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刘富良  朱逢九 《文教资料》2007,25(24):39-40
建设和谐大学校园是高校在构建和谐社会中的重要职责和任务,大学生心理和谐是构建和谐大学校园的基础。本文从高校心理健康教育面临的必要性和紧迫性入手,探讨了加强高校心理健康教育的具体措施,同时阐述了构建和谐社会的理念对高校心理健康教育的启示。  相似文献   

流动青少年的社会融合是促进社会安全稳定的前提,是构建和谐社会的重要内容.我国流动青少年心理健康整体水平偏低,流动青少年城市认同感、归属感较低,受困心理、失衡心理较普遍,导致犯罪率上升.为推进流动青少年社会融合,亟须加强流动青少年社会融合心理支持系统建设,从构建流动青少年心理干预的衔接与贯通机制入手,逐步完善流动青少年社会支持系统,从而推动流动青少年社会融合.  相似文献   

加强对中小学生进行心理健康教育是时代的呼唤、现实的需要,也是新课程的一项理念。本文一方面就历史教学中渗透心理健康教育的紧迫性和重要性展开论述;另一方面从教师要努力提高自身的心理健康教育水平等四个方面浅谈历史教学中渗透心理健康教育的方法。  相似文献   

职业学校的心理健康教育存在着不足,如心理健康教育课程安排欠合理、没有合适的教材、教师队伍专业化不够、心理健康教育网络没有切实的发挥作用和心理健康教育观念的薄弱;针对职业学校心理健康教育的现状,研究者认为可以采取以下措施对心理健康教育现状加以改善:科学需要安排课程、编排合适的教材、充实心理健康教育专业教师队伍、充分发挥学校心理健康教育网络的作用,并加强心理健康理念.  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会的本质和内涵、青少年的特殊性及其思想道德建设的重要意义等,决定了将青少年思想政治教育纳入和谐社会视野.服务和谐社会建设、坚持以人为本理念、重视家庭教育特殊功能、把思想道德教育与解决实际问题和心理健康教育相结合、注重共青团、少先队组织肩负着重要职责、营造良好的社会环境、净化社会氛围等是和谐社会理念对青少年思想政治教育的启示.  相似文献   

和谐社会视域下的教育伦理建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强教育伦理建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的基石.要充分认识到教育伦理在目前构建和谐社会的大背景下的重要性和紧迫性,进一步加强和谐社会视域下的教育伦理建设.文章阐述了教育伦理的基本内涵,分析了加强教育伦理建设对构建和谐社会的作用,并提出了在和谐社会视域下加强教育伦理建设的措施.  相似文献   

文章考察南通市青少年社会支持系统和心理健康水平的现状,探讨社会支持系统与心理健康水平的关系。方法:选取603名南通地区青少年作为研究被试,采用《青少年社会支持系统评定量表》和《中学生心理健康量表》进行测试。结果与结论:(1)南通市青少年的社会支持系统主要由非正式社会支持系统和正式社会支持系统两部分组成,其中发挥主要作用的是非正式社会支持系统。(2)南通市青少年的心理健康水平不容乐观,52.9%的中学生存在或轻或重的心理健康问题,主要表现在学习压力大、情绪不稳定、人际关系紧张、敏感及焦虑。(3)除强迫症状因子外,高社会支持系统组和低社会支持系统组在心理健康量表各因子的得分均存在显著的差异,社会支持系统总体得分与心理健康量表各因子得分之间存在。  相似文献   

加强高职院校教师的心理健康教育,不仅是时代的要求,更是高职院校自身发展的需要。从高职院校教师心理健康教育的必要性和紧迫性出发,探讨心理健康教育的策略。社会、国家、高职院校应形成心理健康教育的合力,转变高职院校教师的思想观念,构建合理有效的社会支持系统,建立鲜明特色的高职院校教师激励机制,把心理健康教育列入高职教师继续教育的内容之中,建立相应的心理干预机制,增强个人的自我调适能力。  相似文献   

中小学阶段是学生生理和心理发展的关键时期,对这一时期的学生进行心理健康教育有利于学生良好性格和品质的养成,促进学生未来健康发展。要有效实施农村中小学心理健康教育,需要树立全新的教育理念,重视心理健康教育,加强农村中小学心理健康师资队伍建设,开展形式多样的心理健康教育活动,并且家庭、学校和社会要全员参与,构建心理健康教育网络,从而取得心理健康教育的良好效果。  相似文献   

和谐社会视角下大学生心理健康教育刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强大学生心理健康教育,是培养建设和谐社会所需的高素质创新人才的必然要求,是以学生为本,满足学生成长成才的迫切要求。构建大学生心理健康教育的长效机制包括转变教育观念、提高思想认识、凸现心理健康教育的重要性加强校园文化建设;创新教育载体、提高心理健康教育的渗透性等。  相似文献   

Conclusion Because so many infants and young children are cared for in family day care homes, these can play a very important role in the promotion of children's health. Parents and family day care home caregivers should work closely to provide adequate child health supervision, emergency care, nutrition education, mental health services, and sick care services. Further documentation of the health-service needs in this area would be useful in indicating where in-service training and health education for parents and caregivers should be concentrated. Health professionals from both private and public agencies should begin to direct their efforts on behalf of the many children who are cared for in family day care homes and to utilize these as resources for health promotion and disease prevention.  相似文献   

Schools have the potential to provide a place of education and sanctuary for children and young people of all backgrounds. The rise in mental health problems in children and young people in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in relation to growing inequities, means that identifying ways in which schools can help respond to this growing mental health crisis demands urgent attention. This paper reports on case studies carried out in two London comprehensive schools, exploring how aspects of school culture impact (both positively and negatively) on student mental health. Methods comprised in-depth interviews with school staff and parents, focus groups with students and documentary analysis of relevant materials. Fieldwork was conducted during spring 2021 as schools were returning to face-to-face learning following national periods of lockdown. Our study shows how schools might attempt to drive positive mental health outcomes through aspects of school culture and uses a system framework to explore complexities around cause and effect in this area. Key findings include the considerable differences in school mental health provision, challenges in the identification of student mental health needs and the importance of recognising how the mental health of teachers must be considered alongside that of students. Overall, we highlight particular dilemmas of the post-lockdown era that our findings indicate for the education sector, and suggest there may be value in reframing the apparent conflict between ‘attainment gaps’ and personal development, moving towards an educational approach with greater complementarity of these aims.  相似文献   

流动儿童积极心理健康教育新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动儿童心理健康教育已受到社会和教育者的广泛关注。如何依据流动儿童的心理发展特点探讨适合其心理健康发展的模式,是流动儿童教育领域急需解决的课题。本文将从积极心理健康教育的观点出发,分析如何看待流动儿童心理健康问题及其主要意义。重点阐述了如何利用积极心理健康教育的理论和方法,提高流动儿童心理健康教育的科学性和有效性,从而为流动儿童心理健康教育探索新的途径。  相似文献   

对近十年国内关于学校心理健康教育方面的研究进行了归纳和分析,从学校心理健康教育的现状、存在的问题及其对策等方面进行综述。结果发现,以往的研究都是从提高对学校心理健康教育的重视度、加强师资建设、优化课程设置等角度去研究,而从学生角度去思考的研究还比较缺乏,有待加强。  相似文献   

特殊儿童家庭教育社会支持情况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特殊儿童的正向发展有赖于良好的家庭教育。通过对四川省部分地区特殊儿童父母的调查发现,无论在客观支持还是主观支持方面,特殊儿童家庭教育所得到的社会支持,特别是中观和宏观层面的支持都比较有限,微观层面的家庭成员的支持和中观层面专业教育机构的支持是家长们的重要支持来源,而纵横交融的社会支持系统尚未形成。为此,建议在全社会尊重特殊需求人士的基础上,重视人才培养和机构设置,构建特殊教育的技术支持体系,并进一步完善社会福利和保障体系,以帮助特殊儿童及其家庭顺利发展。  相似文献   

There is growing recognition that children, adolescents, and adults who are mentally retarded are particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation and are in need of intervention services. These people are especially vulnerable due to ther often life-long dependence on caregivers, relatively powerless position in society, emotional and social insecurities, and lack of education regarding sexuality and sexual abuse. In addition the mental health functioning and emotional development of individuals who are mentally retarded are not well understood, and many professionals remain uneducated about their mental health needs. To work effectively with this population, mental health professionals and educators must be alert to what is known about the sexual abuse and exploitation of persons with mental retardation. Furthermore, they need to become educated about the rights of these persons to special legal protection from abuse and neglect and to appropriate and effective mental health interventions. The challenge for mental health professionals and educators is to protect persons who are mentally retarded from sexual abuse and exploitation, to provide appropriate psychotherapeutic interventions when abuse occurs, to respect their right to developmentally appropriate knowledge about sexuality and sexual abuse, and to allow for the fulfillment of their sexuality.  相似文献   

现代社会对人的心理素质提出了很高的要求,心理健康教育也成为素质教育的焦点。语文新《课标》提出,要重视情感、态度、价值观的正确导向,这种以人为本,追求学生可持续发展的语文教学,正是学校进行心理健康教育的重要途径。我认为,一名优秀的语文教师应当自觉适应时代需要,在教学实践中不断更新自己的教学观念,使之符合教学要求。以下从三个方面论述语文教学中渗透心理健康教育的方法。一、加强自身的心理修养,引起学生的共鸣。二、抓住语文学科特点,塑造学生健康人格。三、给予适当的激励赏识,提高学生的自我欣赏意识。  相似文献   

作为社会转型期产物的留守儿童面临着身心健康、接受教育、天赋、个性发展等发展权难以得到保障甚至被侵犯的危险。粤西北及东南乡村地区的调研数据显示,留守儿童的身心健康发展权、受教育发展权、信息知晓发展权、天赋发展权等方面受到较大的负面影响,急需家庭、政府、学校、社会形成多方联动的留守儿童发展权权益保障体系。在家庭层面,父母加强关注留守儿童的情感需求与天赋个性;在政府层面,大力发展农村经济,建立健全教育帮扶机制;在学校层面,优化硬件设施与教师结构,加强网络信息教育;在社会层面,充分发挥社会综合协助职能,加强帮扶的针对性与长期性。  相似文献   

Teachers are key professionals in responding to children and adolescents with possible mental health difficulties and who exhibit social, emotional or behavioural difficulties in the classroom. Health and education policy increasingly positions teachers as vital agents in connecting mental health services with affected young people. A growing corpus of research, however, questions practitioners’ capacity to undertake this important role, particularly given the limited space afforded to content around mental health in pre-service teacher education. This paper reports on a qualitative case study, conducted in an Australian context, investigating pre-service teacher responses to five vignettes of young people presenting behaviours indicative of possible mental health difficulties. In light of educator expectations to identify and appropriately respond to mental health difficulties, this study discloses the need for explicit, structured mental health guidance which form a discrete, core ‘knowledge base’ of teacher education. Patterns in data, analysed in light of policy literature, also suggest the value inherent in advocating open-minded, non-judgemental and collegial professional responses. Further research opportunities highlighted include a systematic review of current provision around mental health in pre-service teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

信息社会的心理健康教育发展之路--心理健康教育信息化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了心理健康教育信息化的概念,指出心理健康教育信息化发展是心理健康教育活动为了满足自身发展、全球信息化发展和现代信息社会发展需要的一项系统工程。通过对心理测量、心理咨询、心理治疗、心理保健、心理教学等实践活动的信息化进程的思考,探讨了心理健康教育信息化的主要发展内容。介绍了信息化心理咨询的6种新途径:BBS、Chatroom、ICQ、Guestbook、Email、Netmeeting等。也提出了保密性、资源库和知识产权等存在的困难和问题。  相似文献   

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