and postconstruction of SMA found that student-generated SMA has a potential effect on students' retention of the use of MR. Implications for instruction with SMA construction to support MR are discussed.  相似文献   

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